Ratificatioun to Alexander Young, yschear

Oure soverane lord, with avise of the estaitis in parliament, havand consideratioun that his hienes familiar and domestick servitour, Alexander Young, yscheare, depute of his hienes chalmer, hes bestowit the haill tyme of his youth in his hienes service, awaiting continwallie upoun his majesties persoun fra tyme of his hienes infancie to this hour, and calling to remembrance that the said Alexander, pairtlie be his hienes gift and liberalitie, pairtlie be his awin travell and industrie, hes conquest the richtis of the rowmes and possessionis efter specefiit, hes thairfoir, of his hienes certane knawlege, in recompance of the said service and to gif the said Alexander the better occasioun to continew in tyme cuming for guid causis and considerationis knawin to his hienes, and foirsene to the saidis estaitis, efter his hienes perfite aige of tuentie fyve yeiris compleit and his hienes generall revocatioun, ratifiet and apprevit and, be the tennour heirof, ratifies and apprevis all and sindrie infeftmentis, donationis, dispositionis, confirmationis, giftes of pensionis and utheris richtis and securities quhatsumevir maid be his hienes of befoir to the said Alexander Young, his aris and assignais specefiit thairinto, of the landis of Inche; and of dyvers tenementis of land, yardis and aikaris lyand within the lordschip of Pettinweyme and schiredome of Fyff; the toun landis and fisching of Litle Kethik and quarter landis of Kincarne, lyand within the lordschip of Dunkeld and schiredome of Perth; and the tenementis of land, croftis and annuellis quhilkis pertenit to the channonis and chaiplanis of the cathedrall kirk of Elgin, lyand within the schiredome of Murray; and of certane townis, landis and pensionis furth of the bischoiprik of Ross within the schiredome of Invernes; and willis and grantis and, for his hienes and his successouris, decernis and ordanis that this present act salbe als largelie interpreit and extendit in favouris of the said Alexander and his foirsaidis as gif all the saidis infeftmentis, giftes, donationis, confirmationis, utheris richtis and securities wer at lenth insert heirinto with all the headis, articles and clausis thairof, and that the same salbe guid, valide and sufficient to the said Alexander and his foirsaidis for bruiking and joysing of the saidis landis, rowmes, possessionis, croftis, annuellis and pensionis according to the tennour of the saidis richtis, notwithstanding the act maid anent the annexatioun of the haill kirklandis within this realme to his hienes croun, or quhatsumevir heid or claus thairin contenit, and nochtwithstanding quhatsumever uther act maid in this present parliament, or in ony uther parliament preceding the samyne, or that salhappin to be maid heireftir, quhilkis his hienes, with avise foirsaid, declaris sall nawyis be extendit to ony thing that may hurt or prejudge his hienes foirsaid servitour and his aris anentis the premisis, or ony pairt thairof, bot for his hienes and his successouris dispensis with thame thairanent be thir presentis for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.56r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back