Ratificatioun to Thomas Menzies off Durne

Oure soverane lord and estatis of this realme ratifies and apprevis the charter and infeftment maid be his hienes efter his perfite aige of tuentie fyve yeiris to his lovit Thomas Menzies, sone and apperand air to Maistir Thomas Menzies of Durne, and his aris specefiit and expressit in the said infeftment, off all and sindrie the landis of the Kirktoun of Fordice, Halyardis and Petchedlie, with the land callit Cuikis Croft, als callit Litle Braighauche, with the pece land adjacent thairto, the bischoipis resk with the sturdie mure, toftis, croftis, housis, yardis and biggingis, with privilege of burgh of baronie in the said toun of Fordice, with the teyndis of the same landis includit and utheris specifiit and contenit in the said infeftment, quhilk is of the dait the xxix day of Aprile, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir tuelf yeris, in all pointis, articles, clausis, conditionis, privilegis and provisionis thairin mentionat; declarand the samyne with the seasing following thairupoun to be guid and sufficient richtis, titles and securities to the said Thomas and his aris specifiet in the said infeftment, for bruiking and joysing of the saidis landis, townis and teyndis thairin contenit and utheris privilegis at lenth specefiit thairintill, nochtwithstanding of his hienes revocatioun maid efter his aige of xxv yeiris and act of parliament interponit thairto, or quhatsumevir uther his graces revocationis bigane or to cum; and thairfoir his hienes and estaitis foirsaidis exceptis and reservis the said infeftment furth of the samyn revocatioun, declaring the samyn to be nawyis comprehendit thairin, nor yit to be subject to ony uther his hienes revocationis, generall or speciall, bygane or to cum. And forder, his majestie, with avise of his saidis estaitis and haill bodie of this present parliament, willis and grantis and als decernis and ordanis, for his hienes and his successouris, that this present generall ratificatioun and approbatioun of the infeftment abonewrittin and seasing following thairupoun salbe of als greit strenth, efficacie, force and effect in all respectis and conditionis as gif the same wer at lenth, word be word, ingrossit heirin.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.68r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back