[1592/4/35]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament decernis and declairis that it salbe lesum to all townis and parrochynnaris to landwart quhair mercattis of befoir wer kepit and haldin upoun the Sabboth day (being now prohibite be the law of God and lawes of this realme sa to continew) to elect and cheis ony uther day in the oulk for halding of the saidis mercattis within the saidis townis and at landwart kirkis quhair they wer accustumat to have mercattis of befoir (not being the mercat day of the nixt burgh), and thair to by and sell viveris and sic utheris commodities as wer usit upoun the Sabboth day without stope or impediment, alwayes without prejudice of the richt and liberties of his hienes frie burrowis; and that lettrez be direct heirupoun gif neid beis in forms as efferis.
[1592/4/36]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord and estaittis, remembering the lait civile troubles within this realme, and that for pacifeing thairof thair hes bene sindrie gude constitutionis and actis of parliament maid and sett down, sic as the act of pacificatioun concludit at Perth in the moneth of Februar threscoir tuelf yeris, thairefter ratifiet in parliament haldin at Halyruidhous in the moneth of Aprile, threscoir threttene yeris, the act of abolitioun in the parliament haldin at Lynlithgw in the moneth of December, jM vC fourscoir fyve yeris, and the act maid in parliament haldin at Edinburgh in the moneth of Julii fourscoir sevin yeiris, ratifeand the foirsaidis actis of pacificatioun and abolitioun, quhilkis haill actis and constitutionis wer onlie maid and grantit in favouris of sic personis quha profess the trew religioun as the samyne is presentlie profest within this realme and that hes acknawlegit oure said soverane lord and hienes auctoritie; and to the effect that the benefite and commoditie of the saidis actis be not extendit in favouris of ony persoun or personis quha profess not the trew religioun as the samyne is presentlie profest within this realme, and hes not acknawlegit oure said soverane lord and his hienes auctoritie, thairfoir oure said soverane lord, with advise and consent of his saidis estaittis and haill body of this present parliament, findis, decernis and declairis that the foirsaid act of pacificatioun maid and concludit at Perth and ratifiet thairefter in parliament as said is, the act of abolitioun maid at Lynlithgw in the moneth of December fourscoir fyve, and the act maid in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh in the moneth of Julii fourscoir sevin, ratifeand the saidis actis with the haill eikis maid thairto, ar only extendit and maid in favouris of sic personis quha profess the trew religioun as the samin is presentlie profest within this realme and hes acknawlegit his hienes auctoritie; and that na persoun nor personis quha wer foirfaltit, convict of barratrie or quha tint thair benefices or pensionis ipso facto may be hard to seik the benefite of the saidis actis or ony of thame or to use ony restitutioun or ratificatioun thairof, befoir that they profes the trew religioun as the same is presentlie profest within this realme and acknawlege oure said soverane lord and his auctoritie; and this act to be extendit not onlie aganis all personis quha hes bene foirfaltit, convict of barratrie and tint thair benefices ipso facto at ony tymes befoir the dait heirof, bot also to all personis that salhappin at ony tyme heirefter to be foirfaltit, convict of barratrie or lauchfullie tyne and amit thair benefices and pensionis.