Aganis caryaris of nolt and scheip furth of the realme

Oure soverane lord, with advise of the estaitis of parliament, understanding the greit wrang done to the commoun weill be certane privat personis for thair awin commoditie transporting in England yeirlie woll, scheipt and nolt abone the nowmer of ane hundreth thowsand punds, quhairby sic derth is rasit in the cuntrie that ane mutton buck is deirar and far sumountis the price of ane boll of quheit; for remeid quhairof, hes statute and ordnait that na woll, scheip nor nolt be transportit in England under the pane of escheating, not onlie of the said woll, scheipt and nolt, quhilk salbe fund passand to England, but also of the haill moveable guidis of the actuall transportaris, and als the merchandis, caussaris and principall doaris of the said transporting, albeit simulatlie they caus the same to be done be puir folkis, the ane half of the saidis escheatis to appertene to the apprehendar of the saidis guidis and woll, incaiss he may sufficientlie verifie and try the same, and the uther half to our soverane lord and to be intromettit with be the wardane, keipar, shereff, stewart or baillie quha salbe comptable to his majestie for the same; and forder, the saidis offendoris salbe puneist in thair personis be warding for the space of sex monethis and utherwayis at his hienes plesour, lyk as our said soverane lord hes statute and ordanit that it salbe lesum to ony shereff, wardane, kepair or ony uther barroun or officiar havand the thesauraris power and directioun, to stay and arresit, take and apprehend the saidis guidis and personis, and to present thame befoir the wardane, shereff, stewart, baillie or kepair, or bring thame to Edinburgh to be presentit to the justice and his depuittis, and to underly the law for the said offence, quhilk being tryit the offendors sall tyne thair haill moveables to be devydit as said is; and als salbe puneist in thair personis as is abonewrittin at the kingis plesor to the terror of utheris; and the samyn penalties to be extendit aganis quhatsumevir personis within this realme that sall sell ony nolt and scheipt to quhatsumevir Inglisman or uther ather abydand within the boundis of England or that traffikis within this realme, it being tryit that the persoun, byar of the same guidis, sellis or transportis the same in England. And oure soverane lord, with avise of this saidis estatis, annullis all liciences grantit or to be grantit in contrair heirof, and ordanis that the penaltie of this act sall stryk aganis the transgressouris thairof, notwithstanding the saidis licencis purchest or to be purchest.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.34v-35r. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'V'. Back