Ratificatioun of the proces of foirfaltour of Frances, sumtyme erle Bothuell etc.

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratifies, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetualie confermis the proces, convictioun, sentence and dome of foirfaltour led, deducit and pronuncit of befoir be his hienes justice generall and his deputes in the justice court haldin at Edinburgh, the tuentie fyve day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeiris, aganis Frances, sumtyme erle Bothuell etc., with all conditionis, clauses and circumstances thairof; and ordanis the same to stand in the full force, strenth and effect and to haif dew executioun as efferis, quhairof the tennour followis:

Curia justiciarie supremi domini nostri regis tenta in pretorio de Edinburgh vigesimo quarto die mensis Maii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo octuagesimo nono per discretos viros Magistros Edwardum Bruce, Willelmum Oliphant et Jacobum Wardlaw, justiciarios deputatos nobilis et potentis domini Archibaldi comitis Ergadie, domini Campbell et Lorne, etc., justiciarii generalis dicti supremi domini nostri regis totius regni sui ubilibet constituti. Sectis vocatis et curia affirmata. The quhilk day, Frances, erle Bothuell, lord Creichtoun and Hailles etc., being presentit on pannell in presence of the said justice deputes and being dilatit and accusit be dittay for raising of men of weir, convocatioun of oure soverane lordis lieges, brokin men, borderaris (and as he allegit pleges for staying of the trouble of the bordoris) at Dalkeyth and bringing of thame to Leyth, and als for subscriptioun of ane band in safar as it is contrair the law and actis of parliament become in oure soverane lordis mercie and will thairfoir, and als being put to the knawlege of ane condigne assyis of the richt honorable personis underwrittin, to witt, Johnne, lord Hammiltoun, Williame, erle of Angus, Williame, erle of Mortoun, Johnne, erle of Athoill, Johnne, erle of Mar, George, erle of Merschell, Robert, lord Seytoun, Hew, lord Somervell, [...], lord Altrie, [...], lord Dingwall, Allane, lord Cathcart, [...] Wischeart of Pittarro, James Scrymgeour of Duddope, constable of Dundy, Thomas Kirkpatrik of Cloisburne and Roger Greirsoun of Lag, as dilatit and accusit of the crymes underwrittin, wes be thair deliverance pronuncit and declairit be the mouth of the said Williame, erle of Angus, chancellare of the said assyse, to be fylit, culpable and convict of airt, pairt, red and counsall of convocatioun of the kingis lieges, his assistaris and partakeris, and cuming to the quarrell hoillis in Marche or Aprile last was for altering of the present estait.

Upoun the quhilk convictioun be the foirsaidis personis of assyis, dome wes pronuncit in ane court of justiciarie haldin in the tolbuyth of Edinburgh, the xxv day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeris in maner following:

Curia justiciarie supremi domini nostri regis tenta in pretorio de Edinburgh vigesimo quinto die mensis Junii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo nonagesimo primo per discretum virum Magistrum Joannem Grahme de Halyairdis, justiciarium deputatum nobilis et potentis domini Archibaldi commitis Ergadie, justiciarii generalis dicti supremi domini nostri regis, totius regni sui ubilibet constituta. Sectis vocatis et curia legittime affirmata.

The quhilk day, comperit Maister David Makgill of Cranstoun Riddell, advocat to oure soverane lord, and producit oure soverane lordis warrand subscrivit be his hienes and deserit the samyne to be insert and registrat in the buikis of adjornall and dome to be pronuncit upoun Frances, erle Bothuell, lord Creichtoun and Hailles etc., becum in will for certane of the crymes abone writtin and convict be ane assyse of ane uther cryme, conforme to the ordinance of the said warrand, quhairof the tennour followis. At Edinburgh, the twentie fyve day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeiris, forsamekle as oure soverane lord calling to mynd and having considerit how Frances, erle Bothuell, lord Creichtoun and Hailles, grite admirall of this realme, in ane court of justiciarie haldin within the tolbuith of Edinburgh, the xxiij day of Maii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir nyne yeiris, being dilaitit and accusit be dittay and persewit judicialie be Maister David Makgill of Cranstoun Riddell, his hienes advocat, in his majesties name, for raising of men of weir, convocating of his hienes lieges, [...] brokin men, borderaris, at Dalkeyth, bringing of thame to Leyth; and siclike for subscriptioun of ane band contrair the lawes and actis of parliament, become in his hienes will for the samyne, and siclike being indytit and accusit be dittay for airt and pairt, red and counsall of convocatioun of his hienes lieges, his assistaris and pairtakeris and cuming to the quarrell hoillis in Marche or Aprile in the yeir of God jM vC lxxxviij or lxxxix yeris for altering of the present estait, and put to the knawlege of ane condigne assyis thairfoir wes be thair deliverance fund culpable and convict of the samin, quhilk will and dome his majestie, having differrit to haif bene declairit or pronuncit upoun the said erle upoun hoip of better behaviour and amendment in tymes thairefter, nevirtheles, the said Frances, erle Bothuell, forgetfull of his hienes clemencie, being dilatit of crymes of tressoun and conspiracies aganis his hienes awin persone and distructioun thairof be necromancie and witchecraft, wes thairfoir committit to waird within the castle of Edinburgh, thair to haif remanit quhill he had bene tryit of the samin be the knawlege of ane condignne assyis or utherwayis as accordit of the law sua that he micht have bene declairit ather culpable or innocent of the same, notwithstanding the said Frances, erle Bothuell hes laitlie brokin the said waird upoun his perrell eschewit furth thairof, takand thairby the crymes of tressoun upoun him quhairof he was dilaitit, and for quhilk he was committit within the said waird; thairfoir, oure soverane lord ordanis his will to be declairit and dome to be pronuncit furth aganis the said Frances, erle Bothuell, in maner and forme as efter followis: that is to say, that he be the committing of the crymes abone writtin quhairof he became in oure soverane lordis will and wes convict be ane condign assyse in maner abonespecefiit, hes committit tressoun, and thairfoir that dome of foirfaltour salbe pronuncit aganis him, that he hes foirfalt lyff, landis and guidis to be applyit to his majesties use, to be usit and disponit as his hienes sall think expedient. Subscrivit be oure soverane lord, day, yeir and place foirsaidis, and ordanis the justice, justice clerk and thair deputes to pronunce the dome abonewrittin aganis the said Frances, erle Bothuell this day, but delay as they will answer to his majestie thairupoun. Sic subscribitur, James R[ex]. For obedience of the quhilk warrand abonewrittin the justice depute ordanit the said Frances, erle Bothuell, be cuming in will and convictioun of the crymes foirsaidis in the justice court abonewrittin, to be foirfalt lyf, landis and guidis and dome to be pronuncit thairupoun, quhilk was pronuncit be the mouth of Williame Gray, dempster of the said court, and ordanit the said lettre to be insert in the saidis buikis of adjornall.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.7v-8r. Back
  2. Written in margin: 'P'. Back