Ratificatioun to the commendater of Lundoris

Oure soverane lord, with avise of the estaitis and haill body of this present parliament, ratifies, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, confermis the act, ordinance or decreit maid, gevin and pronuncit at Dalkeith, the secund day of December, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris, be the lordis commissionaris appointit for satisfactioun of the prelattis and utheris eclesiasticall personis for thair landis annext to the croun according to the act of parliament maid thairanent, in favouris of Patrik, commendater of Lundoris; quhairby the saidis commissionaris have declarit, decernit and ordanit that the said commendater sall bruik, joyis, posses, retene and keip in his awin hand for all the dayis of his lyftyme the haill proffeittis of the temporall landis of the said abbay, fewfermes, males, dewties, gressumes, entresis, canys, custumes, accidentis and casualities quhatsumevir pertening thairto, quhilkis the saidis lordis commissionaris assignit to the said commendater, with power to him to sett and raise the saidis landis, and to uplift the hail proffettis thairof, als frelie in all respectis as he micht have done befoir the making of the said act of annexatioun, but prejudice alwayes of the same that oure said soverane lord and his successouris micht have recourse thairto efter the said commendateris deceise; and forder, declaring and ordaning that the haill proffite of the superiorities of all and sindre the temporal landis of the said abbay, the doubling of the fewfermes, infefting of the heretable tennentis and fewaris be deceis, resignatioun or utherwayes sall pertene to the said commendater, and that he sall peceablie bruik, uplift and enjoye the same during his lyftyme as in the saidis commissionaris decreit foirsaid of the dait abonwrittin, contening dyverse utheris donationis, giftis, immunities and privilegis maid and concludit in favouris of the said commendater for his satisfactioun abonewrittin at mair lenth is contenit; and siclyk ratifeand and apprevand and, be the tennour heirof, ratifies and apprevis as said is the gift maid and grantit be his majestie efter his aige of xxv yeris and generall revocatioun, to the said Patrik, commendater of Lundoris, during all the dayis of his lyftyme, gevand, grantand and disponand to him, with avise of his hienes thesaurair and collectour generall during the said space, in pensioun, all and haill the thrid superplus and omittit, gif ony be, of the said abbay of Lundoris in money, victuallis, fischingis, canys, custumes and utheris dewties quhatsumevir pertening thairt, attour the stipendis modifiet for the sustentatioun of the ministrie of the propre kirkis of the same abbay, togidder with all and haill the stipendis of the unplacit ministeris or reidaris of the kirkis of the said abbay, gif ony ar, or salhappin to be, beginnand his entres thairto upoun the croip and yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeiris, Witsonday and Martimes of the same; and in lykmaner, gevand, grantand and disponand to the said commendater during the said space of his lyftyme all and haill the portionis of all and sindre monkis of the said abbay quhilkis hes decessit sen the yeir of God lx yeiris, and quhilkis salhappin to deceise heireftir during the said Patrikis lyftyme, with all males, fermes, proffittis, emolumentis and dewties pertening thairto, off all yeris and termes sen the said lx yeir of God, and yeirlie in tyme cuming during the said space, as the saidis lettrez of gift and pensioun grantit to the said commendater thairupoun under the privie seill of the dait at Edinburgh, the xiiij day of Januar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxxj yeiris, at mair lenth beris in all and sindre pointis, heidis, pasis, conditionis, privilegis, immunities, liberties, giftis, donationis, articles and clausis quhatsumevir, specefiit and contenit in the saidis commissionaris decreit and his majesties gift of pensioun respective foirsaidis, alsweill nocht expressit as expressit; and willis and declaris and, for his majestie and his successouris, with avise foirsaid, decernis and ordanis that this present generall ratificatioun and approbatioun of the said commissionaris decreit and lettre of pensioun abonewrittin salbe als sufficient as gif the same war at lenth and word be word ingrossit heirin; and that the foirsaid decreit and lettre of pensioun respective ar, and salbe, effectual, gude, valide and sufficient to the said commendater for bruiking, joysing, posseding, retening, keiping in his awin hand for all the dayis of his lyftyme, of the haill proffettis of the temporal landis of the said abbay, fewfermes, males, dewties, gressumes, entresis, canys, custumes, accidentis and casualities pertening thairto, and of all uthris proffittis and commodities thairin contenit, using and exercesing of all privilegis exprest in the same decreit; as alsua for bruiking of the pensioun abonewrittin and uptaking thairof during his lyftyme without prejudice of the ministeris stipendis as said is, als amplie as is contenit in the said gift of pensioun off all yeris and termes bygane and to cum; as alsua for using and exercesing of the privilege and jurisdictioun of regalitie of the said abbacie alsfrelie as he micht have usit and exercit the same be vertew of his gift and provisioun thairof befoir the making of the said act of annexatioun, nochtwithstanding revocatioun, act, ordinance or statute maid in this present parliament ofbefoir, or that may be maid heireftir, lawes, statutes or constitutionis quhatsumevir generall or speciall, under the quhilkis the saidis commissionaris decreit and lettre of pensioun abonewrittin nor nather of thame, nor na thing following thairupoun, salbe comprehendit, bot ar and salbe be thir presentis speciallie excepetit furth thairof. Lyk as his majestie, with avise of the saidis estaitis, for the said commendateris bettir securitie in the premisis, be the tennour heirof, revoikis, casis and annullis all and quhatsumevir giftis, assignationis and dispositionis maid and grantit to quhatsumevir persoun or personis in hurt or prejudice heirof in ony tyme bygane, and decernis and declaris the same and haill effect thairof to ceise in tyme cuming; and siclyk decernis and declaris that the act maid in favouris of the ministrie upoun the xiiij day of Februar, jM vC lxxxvij yeiris, sall nawyis be hurtfull nor prejudiciall to the said commendateris richtis and titles abone specifiet, bot ordanis the same to stand in thair awin strenth, force and effect efter the forme and tennour thairof in all pointis, and to be als valide and effectuall in all respectis to the said commendater as gif the same war speciallie and expreslie exceptit in the said act.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.49r-50r. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back