Procedure: king's declaration to the Earl of Angus
Declaratioun to the Erll of Angus anent his honouris

The kingis majestie, anserand to ane protestatioun maid in parliament be Williame, erll of Angus, protesting that the Ducke of Lennox his bearing of the croun at this present parliament suld nocht be prejudiciall to the said erll, his richtis, privilegis and honouris, quhilkis he and his predicessouris hes haid to his first place in first sitting and voicing in all parliamentis and generall counsaillis, first place and leiding of the wangard in battellis and in bearing of his hienes croun in parliamentis, declaris, with avise of the estaitis of this present parliament, that albeit the Erll of Angus at his majesties desyre yealdit place to the Duke of Lennox to beare the croun in this present parliament, yit the samyne sall nawyis prejuge the saidis erllis richtis, honouris and privilegis quhilkis he, as Erll of Angus, hes to the first place in sitting and voiting in parliamentis and utheris generall counsaillis, first place and leding of the wangard in battaillis and bearing of the croun in parliamentis in tyme cuming; and that the kingis majestie, be preferring of the said ducke at this tyme to the bearing of the croun, meanis nawayis thairby to impute or place ony uther persoun befoir the said Erll of Angus to bear the said croun in parliamentis in tyme cuming.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, f.42v. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back