Judicial proceeding: summons of treason

The quhilk day Maister David Mackgill of Cranstoun Riddell, advocat to oure soverane lord, produceit the summondis undirwrittin rasit at his hienes instance aganis Frances, sumtyme Erll Bothuile, Gilbert Penniecuik, Johnne Rutherfurde of Hunthill, elder, Thomas Rutherfurde of Hunthill, younger, Symon Armestrang, younger, of Quhithauch, dewlie execut and indorsat aganis thame, quhairby they wer summond to have compeirit in oure said soverane lordis parliamet for certane crymes of treasone and lese majestie contenit in the said summondis rasit thairupoun. Upoun the productioun thairof, the said advocat askit instrumentis, and the saidis personis being thryise callit at the tolbuith windo and nane of thame comperand; and als the said advocat produceit the officiaris and witnesses undirwrittin, executouris of the saidis summondis of tressone, to verefie the samyn executionis and that the samyn wes trewlie done as thay beir in maner eftermentionat: that is to say, Williame Porteous, messinger, executour of the first executioune execut upoun the tuentie sext day of Merche the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir threttene yeiris, maid faith that the said executioun execute be him at the marcat croce of Edinburgh wes trew; as als Williame Foirsyth, Johnne Blindseill and Johnne Purdie, witnesses contenit in the same executioun, maid faith that the said Williame Porteous summond the haill personis contenit thairin at the marcat croce of Edinburgh, and that thay hard and saw the said Williame Porteous execute the same executioun, as the samyn beiris; and siclyk the said Williame Porteous, messinger, executour of the tua executionis execute upoun the penult and last dayis of Merche the yeir of God foirsaid, maid faith the samyn executionis wer execut at the marcat croces of Jedburgh and Hadingtoun respective; and als Johnne Findlasoun and George Cuninghame, witnesses insert in the samyn tua executionis, being present, maid faith that thai hard and saw the said Williame Porteous, messinger, execute the said summondis at the saidis tua croces in maner specifiet thairintill.

And als the said advocat producit lettrez of relaxatioun of the dait the sexteine day of Merche and of the kingis regne the xxvj yeir, with the executionis thairof, berand the said Frances, sumtyme Erll Bothuill to be relaxit fra the proces of horning led aganis him for quhatsumevir caus or occasioun bygane preceding the dait of the saidis lettrez, quhilk executioun is execute upoun the xxvj day of Merche jM vC lxxxxiij yeiris be Williame Porteous, messinger; and thairupoun the said advocat askiit instrumentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.1r-1v. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/15, f.1v. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/15, f.2r. Back
  4. Sic. APS changes this to 'executioun'. Back

And als the said Maister David McGill, advocat to oure soverane lord, producit ane uther summondis of tressone aganis Williame, erll of Angus, George, erll of Huntlie, Frances, erll of Erroll, Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, knicht, Schir James Cheisholme of Dundurne, knycht, Maister James Gordoun, persoun of Clatt, and Maister Robert Abircrummy, dewlie execute and indorsat upoun thame for certane crymes of tressone and lesemajestie, as the summondis rasit thairupoun beris.

And siclyk the said advocat produceit Williame Porteous, messinger, executour of the first executioun execute upoun the nyntene day of Merche the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir tuelf yeiris at the marcat croce of Edinburgh, and maid faith that the said executioun execute be him wes trew; as als Williame Foirsithe, Johnne Purdie and Johnne Blindscheillis, messingeris, witneses contenit in the same executioun, maid faith that the said Williame Porteous summond the haill personis contenit in the said summondis at the said mercat croce of Edinburgh, and that they hard and saw the said Williame Porteous execute the samyn as it beris. And als producit Johnne Broun, messinger, executour of the secund executioun execute upoun the xxiij day of Merche the yeir of God foirsaid at the mercat croce of Perth, and fyft executioun execute upoun the xxvj day of March jM vC lxxxxiijo yeiris at the mercat croce of Abirdene, and executour of the sext executioun upoun the xxvij day of Merche the yeir of God foirsaid, upoun the Erll of Erroll at his duelling place of Slanyis, and executour of the sevint executioun upoun the xxviij day of the said moneth of Merche the yeir of God foirsaid at the marcat croce of Bamf, executour of the aucht executioun upoun the xxix day of the said moneth of Merche the yeir of God foirsaid execute aganis the laird of Auchindoun at his duelling places of Gartlie and Auchindoun, and executour of the nynt executioun upoun the penult day of the said moneth of Merche the yeir of God foirsaid at Elgyn, and maid faith that he lauchfullie summond the foirsaidis personis in maner contenit in his executionis; and Gawin Towris and Johnne Craufurde, being present, maid faith that thay hard and saw the said Johnne Broun execute the said summondis of tressone at the places contenit in his executionis, and wer requirit witness be him to that effect.

And siclyk the said advocat producit Williame Foirsyth, executour of the thrid executioun execute upoun the xxiiij day of the said moneth of Merche jM vC lxxxxij at the marcat croce of Striviling, executoure of the fourt executioun execute upoun the said Schir James Cheisholme at his duelling place of Dumblane upoun the said xxiij day of Merche the yeir of God foirsaid, executour of the tent executioun execute upoun the penult day of Merche jM vC lxxxxiij at the mercat croce of Lanerk, and maid faith that he execute the saidis summondis upoun the speciall dayes and at the speciall places specifiit in the saidis executionis; and Patrik Thomesoun and Robert Symontoun, presentt, maid faith that thay hard and saw the said Williame Foirsyth execute the said summondis of tressone conforme to the tennoure of the saidis executionis and wer requirit witneses to that effect. And als producit George Liddell, messinger, executour of the penult and last executionis at the Erll of Angus duelling place of Tamptalloun and at the mercat croce of Hadingtoun upoun the penult and last dayes of Merche jM vC lxxxxiij yeiris, and maid faith that he trewlie execute the saidis summondis upoun the said Erll of Angus, as his executioun beris; and als Laurence Saiclair and Williame Young, witneses presentt, maid faith that thay hard and saw the said George Liddell execute the saidis summondis upoun the said Erll of Angus conforme to the saidis tua last executionis, and that thay wer requirit witness be him thairto.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.1r-1v. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/15, f.1v. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/15, f.2r. Back
  4. Sic. APS changes this to 'executioun'. Back

And in lykmaner the said advocat producit the thrid summondis of tressone deulie execute and indorsit aganis Angus McConill of Dunvege and Glenis, Donald McConile Gorme of Slait, Johnne McEane of Ardnamurchane and certane utheris, thair collegis, for certane crymes of tressone and lesemajestie committit be thame, as the summondis beris.

And siclyk the said advocat producit Williame Porteous, messinger, executour of the first executioun execute upoun the nyntein day of Merche jM vC lxxxxijo at the marcat croce of Edinburgh upoun the foirsaidis personis, and maid faith that he execute the saidis summondis at the marcat croce of Edinburgh, as his executioun beris; and Johnne Blindseill, Johnne Purdy and Williame Foirsyth, being present, maid faith that they hard and saw him mak the said executioun in maner specifiit thairin, and wer requirit witness be him to that effecte. And als the said advocat producit Johnne Broun, messinger, executour upoun the secund executioun upoun the xxiij day of Merche jM vC lxxxxij at the marcat croce of Perth, and executour of the last executioun execute upoun the last day of Merche lxxxxiij yeiris at the marcat croce of Invernes, and maid faith that the saidis executionis wer trew; and als Gawin Towris and Johnne Craufurd, being present, maid faith that thay wer requirit witness be the said Johnne Brown to the saidis executionis, and that they hard and saw the said Johnne Broun execute the samyn. And also the said advocat producit William Foirsyth, messinger, executour of the thrid executioun execute the xxiiij day of Merche at the mercat croce of Striviling, executour of the ferd charge upoun the xxvj day of Merche lxxxxiij yeiris at the marcat croce of Dunbartane, executour of the fyft executioun upoun the xxviij day of Merche the yeir of God foirsaid at the mercat croce of Irwing, and executour of the sext executioun upoun the samyn day at the mercat croce of Air, and maid faith that he trewlie execute the saidis summondis of tressone at the foirsaidis mercat crocis conforme to his saidis executionis; and Patrik Thomesoun and Robert Symontone, being baith present, maid faith that thay wer requirit witnes be the said William Foirsyth to the saidis executionis, and that thay hard and saw him execute the same, as thay beir. And in lykmaner the said advocat producit the ferd summoundis deulie execute and indorsat aganis Lauchlane McClene of Dowart, McClene of Lochboy and certane thair complices for certane crymis of tressoun and lesemajestie specifiit thairin; and als producit William Porteous, messinger, executour of the first exemptioun execute upoun the nyntene day of Merche lxxxxij at the mercate croce of Edinburgh upoun the foirsaidis personis, and maid faycht that he execute the said summoundis at the said mercat croce of Edinburgh as his executionis beiris; and Johnne Blindsheill, Johnne Purdie and William Forsyth, being present, maid faycht that thay hard and saw him mak the said executioun in maner specifiit thairin and war requirit witnes be him to that effect. And als the said advocat producit Johnne Brown, messinger, executour of the secund executioun upoun the xxiij day of Merche lxxxxij at the mercat croce of Perth, and executour of the last executioun execute upoun the last day of Merche lxxxxiij yeiris at the mercat croce of Invernes, and maid faycht that the saidis executionis war trew; and als Gawin Touris and Johnne Craufurd, being present, maid faycht that thay wer requirit witnes be the said Johnne Brown to the saidis executionis, and that thay hard and saw the said Johnne Brown execute the samyn. And also the said advocat producit Williame Foirsyth, messinger, executour of the thrid executioun execute upoun the xxiiij day of Merche at the marcat croce of Striviling, executour of the ferd charge upoun the xxvj day of Merche jM vC lxxxxiij yeiris at the marcat croce of Dunbartane, executour of the fift executioun and sext executioun upoun the xxviij day of Merche lxxxxiij at the mercat croces of Irwing and Air, and maid faith that he trewlie execute the said summondis of tressone at the foirsaidis mercat croces conforme to his saidis executionis; and Patrik Thomsone and Robert Symontoun, being baith present, maid faith that thay wer requirit witness be the said Williame Foirsyth to the saidis executionis, and that they hard and saw him execute the same as thay beir.

Upoun the verificatioun of the quhilkis executionis of the saidis four summondis of tressone, and that the haill officiaris and their witneses comperit this instant day in presens of the lordis commissionaris of parliament and verefiit the saidis executionis to be trew and dewlie execute as the samyn beris, the said Maister David McGill, advocat, askit instrumentis in name of oure soverane lord.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.1r-1v. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/15, f.1v. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/15, f.2r. Back
  4. Sic. APS changes this to 'executioun'. Back