Ratificatioun to the Laird of Findletter

Oure soverane lord, for sindre guid and ressonable causis moving his hienes, with avise of his estaitis of parliament, ratifies, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confermis the charter and infeftment maid be his hienes eftir his perfite aige of xxj yeris compleit to Schir Walter Ogilbie of Findletter, knicht, his aris maill and of tailyie, off all and haill the landis and baronies of Ogilbie and Drumnakeith, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the kirk of Fordyce and pendicles thairof, mylnis, fischingis, privilegis, immunities and utheris at lenth specefiit in the said charter, as the same charter of the dait the xij day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxx yeris at mair lenth proportis; and als the tak maid be his hienes, with consent of his collectour generall to George, erll of Huntlie, his aris and assignais off all and sindre the teind schavis and utheris teyndis of the said kirk of Fordice, with the pendicles and pertinetis, for the space of xix yeiris efter his entrie thairto beginnand at the xv day of August, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeiris, and yeirlie payment of the sowme of tua hundreth pundis money, togidder with the assignatioun maid be the said erll to the said Schir Walter and his aris of the said tak and teyndis thairin contenit and decreit of the lordis of counsaill interponitt to the said assignatioun, and all and sindre utheris heidis, articles, pasis, conditionis and clausis of the saidis charter, tak and assignatioun foirsaid, as gif the samyne wer at lenth, word be word, insert in this present act efter the forme and tennour thairof in all pointis. And oure soverane lord will and grantis and, with consent foirsaidis, for his hienes and his successouris, decernis and ordanis that the saidis infeftment, tak and assignatioun is and, in all tymes cuming, salbe sufficient and valiable securities and richtis to the said Schir Walter, his aris maill and of tailyie, for bruiking, joysing and possessing of the saidis landis, baronies, mylnis, woddis, fischingis, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the kirkis thairin specifiet, intrometting and uptaking of the males, fermes, proffittis, dewties, teyndis and fruittis thairof now, and in all tymes cuming, nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir actis, constitutionis, revocationis, speciall or generall, maid, or to be maid, now efter his majesties lauchfull and perfite aige of tuentie fyve yeiris compleit; anent the quhilkis, his majestie, for his hienes and his successouris, dispensis for evir, renunceand be thir presentis and transferrand all actioun, richt, title and entres, quhilkis his hienes, his predicessouris or successouris haid, hes or may have to the saidis landis, baronies, kirkis and utheris contenit in the saidis infeftment, tak and assignatioun, with thair pertinentis, to and in favouris of the said Schir Walter and his aris foirsaidis sua that he and thay may bruik, joyis and posses the samyne in all tymes cuming, but stop, truble or impediment to be movit to thame thairin in onywayis. Attour oure soverane lord, with consent of the saidis estaitis, decernis and ordanis, gif neid beis, new infeftment and securitie to be maid be his hienes or his successouris to the said Schir Walter and his aris maill of the saidis landis, baronies, mylnis, fischingis, richt of patronages and utheris befoir mentionat, to be haldin in sic ample forme and maner as is contenit in the said new infeftment and utheris securities maid to the said Schir Walter and his predicessouris thairupoun, and to be extendit with all clausis neidfull as efferis.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, f.61v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back