Legislation: private acts
For bigging of ane secund kirk within the parochin of Sanctandrois

Forsamekle as it is statute and ordanit in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the xxiiij day of October the yeir of God jM vC lxxxj yeris, that everie parroche kirk, and samekle boundis as salbe fund to be a sufficient and competent parrochin thairfoir, salhave thair awin pastour with a sufficient and ressonabll stipend, according to the quhilk ordinance dyvers of the gentilmen duelland to landwart of the parochin of Sanctandrois hes exponit and declarit to his hienes and estatis of this present parliament the large quantitie and boundis of the parrochin of Sanctandrois of auld, baith to burgh and to land, exceding sevin myles of lenth, quhilk can not be sufficientlie instructit be a pastour in respect of the populous congregatioun of the said parrochin and greit distance of the saidis parrochinaris duellingis frome the said parroche kirk, and thairfoir hes cravit the divisioun of the said parrochin and ane ressonabll boundis of the landwart of the same to be erectit in ane severall parroche for thair better and mair commodious instructioun, offering to big ane kirk and mans thairto upoun thair awin expenss, quhilk petitioun his hienes and estaitis foirsaidis, finding to be maist godlie and ressonable, haif thairfoir fund, designit and declarit the particular townis and landis efermentionat, liand of auld within the said parrochin of Sanctandrois, to be ane sufficient and competent boundis for ane severall and distinct parrochin, thai ar to say: Byrehillis, Smiddy Greine, Balduf, Bonytoun, Walkmylne, Strathvethen, Bennefeld, Kynaldie, Kilmerstoun, Karingour, Lamelathen, Langraw, Fedinche, Unthank pro Lethem, Lathoker, Hasilidene, Eister and Wester Mortonis; and thairfoir to have devydit the same toun and landis particularlie abonementionat fra the auld parrochin of Sanctandrois, and to have erectit the same lyk as his hienes and estatis of parliament erectis the saidis tounes and landis presentlie abonespecefiit, with the haill boundis, methis and marches thairof, in ane severall and distinct parrochin for that part of the landwart of the said parroche of Sanctandrois duelland upoun the same, to be callit in all tyme cuming the South Kirk of Sanctandrois, with pour to thame to big ane parroche kirk and mans upoun ony part of the saidis landis quhilk salbe fund maist commodious and convenient be the saidis parochineris for the resort of the said people thairto, and to convene at the said parroche kirk for hering the word of God and ministratioun of the sacramentis at all tymes convenient, gevand, grantand and disponand to the said parroche kirk all liberties, privileges and commodeties that ony uther parroche kirk within this realme hes, and discharges the saidis parrochinaris of all chargis, imposit burdenis and taxatiounis quhairinto thai wer subject of befoir to the auld parroche kirk of Sanctandrois and of all maner of contributioun thairto, declaring thame to be frie thairof in all tyme cuming, sua that thai salbe onlie burdynit with the upbringing, reparatioun and uphalding of thair said new parroche kirk and uther ordinar chargis and expenses belanging thairto.

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  3. NAS, PA2/14, ff.16r-17r. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/14, ff.17r-v. Back
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  9. NAS, PA2/14, ff.17v-18r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, f.18r. Back
  12. Text of act missing. The rest of f.18r and part of f.18v is blank. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/14, ff.18v-19r. Back
  14. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
For appreving of the kirk biggit be Johnne Schaw of Grenok

Oure soverane lord, remembering that his majestie, upoun certane speciall gude and godlie occasionis tending to the glorie of God in the moneth of November, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir nyne yeiris, efter his hienes perfite aige of xxj yeris compleit and generall revocatioun maid in parliament, gaif, grantit and, for his hienes and his successouris, committit to his grace lovit Johnne Schaw of Grenok his majesties full power, speciall libertie, facultie and licence to erect and big ane kirk, designne ane mans and yaird thairto, in and upoun ony pairt or place within the boundis of his awin landis and heretage quhair he sall think maist commodious and convenient, quhairat his haill tennentis salbe haldin to convene to heir Goddis word and ressave the sacramentis in all tyme cuming, ordaning the samyn to be callit the parroche kirk of Grenok, and thairfoir exeming him, his airis and tennentis of his haill landis and heretage now had and to be had be him and thame fra all keping and convening to thair auld parroche kirk in ony tyme cuming, bot at thair awin will and plesure; and declairit thame to be frie and perpetualie exonerit and dischairgit of all charge and burding of the samyne in stent, taxatioun, beitting, bigging or ony ether maner of way in tyme cuming. And forder, his majestie, upoun the speciall respectis foirsaidis, hes exemit the said Johnne Schaw, his airis and tennentis, present and to cum, duelling upoun his proper landis and heretage of Grenok, Fynnart and Spangok with thair pertinentis, extending all to twentie aucht pund xiij s. worth of land of auld extent, lyand in the parrochin of Innerkipe within the schirefdome of Renfrew, fra all payment of ony pairt of ony taxatioun, stent, subseid, charge and impositioun quhatsumevir to be raisit and imposit within this realme in ony tyme heirefter, ather ordiner or extraordiner, for ony caus or occasioun that may happin in respect the saidis landis ar of title extent and the taxatioun thairof wilbe bot small; and thairfoir his hienes, for his grace and his successouris, hes decernit and declairit the said Johnne Schaw and his foirsaidis to be frie and simpliciter dischairgit thairof for evir as in the lettrez of erectioun grantit thairupoun under the privie seill, berand his majesties faithfull promeis in verbo principis not onlie to provide ane sufficient and ressounable stipend to the minister serving the cure of the said kirk of Grenok, bot als to ratifie and appreve the erectioun of the samyne kirk, haill privileges and liberties grantit thairto in his grace nixt parliament at mair lenth is contenit; thairfoir oure said soverane lord, considering the foirsaid erectioun, liberties and privileges thairof to be grantit upoun ane gude and godlie intentioun, with advise of the estaittis of this present parliament and haill body thairof, ratifiis, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetualie confermis the lettrez of erectioun maid and grantit be his majestie to the said Johnne Schaw of Grenok and his airis for the caus and in maner abonewrittin, haill articles, claus, liberties, privileges, conditionis and circumstances quhatsumevir specifiit and contenit thairintill; and willis and declaris and, for his hienes and his successouris, with avise foirsaid, decernis and ordanis that the samyne lettrez of erectioun and this present ratificatioun grantit thairupoun is, and salbe, sufficient richt and title to the said Johnne Schaw, his airis, successouris and tennentis for bruiking and josing of the haill liberties, immunities and privileges contenit thairintill in all tyme cuming; and ordanis the clerk of registri and his deputes to insert heirin the saidis lettrez of erectioun, haill articles and claus thairof at lenth word be word, quhairof the tennour followis:

James, be the grace of God, king of Scottis, to oure collectouris and utheris under ressaveris of the stentis, taxationis, subsydis and impositionis, ordiner and extraordiner, to be raisit and imposit within this realme and all oure officeris executouris of ony oure uther lettrez to be direct thairupoun, lieges and subdites quhome it efferis, quhais knawlege thir oure lettrez sall cum, greting. Wit ye us, being movit with the ernest zeill and grite affectioun oure lovit Johnne Schaw of Grenok hes ay had to Goddis glorie and propagatioun of the trew religioun sen the first professing of the same within our realme, and that he, continewing in that godlie mynd and gude intentioun upoun sindrie ressounable considerationis moving him, of conscience and reverence he beiris to Goddis name, is willing not onlie on his awin coist to erect and big ane parroche kirk upoun his awin heretage, bot als to appoynt and designne mans and yaird to the samyne with the haill proffite and commoditie he hes of teind belanging to the kirk for the help and supporte of the sustentatioun of ane minister thairat, sua that the puir pepill duelling upoun his landis and heretage, quhilkis ar all fischeris and of a ressounable nowmer duelland four myles fra thair parroche kirk and having ane greit river to pas over to the samyne, may haif ane ease in winter seasoun and better commoditie to convene to Goddis service on the Sabbath day and rest according to Goddis institutioun, beand weill allowit of to proceid in the samyn werk, baith be the generall assemblie of the kirk and synodall assemblie of the province quhairin he remanis. And we, understanding that the accomplisheing of the said godlie and gude wark wilbe large coist and expens and grite panes and travellis to the said Johnne and his tennentis, thairfoir that thai fasche not, nor he hinderit thairin, bot rather be encourageit and haif gude occasioun to performe the samyne, we, efter oure lauchfull and perfyte aige of tuentie ane yeris compleit and generall revocatioun maid in oure parliament, haif gevin, grantit and committit and, be thir oure lettrez, gevis, grantis and committis to the said Johnne Schaw of Grenok oure full power, speciall libertie, facultie and licence to erect and big the said kirk and designne mans and yaird thairto in and upoun ony pairt or place within the boundis of his awin landis and heretage quhair he sall think maist commodious and convenient, quhairat his haill tennentis salbe haldin to convene to heir Goddis worde and ressave the sacramentis in all tyme cuming; and ordanis the samin to be callit the parrochie kirk of Grenok and, thairfoir, exeme him, his airis and tennentis of his landis and heretage now had and to be had be him and thame fra all keping and convening to thair auld parroche kirk in ony tymes cuming, bot at thair awin will and plesure be thir oure lettrez, and declairis thame to be frie and perpetualie exonerit and dischairgit of all charge and burding of the samyn in stent, taxatioun, bigging, beitting or ony uther maner of way in tyme cuming. And forder, upoun the caus and considerationis foirsaidis, we, ernestlie willing the said Johnnes godlie intentioun foirsaid, and being of guid mynd to move him thairto and recompance him for the samyne, be the tennour of thir oure lettrez, exemis the said Johnne, his airis and tennentis present and to cum duelling upoun his proper landis and heretage of Grenok, Fynnartie and Spangok with thair pertinentis, extending all to twentie aucht pund xiij s. worth of land of auld extent, lyand within the parrochin of Innerkipe and oure schirefdome of Renfrew, fra all payment of ony pairt of ony taxatioun, stent, subside, charge and impositioun quhatsumevir to be raisit or imposit within this realme in ony tymes heirefter, ether ordiner or extraordiner, for ony caus or occasioun that may happin, and that inrespect the saidis landis ar of litle extent and the taxatioun thairof wilbe bot small. And thairfoir, we, for us and oure successouris, decernis and declairis the said Johnne and his foirsaidis to be frie and simplie dischairgit of all the saidis stentis, taxationis and utheris foirsaidis for now and evir, notwithstanding ony oure lawes, actis, statutes, ordinances, constitutionis, proclamationis and charges maid and sett furth, or to be maid and sett furth in the contrair, anent the quhilke we, for us and oure successoris, dispens in this cais and make speciall dirogatioun thairto be thir our lettrez. Attour we, upoun the erneist zeale we beir to Goddis word, faithfullie promittis in verbo principis to provide ane ressounable stipend for sustentatioun of the minister quhilk sall serve at the said parroche kirk of [...], to be biggit and callit in maner foirsaid, quhat tyme or how sone we salhaif occasioun offerit be casualitie, accident or uther commoditie pertening to us, and to sie the samyne minister haif speciall provisioun or assignatioun for suir payment thairof, siclyk and als sufficientlie as any uther minister within this oure realme, and to be answerit of the samyne but ony pley, questioun, trouble or impediment thairintill; and also faithfullie promittis in verbo regio that, gif neid beis, we sall caus the erectioun of the said parroche kirk with oure libertie and licence to that effect and support to the sustentatioun of ane minister thairat and all uther articles and clauses befoir contenit, to be ratifiet in oure nixt parliament with all clauses and securities necessar and requisite thairto, dischargeing heirfoir yow, all oure collectouris and utheris under ressaveris of the saidis stentis, taxationis, subsidis and impositionis, ordiner and extraordiner, to be raisit and imposit within this oure realme and yow, all utheris oure officeris executouris of ony oure uther lettrez to be direct thairupoun, that ye nor nane of yow charge, horne, poynd nor trouble the said Johnne Schaw, his airis, nor tennentis of his tuentie aucht pund, threttene shilling [...] abonewrittin, with the pertinentis, nor na pairt thairof for any pairt of the samyne taxationis or ony of thame and of your offices in that pairt, be thir oure lettrez gevin under oure privie seill at Halyruidhous, the auchtene day of November, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir nyne yeiris, and of oure regnne the twentie thrie yeir, per signaturam manibus supremi domini nostri regis ac cancellarii subscripta.

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  9. NAS, PA2/14, ff.17v-18r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, f.18r. Back
  12. Text of act missing. The rest of f.18r and part of f.18v is blank. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/14, ff.18v-19r. Back
  14. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
Act anent the unioun of the kirk of Forteviot to the auld college of Sanctandrois

Forsamekle as the personage of Forteviot, with the haill fruitis thairof, lyand within the diocie of Sanctandrois and schirefdome of Perth, wes, in the dayes of oure soverane lordis maist nobill progenitour King James the Ferd of guid memorie, annexit to the college of Sanctsalvatour within the citie of Sanctandrois for sustening of ane prebendare to serve and sing in the queir, quhilk maner of service being abrogat be the lawes of this realme, oure soverane lord, be his speciall lettrez under the privie seill, appoyntit and ordanit quhatsumevir benefices and prebendaries annext and foundit within the said college of befoir for singing and serving in the said queir to be applyit to the use and commoditie of the provest, maisteris and regentis of the said college, professouris of lettrez and instructaris of the youth, as in the saidis lettrez at mair lenth is contenit, be vertew of the quhilkis and of the said auld annexatioun the saidis provest, maisteris and regentis haif bene in possessioun of the said personage, and now oure soverane lord, for the zeall and affectioun quhilk his majestie beiris to the promotioun of gude lettrez within the said college, with avise of the estaittis of this present parliament, hes of new annext, unit and incorporat and, be the tennour of this present act, annexis, unitis and incorporattis the said personage of Forteviot, fruitis, proffites and emolumentis thairof quhatsumevir, to the said college, to remane thairwith ad perpetuam rei memoriam for sustentatioun of the provest, maisteris, regentis, bursaris and foundit personis thairin, to be usit and distributit be the commoun advise and consent of the said provest and remanent maisteris to the weill, proffite and commoditie of the said college according as thair necessitie sall requyre, provyding alwayes that the minister serving the cure at the said kirk be sustenit upoun the fruitis of the vicarage safar as the same may extend and the superplus to be tane furth of the fruitis of the said personage.

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  9. NAS, PA2/14, ff.17v-18r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, f.18r. Back
  12. Text of act missing. The rest of f.18r and part of f.18v is blank. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/14, ff.18v-19r. Back
  14. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
Anent the dissolutioun of the deanry of Restalrig

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratifies and apprevis the dissolutioun of the deanry of Restalrig and divisioun thairof in the personage of Leswaid and personage of Dalkeith maid be Maister George Ramsay, deane of Restalrig, with the particulare provisioun following thairupoun maid be his hienes to Maister Archibald Sympsoun, minister at Dalkeyth, of the personage of Dalkeyth, quhilk pertenit of befoir to the deanry of Restalrig as ane pairt of the primony thairof; and be the tennour heirof erectis the said personage of Dalkeyth in ane severall and distinct personage be the selff, to remane with the said Maister Archibald and his successouris ministeris of Dalkeith in all tyme cuming; and lykwayes erectis the haill remanent fruitis of the said denery of Restalrig and quhilk pertenit thairto of auld in ane severall and distinct personage to be callit the personage of Leswaid, and unittis and adjoynis thairto the vicarage of Leswaid quhen it salhappin to vaik, to be bruikit and josit be the said Maister George Ramsay, minister of Leswaid, during all the dayes of his lyftyme be vertew of his auld provisioun to the deanry of Restalrig, and to remane with him and his successouris ministeris of Leswaid in all tymes cuming.

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  3. NAS, PA2/14, ff.16r-17r. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/14, ff.17r-v. Back
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  7. NAS, PA2/14, f.17v. Back
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  9. NAS, PA2/14, ff.17v-18r. Back
  10. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/14, f.18r. Back
  12. Text of act missing. The rest of f.18r and part of f.18v is blank. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/14, ff.18v-19r. Back
  14. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
Ratificatioun to Johnne Dury, minister

Oure soverane lord, considering the greit, lang and ernest travellis and laubouris sustenit be his lovit oratour Johnne Dury, minister of Goddis word at Montrois, in the trew preaching of Goddis word, besydes the greit chargis and expensis maid be him thir mony yeris bygane in avanceing the publict effayres of the kirk, and thairwith all remembring the greit houshald and famelie of barnis quhairwith he is burdynnit, quhairby his majestie, being movit of befoir, gaif, grantit and disponit to him, Marioun Marjoribankis, his spous, and Maister Josua Durie, thair sone, and the langer levair of thame thre respective and successive during all the dayis of thair thre lyftymes, all and haill ane yeirlie pensioun of sevin scoir pundis to be upliftit be thame furth of the few males of the landis and lordschip of Altrie, laitlie erectit, lyand within the schirefdome of Abirdene, quhilk pensioun his hienes promessit to ratifie and confirme in verbo principis in the nixt parliament; quhilk promeis being callit to his majesties remembrance and estaitis of this present parliament, efter dew consideratioun of the caus abonewrittin and uther guid and thankfull service done be the said Johnne Durie to his majestie and haill kirk of this realme, thairfoir his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis ratifies, apprevis and confermis the letter of gift and pensioun maid be his hienes to the said Johnne Dury, Marioun Marjoribankis and Maister Josua Durie, thair sone, during all the dayis of thair thre lyftymes respective and successive, off the dait at Halyruidhous, the sevint day of August, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ten yeiris, off the said sowme of sevin scoir pundis to be yeirlie upliftit be thame furth of the few males of the said landis and lordschip of Altrie in all the pointis, clausis and conditionis thairof; and willis and declaris the said lettre of pensioun to be exceptit furth of his majesties generall revocatioun maid efter his hienes aige of tuentie fyve yeiris, and nawyes to be comprehendit under the same nor na uther generall nor speciall revocationis bygane; and to be als valide, gude and sufficient in the selff to the saidis personis and uther of thame as gif the same wer expreslie exceptit and reservit in the said revocatioun, notwithstanding of quhatsumevir actis of parliament, lawis or constitutionis maid in the contrair, quhairwith his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis be this present act dispense and makis expres dirogatioun thairto in safar as the same may appier to be prejudiciall to the said lettre of pensioun. Attour, his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis of new gevis, grantis and disponis to the said Johnne Durie, Marioun Marjoribankis and Maister Josua Durie, thair sone, during all the dayis of thair thre lyftymes respective and successive, all and haill the said yeirlie pensioun of sevin scoir pundis, to be yeirlie upliftit be thame furth of the said few malis and lordschip of Altrie, and for the mair suir payment assignis to thame the saidis few males of the said lordschip of Altrie, commanding the said Lord Altrie, his airis and successouris, to make thankfull payment of the samyne during the space foirsaid, and dischargeand the collectour generall thesaurair of the new augmentatiounis and comptroller, present and tocum, off all calling, chargeing or persewing for the saidis few males and of all stopping of the saidis personis in the said yeirlie pensioun and of thair offices in that pairt; ordaning also the lordis of chekker to allow the said yeirlie pensioun to the said Johnne Durie and his foirsaidis in the comptis of the fewmales of the temporall landis upoun the sicht of this present act and ordinance.

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  3. NAS, PA2/14, ff.16r-17r. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/14, ff.17r-v. Back
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  9. NAS, PA2/14, ff.17v-18r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, f.18r. Back
  12. Text of act missing. The rest of f.18r and part of f.18v is blank. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/14, ff.18v-19r. Back
  14. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
Anent the dissolutioun of the kirkis of the bischoiprik of Dumblane


  1. NAS, PA2/14, f.16r. Back
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  3. NAS, PA2/14, ff.16r-17r. Back
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  9. NAS, PA2/14, ff.17v-18r. Back
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  11. NAS, PA2/14, f.18r. Back
  12. Text of act missing. The rest of f.18r and part of f.18v is blank. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/14, ff.18v-19r. Back
  14. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
Act anent the ministeris mans of Pettinweme

Oure soverane lord, now efter his perfite aige of tuentie fyve yeiris compleit, with avise of the haill estaitis of this present parliament, ratifies and apprevis and, for his majestie and his successouris, perpetuallie confermes the charteris, infeftmentis and seasingis maid and grantit be Williame, commendater of Pettinweme, and Williame Scott of Abbottishal respective to the ballies, counsaill, burgess and communitie of the burgh of Pettinweyme and thair successouris ballies, counsaill, burgess and communitie of the said burgh for the tyme, off all and haill that greit hous or greit building of the monasterie of Pettinweme under and abone, with the pertinentis contenand the channonis or monkis frater and dortour of the said monasterie, with the cellaris beneth and loftis abone the samyn frater and dortour; and siclyk of the westries of the said monasterie under and above with thair continentis, and of the chaptour chalmer of the same monasterie and cellair beneth the said chalmer under and above, with all and sindrie thair pertinentis, all lyand in the said monasterie of Pettinweme within the schirefdome of Fyff, on the wast pairt of the inner clois of the said monasterie, betuix the samyn clois on the eist, the new galrie at the eist end of the hall of the said monasterie on the south, the commoun gait, kirk yaird and hous pertening to James and Williame Stevinsonis respective on the wast and the wast gardin of the said monasterie on the north partis; and that for the edifeing and bigging of the ministeris mans, grammer scule, tolbuith, prissone, wey hous and custume hous of the same burgh and utheris necessar hous to the publict use of the said burgh and kirk of the samyn in all and sindrie pointis, pasis, articles and clauses, immunities, privilegis, liberties and circumstances quhatsumevir contenit in the said charteris, infeftmentis and seasingis; and decernis and declaris for his majestie and his saidis successouris that the samyne charteris, infeftmentis and sasingis is, and salbe, in all tyme cuming effectuall, guid, valide and sufficient to the said ballies, counsaill, burgess and communitie of the said burgh and thair saidis successouris for the peceable bruiking and joysing of all and haill the said greit house or greit building contening as said is, under and abone, with thair continentis, and of the saidis vestries, chaptour, chalmer and cellair beneth the same, under and abone, with thair continentis and utheris mentionat in the saidis charteris, infeftmentis and sasingis, with all liberties and privilegeis specefiit in the same, perpetuallie and in all tyme cuming according to the tennour and substance thairof in all pointis, notwithistanding quhatsumevir his majesties revocatioun alreddie maid or to be maid in ony tyme heireftir, or ony utheris his hienes actis, lawis, statutis or constitutionis, generall or speciall, maid or to be maid to the prejudice or dirogatioun thairof or ony of the liberties or privileges expressit in the samyn under the quhilkis the saidis infeftmentis, charteris and seasingis nor na pairt thairof sall nevir be comprehendit be na maner of way, and als notwithstanding of quhatsumevir utheris infeftmentis or securities maid or grantit to ony uther persoun or personis of the said greit hous and utheris foirsaidis or ony pairt thairof in hurt and prejudice of the saidis ballies, counsaill, burgess and communitie of the said burgh and thair saidis successouris thairanent, quhilkis his majestie, with advise foirsaid, for his hienes and his successouris, expreslie revoikis, cassis and annullis be the tennour of thir presentis, and decernis and declaris the same to have bene fra the beginning and to be in all tyme cumming null and of nane availl, force nor effect, as gif the samyn had nevir bene maid. And forder, oure said soverane lord, with advise of his saidis haill estaitis, ordanis to the effect foirsaid ane new charter, infeftment and gift to be maid with consent of his hienes officiaris requisit thairto under his hienes gret seall in the maist ample and dew forme; and that frelie but payment of ony compositioun off the said great hous or greit building, vestreis, chaptour, chalmer, cellaris, loftis and utheris foirsaidis to the saidis ballies, counsell, burgess and communitie of the said burgh of Pettinweme and thair saidis successouris to the effect foirsaid, to be haldin of oure soverane lord and his successouris be vertew of the act of anexatioun for the yeirlie payment of vj s. viij d. usuall money of this realme at tua termes in the yeir, Witsonday and Martimes in winter, be equall portionis in name of fewferme, quhilk new charter, infeftment and gift to be maid as said is, oure said soverane lord, with avise of the saidis estaitis, ratifies and apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confermes in all and sindrie pointis, pasis, articles, clauses, immunities, privileges, liberties, immunities and circumstances quhatsumevir thairin contenit; and decernis and declaris for his majestie and his saidis successouris that the same salbe in all tyme cuming effectuall, guid, valide and sufficient to the saidis bellies, counsaill, communitie and burgess of the said burgh of Pettinweme and thair saidis successouris to the effect foirsaid, and als effectuall, guid, valide and sufficient as gif the same wer alredie maid and past and dewlie be this foirsaid act of parliament confirmit and registrat in the same.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, f.16r. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/14, ff.16r-17r. Back
  4. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/14, ff.17r-v. Back
  6. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/14, f.17v. Back
  8. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/14, ff.17v-18r. Back
  10. Written in margin: 'P'. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/14, f.18r. Back
  12. Text of act missing. The rest of f.18r and part of f.18v is blank. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/14, ff.18v-19r. Back
  14. Written in margin: 'P'. Back