Ratificatioun to Thomas and Barny Lindsayis

Oure soverane lord the kingis majestie and estaitis, understanding and considdering that in respect of the lang service of his lovit Thomas Lindsay, Snadoun herauld, collector depute within the boundis of Lowthian and Merse, and for sindre ressonable and guid caussis moving his majestie, he gaif, grantit and disponit to the said Thomas and Bernard Lindsay, his sone, during all the dayis of thair lyftymes respective and successive efter utheris, all and haill sex chalderis, four bollis beir yeirlie to be upliftit of the best and reddiest of the superplus of the thriddis, fermes and dewties of the abbacie of Ferne, and tuentie bollis horse corne also to be uptakin be thame of the thriddis and superplus of the deanrie of Restalrig, teyndis and fermis thairof, conforme to the gift and dispositioun maid be his hienes thairupoun, as the samyne at lenth beris, quhilkis sex chalderis, four bollis beir abone specefiit the said Thomas haid of befoir assignit and disponit to him in yeirlie fie for his service, quhairof he hes bene in possessioun thir dyverse yeris bypast, lyk as he yit is; and that sen the gift thairof foirsaid maid to the saidis Thomas and his sone thair is ane heretable infeftment and dispositioun maid be his majestie to Patrik Gordoun of Letterfurie off all and sindre the landis and possessionis pertenin to the said abbay of Ferne, and that the tyme of the granting thairof to him, it was his majesties mynd and intentioun that thairby the saidis Thomas and his said sone nawayis be hurt nor prejudgeit anent thair pensioun of the wictuall foirsaid, bot that the gift thairof suld remane effectuall to thame during thair lyftymes, lyk as the said Patrik faithfullie promittit to his hienes, befoir the subscryving of the said infeftment, that the samyn suld nawyis hurt nor prejuge the said Thomas and his sone anent the gift foirsaid of the wictuall abone writtin, and his majestie being yit of the samyn mynd and intentioun, be thir presentis declaris his will thairanent; thairfoir, with advise of his saidis estaitis in plane parliament, hes ratifiet, apprevit and confermit and, be the tennour heirof, ratifies, apprevis and confermis the gift and dispositioun foirsaid maid to the said Thomas and Bernard, his sone, of the wictuall abone mentionat in all pointis, efter the forme and tennour thairof, and of new gevis, grantis and disponis to thame and ather of thame respective and successive efter utheris during thair lyftymes, all and haill the wictuall abonewrittin sua that they sall peceablie ressave, intromett and uplift the samyn during all the dayes of thair lyves without ony impediment, questioun or contradictioun quhatsumever; and decernis and declaris the gift foirsaid to have full force, strenth and effect in tyme cuming, nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir infeftment, richt, title or dispositioun maid be his hienes to the said Patrik Gordoun of the abbacie foirsaid, landis and possessionis thairof, or ony utheris dispositionis maid of the samy in onywayis, or ony revocatioun maid or to be maid be his hienes thairof; quhilk infeftment and dispositioun maid to the said Patrik in safar as the samyn may be hurtfull or prejudiciall to the said pensioun allanerlie, his majestie, with avise foirsaid, revoikis, casis and annullis, and als willis and declaris that this present ratificatioun and approbatioun of the gift above writtin of the wictuall above expremit is, and salbe, als guid, valide and sufficient in all respectis as gif the same haid bene speciallie exceptit and reservit in the saidis infeftmentis and dispositionis.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.55r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back