Ratificatioun of ane pensioun out of Quhithorne to the Lord of Spynie

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament, having consideratioun of the dalie, trew and thankfull service done to his hienes be his richt traist cousing and counsellour Alexander, lord of Spynie, and for the uther causis contenit in the gift of pensioun under mentionat, now red, sene and considderit be his majestie and estaitis abone rehersit, thay have ratifiit and approvin and, be the tennour heirof, ratifies, apprevis and confermis ane lettre of pensioun gevin and granted be his majestie, with avise and consent of his officeris of estait thairin nominat, under his hienes privie seill, to the said Alexander, lord Spynie, his aris and assignais, off ane yeirlie pensioun of ane hundreth fourtie aucht pundis fourtene schillingis sex penneis and thrid part pennie monie, tua chalderis, tuelf bollis, thre firlottis, tua peckis beir, and aucht chalderis, aucht bollis, tua peckis and tua part peckis meill, to be yeirlie liftit furth of the reddiest and best payment of the superplus of the thrid of the priorie of Quhithorne unassignit, quhair thai sall pleis chuis, for the space of nyntene yeiris nixt efter the dait of the said lettre of pensioun, and forther, yeirlie thaireftir, quhill the said Alexander, lord of Spynie or his foirsaidis be compleitlie payit off the sowme of thrie thowsand markis monie thairin mentionat, as the samyne lettre of gift maid thairupoun contening sindrie uther heidis and privilegis off the dait at Edinburgh, the xij day of September, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir aucht yeiris, at mair lenth proportis; togidder with the decreittis, lettrez and all utheris following and that sall follow thairupoun in all pointis, heidis and articles of the samyne efter the tennour thairof. And oure soverane lord, with the estaitis of parliament abone rehersit, findis, decernis and declaris that the foirsaid gift of pensioun wes, is and salbe guid and sufficient richt and title to the said Alexander, lord of Spynie, his aris and assignais quhatsumevir, to bruik, joyis, intromettwith and uptak, use and dispone at thair plesir, the foirsaid haill victuall and silver thairin contenit during the space abonewrittin als frelie in all respectis as oure said soverane lord and his collectouris generall micht have done or may do thame selffis, gif the said lettre of gift haid nevir bene maid nor granted, and that nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir actis of parliament or uther actis, statutis, ordinances, constitutionis and decisionis of counsell, sessioun and of chekker, or ony thairof maid or to be maid in the contrair, and namelie nochtwithstanding of the act and ordinance maid be oure soverane lord, with avise of the lordis of his hienes secreit counsaill, sessioun and chekker, in the moneth of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris, anent the thriddis of benefices thairin mentionat; and also nochtwithstanding of quhatsumevir decreittis, sentences and interloquitouris gevin and pronuncit in prejudice of the said lettre of pensioun or ony pairt thairof; and siclyk nochtwithstanding of quhatsumevir revocationis speciall or generall maid or to be maid be oure soverane lord, quhilk micht or may be interprite in the contrair, lyk as his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis decernis and declaris that the said lettre of pensioun sall nawayis be comprehendit under ony of the saidis revocationis, bot is and salbe exceptit, lyk as thai declair the samyne, be thir presentis, to be expreslie exceptit furth of all the saidis revocationis, actis and ordinances abone mentionat. And for the better securitie, oure soverane lord, with avise and consent of the foirnamit estaitis of new, be the tennour heirof, gevis, grantis and disponis to the said Alexander, lord of Spynie, his aris and assignais, all and haill the yeirlie pensioun of monie and wictuall abonespecefiit, to be yeirlie liftit and uptakin during the yeiris and space abonewrittin furth of the first, reddiest and best payment of the superplus of his hienes thriddis of the said priorie of Quhithorne, quhair thai pleis to chuis yeirlie, restand unassignit to the ministeris in thair stipendis possest be thame of befoir, dischargeing heirfoir, be the tennour of this act, oure soverane lordis collectouris generall, thesauraris of augmentatioun and thair depuittis present and to cum, and lykwayes his hienes advocat and all uther officeris and juges, off all trubling, chargeing, poynding or persewing of the said Alexander, lord of Spynie, his aris or assignais, in uptaking of the said yeirlie pension, or yit of quhatsumevir tennentis, parochinaris or utheris addettit in payment of the foirsaid monie and wictuall disponit and assignit thairfoir during the yeris and spaces abonewrittin, and of thair offices in that pairt simpliciter; and ordanis lettres of horning upoun ane semple charge of ten dayis, poynding and all uther executioun neidfull, the ane but prejudice of the uther, to be direct be the lordis of sessioun or eschekker, for caussing of the said Alexander, lord of Spynie and his foirsaidis be anserit end obeyit of the said yeirlie pensioun conforme to the said gift and this present act in dew forme as efferis.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.46v-47r. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back