Legislation: private acts
Ratificatioun to the Maister of Drummond

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament ratifies, apprevis and confermis the charter and infeftment maid be his majestie efter his hienes perfite aige of tuentie ane yeiris compleit, declarit in parliament to James Drummond, eldest lauchtfull sone to Patrik, lord Drummond, and his aris maill and of tailyie mentionat thairintill, off all and sindre the landis, lordschippis, baronies, offices, privilegis and utheris of the lordschip and leving of Drummond specifiet in the said charter, with all and sindre uther heidis, clausis and articles contenit in the samyne, efter the forme and tennour thairof in all pointis, reservand to the said Patrik, lord Drummondis lyfrent of the samyn, as the said charter and infeftment thairupoun of the dait the xvj day of Merch, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir aucht yeris beris.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/14, f.47v. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47v-48v. Back
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  7. NAS, PA2/14, f.48v. Back
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  9. NAS, PA2/14, f.49r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, ff.49r-50r. Back
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  13. NAS, PA2/14, f.50r. Back
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  15. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
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  17. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
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  19. APS reads 'and occupiit be etc., as ...'. Back
  20. NAS, PA2/14, ff.50v-51r. Back
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  22. NAS, PA2/14, ff.51r-v. Back
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  24. NAS, PA2/14, f.51v. Back
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Act anent the temporalitie of Paislay

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament, be speciall cognitioun and tryall tane be thame of the nature and estait off all and haill the temporalitie of the abbacie of Paislay, findis, decernis and declaris that the samyn wes nocht comprehendit in the generall annexatioun of kirklandis within this realme to oure soverane lordis croun be the act of parliament maid at Edinburgh, the xxix day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris, bot that all and sindre the landis, baronies and utheris commodities and fredomes pertening to the said temporalitie wer lauchfullie resignit befoir the said annexatioun in oure said soverane lordis handes for new infeftment to be gevin thairof be his hienes to his richt traist cousing Claud, now lord of Paisla, than commendater thairof, his aris maill and assignais, lyk as his majestie, befoir the conclusioun of the said act of annexatioun, accepted the foirsaid resignatioun to that effect, and thairupoun gaif and granted infeftment heretable under his hienes greit seill to the said Claud, lord Paislay and his foirsaidis, off all and sindrie the foirnamit landis, baronies and utheris specefiit particularlie thairintill, erectit in ane temporall lordschip and baronie callit the lordschip of Paislay, with full privilege of frie regalitie, as the said infeftment of the dait the said xxix day of Julii the yeir of God abonewrittin, with ane uther infeftment following thairupoun sensyne, off the dait the xxij day of Merche, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeiris, now allowit and approvin be his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis at mair lenth proportis; in respect quhairof thai find, decerne and declaris the said temporalitie to have bene and to be expreslie excepted furth of the said act of annexatioun, albeit the exceptioun contenit in the said first act of annexatioun makis mentioun that the toun of Paislay wes exceptit thairfra, quhilk his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis hes acknawlegeit and tryit to have bene writtin erroneouslie, quhair as the said exceptioun suld have bene extendit to the haill temporalitie of Paislay, and thairfoir his majestie and estaitis abone rehersit ordanis the clerk of register to correct and reforme the said exceptioun, and in place of the said toun of Paislay excepted, to insert the exceptioun of the said temporalitie of Paislay, sua that na doubt nor questioun sall arryise thairanent in tymes cuming.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/14, f.47v. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47v-48v. Back
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  7. NAS, PA2/14, f.48v. Back
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  9. NAS, PA2/14, f.49r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, ff.49r-50r. Back
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  17. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
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  19. APS reads 'and occupiit be etc., as ...'. Back
  20. NAS, PA2/14, ff.50v-51r. Back
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  22. NAS, PA2/14, ff.51r-v. Back
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  24. NAS, PA2/14, f.51v. Back
  25. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
Act in favour of the commendater of Melros anent certane few landis thairof

Forsamekle as in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the tuentie nynt day of Julii the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris, it was askit and desyrit be Frances, sumtyme erll Bothuill, that, for dyverse respectis and considerationis, oure soverane lord wald gratifie him with all the rowmes, landis, heretage, takis and possessionis quhilkis pertenit to umquhile James, sumtyme erll Bothuill, to the quhilkis the said Frances wald have succedit as narrest and lauchfull air to him, gif he haid nocht bene impedit and debarrit fra the said successioun be the foirfaltour led aganis the said umquhile James, sumtyme erll Bothuill; and to the effect foirsaid, it wes desyrit that oure said soverane lord, with avise of his thre estaitis than convenit in parliament, wald rescind and reduce nocht onlie the infeftmentis of landis, lordschippis and baronies quhilkis pertenit to the said umquhile James, sumtyme erll Bothuill, haldin of oure said soverane lord immediatlie, bot als the presentationis to landis haldin of all utheris superiouris with the infeftmentis following thairupoun; and als it wes cravit be the said Frances, sumtyme erll Bothuill, that he micht be repossest in all landis, takis, rowmes and possessionis of the quhilkis the said umquhile James sumtyme wes dispossest be reasone of the procesis of foirfaltour led aganis him and that for the said repossessioun lettrez micht be directit upoun ane charge and sex dayis warning, at the quhilk tyme oure said soverane lord and his saidis thre estaitis yeldit to the said petitioun in sa far as concernit the auld leving of the erledome of Bothuill and but hurt or prejudice of the heretable tennentis thairof and na utherwayis, quhilk his majestie, at that tyme, micht have convenientlie done, seing all the said umquhile Erll Bothuillis auld leving of the said erledome immediatlie haldin of oure soverane lord became in his hienes handes be ressone of the said foirfaltour and wer disponit be his regentis in his minoritie and less aige to dyverse personis, bot the foirsaidis landis, nochtwithstanding the samyn became in his hienes handes be the generall revocatioun as be the contrair the landis quhilkis wer haldin of ane uther superiour culd nawyis returne to oure said soverane lord as propirtie, bot the presentatioun of ane heretable tennent to the superiour onlie pertenit to his majestie as oure soverane lord wes bund be the law to present ane sufficient tennent to the said superior, quhilk presentatioun micht nevir cum under revocatioun, as in veritie the said umquhile James, sumtyme erll Bothuill, held dyverse landis haldin of the said abbacie of Melros, in the quhilkis oure said soverane lord presentit heretable tennent to the commendater and convent for the tyme, quha gaif theme heretable infeftment efter the forme and tennour of the saidis presentationis, quhilkis culd nocht be retreitit be oure said soverane lord nor his thre estaitis of parliament for the ressone foirsaid; and nevirtheless, the act of parliament maid upoun the said petitioun wes inconsideratlie and, be owersicht, amplifiet according to the said petitioun; and thairfoir James, now commendater of Melros, and heretable fewer of ane gryt part of the temporall landis thairof be dispositioun maid to him and his predicessouris be the personis quha wer heretablie infeft be vertew of the saidis presentationis, obtenit oure soverane lordis lettrez chargeing the clerk of register and the said Frances, sumtyne erll Bothuill, for his entress, to compeir befoir the lordis of counsell and sessioun at ane certane day; that is to say, the said clerk of register to bring with him the said originall petitioun, with the anser gevin thairto, and the said Frances, sumtyme erll Bothuill, to bring with him the act of parliament formit and extractit upoun the said petitioun, to have bene sene and considderit be the saidis lordis and to have hard and sene sic ordour takin thairwith as apertenit. Quhilk mater being callit at Edinburgh, the xiiij day of Merch, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir aucht yeiris, and the said James, commendater of Melrose, being personallie present, and the said Frances, sumtyme erll Bothuill, being alsua personallie present, quha producit the said act of parliament subscryvit be the said clerk of register of the dait the said xxix day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxij yeris; and lykwayes comperit the said clerk of register and schew and producit the said article, with the principallis minuttis rasit thairupoun, quhilk being considderit, efter that the mater wes at lenth ressonit in his majesties presence be baith the saidis parties and procuratouris, the lordis of counsaill, in presens of his majestie, decernit and ordanit the foirsaid act of parliament extractit and subscryvit be the said clerk of register, and than producit for the part of Frances, sumtyme erll Bothuill, togidder with the originall article quhairupoun the samyn procedit, to remane and abide in the handes of the said clerk of register till the nixt parliament, and that na extract of ony of thame be gevin out to ony of the saidis parties in the meantyme, to the quhilk nixt parliament the saidis lordis remittit the decisioun of the said complaint, and all questioun that micht follow thairupoun. And now the said article, with the minuttis maid thairupoun and haill circumstances of the said mater, being at lenth tryit be his majestie and his estaitis in this present parliament, thay have fund, decernit and declarit and, be the tennour heirof, findis, decernis and declaris that the benefite grantit to the said Frances, sumtyme erll Bothuill, be the foirsaid act wes alluterlie restrictit to the landis, lordschippis and baronies quhilkis wer of the auld leving of the erledome of Bothuill, and but prejudice of the heretable tennentis thairof. And als oure soverane lord and his saidis estaitis of parliament hes fund and declarit and, be the tennour of thir presentis, findis and declaris that the said act of parliament micht nor culd nocht be onywayes extendit to quhatsumevir landis, lordschippis or baronies quhilkis the said umquhile James, sumtyme erll Bothuill, held of uther superiouris by oure soverane lord, and in the quhilkis his majestie haid befoir presentit heretable tennentis to the saidis superioris. And in speciall, oure said soverane lord findis and declaris that the said former act, nor na part thairof, is nor salbe extendit to ony of the landis of the said abbacie of Melros pertening in propirtie to the said commendater be reasone that his hienes haid presentit ane heretable tennent to the saidis landis lang befoir the said act. And thairfoir his hienes and his saidis estatis hes retreitit, cassit, annullit and, be thir presentis, retreittis, casis, annullis the said former act in all the pointis, heidis and articles thairof, safar as concernis quhatsumevir landis nocht haldin of oure soverane lord befoir the said act of annexatioun, and hes limitat and astrictit and limittattis and astrictis the said former act to the landis, lordschippis and baronies immediatlie haldin of oure said soverane lord befoir the said act of annexatioun, quhilkis wer of the auld leving of the said erledome of Bothuill allanerlie.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/14, f.47v. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47v-48v. Back
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  7. NAS, PA2/14, f.48v. Back
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  9. NAS, PA2/14, f.49r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, ff.49r-50r. Back
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  17. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
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  19. APS reads 'and occupiit be etc., as ...'. Back
  20. NAS, PA2/14, ff.50v-51r. Back
  21. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/14, ff.51r-v. Back
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  24. NAS, PA2/14, f.51v. Back
  25. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
Ratificatioun to Archibald Douglas, sone to the commendater of Melros

Oure soverane lord and his estaitis of parliament, now efter his perfite aige of xxv yeiris compleit, for the guid, trew and thankfull service done to his hienes be his weilbelovit James, commendater of the abbay of Melros, in his continwall attendance upoun oure said soverane lordis persoun, having na allowance of his hienes for his chargis and expensis, hes ratifiet and approvit and, be the tennour heirof for his hienes and his successouris, ratifies and apprevis the gift maid be oure said soverane lord, with avise of his thesaurair to Archibald Douglas, sone lauchtfull to the said commendater, for all the dayis of his lyftyme, off sex monkis portionis furth of the said abbay of Melros and of the superplus of the thrid thairof efter the forme and tennour of oure soverane lordis lettrez of gift maid to the said Archebald thairupoun ofbefoir, quhilkis ar of the date the [...] day of Juli, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeiris. Attour, oure said soverane lord, for the causis foirsaidis of new, with avise of his saidis estaitis of parliament, hes gevin, grantit and disponit and, be the tennour of thir presentis, gevis, grantis and disponis to the said Archebald for all the dayis of his lyftyme as said is, the saidis sex monkis portionis and superplus foirsaidis; and will and grantis that the said dispositioun salbe effectuall to the said Archebald for all the dayis of his lyftyme, nochtwithstanding ony act, statute, ordinance or revocatioun maid in this present parliament, or at ony tyme befoir the dait heirof.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/14, f.47v. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47v-48v. Back
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  7. NAS, PA2/14, f.48v. Back
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  9. NAS, PA2/14, f.49r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, ff.49r-50r. Back
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  13. NAS, PA2/14, f.50r. Back
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  15. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
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  17. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
  18. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  19. APS reads 'and occupiit be etc., as ...'. Back
  20. NAS, PA2/14, ff.50v-51r. Back
  21. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/14, ff.51r-v. Back
  23. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/14, f.51v. Back
  25. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
Ratificatioun to the commendater of Kinloss

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of parliament, having for guid considerationis ratifiet, affirmit and approvin in the last parliament haldin in Julii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris the tak and assedatioun maid and grantit be his hienes to Maistir Eduard Bruce, commendater of Kinloss, off all and haill the thriddis of the said abbacie for all the dayis of his lyftyme for the yeirlie dewtie of fyve hundreth markis, to be payit to his hienes and his collectour generall, and the stipendis and sustentatioun of the ministeris serving the cure at the haill kirkis of the said abbay, likwayis, be advise of the saidis estaitis in this present parliament, ratifies and apprevis of new the said tak and assedatioun, nochtwithstanding of quhatsumevir act or constitutioun maid in the contrair to the quhilkis his hienes, be advise of the saidis estaitis, dirogattis be thir presentis; and of new gevis, grantis and disponis to the said Maistir Eduard the thriddis of the said abbacie for the said sowme of fyve hundreth markis yeirlie to his hienes and his collectour generall, and sustentatioun of the ministeris of his awin kirkis in maner foirsaid for all the dayis of his lyftyme. And that the samyn may be mair effectuall to the said Maistir Eduard, his hienes, with avise foirsaid, decernis and declaris the auld assumptioun of the thriddis of the said abbacie to be convertit and changeit in the dewtie of the tak foirsaid, and the samyn thrid, baith in monie and wictuallis and custumes, to extend to the sowme of fyve hundreth merkis allanerlie by and attour the sustentatioun of the ministeris of the propre kirkis of the said abbay; and ordanis his hienes collectour generall in his comptis to charge and discharge him yeirlie with the said silver dewtie as for the thriddis of the said abbay allanerlie, and commanding the lordis of chekker to ressave and allow the same for the just thrid thairof for all the yeiris sen the dait of the said tak, and siclyk yeirlie in tyme cuming. Siclyk, his hienes, with advise of his saidis estaitis, in respect of the small rent of the said benefice, grantis and disponis to the said Maistir Eduard full power to entir the frie tennentis and fewfermoraris halding of the said abbay with the haill proffettis, commodities and casualities thairof in sic sort as he micht have done incaise the temporall landis haid nocht bene annext, for all the dayis of the said Maistir Eduartis lyftyme, declaring the same to be als sufficient to the ressaveris as gif thay haid bene enterit and ressavit be his hienes, nochtwithstanding the act maid in the moneth of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeris anent the revocatioun of takkis and pensionis of the thriddis, quhairunto thir presentis makis expres derogatioun.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/14, f.47v. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47v-48v. Back
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  7. NAS, PA2/14, f.48v. Back
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  9. NAS, PA2/14, f.49r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, ff.49r-50r. Back
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  13. NAS, PA2/14, f.50r. Back
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  15. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
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  17. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
  18. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  19. APS reads 'and occupiit be etc., as ...'. Back
  20. NAS, PA2/14, ff.50v-51r. Back
  21. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/14, ff.51r-v. Back
  23. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/14, f.51v. Back
  25. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
Ratificatioun to the commendater of Lundoris

Oure soverane lord, with avise of the estaitis and haill body of this present parliament, ratifies, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, confermis the act, ordinance or decreit maid, gevin and pronuncit at Dalkeith, the secund day of December, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris, be the lordis commissionaris appointit for satisfactioun of the prelattis and utheris eclesiasticall personis for thair landis annext to the croun according to the act of parliament maid thairanent, in favouris of Patrik, commendater of Lundoris; quhairby the saidis commissionaris have declarit, decernit and ordanit that the said commendater sall bruik, joyis, posses, retene and keip in his awin hand for all the dayis of his lyftyme the haill proffeittis of the temporall landis of the said abbay, fewfermes, males, dewties, gressumes, entresis, canys, custumes, accidentis and casualities quhatsumevir pertening thairto, quhilkis the saidis lordis commissionaris assignit to the said commendater, with power to him to sett and raise the saidis landis, and to uplift the hail proffettis thairof, als frelie in all respectis as he micht have done befoir the making of the said act of annexatioun, but prejudice alwayes of the same that oure said soverane lord and his successouris micht have recourse thairto efter the said commendateris deceise; and forder, declaring and ordaning that the haill proffite of the superiorities of all and sindre the temporal landis of the said abbay, the doubling of the fewfermes, infefting of the heretable tennentis and fewaris be deceis, resignatioun or utherwayes sall pertene to the said commendater, and that he sall peceablie bruik, uplift and enjoye the same during his lyftyme as in the saidis commissionaris decreit foirsaid of the dait abonwrittin, contening dyverse utheris donationis, giftis, immunities and privilegis maid and concludit in favouris of the said commendater for his satisfactioun abonewrittin at mair lenth is contenit; and siclyk ratifeand and apprevand and, be the tennour heirof, ratifies and apprevis as said is the gift maid and grantit be his majestie efter his aige of xxv yeris and generall revocatioun, to the said Patrik, commendater of Lundoris, during all the dayis of his lyftyme, gevand, grantand and disponand to him, with avise of his hienes thesaurair and collectour generall during the said space, in pensioun, all and haill the thrid superplus and omittit, gif ony be, of the said abbay of Lundoris in money, victuallis, fischingis, canys, custumes and utheris dewties quhatsumevir pertening thairt, attour the stipendis modifiet for the sustentatioun of the ministrie of the propre kirkis of the same abbay, togidder with all and haill the stipendis of the unplacit ministeris or reidaris of the kirkis of the said abbay, gif ony ar, or salhappin to be, beginnand his entres thairto upoun the croip and yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeiris, Witsonday and Martimes of the same; and in lykmaner, gevand, grantand and disponand to the said commendater during the said space of his lyftyme all and haill the portionis of all and sindre monkis of the said abbay quhilkis hes decessit sen the yeir of God lx yeiris, and quhilkis salhappin to deceise heireftir during the said Patrikis lyftyme, with all males, fermes, proffittis, emolumentis and dewties pertening thairto, off all yeris and termes sen the said lx yeir of God, and yeirlie in tyme cuming during the said space, as the saidis lettrez of gift and pensioun grantit to the said commendater thairupoun under the privie seill of the dait at Edinburgh, the xiiij day of Januar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxxj yeiris, at mair lenth beris in all and sindre pointis, heidis, pasis, conditionis, privilegis, immunities, liberties, giftis, donationis, articles and clausis quhatsumevir, specefiit and contenit in the saidis commissionaris decreit and his majesties gift of pensioun respective foirsaidis, alsweill nocht expressit as expressit; and willis and declaris and, for his majestie and his successouris, with avise foirsaid, decernis and ordanis that this present generall ratificatioun and approbatioun of the said commissionaris decreit and lettre of pensioun abonewrittin salbe als sufficient as gif the same war at lenth and word be word ingrossit heirin; and that the foirsaid decreit and lettre of pensioun respective ar, and salbe, effectual, gude, valide and sufficient to the said commendater for bruiking, joysing, posseding, retening, keiping in his awin hand for all the dayis of his lyftyme, of the haill proffettis of the temporal landis of the said abbay, fewfermes, males, dewties, gressumes, entresis, canys, custumes, accidentis and casualities pertening thairto, and of all uthris proffittis and commodities thairin contenit, using and exercesing of all privilegis exprest in the same decreit; as alsua for bruiking of the pensioun abonewrittin and uptaking thairof during his lyftyme without prejudice of the ministeris stipendis as said is, als amplie as is contenit in the said gift of pensioun off all yeris and termes bygane and to cum; as alsua for using and exercesing of the privilege and jurisdictioun of regalitie of the said abbacie alsfrelie as he micht have usit and exercit the same be vertew of his gift and provisioun thairof befoir the making of the said act of annexatioun, nochtwithstanding revocatioun, act, ordinance or statute maid in this present parliament ofbefoir, or that may be maid heireftir, lawes, statutes or constitutionis quhatsumevir generall or speciall, under the quhilkis the saidis commissionaris decreit and lettre of pensioun abonewrittin nor nather of thame, nor na thing following thairupoun, salbe comprehendit, bot ar and salbe be thir presentis speciallie excepetit furth thairof. Lyk as his majestie, with avise of the saidis estaitis, for the said commendateris bettir securitie in the premisis, be the tennour heirof, revoikis, casis and annullis all and quhatsumevir giftis, assignationis and dispositionis maid and grantit to quhatsumevir persoun or personis in hurt or prejudice heirof in ony tyme bygane, and decernis and declaris the same and haill effect thairof to ceise in tyme cuming; and siclyk decernis and declaris that the act maid in favouris of the ministrie upoun the xiiij day of Februar, jM vC lxxxvij yeiris, sall nawyis be hurtfull nor prejudiciall to the said commendateris richtis and titles abone specifiet, bot ordanis the same to stand in thair awin strenth, force and effect efter the forme and tennour thairof in all pointis, and to be als valide and effectuall in all respectis to the said commendater as gif the same war speciallie and expreslie exceptit in the said act.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/14, f.47v. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47v-48v. Back
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  7. NAS, PA2/14, f.48v. Back
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  9. NAS, PA2/14, f.49r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, ff.49r-50r. Back
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  13. NAS, PA2/14, f.50r. Back
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  15. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
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  17. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
  18. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  19. APS reads 'and occupiit be etc., as ...'. Back
  20. NAS, PA2/14, ff.50v-51r. Back
  21. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/14, ff.51r-v. Back
  23. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/14, f.51v. Back
  25. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
Ratificatioun to the Lord of Newbotle

Oure soverane lord and his estaitis of parliament ratifies and apprevis the infeftmentis maid to his traist cousing and counsellour Mark, lord of Newbotle, his aris maill and assignais, off all and sindre the baronies of Newbotle and Prestoun Grange, with annexis, connexis, partis, pendiclis and pertinentis, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of kirkis, personages, vicarages and chaiplanries, fewfermes, tennentis, tennandries and service of frie tennentis thairof, and utheris pertinentis speciallie and generallie mentionat in the saidis infeftmentis, quhilkis ar maid be oure said soverane lord efter his hienes perfite aige of xxj yeiris compleit, and ar ratifiet, apprevit and confermit be his majestie and his estaitis of parliament upoun the xxix day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris; togidder with the claus and article contenit in the generall annexatioun of the kirklandis to his majestie his croun, be the quhilk the saidis landis, lordschippis and baronies ar expreslie exceptit frome the said annexatioun. And als his hienes and estaitis in parliament alsua ratifies and apprevis the procuratories and instrumentis of resignatioun of the foirsaidis landis and baronies, with annexis, connexis, partis, pendicles and pertinentis of the same in oure said soverane lordis handis, to the effect that the saidis infeftmetis micht proceid thairupoun. And last, oure said soverane lord and his saidis estaitis ratifies and apprevis the new infeftment grantit be his majestie efter his perfite aige of xxv yeiris compleit, to the said Mark, lord of Newbottill, his aris maill and assignais foirsaids, off all and sindre the saidis landis, lordschippis and baronies, annexis, connexis, partis, pendicles and pertinentis, with the unione, annexatioun and incorporatioun thairof in ane lordschip, to be callit and nominat in all tyme heireftir the lordschip of Newbottill, and erectioun thairof in the estate and honour of ane lord in the parliament, as the said new infeftment of the dait at Halyruidhous, the xv day of October, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxxj yeris, at mair lenth proportis; quhilkis all and sindre infeftmentis first and last with the resignationis quhairupoun the samyn procedit, and the said exceptioun furth of the said annexatioun, oure said soverane lord and his saidis estaitis hes fundin and declarit, and findis and declaris to have ordourlie procedit, and maid and grantit to the said Mark, lord of Newbotle, for the just and ressonable causis contenit in the samyn infeftmentis; and thairfoir, his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis ratifies and apprevis the samyn in all heidis, clausis and circumstances thairof and interponis thair decreit and auctoritie thairto and, for his hienes and his successouris, decernis and ordanis the said exceptioun fra the said annexatioun, resignationis, infeftmentis, with all that followit thairupoun, to remane in full force, strenth and effect to the said Mark, lord of Newbotill, his aris maill and assignais foirsaidis, nochtwithstanding ony statute, ordinance, revocatioun speciall or generall maid in this present parliament, or at ony uther tyme befoir the dait heirof.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/14, f.47v. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47v-48v. Back
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  7. NAS, PA2/14, f.48v. Back
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  9. NAS, PA2/14, f.49r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, ff.49r-50r. Back
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  13. NAS, PA2/14, f.50r. Back
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  15. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
  16. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
  18. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  19. APS reads 'and occupiit be etc., as ...'. Back
  20. NAS, PA2/14, ff.50v-51r. Back
  21. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/14, ff.51r-v. Back
  23. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/14, f.51v. Back
  25. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
Ratificatioun to the Lord of Urquhart

Oure soverane lord, with avise of his estaitis presentlie convenit in this present parliament, eftir dew cognitioun and tryall tane in the caus, hes ratifiet and approvin the infeftmentis gevin and grantit to Alexander, lord Urquhart, off the landis, baronie and lordschip of Urquhart to him and his aris maill, as is contenit in the saidis infeftmentis of the daittis at Falkland, the tuentie day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris, and the uther at Edinburgh, the sext day of August, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxxj yeris, with patronage, advocatioun and donatioun of benefices and all uther privilegis and fredomes contenit thairintill, as alsua the erectioun of the same in ane temporall lordschip, with all uther privilegis pertening thairto, off the dait at Edinburgh, the xxviij day of Januar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxxj yeiris, decernand and declarand the same to be of full richt, force, strenth and effect in all pointis and clausis fra this furth for all tymes to cum, but ony impediment or obstacle quhatsumevir.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/14, f.47v. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47v-48v. Back
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  7. NAS, PA2/14, f.48v. Back
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  9. NAS, PA2/14, f.49r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, ff.49r-50r. Back
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  13. NAS, PA2/14, f.50r. Back
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  15. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
  16. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
  18. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  19. APS reads 'and occupiit be etc., as ...'. Back
  20. NAS, PA2/14, ff.50v-51r. Back
  21. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/14, ff.51r-v. Back
  23. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/14, f.51v. Back
  25. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
Act in favour of Johnne Colvile, sone to the commendater of Culros

Oure soverane lord and his estaitis of parliament have sene and considderit the infeftment maid be his majestie efter his perfite aige of tuentie ane yeris compleit to his weilbelovit Johnne Colvill, eldest lauchtfull sone to his traist counsallour Alexander, commendatour of Culross, and his aris maill, quhilkis falyeing to the eldest of his aris femaill without divisioun, off all and sindre the landis of Lurg and Kincardin, with thair pertinentis, lyand within the lordschip of Culross and schirefdome of Perth; and of all and sindrie thay sevintene aikaris of land lyand upoun the eist and wast partis of the abbay and toun of Culross, designit and occupiit be the said infeftment beris, with all and sindre fewfermes, housis, biggingis, mansionis, maner places of the samyne, as the said infeftment of the dait at Falkland, the xviij day of September, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeris, at mair lenth proportis; togidder with the uther charter maid be oure said soverane lord efter his perfite aige of xxv yeiris compleit, ratifeand and affirmand the said former infeftment and disponand the saidis landis of new, with the teynd schawis includit thairin, and with annexatioun and unioun of the same in ane tennandrie, and with certane uther privilegis and inmunities contenit in the said last infeftment, quhilk is of the dait at Halyruidhous, the xxij day of December the yeir of God jM vC lxxxxj yeiris; quhilkis infeftmentis, in all heades, articles, clausis and circumstances thairof, with the procuratories and instrumentis of resignatioun quhairupoun the samyn procedit, oure said soverane lord and his estaitis in parliament, for his hienes and his successouris, ratifies and apprevis for evir, and declaris the samyn to have bene frome the beginning and to be in all tyme cuming to the said Alexander, his aris and assignais foirsaidis, of full strenth, force and effect for bruiking of the saidis landis, with the teyndis thairof, thair pertinentis and privilegis in all tyme cuming.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/14, f.47v. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47v-48v. Back
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  7. NAS, PA2/14, f.48v. Back
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  9. NAS, PA2/14, f.49r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, ff.49r-50r. Back
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  13. NAS, PA2/14, f.50r. Back
  14. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
  16. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
  18. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  19. APS reads 'and occupiit be etc., as ...'. Back
  20. NAS, PA2/14, ff.50v-51r. Back
  21. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/14, ff.51r-v. Back
  23. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/14, f.51v. Back
  25. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
Act in favour of Williame, commendater of Toungland, anent the temporalitie of Kilwynning

Anent the supplicatioun gevin in to the kingis grace and lordis of articles be Maistir Williame Melvill, ane of the senatouris of the college of justice, makand mentioun that quhair his hienes, respecting the guid, trew and thankfull service done be him to his majestie, and the rank and place quhairunto it hes pleasit his hienes to promove him, gaif, grantit and disponit to the said Maistir Williame the abbacie of Kilwinning, than vacand in his majesties handis be the deceis of the last possessour, the yeirlie rent quhairof consisting maist in the kirkis and teyndis pertening thairto; the said Maistir Williame wes intreatit be his hienes to consent unto the dissolutioun thairof in favouris of the ministrie serving for the tyme at the saidis kirkis and thairby to denude him of the haill commoditie and rent of the said benefice, saulffand allanerlie tua hundreth thre scoir pundis, or thairby, disponit in pensioun to utheris, quhilk is the temporall rent and dewtie of that abbacie, quhairwith, and with his hienes promeis procurit at the tyme be the said ministrie to lat that temporalitie be erectit to him in the nixt parliament, the said Maistir Williame wes content, hoiping in the mean tyme that his hienes and estaittis suld have maid the same valide and effectuall to him according to his majesties lait dispositioun and grant thairof under his hienes greit seall. Lyk as, in this present conventioun of the estaitis, the said Maistir Williame maist humblie beseikis his majestie that, respecting the place and service quhairunto it hes pleasit his majestie to appoint him, togidder with his voluntar consent to the said dissolutioun of the saidis kirkis at his majesties request and promeis foirsaid, for confirmatioun of his said infeftment of the temporalitie thairof in this nixt parliament, that it may pleis his hienes, with consent foirsaid, to lat his said heretable infeftment of the said temporalitie with all clausis, privilegis and conditionis contenit thairin efter the forme and tennour thairof, of the dait at Dalkeith, the xvij day of Maii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir tuelf yeiris foirsaid, be presentlie confermit and ratifies and his hienes said promeis interponit thairto be maid effectuall, seing he is unhable utherwayis to sustene the rank of his said place in the sessioun or utherwyis to serve his majestie in ony publict place quhairinto it may pleis his grace to appoint him, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said supplicatioun. Quhilk supplicatioun being first hard, sene and considderit be his majestie and lordis of articles, and thaireftir be the haill estaitis in parliament, and thai thairwith being ryplie advysit, oure said soverane lord, with avise of the haill estaitis of this present parliament, confermis, ratifies and apprevis the said heretable infeftment of the said temporalitie of Kilwinning maid to the said Maistir Williame Melvill with all clausis, privilegis and conditionis contenit thairin efter the forme and tennour thairof, to be bruikit, joysit and possest be him during all the dayis of his lyftyme, and the haill tennentis and wassellis of the said temporalitie to enter be him and tak thair haldingis of him as thair superiour of the samyne landis and utheris pertening to the temporalitie of the said abbacie of Kilwynning during his lyftyme; and decernis and declaris the haill entres and gressum silver, males, fermes, canys, service custumes and all uther dewties of the haill temporalitie of Kilwinning to pertene to the said Maistir Williame Melvill, to be bruikit be him during his lyftyme als frelie and in the samyn maner as oure said soverane lord micht have done be vertew of the act of annexatioun of kirklandis to his hienes croun, or ony commendater of the said abbay micht have done befoir the act of annexatioun; and dispensis with quhatsumevir act of parliarnent, law or uther constitutioun that may onywayis mak ony derogatioun to this present ratificatioun; and dischargis his hienes advocat, comptrollair, thesaurar and collectour of all trubling or molesting of the said Maistir Williame in the peceable bruiking and joysing of the saidis landis and dewties thairof in ony tyme cuming.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/14, f.47v. Back
  4. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47v-48v. Back
  6. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/14, f.48v. Back
  8. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/14, f.49r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, ff.49r-50r. Back
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  13. NAS, PA2/14, f.50r. Back
  14. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
  16. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
  18. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  19. APS reads 'and occupiit be etc., as ...'. Back
  20. NAS, PA2/14, ff.50v-51r. Back
  21. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/14, ff.51r-v. Back
  23. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/14, f.51v. Back
  25. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
Ratificatioun in favour of the barnis of umquhill Schir Lues Bellenden of Auchnoule, lait justice clerk

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of parliament, now efter his majesties perfite aige of xxv yeiris compleit, ratifies, apprevis and, for him and his sucessouris, perpetuallie confermis the infeftment gevin and grantit befoir to umquhile Schir Lues Bellenden of Auchnoule, knicht, justice clerk to his majestie, his aris and assignais thairin contenit, off the landis and baronie of Brochtoun, with annexis, connexis, partis and pendicles thairin speciallie contenit, in all pointis, clausis and circumstances thairof; togidder with the act of parliament maid be oure said soverane lord and his saidis estaitis the xxix day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeiris, ratifeand and apprevand the said infeftment in all pointis and clausis of the same. And siclyk oure said soverane lord and his saidis estaitis ratifies and apprevis the uther of parliament maid at Linlithgow, the tent day of December, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxv yeiris, and the thrid act maid in oure said soverane lordis parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the said xxix day of Julii, jM vC lxxxvij yeiris, baith concerning the landis of Wodhouslie and utheris thairin contenit and redemptioun thairof, and that the samyn suld be bruikit and joysit be the said umquhile Schir Lues, his aris and assignais as thair propre heretage in tyme cuming, nochtwithanding the generall pacificationis or ony utheris actis maid in ony of the saidis parliamentis in generall or in speciall. Quhilkis actis and ordinances, oure said soverane lord and his saidis estaitis decernis and ordanis to remane and abyd in thair full strenth, force and effect irrevocable to the aris and successouris of the said umquhile Schir Lues for bruiking and joysing of the saidis landis and utheris contenit in the saidis infeftmentis in all tyme heireftir, nochtwithstanding ony his hienes revocationis, or quhatsumevir uther act or constitutioun generall or speciall maid heirtofoir, to the quhilk thir presentiz sall mak and makis speciall derogatioun in that pairt.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/14, f.47v. Back
  4. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47v-48v. Back
  6. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/14, f.48v. Back
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  9. NAS, PA2/14, f.49r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, ff.49r-50r. Back
  12. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/14, f.50r. Back
  14. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
  16. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
  18. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  19. APS reads 'and occupiit be etc., as ...'. Back
  20. NAS, PA2/14, ff.50v-51r. Back
  21. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/14, ff.51r-v. Back
  23. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/14, f.51v. Back
  25. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
Ratificatioun in favour of the barnis of the umquhill Laird of Segy

Oure soverane lord, with advise of the estaitis of parliament, having respect to the gude, trew and thankfull service done to his hienes be umquhile James Meldrum of Segye, ane of the senatouris of the college of justice, and having his barnis in singular commendatioun, ratifies, apprevis and confermis all and quhatsumevir giftes of pensionis, assignationis and dispositionis of wictuallis and sowmes of monie assignit thairfoir in favouris of Alexander, Johnne and James Meldrumis, lauchfull barnis to the said umquhile James, ather proceding directlie fra his majestie or fra umquhile Robert, erll of Merche, commendater of the priorie of Sanctandrois, with all decreittis, sentencis, lettrez and executoriallis direct thairupoun; and willis that the same sall stand in full strenth in all tyme heireftir according to thair richtis, nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir richt, gift, dispositioun or assignatioun maid in the contrair to quhatsumevir his hienes leigis; and declaris that sa oft as ony of the saidis assignationis salbe usit aganis the saidis barnis or to thair prejudice thay salbe preferrit in thair richt, and the saidis pretendit assignationis nawyis regardit, howsoevir the same hes bene impetrat or salbe impetrat heireftir; and ordanis publicatioun to be maid heirupoun.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47r-v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/14, f.47v. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/14, ff.47v-48v. Back
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  7. NAS, PA2/14, f.48v. Back
  8. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/14, f.49r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, ff.49r-50r. Back
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  13. NAS, PA2/14, f.50r. Back
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  15. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
  16. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  17. NAS, PA2/14, f.50v. Back
  18. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  19. APS reads 'and occupiit be etc., as ...'. Back
  20. NAS, PA2/14, ff.50v-51r. Back
  21. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/14, ff.51r-v. Back
  23. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/14, f.51v. Back
  25. Written in margin: 'P'. Back