[1592/4/15]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Parliamentum excellentissimi principis Jacobi Scotorum regis illius[...] sexti tentum apud Edinburgh quinto die mensis Junii anno Domini Millesimo quingentesimo nonagesimo secundo per dictum supremi domini nostri regem ipso presente cum omnibus re[... ... ...]tibus, unacum Georgeo Mariscalli comite, Francisco, Errolie comite constabulario, Magistro Thoma Rollok, deputato vicecomitis de Edinburgh et Jacobo Nysbite adjudicatore.
[1592/4/16]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The quhilk day, Maister David Makgill of Cranstoun Riddell, advocat to oure soverane lord, for verefeing of the said ressoun contenit in the said summoundis of tressoun raisit aganis the said Dame Margaret Dowglas, countesse of Bothuell, and Frances, sumtyme erle Bothuell, hir spous, for his interesse, James Douglas of Spott, Archibald Vauchoip, younger, of Nudrie, Maistir Johnne Colvile of Strathurdie, Williame Stewart, sumtyme constable of Dunbartane, Johnne Hammiltoun, younger, of Sammelstoun, Williame Lermonth of the Hill, Robert Home [...] the Heuch, Hercules Stewart of Quhytlaw, George Auchincraw of Eist Restoun, Patrik Auchincraw thair, Maister Thomas Cranstoun, younger, of Moreistoun, Johnne Cranstoun, his brother [...], Johnne Wauchoip, baillie of Nudrie, Johne Ormestoun in Smelhome, Robert Ormestoun, hi[...], James Stewart of Tynneis, Patrik Crummy of Caribdin and David Orme of Mugdrum, pr[...] and repetit the extract of the foirfaltour led and pronuncit befoir the justice and his deputis aganis the said Frances, sumtyme erle Bothuell, subscrivit be the laird of Ormestoun, justice clerk, of the dait the twentie fyft day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeiris, depositionis of certane witnesses quha wer takin and execute to the death for the cryme libellit, and depositionis of divers utheris witnesses examinat befoir the saidis lordis of articles in the said mater, the notorietie of the deid libellit, and cuming of the defendaris to the place of Halyruidhous the tyme libellit, quhilk, in mater of hie tressoun, sould mak full probatioun, and that the lordis of parliament, being the greit assyis of the cuntrie, of the daylie practice, quhatsumevir persone clengis not of certane knawlege the personis accusit, he fyles thame, and the commoun notorietie of this fact and tressoun and contumacie of the defendaris is sufficient to mak na man to clenge thame; and wes content the foirsaid proces and summoundis of tressoun be haldin concludit and deservit the estaittes to advise the proces and to pronunce thair sentence of parliament thairintill according to the saidis probationis and thair consciences.
The quhilk day, oure soverane lord and his hienes advocate past fra the said Jo[...] Wauchoip, baillie of Nudrie, and declairit that his hienes wald na wayes insist aganis him.
And immediatlie thairefter the said Maister David Makgill of Cranstoun Riddel, advocat to oure soverane lord, exhibite and producit befoir the kingis majestie and haill estaittis, lyk as he did divers tymes of befoir, the summoundis of tressoun underwrittin, raisit and persewit at the instance of oure soverane lord his hienes justice aganis Dame Margaret Douglas, countesse of Bothuell, Frances, sumtyme erle Bothuell, hir spous, for his interesse, James Dowglas of Spott, Archibald Vauchoip, younger, of Nudrie, Maister Johnne Colvile of Strathurdie, Williame Stewart, sumtyme constable of Dunbartane, Johnne Hammiltoun, younger, of Sammelstoun, Williame Lermounth of the Hill, Robert Home, younger, of the Heuch, Hercules Stewart of Quhytlaw, George Auchincraw of Eist Restoun, Patrik Auchincraw thair, Maister Thomas Cranstoun, younger, of Moreistoun, Johnne Cranstoun, his brother germane, Johnne Ormestoun of Smailhome, Robert Ormestoun, his sone, James Stewart of Tynneis, Patrik Crummy of Caribdin, and David Orme of Mugdrum; quhairby thay wer summound to compeir befoir oure soverane lord the xxiiij day of Maii last bipast, with continewatioun of dayes, to haif answerit to the pointis of tressoun underwrittin, contenit in the said summoundis, off the quhilk summoundis the tennour followis:
Jacobus Dei gratia rex Scotorum dilectis nostris Leoni regi armorum, Ilay, Albanie, Ross, Rothesay, Snadoun, Merchmount heraldis, Joanni Fergussoun, Archibaldo Dowglas, Roberto Stewart et Davidi Brysoun clavigeris, Ormound, Bute, Unicorne, Carrik signiferis, nunciis et eorum cuilibet conjunctim et divisim vicecomitibus nostris in hac parte specialiter constitutis, salutem. Mandamus vobis et precipimus quatenus summoneatis legittime et peremptorie coram testibus Jacobum Dowglas de Spott, magistrum Joannem Colvile de Strathurdie, Herculem Stewart de Quhytlaw, Joannem Hammiltoun, juniorem de Sammelstoun, Archibaldum Wauchoip de Nudrie, juniorem, Jacobum Stewart de Tynneis, Gulielmum Stewart, quondam constabularium de Dunbartane, Gulielmum Lermounth in Hill, magistrum Thomam Cranstoun, juniorem de Moreistoun, Joannem Cranstoun eius fratrem, Robertum Home, juniorem de Heuch, Joannem Ormestoun de Smailhome, Robertum Ormestoun, eius filium, Patricium Crummy de Caribdin, Davidem Orme de Mugdrum, Georgium Auchincraw de Eist Restoun, Patricium Auchincraw, ibidem, Dominam Margaretam Dowglas comitissam de Bothuell, et Franciscum Stewart, olim comitem de Bothuell, eius sponsum, pro suo interesse, conspiratores, perpetratores et celatores criminum lese majestatis subsequentium personaliter si eorum personales presentias commode habere poteritis, alioquin apud loca eorum habitationum vel per publicam proclamationem apud cruces forales burgorum nostrorum de Edinburgh, Hadingtoun, Lanerk, Dumfreis, Striviling etc., aliaque loca necessaria degentes vero seu existentes extra regnum nostrum seu certum nullum domicilium in eodem habentes, apud dictas cruces forales aliaque loca necessaria, super premonitione sexaginta dierum sic quod huiusmodi summonitio ad eorum aures et notitiam vel veresimiliter pervenire poterit, quod compareant coram nobis seu justiciario nostro vicesimo quarto die mensis Maii proxime sequente in nostro parliamento apud Edinburgh [...] die mensis [...] tenenendo hora causarum cum continuatione dierum ad respondendum nobis nostrove justiciario in prefato parliamento super proditoriis criminibus subsequentibus, dictos scilicet Jacobum Dowglas de Spott, Magistrum Joannem Colvile, Herculem Stewart, Archibaldum Wauchoip de Nudrie, juniorem, Joannem Hammiltoun, juniorem de Sammelstoun, suosque omnes complices specialiter ante nominatos et eorum quemlibet, pro sua proditoria arte, parte, consilio et auxilio in ipsorum recenti proditoria conspiratione consultatione et conclusione horrendi facinoris contra nostram honorabilem personam et vitam per dictas personas commissas vicesimo septimo die mensis Decembris ultime elapso sub noctis silentio in ipsarum proditoria invasione palacii nostri de Halyruidhous, intrando ibidem cum assistantia consortio convocatione dicti Francisci, quondam comitis de Bothuell, aliorumque homicidarum, oppressorum, latronum ac huiusmodi insolentium virorum armatorum et a legibus nostris fugitiuorum ex deliberato animo et certa intentione violentas manus in nostram regiam personam imponere ut vitam nostram vel nefarie extinguerent vel nos captivos secum deducerent. Et ad hunc effectum prefati conspiratores directe accesserunt ad nostrum privatum conclave seu cubiculum et ostiis ignem nefarie iniicerunt domesticos nostros presenti violenta morte minitando objurgandoque nisi ipsis declararent ubi nos essemus, nulla unquam inquisitione per eos facta ob quamcunque aliam personam nisi propter nosmet ipsos, ac preterea violenter effregerunt malliis ostia interioris cubiculi regine nostre charissime conjugis. Atque demum ubi parum se promovisse et ad illorum inusitatum scelus ac propositum nefandum pervenire non posse intellexerunt in eorum regressu non dum satisfacti crudeliter et sive ulla misericordia domesticos et familiarissimos nostros servitores ob nostram causam interfecerunt et jugularunt, hinc manifestissime crimen summe proditionis contra nos nostram vitam, authoritatem regiam et leges committendo. Atque adeo pro sua proditoria celatione et occultatione predicte conjurationis, consultatione, contractu et executione eiusdem. Ideoque dictos Jacobum Douglas de Spott magistrum Joannem Colvile, Herculem Stewart, Archibaldum Wauchoip, juniorem de Nudrie ceterosque omnes suos complices particulariter ante nominatos conspiratores proditoriosque executores ad videndum et audiendum sese et eorum quemlibet respectu premissorum crimen lese majestatis incurrisse per nos et trium regni statuum decretum decerni et declarari et super predictis et aliis quam plurimis rebellionibus et transgressionibus et proditoriis criminibus per prenominatas personas contra nos regnum nostrum et authoritatem regiam impie et nefarie perpetratis et dictis die, et loco cum continuatione dierum proponendis et ostendendis et juri parendum. Et super huiusmodi judicium nostrum et nostri parliamenti, secundum leges regni nostri expectandum et subeundum dictas viz personas conspiratores, perpetratores et celatores criminum precedentium ad videndum et audiendum sese et eorum quemlibet intuitu premissorum crimen lese majestatis incurrisse per nos et trium regni nostri statuum decretum decerni et declarari. Et propterea ipsorum bona mobilia et immobilia tam terras quam officia aut aliasque res ad eos spectantes nobis confiscari et properpetuo nobiscum in proprietate remanere personasque suas paenam proditionis et ultimi supplicii a regni nostri legibus inflictam subire. Et uberius in premisis respondendum et juri parendum intimando supradictis conspiratoribus et eorum cui[libet], sive dictis die et loco cum continuatione dierum comparuerint sive non, nos dictusque noster justiciarius in premissis justicia mediante procedemus et procedet. Insuper citetis etc., ad comparendum coram nobis nostrove justiciario dictis die et loco cum continuatione dierum ad perhibendum fidele testimonium in causa predicta sub paena legis et presentes literas debite executas et indorsatas earundem latori reddatis. Et vos qui presentes executi fueritis si[...] ibidem dictis die et loco coram nobis seu dicto nostro justiciario portantes vobiscum summonitionis vestre testimonium in scriptis pro premissis seu ipsos testes. Ad quod faciendum vobis et vestrum cuilibet conjunctim et divisim vicecomitibus nostris in hac parte committimus potestatem. Datum sub testimonio nostri magni sigilli apud Edinburgh decimo die mensis Februarii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo nonagesimo primo et regni nostri vicesimo quinto.
Heir followis the tennour of the executionis and indorsationis of the said summoundis of tressoun:
Upoun the first day of Marche, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeris, I, David Wilsone, messinger, past at command of thir, oure soverane lordis lettrez under the quarter seill, and lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit Williame Stewart, sumtyme constable of Dunbartane, at his duelling hous in Dunbartane, becaus I could not apprehend him personalie. And efter I had knokit sax knokis at the dur of his said duelling house, I affixit ane copie of thir within writtin lettrez thairupoun, to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, befoir thir witness: Williame Houstoun, tailyeour, and James Ar[...], post, with sindrie utheris. And for the mair witnessing heirof, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the ferd day of Marche, anno etc lxxxxj yeiris I, Williame Forsyth, messinger, past at command of thir, oure soverane lordis lettrez, and lauchlie summound, warnit and chairgit Ar[...] Wauchoip, younger, of Nudrie, and Johnne Hammiltoun, younger, of Sammelstoun, at thair duelling places thair, becaus I could not apprehend thame personnalie. And efter I had knokit sex severall tymes upoun every ane of the yettis of thair saidis duelling houses respective, I affixt upoun ilk ane of the samyne ane copie of the saidis lettrez to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, [...] the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, befoir thir witness: H[...] Girdwod and Robert Symontoun with sindrie utheris. And for the mair witnessing heirof, [...] signet is affixt.
Upoun the fyft day of the said moneth of Marche lxxxxj yeiris, I, the said Williame Forsythe, messinger, past at command foirsaid and lauchlie summound, warnit and chairgit Williame Lermounth of the Hill and Robert Home, younger, [...] the Heuch, at thair saidis duelling places respective, becaus I could not apprehend thame persounalie. And efter I had knokit sax severall tymes at thair yettis as use is, I affixt ane copie upoun ather of the samin to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of the within writtin lettrez in all pointis, befoir thir witnesses: George Liddell, Henrie Girdwod and Robert Symontoun. And for the mair witnessing heirof, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the sext day of the moneth and yeir of God foirsaid, I, the said Williame Forsyth, messinger, past at command foirsaid and lauchfullie summound, warnit and chargit Hercules Stewart of Quhytlaw at his duelling place of Morhame, James Dowglait of Spott at his duelling place thair, becaus I could not apprehend thame persounalie. And efter I had knokit sex severall tymes at the yettis respective of thair duelling places foirsaidis, I affixt ane copie upoun the yettis and durris of ather of thair duelling places to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, befoir thir witnesses: Henrie Girdwod and Robert Symontoun, with sindrie utheris. And for the mair witnessing heirof, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the sevint day of the moneth and yeir of God abonewrittin, I, the said Williame Forsyth, messinger, past at command foirsaid and lauchlie summound, warnit and chairgit George and Patrik Auchincrawis at thair duelling place of Eist Restoun, becaus I could not apprehend thame persounalie. And efter I had knokit sex severall tymes at the yettis respective of thair duelling places, I affixt ane copie upoun ather of the yettis and durris of thair saidis duelling places respective, to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, befoir thir witnesses: Henrie Girdwod and Robert Symontoun. And for the mair witnessing heirof my signett is affixt.
Upoun the nynt day of the moneth and yeir of God abonwrittin, I, the said Williame Forsythe, messinger, past at command abonewrittin and lauchlie summound, warnit and chairgit Maister Thomas Cranstoun, younger, of Moreistoun, Johnne Cranstoun, his brother, at thair duelling places thair, Johnne Ormestoun of Smailhome, Robert Ormestoun, his sone, at thair duelling places thair, becaus I could not apprehend thame persounalie. And after I had knokit sax severall tymes at the yettis respective of thair duelling places foirsaidis, I affixt ane copie upoun the durris and yettis of thair saidis duelling places respective to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, befoir thir witnesses: Henry Girdwod and Robert Symontoun, with uthairis diverse. And for the mair witnessing, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the tent day of the moneth and yeir of God foirsaid, I, the said William Forsythe, messinger, past at command of thir, oure soverane lordis lettrez, and lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit Dame Margaret Dowglas, lady Bothuell, and Frances, sumtyme erle Bothuell, hir spouse, for his interes, at his duelling house in Kelso, becaus I could not apprehend thame personnalie. And eftir I had knokit sex severall tymes upoun the yettis of thair duelling place foirsaid, I affixt ane autentik copie of thir within writtin lettrez upoun the yett and dur of the samyne to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir lettrez in all pointis, befoir thir witness: Henrie Girdwod and Robert Symontoun with utheris divers. And for the mair witnessing, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the fyiftene day of Marche lxxxxj yeiris, I, the said Williame Forsythe, messinger, past at command as said is and lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit James Stewart of Tynneis at his duelling place thair, William Stewart, sumtyme constable of Dunbartane at his duelling place of Tynneis, becaus I could not apprehend thame persounalie. And after I had knokit sax severall tymes at thair duelling place foirsaid, I affixt ane just copie upoun the dur and yett thairof to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir lettrez in all pointis, befoir thir witnesses: Henrie Girdwod and Robert Symontoun. And for the mair witnessing heirof, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the xvij day of the moneth and yeir foirsaid, I, the said Williame Forsythe, messinger, past at command as said is and lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit Dame Margaret Douglas, countesse of Bothueil, and Frances, sumtyme erle Bothuell, hir spous, for his interes, at the duelling place of Creichtoun, becaus I could not apprehend thame persounalie. And after I had knokit sax severall tymes at the yett thairof, I affixt ane copie upoun the yett of the same duelling place to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir lettrez in all pointis, befoir thir witnesses: Henrie Girdwod and Robert Symontoun, with utheris diverse. And for the mair witnessing my signet is affixt.
Upoun the sevint day of Marche and yeir of God foirsaid, I, Niniane Weir, messinger, past at command of thir, oure soverane lordis lettrez under the quarter seill, and lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit Patrick Crummy of Carribdin at his duelling hous thair, becaus I could not apprepend him personnalie. And after I had knokit sex knokis at the yett thairof I affixt ane copie thairupoun to compeir in parliament, day and place withinwrittin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, befoir thir witnesses: Andro Hendersoun and William Clerk, with utheris diverse. And for the mair witnessing to this my indorsatioun, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the aucht day of the moneth and yeir of God foirsaid, I, the said Niniane Weir, past at command of thir, oure soverane lord lettrez, and lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit Maister Johnne Colvile of Strathurdy at his duelling place of Tullicowtrie, becaus I could not apprehend him personnalie. And after I had knokit sex severall knokis at the yet thairof, I affixt ane copie thairupoun of thir within writtin lettrez to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, befoir thir witnesses: Andro Hendersoun and Williame Clerke, with utheris diverse. And for the mair witnessing, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the nynt day of the samin moneth and yeir of God foirsaid, I, Niniane Weir, messinger foirsaid, past at command as said is and lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit Archibald Vauchope, younger, of Nudrie, at his duelling place of Rossythe, becaus I could not apprehend him persounalie. And efter I had knokkit sax knokkis at the yett thairof, I affixt ane copie thairupoun of thir oure soverane lordis lettrez within writtin to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, befoir thir witnesses: Andro Hendersoun and Williame Clerk with utheris diverse. And for the mair witnessing, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the tent day of the samyn moneth and yeir of God foirsaid, I, Niniane Weir, past at command as said is and lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit David Orme of Mugdrum at his duelling place thair, becaus I could not apprehend him personnalie. And after I had knokit sax knokis at the yett thairof, I affixt the copy of thir within writtin lettrez thairupoun to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir lettrez in all pointis, befoir thir witnesses: Andro Hendersone and Williame Clerk with utheris diverse. And for the mair witnessing, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the first day of Marche, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeiris, I, David Wilsoun, messinger, becaus the haill personis following wer fugitive fra thair duelling house quhairof sum of thame alsua had na pertane duelling place and could not be apprehendit persounalie, thairfoir I past at command of thir, oure soverane lordis lettrez under the quarter seill, to the mercat croces of Glasgw and Dunbartane and, after thrie oyesis as use is, thair, be oppin proclamatioun, lauchfullie summond, warnit and chairgit James Dowglas of Spott, Maister Johnne Colvile of Strathurdy, Hercules Stewart, brother to Frances, sumtyme erle Bothuell, Johnne Hammiltoun, younger, of Sammelstoun, Archibald Vauchoip of Nudrie, younger, James Stewart of Tynneis, Williame Stewart, sumtyme constable of Dunbartane, Williame Lermounth of the Hill, Maister Thomas Cranstoun, younger, of Moreistoun, Johnne Cranstoun, his bruther, Robert Home, younger, of Heuch, Johnne Ormestoun of Smailhome, Robert Ormestoun, his sone, David Orme of Mugdrum, George Auchincraw of Eist Restoun, Patrik Auchincraw thair, Dame Margaret Douglas, countesse of Bothuell, and Frances, sumtyme erle Bothuell, hir spous, for his interes, to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, quhairof I affixt copies upoun the croces respective foirsaidis, befoir thir witnesses: David Campbell, Gawin Boill, burgess of Dunbartane, Hector and James Stewartis, burgess of Glasgw, with utheris diverse. And for the mair witnessing heirof, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the thrid day of Marche [...], the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeris, I, Niniane Weir, messinger, for the caus and ressoun above writtin, past at command of thir, oure soverane lordis lettrez under the quarter seill, to the mercat croce of Edinburgh and, after thrie oyesis as use is, thair, be oppin proclamatioun, lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit the foirsaidis haill personis defenderis contenit in the executioun immediatlie preceding to compeir in parliament, day and place within writttin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, quhairof I affixt ane just copie upoun the said mercat croce, befoir thir witnesses: Williame Forsythe, messinger, and Andro Hendersoun in Edinburgh, with utheris diverse. And for the mair witnessing heirof, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the nynt day of Marche etc, I, Nicoll Newall, messinger, for the caus and ressoun foirsaid, past at command of thir, oure soverane lordis lettrez under the quarter seill, to the mercat croce of Dumfreis and, eftir thrie oy[...] as use is, thair, be oppin proclamatioun, summound, warnit and chairgit the haill foirnameit personis to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of this within writtin lettrez in all pointis, quhairof I affixt ane copie upoun the said mercat croce, befoir thir witness: Johnne Findlasoun, callit the post, Johnne Aitkin in the Kirkgait. And for the mair witnessing heirof, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the sevint day of Marche the yeir of God foirsaid, I, Niniane Weir, messinger, for the cause and ressoun abonespecefiit, past at command foirsaid to the mercat croce of Linlythgw and, efter thrie oyesis as use is, thair, be oppin proclamatioun, lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit the haill foirnameit personis to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, with certificatioun within specifiit efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, quhairof I affixt ane copie upoun the said mercat croce, befoir thir witnesses: Andro Hendersoun and Williame Clerk with utheris divers. And for the mair witnessing heirto, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the aucht day of the said moneth and yeir of God abonewrittin, the said Niniane Weir, messinger, for the caus and ressoun abone expremit, past at command foirsaid to the mercat croce of Striviling and, after thrie oyesis as use is, thair, be oppin proclamatioun, lauchfullie summound, warnit and chargit the haill foirnemit within writtin personis to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, quhairof I affixt ane copie upoun the said mercat croce, befoir thir witnesses: Andro Hendersoun and William Clerk, with utheris divers.
Upoun the nynt day of the said moneth and yeir of God foirsaid, I, the said Niniane Weir, messinger, for the cause and ressoun abonenominat, past at command foirsaid to the mercat croces of Clakmannan and Kynross and thair, be oppin proclamatioun, lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit all the foirnameit within writtin personis to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, quhairof I affixt copies upoun the saidis mercat croces, respective befoir thir witness: Andro Hendersoun and Williame Clerk, with utheris divers.
Upoun the tent day of the said moneth and yeir of God foirsaid, I, the said Niniane Weir, messinger, for the caus and ressoun abonerehersit, past at command foirsaid to the mercat croce of Perth and thair, be oppin proclamatioun, lauchfullie summound, wairnit and chairgit the haill within writtin and abonenemit personis to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, quhairof I affixt the just copie upoun the said mercat croce, befoir thir witnesses: Andro Hendersoun and William Clerk. And for the mair witnessing heirof, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the ellevint day of the moneth and yeir of God abonewrittin, I, the said Niniane Weir, messinger, for the ressoun and caus abone expremit, past at command foirsaid to the mercat croce of Cowper in Fyffe and, after thrie oyesis as use is, thair, be oppin proclamatioun, lauchfullie summond, warnit and chairgit the particular personis abone and within writtin to compeir in parliament, day and place within expremit, to the effectis within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, quhairof I affixt ane copie upoun the said marcat croce, befoir thir witnesses: Andro Hendersoun and William Clerk, with utheris diverse. And for the mair witnessing heirof, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the ferd day of Marche, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeiris, I, Williame Forsythe, messinger, for the reasoun and caus abonewrittin, past at command of thir, oure soverane lordis lettrez under the quarter seill, to the mercat croce of Hadingtoun and, after thrie oyesis as use is, thair, be oppin proclamatioun, lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit the haill foirnameit personis particularlie abone and within writtin to compeir in parliament, day and place within nemit, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, quhiairof I affixt a copie upoun the said mercat croce, befoir George and Johnne Aytounis, burgesses of Hadingtoun, with utheris diverse. And for the mair witnessing, my signet is affixt; and als befoir Henry Girdwod and Robert Symontoun.
Upoun the aucht day of Marche the yeir of God foirsaid, I, the said Williame Forsythe, messinger, for the caus and ressoun abone writtin, past at command of thir within writtin lettrez to the mercat croce of Dunce and, efter thrie oyesis as use is, thair, be oppin proclamatioun, lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit the haill foirnameit and within writtin personis to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, quhairof I affixt a copie upoun the said mercat croce, befoir thir witnesses: Johnne Strathauchin, messinger, Henrie Girdwod and Robert Symontoun, with sindrie utheris. And for the mair witnessing, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the ellevint day of Marche, the yeir of God foirsaid, I, the said Williame Forsythe, messinger, for the ressoun and caus abone writtin, past at command foirsaid to the mercat croce of Jedburgh and, efter thrie oyesis as use is, thair, be oppin proclamatioun, lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit the haill personis above and within writtin to compeir in parliament, day and place within expremit, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, quhairof I affixt a copie upoun the said mercat croce, befoir thir witnesses: Williame Rutherfurde, provest of Jedburgh, Williame Batoun, baillie thairof, Henry Girdwod and Robert Symontoun. And for the mair witnessing heirof, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the xiij day of the moneth and yeir of God foirsaid, I, the said Williame Forsythe, messinger, for the cause and ressoun foirsaid, past at command of thir within writtin lettrez to the mercat croce of Selkirk and, efter thrie oyesis as use is, thair, be oppin proclamatioun, lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit the haill personis abone and within nameit to compeir in parliament, day and place within writtin, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, quhairof I affixt a copie upoun the said mercat croce, befoir thir witnesses: Henrie Girdwod and Robert Symontoun. And for the mair witnessing, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the sextene day of the moneth and yeir of God abonewrittin, I, the said Williame Forsythe, messinger, for the caus and ressoun abonewrittin, past at command foirsaid to the mercat croce of Peblis and, efter thrie oyesis, thair, be oppin proclamatioun, lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit the haill foirnameit personis within writtin to compeir in parliament, day and place within specifiet, to the effect within contenit, efter the forme and tennour of thir within writtin lettrez in all pointis, quhairof I affixt ane copie upoun the said mercat croce, befoir thir witnesses: Henrie Girdwod, Robert Symontoun, James Twedy and Patrik Diksoun, baillies of Peblis. And for the mair witnessing heirof, my signet is affixt.
Upoun the xxj day of the said moneth and yeir of God abonewrittin, I, the said Williame Forsythe, messinger, for the cause and ressoun abonespecefiit, past at command foirsaid to the mercat croce of Lanerk and, efter thrie oyesis, thair lauchfullie summound, warnit and chairgit the haill foirnameit and within writtin personis to compeir in parliament, day and place within contenit, to the effect within writtin, efter the forme and tennour of thir oure soverane lordis lettrez in all pointis, quhairof I affixt a copie upoun the said mercat croce, befoir thir witnesses: Henry Girdwod and Robert Symontoun, with utheris diverse. And for the mair witnessing heirof, my signet is affixt.
Quhilk summoundis, with the executionis and indorsationis thairof respective foirsaidis, being this instant day red in presence of his majestie and haill estaittis of parliament first in Latyne and syne in Scottis, and the saidis haill personis defenderis respective abonewrittin nocht past fra as said is being thryiss callit of new at the tolbuith windo of the said burgh of Edinburgh to haif comperit and answerit to the said summoundis and ressounes contenit thairin, and nane of thame comperand to haif defendit in the said mater and to haif answerit to the said summoundis, the said Maister David MacGill, advocat to his majestie, desyrit the saidis estaittis declaratioun gif the ressounes of the said summoundis wer relevant; quhilkis estaittis and every ane of thame all in [...] voce fand the samyn relevant aganis the haill personis underwrittin; thairfoir, the said advocat of new, for verefeing of the said ressoun contenit in the said summoundis of tressoun, producit and repetit the extract of foirfaltour led and deducit befoir the justice and his deputes aganis the said Frances, sumtyme erle Bothuell, depositionis of the saidis witnesses, the notorietie of the fact, and repetit the haill probationis repetit be him of befoir in the sa[...] mater this instant day, and deserrit the saidis estaittis of parliament to advyse the said depositionis of witnesses and utheris probationis and to pronunce thair sentence of parliament thairintill, according to the samin probationis and thair consciences. And thairefter the depositionis of the haill witnesses execute to the death and of the witnesses examinat in presence of the saidis lordis of articles, haill writtis and probationis being red, sene and considerit be the saidis haill estaittis of parliament in presence of the kingis majestie, and thai thairwith being ryplie advisit, the saidis lordis and estaittes of parliament findis, decernis and declairis that the saidis Dame Margaret Dowglas, sumtyme countesse of Bothuell, James Dowglas of Spott, Archibald Vauchoip, younger, of Nudrie, Maister Johnne Colvile of Strathurdy, Williame Stewart, sumtyme constable of Dunbartane, Johnne Hammiltoun, younger, of Sammelstoun, Williame Lermounth of the Hill, Robert Home, younger, of the Heuch, Hercules Stewart of Quhytlaw, George Auchincraw of Eist Restoun, Patrik Auchincraw thair, Maister Thomas Cranstoun, younger, of Moreistoun, Johnne Cranstoun, his brother germane, Johnne Ormestoun of Smailhome, Robert Ormestoun, his sone, James Stewart of Tynneis, Patrik Crummy of Caribdin and David Orme of Mugdrum, and every ane of thame, hes comittit and done oppin and manifest tressoun aganis oure said soverane lord in all pointis and articles contenit in the said summondis, and thairfoir it was gevin for dome be the mouth of James Nysbite, dempster of parliament, in maner and forme as followis:
This court of parliament schawis for law that the saidis Dame Margaret Dowglas, sumtyme countesse of Bothuell, James Dowglas of Spott, Archibald Vauchoip, younger, of Nudrie, Maister Johnne Colvile of Strathurdy, William Stewart, sumtyme constable of Dunbartane, Johnne Hammiltoun, younger, of Sammelstoun, William Lermounth of the Hill, Robert Home, younger, of Heuch, Hercules Stewart, Maister Thomas Cranstoun, Johnne Cranstoun, Johnne Ormestoun, Robert Ormestoun, James Stewart, Patrik Crummy and David Orme, George Auchincraw of Eist Restoun and Patrik Auchincraw, and every ane of thame, hes committit and incurrit the cryme of tressoun and lesemajestie abonewrittin in maner at lenth contenit in the said summoundis, and thairfoir decernis and declairis all thair guidis, movable and unmovable, alsweill landis as offices and uther thingis quhatsumevir belanging to thame, to be confiscat to oure said soverane lord and to remane perpetuallie with his hienes in propertie, and thair personis to underly the pane of tressoun and utter and last punishment appointit be the lawes of this realme, and that I gif for dome.
[1592/4/17]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratifies, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetualie confermis the proces, convictioun, sentence and dome of foirfaltour led, deducit and pronuncit of befoir be his hienes justice generall and his deputes in the justice court haldin at Edinburgh, the tuentie fyve day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeiris, aganis Frances, sumtyme erle Bothuell etc., with all conditionis, clauses and circumstances thairof; and ordanis the same to stand in the full force, strenth and effect and to haif dew executioun as efferis, quhairof the tennour followis:
Curia justiciarie supremi domini nostri regis tenta in pretorio de Edinburgh vigesimo quarto die mensis Maii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo octuagesimo nono per discretos viros Magistros Edwardum Bruce, Willelmum Oliphant et Jacobum Wardlaw, justiciarios deputatos nobilis et potentis domini Archibaldi comitis Ergadie, domini Campbell et Lorne, etc., justiciarii generalis dicti supremi domini nostri regis totius regni sui ubilibet constituti. Sectis vocatis et curia affirmata. The quhilk day, Frances, erle Bothuell, lord Creichtoun and Hailles etc., being presentit on pannell in presence of the said justice deputes and being dilatit and accusit be dittay for raising of men of weir, convocatioun of oure soverane lordis lieges, brokin men, borderaris (and as he allegit pleges for staying of the trouble of the bordoris) at Dalkeyth and bringing of thame to Leyth, and als for subscriptioun of ane band in safar as it is contrair the law and actis of parliament become in oure soverane lordis mercie and will thairfoir, and als being put to the knawlege of ane condigne assyis of the richt honorable personis underwrittin, to witt, Johnne, lord Hammiltoun, Williame, erle of Angus, Williame, erle of Mortoun, Johnne, erle of Athoill, Johnne, erle of Mar, George, erle of Merschell, Robert, lord Seytoun, Hew, lord Somervell, [...], lord Altrie, [...], lord Dingwall, Allane, lord Cathcart, [...] Wischeart of Pittarro, James Scrymgeour of Duddope, constable of Dundy, Thomas Kirkpatrik of Cloisburne and Roger Greirsoun of Lag, as dilatit and accusit of the crymes underwrittin, wes be thair deliverance pronuncit and declairit be the mouth of the said Williame, erle of Angus, chancellare of the said assyse, to be fylit, culpable and convict of airt, pairt, red and counsall of convocatioun of the kingis lieges, his assistaris and partakeris, and cuming to the quarrell hoillis in Marche or Aprile last was for altering of the present estait.
Upoun the quhilk convictioun be the foirsaidis personis of assyis, dome wes pronuncit in ane court of justiciarie haldin in the tolbuyth of Edinburgh, the xxv day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeris in maner following:
Curia justiciarie supremi domini nostri regis tenta in pretorio de Edinburgh vigesimo quinto die mensis Junii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo nonagesimo primo per discretum virum Magistrum Joannem Grahme de Halyairdis, justiciarium deputatum nobilis et potentis domini Archibaldi commitis Ergadie, justiciarii generalis dicti supremi domini nostri regis, totius regni sui ubilibet constituta. Sectis vocatis et curia legittime affirmata.
The quhilk day, comperit Maister David Makgill of Cranstoun Riddell, advocat to oure soverane lord, and producit oure soverane lordis warrand subscrivit be his hienes and deserit the samyne to be insert and registrat in the buikis of adjornall and dome to be pronuncit upoun Frances, erle Bothuell, lord Creichtoun and Hailles etc., becum in will for certane of the crymes abone writtin and convict be ane assyse of ane uther cryme, conforme to the ordinance of the said warrand, quhairof the tennour followis. At Edinburgh, the twentie fyve day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeiris, forsamekle as oure soverane lord calling to mynd and having considerit how Frances, erle Bothuell, lord Creichtoun and Hailles, grite admirall of this realme, in ane court of justiciarie haldin within the tolbuith of Edinburgh, the xxiij day of Maii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir nyne yeiris, being dilaitit and accusit be dittay and persewit judicialie be Maister David Makgill of Cranstoun Riddell, his hienes advocat, in his majesties name, for raising of men of weir, convocating of his hienes lieges, [...] brokin men, borderaris, at Dalkeyth, bringing of thame to Leyth; and siclike for subscriptioun of ane band contrair the lawes and actis of parliament, become in his hienes will for the samyne, and siclike being indytit and accusit be dittay for airt and pairt, red and counsall of convocatioun of his hienes lieges, his assistaris and pairtakeris and cuming to the quarrell hoillis in Marche or Aprile in the yeir of God jM vC lxxxviij or lxxxix yeris for altering of the present estait, and put to the knawlege of ane condigne assyis thairfoir wes be thair deliverance fund culpable and convict of the samin, quhilk will and dome his majestie, having differrit to haif bene declairit or pronuncit upoun the said erle upoun hoip of better behaviour and amendment in tymes thairefter, nevirtheles, the said Frances, erle Bothuell, forgetfull of his hienes clemencie, being dilatit of crymes of tressoun and conspiracies aganis his hienes awin persone and distructioun thairof be necromancie and witchecraft, wes thairfoir committit to waird within the castle of Edinburgh, thair to haif remanit quhill he had bene tryit of the samin be the knawlege of ane condignne assyis or utherwayis as accordit of the law sua that he micht have bene declairit ather culpable or innocent of the same, notwithstanding the said Frances, erle Bothuell hes laitlie brokin the said waird upoun his perrell eschewit furth thairof, takand thairby the crymes of tressoun upoun him quhairof he was dilaitit, and for quhilk he was committit within the said waird; thairfoir, oure soverane lord ordanis his will to be declairit and dome to be pronuncit furth aganis the said Frances, erle Bothuell, in maner and forme as efter followis: that is to say, that he be the committing of the crymes abone writtin quhairof he became in oure soverane lordis will and wes convict be ane condign assyse in maner abonespecefiit, hes committit tressoun, and thairfoir that dome of foirfaltour salbe pronuncit aganis him, that he hes foirfalt lyff, landis and guidis to be applyit to his majesties use, to be usit and disponit as his hienes sall think expedient. Subscrivit be oure soverane lord, day, yeir and place foirsaidis, and ordanis the justice, justice clerk and thair deputes to pronunce the dome abonewrittin aganis the said Frances, erle Bothuell this day, but delay as they will answer to his majestie thairupoun. Sic subscribitur, James R[ex]. For obedience of the quhilk warrand abonewrittin the justice depute ordanit the said Frances, erle Bothuell, be cuming in will and convictioun of the crymes foirsaidis in the justice court abonewrittin, to be foirfalt lyf, landis and guidis and dome to be pronuncit thairupoun, quhilk was pronuncit be the mouth of Williame Gray, dempster of the said court, and ordanit the said lettre to be insert in the saidis buikis of adjornall.
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†The quhilk day, in presence of oure soverane lord and his estaittes of parliament, comperit persounalie Williame, erle of Angus, lord Douglas and Abirnethy etc., and protestit that quhatsumevir proces of foirfaltour led and deducit aganis Frances, sumtyme erle Bothuell etc., sould be na hurt nor prejudice to the said erle as air of tailye to umquhile Archibald, erle of Angus, in the lordschip and erldome of Angus and utheris specifiet in his infeftment thairof, anent his richtis and titles of quhatsumevir landis, possessionis, honouris and dignities pertening to him of the leving and erldome of Bothuell or utheris, the said erlis landis and possessionis; and that he and his successouris micht be hard to propone thair ressounes and defens quhensoevir thay sould happyn to be callit upoun thair richtis of the samin; and thairupoun askit actis and instrumentis.
[1592/4/19]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†The quhilk day, in presence of oure soverane lord and his estaittes of parliament, comperit personnalie Williame, erle of Mortoun, lord Dalkeyth etc., and protestit that quhatsumevir proces of foirfaltour led and deducit aganis Frances, sumtyme erle Bothuell etc., sould be na hurte nor prejudice to the said erle as air of tailye to umquhile Archibald, erle of Angus, in the lordschip and erldome of Mortoun and utheris specifiet in his infeftment thairof, anent his richtis and titles of quhatsumevir landis, possessionis, honouris and dignities pertening to him of the leving and erldome of Bothuell or utheris, the said erlis landis or possessionis; and that he and his successouris micht be hard to propone thair ressounes and defensis quhensoevir they sould happin to be callit upoun thair richtis of the same; and thairupoun askit actis and instrumentis.
[1592/4/20]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord and estaittes of parliament, haifing considerit the tressounable, cruell and unnaturall fact laitlie committit be the personis following in company for the tyme with Frances, sumtyme erle Bothuell etc., to wit: Frances, erle Bothuile, Archibald Wauchope, younger, of Nudry, Maister Johnne Colvile of Strathurdy, Johnne Hammiltoun, younger, of Sammilstoun, James Douglas of Spott, Robert Home, younger, of the Heuch, Hercules Stewart of Quhytlaw, Maister Thomas Cranstoun, younger, of Moreistoun, James Stewart of Tynneis and Dame Margaret Douglas, spous to the said Frances, and divers utheris, thair complices, in thair tressounable coming to his majesties palice of Halyruidhous under silence of nicht upoun the [...] day of December last bypast; invaiding, assegeing and persewing of his majesties maist noble persone be fyre and sword, breking up his chalmer durris with foirhammeris and cruellie slaying his hienes servandis cumand to his majesties rescours, ane tressoun and crueltie not hard nor sene, committit be subjectis sa heichlie oblist to thair native king and prince precogitat, consultit and aggreit upoun to be put in executioun lang of befoir, having alsua devisit meanis in thair jugement to preserve thair landis and guidis efter the committing of thair tressoun foirsaid, quhilk haynous and tressounable fact as it pass all utheris in crueltie and evil example sua it is thocht meit and expedient that ane condigne law and punishement be sett doun for extinguishing of the memorie of the tressonable personis foirsaidis and thair posteritie, to be ane document to all aiges to cum and attempt the lyk. It is thairfoir statute and ordanit be oure soverane lord and his saidis estaittes of parliament that the said Frances, sumtyme erle Bothuell, Dame Margaret Dowglas, sumtyme countesse of Bothuile, James Douglas of Spott, Archibald Vauchop, younger, of Nudry, Maister Johnne Colvile of Straruidie, Williame Stewart, sumtyme constable of Dunbartane, Johnne Hammiltoun, younger, of Sammelstoun, Williame Lermounth of the Hill, Robert Home, younger, of the Heuch, Hercules Stewart of Quhytlaw, George Auchincraw of Eist Restoun, Patrik Auchincraw thair, Maister Thomas Cranstoun, younger, of Moreistoun, Johnne Cranstoun, his brother germane, Johnne Ormestoun in Smailhome, Robert Ormestoun, his sone, James Stewart of Tynneis, Patrik Crumbie of Caribdin and David Orme of Mugdrum, thair bairnes, thair airis and haill posteritie sall nevir bruik land, benefice, honour, office nor dignitie within this realme in ony tyme cuming. And als his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis decernis, decreittis and deliveris that all maner of infeftmentis, alienationis, dispositionis, resignationis, contractis, bandis or obligationis for making of infeftmentis of thair landis and heretages or ony pairt thairof or annuelrentis furth of the samyn, togidder with all presentit assignationis and dispositionis of thair tackis, stedingis, roumes, possessionis, guidis or geir to ony maner of persone or personis quhilk tuke not effect be actuall and reall possessioun befoir the committing of the foirsaid crym, salbe null and of nane avail, force nor effect in tyme cuming as they had nevir bene maid.
[1592/4/21]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, remembring the act of parliament maid at Striviling, the xxiij day of August anno etc. lxxj, anent his hienes trew and faithfull subjectis remaning under his majesties obedience having landis, heretage, lyfrentis, annuelrentis, pensionis or possessionis quhatsumevir haldin of ony personis callit and foirfaltit for quhatsumevir crymes of tressoun and lesemajestie sall bruik and joise thair saidis landis, heretage, annuelrentis, lyfrentis, pensionis and portionis quhatsumevir, notwithstanding the foirfalting of thair superiouris thairof, and hald the samyne of thair nixt immediat superiouris of the same; and now his hienes, willing that the samin act and benefite thairin contenit be maid to all trew vassallis of sic personis as ar in this present parliament or that salhappin in ony tyme heirefter to be foirfaltit, thairfoir his hienes, with avise of the estaittis of this present parliament, statutes and ordanis that all sic personis being na wayes culpable of the crymes for the quhilkis thair saidis superiouris salbe foirfaltit, having landis, heretage, annuelrentis, lyfrentis, pensionis and portionis quhatsumevir haldin of ony personis callit and foirfaltit in this present parliament or that salhappin in ony tyme heirefter to be foirfaltit for quhatsumevir crymes of tressoun and lesemajestie, sall bruik and jois thair saidis landis, heretage, annuelrentis, lyverentis, contractis, obligationis, pensionis or portionis quhatsumevir, notwithstanding the foirfalting of thair superiouris thairof, and sall hald the samyne of thair nixt immediat superiouris, providing alwayes that the saidis vassallis and utheris personis foirsaidis quhilkis ar to bruik and enjoy the benefite of this act in tyme cuming salbe haldin to cum to his hienes thesaurare for the tyme and compone with him for new infeftmentis and ratificationis to be takin be thame of thair saidis land, heretage, annuelrentis, lyverentis, pensionis and portionis foirsaidis quhatsumevir, and that betuix and the first day of August nixtocum, utherwayes the samyne to be null.
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†Oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament, for the gude and thankfull service done to him be the provest, baillies and communitie of the burgh of Edinburgh, and esteming the same now worthie to be rememberit to the effect that thay and thair successouris may the better continew thair affectioun in his hienes service, his majestie and estaittis of this present parliament hes declarit, decernit and ordanit and, be the tennour heirof, declairis, decernis and ordanis for his hienes and his successouris that the proces fencement and dome of foirfaltour led and gevin in this present parliament contrair the personis quhilkis ar convict of tressoun and lesemajestie aganis his hienes for the crymes committit be thame contenit in the proces and domes of foirfaltour respective led aganis thame, sall na wayes be hurtfull to ony of the burgess or inhabitantis of the said burgh of Edinburgh in ony landis or annuelrentis annaliet to thame be ony of the personis now foirfaltit, or thair predecessouris under reversioun, bot that thay, thair airis and successouris sall bruik the landis or annuelrentis quhill the redemptioun thairof, and that oure soverane lord and his successouris and utheris quha salhappin to obtene infeftment of the saidis landis be the said foirfaltour ar and salbe astrictit and oblist to infeft the saidis personis, haifand the saidis wadsettis of new efter the forme and tennour of thair former infeftmentis and contractis; and that thay sall stand in thair saidis richtis of the wadsettis foirsaidis, siclike and in the samyn maner as gif the personis annalieris had nevir bene foirfaltit, providing alwayes that thir presentis be not prejudiciall to the act maid in favouris of George, erle Merschell etc., berand that quhasoevir sall obtene the escheit of foirfaltour of Maister Johnne Colvile, sumtyme of Strarudie, his landis, roumes and possessionis, salbe oblist to mak the said erle and Maister James Wardlaw, his cessioner and assignay, payment of the soume of thrie thowsand ane hundreth fiftie sex merkis money for the caus thairin specifiet, as the same at mair lenth proportis; provyding alsua that the saidis inhabitantis of Edinburgh haldand of ony of the saidis personis foirfaltit or having thame bound be contract or obligatioun to mak infeft or pay annuelrent, compone with his hienes thesaurare for thair new infeftmentis, presentationis or confirmationis betuix and the first day of August nixtocum, utherwayes the benefite grantit to thame be the said act of parliament to be ineffectuall to thame thairefter.
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†Oure soverane lord, with advise of the estaittis of this present parliament, understanding that Maister Johnne Moncreif, advocat, be contract and appointment past betuix him and David Orme of Mugdrum sould haif bocht the said Davidis landis of Clayis, and in warrandice thairof all and haill the landis of Mugdrum with tour, fortalice, houses, biggingis, orcheardis, fischeingis and pertinentis thairof, for certane soumes of money, of the quhilkis the said Maister Johnne hes ressavit the soume of tua thousand merkis; thairfoir his hienes, not willing that the said Maister Johnne in ony wayes be hurte or prejugeit, notwithstanding of ony cryme of tressoun or lesemajeitie comittit be the said Davis Orme, statutes, willis and ordanis that infeftment be maid and grantit to the said Maister Johnne Moncreif, Jeane Spens, his spous, and to the langest levare of thame tua, in conjunctfie, and to the airis lauchfullie gottin or to be gottin betuix thame, quhilkis failyeing to the said Maister Johnnes airis and assnais quhatsumevir, off all and haill ane annuelrent of bollis victuall, half meill, half beir, to be takin furth of the saidis landis of Clayis etc., and in warrandice thairof furth of the said Davidis landis of Mugdrum and utheris abonespecefiit in satisfactioun of the soumes debursit be him, and that the samin stand effectuall to the said Maister Johnne, his said spous and thair foirsaidis at all tyme heirefter; and siclyke that his hienes presentatioun be direct to Schir James Scott of Balwery, superiour of the saidis landis of Mugdrum, for infeftment to be gevin to thame thairupoun incais of evictioun of the saidis landis of Clayis etc., sua that thay may be thankfullie answerit and obeyit of the said yeirlie annuelrent of thriescoir bollis victuall foirsaid, and that thay be preferrit to quhatsumevir persone or personis pretending richt or interes thairto; and the foirsaidis infeftmentis, baith of principall and warrandice, to valide and sufficient securitie to the said Maister Johnne, his said spous and thair foirsaidis for peceable bruiking and josing of the foirsaid annuelrent, notwithstanding of quhatsumevir act or constitutioun maid in this present parliament, redemeable alwayes to his hienes and his successouris and utheris haifand his power upoun the soume of tua thowsand merkis.
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†Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, having sene and considerit the supplicatioun gevin in and presentit be Rachaell Makgill, relict of umquhile George Stewart of Rossyth, and now spous to Archibald Vauchoip, sumtyme apperand of Nudrie Merschell, makand mentioun that quhair the said Archibald for his tressounable being in cumpanie with Frances, sumtyme erle Bothuell, in the tressounable assegeing of his majesties palice of Halyruidhous, for taking of his hienes maist noble persoun upoun the xxvij day of December last bipast, is now foirfaltit in this present parliament, quhairby the small portioun appointit to the said Rachaell for hir conjunctfee and terce of the leving of Rossyth, acquirit be umquhile Maister James Makgill of Rankelour Nather, clerk of register, hir father, for greit soumes of money debursit be him in name of tocher with hir, to the said umquhile George Stewart, is apperandlie to cum in danger sa lang as the said Archibald naturalie levis; and that the band of mariage sall stand betuix thame indissolvit, albeit it be notourlie knawin to all the cuntrie in quhat miserable estate scho wes in during the tyme of the said Archibaldis remaning in this cuntrie be ressoun of his awin leving and hirs being all consumit in his vane uses and ungodlie fantasies, the said Rachaell wes left indigent of hir sustentatioun with hir bairnis and scho had mony occasionis for quhilkis scho mycht haif persewit dissolutioun of the said mariage, quhilk now at last scho is forceit to persew, and thairby the benefite of the law will not onlie gif to hir hir awin leving, bot als mekle of his as wes appointit be contract hir to haif bene infeft in for hir conjunctfee; thairfoir, and in respect of hir innocency as nawayes giltie nor suspect of hir said housbandis vicked and tressounable misdeidis, deservand maist humbly his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis that scho be not hurte of that small portioun of lyff provydit to hir furth of the hous of Rossythe, bot that scho may frelie bruik the same according to hir richtis and infeftmentis thairof, quhilk supplicatioun and desyre thairof being sene and considerit as said is, oure said soverane lord and his saidis estaittis in this present parliament, for his hienes and his successouris, hes confermit, ratifiet and approvin all and quhatsumevir infeftmentis, charteris, preceptis and instrumetis of seasing with quhatsumevir uther evidentis maid in favouris of the said Rachaell Makgill, off all and sindrie hir conjunctfie and terce landis of the hous and leving of Rossyth and all thair pertinentis mentionat in hir infeftmentis of the same, to be peceablie bruikit, josit and occupiet be hir during all the dayes of hir lyvetyme, notwithstanding the foirfaltour led aganis the said and hir spous; and decernis and ordanis the same to stand in the full force, strenth and effect to the said Rachaell for hir lyvetyme as said is, in all pointis, headis, articles and clausis thairof according to the tennour of the same.
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†Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament, considdering that George, erll Merschell, upoun the suddane being commandit be his hienes to wictuall and outred the schippis quhilkis furit his majesties ambassadouris direct to Denmark for contracting and completing of his hienes mariage, it behuvit him to tak tua thowsand sex hundreth and fyve markis upoun the reddiest of his landis and heretage, for the quhilk he hes pait proffite continuallie sen the outred of the saidis schippis, quhilk was in the moneth of Junii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir nyne yeiris, extending to thrie yeiris bypast at this last feist and terme of Witsonday, the said yeirlie proffite by the principall extending to sevin hundreth fiftie sex markis, and the stok and proffite extending to thrie thowsand ane hundreth and sex markis; and becaus Maister Johnne Colvill, sumtyme of Strathurdie, now foirfalt in this parliament for crymes of tressoune and lesemajestie committit be him, become full debtour to Maister James Wardlaw, cessioner and assignay constitut be the said Erll Marschell to the debt above writtin in the said erllis name, for payment of the said principall sowme as for ane part of the reddiest of the taxatioun than ordanit to be upliftit for furthsetting of the honour of the said mariage and constitute himself propir debtour to the said Maister James thairfoir, quhether he had obtenit allowance of the samyn in his comptis or not, bot the samyn being at his awin desyre thankfullie allowit to him in his saidis comptis he was for non payment of the said sowme denuncit rebell and put to the horne. Thaireftir lettres of captioun wer direct aganis him and utheris lettres thaireftir direct for randering of his hous under the pane of tressone, quhilkis lettres and chargis he all contempnandlie disobeyit, and now being foirfalt for treissone, his landis and guidis ar becum in oure said soverane lordis handis as escheit, and seing the sowmes debursit be the said George, erll Marschell, and proffite pait for the said principall sowme were all debursit in the honorable furthsetting of his majesties effairis and in effect is his hienes awin propir debt, quhilk his majestie hes moyen to pay be the said foirfaltour, and utherwayes is nevir able to be pait, to the said erllis gryt dannage and skaith gif remeid be not provydit, thairfoir his hienes and estaitis foirsaidis findis, decernis and declaris that quhasaevir sall obtene the escheit of foirfaltour of the said Maister Johnne, his landis, rowmes and possessionis, salbe obleist to mak the said erll and his assigna payment of the saidis sowmes, stok and proffite extending to the said sowm of thrie thowsand ane hundreth fiftie sex markis, and ordanis thame to have executioun thairfoir aganis the donatouris of the said escheit of foirfaltour ane or ma conjunctlie and severallie, provyding that gif thair be ma donatouris nor ane, everie ane sall releif utheris of the saidis sowmes proportionallie according to the proffite that thai resaiff. And the said erll or his assignay foirsaid being compleitlie pait and sattisfiit of the sowmes abonewrittin, oure soverane lord and estaitis foirsaidis decernis and ordanis Roger Aschetoun, gentilman in his hienes chalmer, tobe nixt answerit be the donatouris of the said foirfaltour of quhatsumevir sowmes of monie addettit to him be the said Maister John Colvill, and to be preferit to all utheris the said Maister Johnne his creditoris.
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†Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, following the lovable and gude example of thair predicessouris, hes ratifiet and apprevit and, be the tennour of this present act, ratifies and apprevis all liberties, privileges, immunities and fredomes quhatsumevir gevin and grantit be his hienes, his regentis in his name, or ony of his predicessouris, to the trew and hally kirk presentlie establishit within this realme, and declairit in the first act of his hienes parliament the tuentie day of October, the yeir of God jM vC lxxix yeris, and all and quhatsumevir actis of parliament and statutes maid of befoir be his hienes and his regentis anent the libertie and fredome of the said kirk, and specialie the first act of parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the xxiiij day of October, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ane yeris, with the haill particulare actis thairin mentionat, quhilk salbe als sufficient as gif the samyn wer heirin exprest, and all uther actis of pliament maid sensyne in favouris of the trew kirk; and siclyk ratifies and apprevis the generall assemblies appoyntit be the said kirk and declairis that it salbe lauchfull to the kirk and ministrie everilk yeir at the leist and after pro re nata, as occasioun and necessitie sall require, to hald and keip generall assemblies, providing that the kingis majestie or his commissioner with thame to be appoyntit be his hienes be present at ilk generall assemblie befoir the dissolving thairof nominat and appoint tyme and place quhen and quhair the nixt generall assemblie salbe haldin; and in cais nather his majestie nor his said commissioner beis present for the tyme in that town quhair the said generall assemblie beis haldin, than and in that cais it salbe lesum to the said generall assemblie be thame selffis to nominat and appoynt tyme and place quhair the nixt generall assemblie of the kirk salbe keipit and haldin as they haif bene in use to do thir tymes bypast; and als ratifies and apprevis the sinodall and provinciall assemblies to be haldin be the said kirk and ministrie twyis ilk yeir as thay haif bene and ar presentlie in use to do within every province of this realme; and ratifies and apprevis the presbiteries and particulare sessionis appointit be the said kirk, with the haill jurisdictioun and discipline of the same kirk aggreit upoun be his majestie in conference had be his hienes with certane of the ministrie convenit to that effect, off the quhilke articles the tennour followis:
Materis to be intreatit in provinciall assembleis
Thir assemblies ar constitute for wechtie materis necessar to be intreatit be mutuall content and assistance of brethrene within the province as neid requyris. This assemblie hes power to handle, ordour and redres all thingis omittit or done amis in the particulare assemblies. It hes power to depose the office beraris of that province for gude and just caus deserving deprivatioun. And generalie thir assemblies hes the haill power of the particulare elderschippis quhairof thay ar collectit.
Materis to be intreatit in the presbiteries
The power of the presbiteries is to give diligent laubouris in the boundis comittit to thair chairge, that the kirkis be kepit in gude ordour, to enquyre diligentlie of nauchtie and ungodly personis, and to travell to bring thame in the way agane be admonitioun or threatning of Goddis jugementis or be correctioun. It appertenis to the elderschip to tak heid that the word of God be puirlie preachit within thair boundis, the sacramentis richtlie ministrat, the discipline intertenyit and the ecclesiasticall guidis uncorruptlie distributit. It belangis to this kynd of assembleis to caus the ordinances maid be the assembleis, provinciallis, nationallis and generallis to be kepit and put in executioun, to mak constitutionis quhilkis concernis τό πρέπωυ in the kirk for decent ordour in the particulare kirk quhair they governe, provyding that thay alter na rewlis maid be the provinciall or generall assemblies, and that thay mak the provinciall assembleis foirsaidis privie of the rewlis that thay sall mak, and to abolishe constitutionis tending to the hurte of the sam. It hes power to excommunicat the obstinat, formale proces being led and dew intervall of tymes observit anent particulare kirkis, gif they be lauchfullie rewlit be sufficient ministeris and sessioun. Thay haif power and jurisdictioun in thair awin congregatioun in matteris ecclesiasticall and decernis and declairis the saidis assembleis, presbiteries and sessiounes, jurisdictioun and discipline thairof foirsaid to be in all tymes coming maist just, gude and godlie in the selff, notwithstanding of quhatsumevir statutes, actis, cannon, civile or municipale lawes maid in the contrair, to the quhilkis and every ane of thame thir presentis sall mak expres dirogatioun. And becaus thair ar divers actis of parliament maid in favouris of the papisticall kirk tending to the prejudice of the libertie of the trew kirk of God presentlie professit within this realme, jurisdictioun and discipline thairof, quhilk standis yit in the buikis of the actis of parliament, not abrogat nor annullit, thairfoir his hienes and estaittis foirsaidis hes abrogat, cassit and annullit and, be the tennour heirof, abrogatis, casis and annullis all actis of parliament maid be ony of his hienes predecessouris for mantenance of superstitioun and idolatrie with all and quhatsumevir actis, lawes and statutes maid at ony tyme befoir the day and dait heirof aganis the libertie of the trew kirk, jurisdictioun and discipline thairof, as the samyn is usit and exerceisit within this realm, and in speciall that pairt of the sevint act of parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the tuentie day of Merche jM iiijC xxxvij†yeiris, commanding obedience to be gevin to Eugin, the pape for the tyme; the jC and xj act maid be King James the Thrid in his parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the xxiiij day of Februar jM iiijC lxxxiij yeris, and all utheris actis quhairby the paipis auctoritie is establishit; the xlvij act of King James the Thrid in his parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the xij day of October jM iiijC lxvij† yeiris, anent the Satterday and uther vigillis to be hally dayes from evin sang to evin sang. Item, that pairt of the xxxj act maid be the quene regent in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the first day of Februar jM vC lj yeris, geving speciall licence for haldin of Pashe and Yule. Item, the kingis majestie and estaittis foirsaidis declairis that the secund act of the parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the xxij day of Maii, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxiiij yeris, sall na wayes be prejudicall nor dirogat any thing to the privilege that God hes gevin to the spirituall office beraris in the kirk concerning headis of religioun, materis of heresie, excomcatioun, collatioun or deprivatioun of ministeris or ony sic essentiall censouris speciall groundit and havand warrand of the word of God. Item, oure said soverane lord and estaittis of parliament foirsaidis abrogatis, casis and annullis the xx act of the same parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the said yeir jM vC lxxxiiij yeiris, granting commissioun to bishoppis and utheris juges constitute in ecclesiastical causis to ressave his hienes presentatioun to benefices, to gif collatioun thairupoun, and to put ordour in all causis ecclesiasticall, quhilk his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis declairis to be expyrit in the self, and to be null in tyme cuming, and of nane availl, force nor effect and, thairfoir, ordanis all presentationis to benefices to be direct to the particular presbiteries in all tyme cuming, with full power to thame to giff collationis thairupoun and to put ordour to all materis and causis ecclesiasticall within thair boundis according to the discipline of the kirk, providing the foirsaidis presbiteries be bund and astrictit to ressave and admitt quhatsumevir qualifiet minister presentit be his majestie or uther lait patrounes.
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†Oure soverane lord, considering the greit abuse quhilkis ar laitlie croppin in the kirk throw the misbehaviour of sic personis as ar providit to ecclesiasticall functionis, sic as personages and vicarages within any parrochin, and thairefter neglecting thair charge, ather levis thair cure or ellis committis sic crymes, faultis or enormities that thay ar fund worthie of the sentence of deprivatioun ather befoir thair awin presbitery or ellis befoir the sinodall and generall assemblies, quhilk sentence is the les regairdit be thame becaus albeit thay be deprivit of thair functioun and cure within the kirk, yit thay think thay may bruik lauchfullie the proffites and rentis of thair saidis benefices induring thair lyftymes, notwithstanding the said sentence of deprivatioun; thairfoir oure soverane lord, with avise of the estaittis of his present parliament, declairis that all and quhatsumevir sentence of deprivatioun ather pronuncit already or that happynnis to be pronunncit heirefter be ony presbitery, sinodall or generall assemblie aganis ony persone or vicare within thair jurisdictioun provydit sen his hienes coronatioun (all personis provydit to personages and vicarrages quha hes vote in parliament, secreit counsall and sessioun, or providit thairto of auld befoir the kingis coronatioun, and Maister George Young, archidene of Sanct Androis, being speciallie exceptit) is and salbe repute in all jugementis ane just caus to seclude the persone befoir providit and than deprivit frome all proffittes, commodities, rentis and deweties of the said personage and vicarage or benefice of cure, and that ather be way of actioun, exceptioun or reply; and that the said sentence of deprivatioun salbe ane sufficient caus to mak the said benefice to vaik thairby; and the said sentence being extractit and presentit to the patroun the said patroun salbe bund to present ane qualifiet persone of new to the kirk within the space of sex monethis thairefter, and gif he failye to do the same the said patroun sall tyne the richt of presentatioun for that tyme allanerlie, and the richt of presentatioun to be divolvit in the handis of the presbytery within the quhilk the benefice lyis, to the effect that thai may dispone the same and gif collatioun thairof to sic ane qualifiet persone as they sall think expedient, providing alwayes in cais the presbytery refuis to admit ane qualifiet minister presentit to theme be the patroun, it salbe lauchfull to the patroun to retene the haill fruitis of the same benefice in his awin handis. And forder, his hienes and estaittis foirsaidis declairis that the deprivatioun already pronuncit or to be pronuncit be ony presbytery, synodall or generall assemblies aganis ony of the personis or vicaris foirsaidis sall nawayes hurte or be prejudiciall to ony takis lauchfullie sett be that persone deprivit befoir his deprivatioun to quhatsumevir personis.
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†Oure soverane lord, with avise of the estaittis of this present parliament, statutes and ordanis that the actis of parliament maid of befoir anent mansis and gleibis to be gevin to ministeris of Goddis haly evangell within this realme salbe understand and extendit to all abbayes and cathedrall kirkis within this realme quhair na ather mans nor gleib pertening to persone or vicare wes of befoir, sua that the ministeris presentlie admittit or quhilkis heirefter salhappin to be admittit to the office or cure of the ministrie within the said kirk salhaif ane sufficient mans and duelling place within the precinct of the abbay quhair he servis, togidder with four aikeris of land of the best and maist commodious lyand contigue and maist ewest to the said mans, quhilk pertenis, or in ony tyme of befoir pertenit, to the said abbey or ony member thairof, quhether the samyn land ly within the said precinct or outwith the same, gif thair be samekle as may extend to the quantitie of four aikeris to be designit, inhabite, occupiet, laubourit, manurit, conforme to the tennour of the actis of parliament maid of befoir anent mans and gleibis to be gevin to the ministeris of Goddis word within this realme, with speciall provisioun that it salbe in the optioun of the abbattis, priouris and utheris prelattis and personis quhatsumevir, fewaris of the saidis cathedrall and abbay places, ather to graunt ane mans to the minister within the precinct of thair place or ellis ane sufficient mans lyand als ewest and commodious to the parroche kirk.
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†Forsamekle as, albeit be divers actis and constitutionis maid of befoir, it wes statute and ordanit that adultery, notour and manifest, sould be punishit be death, quhilk nevirtheles hes not yit bene put to dew executioun, be occasioun quhairof the cryme of adultery daylie incres and for the samynn ane grite nowmer of maryit personis hes bene devorceit for adultery committit be ane of the pairties, and the pairtie committare of the offence privatlie contractis pretendit mariages of new with the said persone with quhome be the said sentence of divorcement they ar tryit to haif committit the fault, quhilk is na wayes to be allowit be the law of God and the publict honestie of the realme; and the ischew and successioun proceding of the saidis unlauchfull mariages breidis mony questionis in the law and oftymes tendis to the greit hurt, prejudice and disheresing of the successioun begottin in thair formare lauchfull mariage, quhilkis of the law of God and man aucht to succeid to thair inheritance, specialie be wemen heretrices quha ar lauchfullie divorcit frome thair housbandis for thair awin falt and offence, quha efter the unlauchfull miariage with the adulteraris, haif defraudit and may defraude, hurte, prejudge and dishereis thair lauchfull successioun begottin in the said lauchfull mariage be disponing of thair heretage, tackis, stedingis, rowmes and possonis ather to thair said unlauchfull housband or to sum uther mediat persoun to his utilitie and proffite, or to the successioun proceding be the said damnit mariage efter the divorcement, quhilk pretendit mariage is rather to be accomptit ane continewatioun of thair former adultery nor ane lauchfull and Chrystiane conjunctioun, lyk as it is providit be the commoun lawis and in all tymes bigane hes bene ressavit in practise within this realme, that the woman being divorceit fra hir housband throw and be hir awin offence sall amit and tyne hir tocher and all uther thingis gevin to hir in respect and for the caus of the said mariage, sua it is providit be the commoun law that the woman, having comittit the said offence, and being divorceit thairfoir and mareand the persone with quhome sho committit the offence for quhilk the said divorcement followit, sall not be hable to enriche hir said unlauchfull housband, nor the successioun following upoun the said unlauchfull mariage, quhilk oure said soverane lord and estaittis of parliament, upoun greit and weichtie considerationis tending to the punishement of the said cryme of adultery, haif ordainit to be observit and kepit in all tyme cuming within this realme; and, thairfoir, it is statute and ordanit be oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament foirsaidis that quhensoevir ony woman is, or hes bene, divorcit fra hir lauchfull spous for hir awin falt and offence of adultery, and compleitis unlauchfull and pretendit mariage with the same persone with quhome scho committit the said offence, or planelie and oppinlie duellis and resortis in cumpanie with him at bed and burde, gif scho haif ony landis, heretage, takkis, roumes or possessionis it sall not be lauchfull to hir to dispone, annalie and put away the same in all or in pairt, ather to hir said pretendit housband and adulterair or to the successioun proceding of that pretendit mariage or carnall daill, nor to quhatsumevir uther persone or personis in prejudice and hurt of the airis and successioun procreat upoun the said first lauchfull mariage, or failyeing of thame of hir uther lauchfull aires quhatsumevir, nor to do ony deid directlie nor indirectlie that may hurte and prejuge thame thairin; and declairis and ordanis that the airis and successouris of hir procreat in the said first lauchfull mariage and failyeing of thame hir uther lauchfull airis quhatsumevir, ar and salbe hable to succeid to hir eftir hir deceis in the saidis landis, heretage, takkis, roumes and possessionis, notwithstanding ony alienatioun or dispositioun maid in ony tyme bigane or to be maid heireftir in the contrair, quhilkis pretendit alienationis and dispositionis maid or to be maid in maner foirsaid, oure said soverane lord and his estaittis of parliament, decernis and declairis to haif bene and to be null frome the begyning, and ordanis the said nullitie to be ressavit and admittit be way of exceptioun or reply but ony proces or summoundis of reductioun alsweill befoir the lordis of counsall and sessioun as befoir the inferiour juges in service of brevis and all uther actionis and caus quhairevir the samin may occur, and ordanis this present constitutioun to haif full effect anent all dispositionis and alienationis foirsaidis, gif ony be maid sen the parliament haldin be oure soverane lord efter his perfyte aige of xxj yeiris compleit in the moneth of Julii the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeiris.
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†Item, forsamekle as crueltie and bluidsched is cumit to sic ane heicht within this land that the hous of the Lord and his sanctuary is not fre but filthely polutit and defylit thairwith in sic sort that commounlie all revenges of querrellis and deidlie feidis is now execute in kirkis and kirkyairdis at the tyme appoyntit to the service of God and teaching of his haly word thairin, quhairby divers personis, for feir of thair lyffes, dar not resort to the preaching of the Gospell. For remeid quhairof, the kingis majestie and estaittis of this present parliament statutes, ordanis and declaris that quhatsumevir persone or personis committis slauchter within any kirk or kirkyaird the tyme of prayeris, preaching or ministratioun of the sacramentis, that persone or personis, comitteris of the said slauchter, being ather denuncit rebellis or declairit fugitive for the same, the kingis majestie salhaif full power, not onlie to dispone upoun thair simple escheat of moveables, bot als upoun the lyverent of all and quhatsumevir thair landis, heretages, levingis, tackis, stedingis, roumes or possessionis etc.; and als declaris that quhatsumevir persone or personis salhappin to ressett ony of the saidis personis quha beis denucit rebellis or fugitive for the saidis slauchteris committit within the saidis kirkis or kirkyairdis, declaratour being first past upoun thair said ressett, the ressetteris of thame sall incur the samin pane and tinsale of thair lyverentis.
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†The kingis majestie and estaittis of this present parliament, for eschewing of the greit inconvenientis liklie to arryse throw erectioun of temporalities and teyndis of kirklandis in temporall lordschippis and levingis to the prejudice of the kirk and hurte of his majesties estait and privilege of his crown, ordanis and declairis that na erectiounes of the foirsaidis landis and teyndis maid sen the act of annexatioun salbe ratifiit or gevin in this parliament, nor in na tyme heirefter, and in cais ony erectionis happynnis to be obtenit in ony tyme cuming, the kingis majestie and estaittis foirsaidis declairis the same to be null and of na effect in the self, exceptand alwayes, lyk as oure said soverane lord and estaittis abonewrittin expreslie exceptis and reservis, all erectionis, charteris and infeftmentis grantit be his hienes of sic pairtis and portionis of the kirklandis already erectit in temporall lordschippis and baronies to sic persoun or persounes as hes already sen the said lait act of annexatioun ressavit the honouris, ordouris and estaittis of lordis of parliament be the solempne forme of belting and utheris ceremonies observit in sic caises and hes sensyne enterit and sittin in parliament as temporall lordis, voitit in parliament and articles ressavit and admittit to that effect.
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†The kingis majestie and estaittis of this present parliament ratifies and apprevis all and quhatsumevir actis of parliament, secreit counsall and proclamationis maid of befoir aganis Jesuites, seminary preistis and trafficqueing papistis and ressatteris of ony of thame; and decernis and declairis that in all tyme coming the saying of messe, ressetting of Jesuites, seminary preistis and trafficqueing papistis aganis the kingis majestie and the religioun presentlie professit within this realme is and salbe ane just caus to infer the pane and cryme of tressoun baith aganis the Jesuites, mes preistis, trafficqueing papistis and ressetteris of thame, providing howsone the Jesuites and seminary preistis satisfies the prince and the kirk, the foirsaid penaltie nawayes to strik aganis the saidis ressetteris.
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†Oure soverane lord and haill estaittis of this present parliament ratifies, apprevis and confermis the act maid be his hienes, with avise of the lordis of secreit counsall, sessioun and chekker upoun the xiiij day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeiris, in favouris of the ministrie, thair stipendis and rentis, and decernis and declairis the same to haif the strenth, force and effect of ane law and act of parliament in all tymes coming, and all juges within this realme to proceid, decyde and minister justice in all actionis and caus concerning the saidis ministeris, thair assignationis, stipendis and rentis, according to the forme, tennour and contentis of the said act, in all pointis, quhairof the tennour followis: At Edinburgh, the xiiij day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeiris, forsamekle as in the moneth of December, the yeir of God jM vC lxj yeiris, sone efter the arryving of oure soverane lordis derrest moder out of the pairtis of Fraunce within this realme, consultatioun being tane be hir majestie with the avise of the lords of hir secreit counsall and utheris of the nobilitie then present, anent the provisioun of the ministrie to ressounable and competent levingis and support of the publict effaires of the realme, and to that effect conference being had with the prelattis and utheris of the ecclesiasticall estait, quhais offerris being hard and considderit, it wes concludit, decernit and ordanit that gif the ferd pairt of the fruitis of the haill benefices ecclesiasticall within this realme micht be sufficient to sustene the ministeris throchout the haill pairtis thairof, and support of the prince to interteny and set fordward the commoun effairis of the cuntrie, and failyeing thairof, the thrid pairt of the saidis fruitis and mair quhill it wer sufficient to the effect foirsaid, sould be yeirlie uptakin in tyme coming to be employed to the tua uses abonespecefiit allanerlie; and thairefter, in the parliamet haldin the first yeir of oure soverane lordis regnne, it wes statute and ordanit that the haill thriddis of the benefices within this realme sould than instantlie in all tyme cuming thairefter first be payit to the ministeris of the evangell and thair successouris, and thay first being answerit of thair stipendis pertening to every ane of thame, the rest and superplus sould be imployed to oure soverane lordis use, quhairthrow the samyn became as ane inviolable law and, be vertew thairof, his hienes and his umquhile derrest moder wes in peceable possessioun of the saidis thriddis of kirkis and freris landis, sua that thairby the ministeris of Goddis word wer ressounablie providit, and ane gude pairt of the publict effairis honestlie sustenit. And albeit the plane wordis of the saidis actis manifestlie declairis the use, effect and intentioun thairof to haif tendit to na uther fyne bot that the ministrie sould be ressounablie sustenit and the charge of the publict effaires sufficientlie interteneit, yit nevirtheles, throw inoportune suittes of sum personis mair respecting thair awin particulare proffite than ather the sustentatioun of the ministeris or his hienes honorable estait and the commoun weill of the realme, his hienes and his umquhile derrest mother hes bene movit to mak dispositioun of the said superplus in pensioun or to discharge, and gif the same frie to certane possessouris of benefices or to mak takkis and assedationis of the same thriddis, commoun kirkis, freris landis and rentis thairof, quhairthrow thair remanis litle or nathing to be disponit on, ether to be modifiet, assignit and appointit for levingis and stipendis for sic qualifiet personis as God may rais up heirefter meit to enter in the functioun of the ministrie or to supplie the publict effaires of the estait of his hienes realme. For avoyding of quhilkis inconveniences, albeit divers revocationis of the saidis giftis, takkis and dispositionis hes bene maid befoir, and namelie be his hienes umquhile derrest mother efter hir perfyte aige in the moneth of September jM vC lxvj yeiris, and thairefter be his hienes, with avise of the regent for the tyme, in the moneth of August, the yeir of God jM vC lxxiij yeiris, as also in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh the yeir of God jM vC lxxxj yeiris and lxxxiiij yeiris, and last of all in the parliament haldin efter his hienes perfite aige of tuentie ane yeris compleit in the moneth of Julii lastbipast, be the quhilkis revocationis respective foirsaid it is fund, alsua be his hienes derrest mother efter hir perfite aige, as lykwayes be his hienes self and thre estaittis convenit in parliament, that the saidis thriddis of benefices and superplus thairof, commoun kirkis, freris landis and rentis being assumit and takin in his hienes handis for sustentatioun of the ministrie and support of the publict effaires micht not be disponit nor gevin utherwayes, bot applyit to the samynn use and effect that they wer ordanit to at the begynning and that, specialie in respect that thair can be na superplus of the saidis thriddis unto the tyme that the saidis ministeris had bene sufficientlie placit and providit of thair stipendis, quhilkis being variable fra yeir to yeir, the conditioun alsua of the said superplus behufit to be uncertane and consequentlie could not be disponit bot fra yeir to yeir, and that efter the saidis ministeris assignatioun and sufficient provisoun of his majesties hous quhilk wes specialie meanit and understand under the name of the said publict effaires; and thairfoir all sic giftis, pensionis, takkis and dispositionis of the saidis thriddis, commoun kirkis, freris landis and rentis thairof grantit be his hienes derrest moder or be his majestie selff or uther wages be his regentis, alsweill confermit in parliament as unconfermit, be expres wordis of the saidis revocationis confermit in parliament, ar decernit and declairit to be of nane availl, force nor effect, but ony declaratour or proces of reductioun as the samyne in thame selffis at mair lenth proportis, yit nevertheles the said revocatioun be the samyn as befoir has bene evacuat and frustrat, and the saidis giftis and dispositionis pairtlie ratifiit in his hienes last parliament, pairtlie renewit after his hienes perfyte age to the same personis and utheris of the lyk qualitie, quhairthrow the first intentioun of the saidis actis is liklie to be frustrat in all tyme cuming. Lykas alsua first be act of secreit counsall and nixt be act of parliament, it is statute and ordanit that all benefices of cure under prelacies salbe presentit be his hienes and the laic patronis in favouris of habile and qualifiit ministeris, apt and hable to enter in that functioun and to discharge the dewetie thairof, quhilk in lykwayes hes tane na effect, bot contrair the expres statute and meaning thairof, the saidis benefices hes bene disponit to bairnes and utheris personis altogidder unhable for the said office and functioun, sumtymes be dispositioun and utherwayes be fraudfull resignatioun of the usufructaris, with provisioun nevirtheles that the same sould remane with the usufructaris during thair lyftymes expres aganis all guid lawes ressavit in ony aige of befoir sua that the only tua moyanis of the avaunceing of the glory of God, quhilk consistit in the saidis thriddis, commoun kirkis and dispositionis of the same small benefices is, be the malice of inconsiderat personis, alluterlie subvertit, quhairby grete confusionis has enterit and divers inconveniences lyk to follow gif tymous and substantious remeid be not providit. For remeid quhairof and reformatioun of the saidis abuses of the thriddis, commoun kirkis, freris landis and rentis, and reduceing of the same to thair first institutioun, oure soverane lord, with avise of the lordis of his hienes secreit counsall, session and chekker all in ane voice, findis and declairis that the saidis thriddis of benefices, commoun kirkis, freris landis and rentis, being only destinat to the tua usis abonespecefiit according to the saidis actis of counsall, parliament and revocationis foirsaidis following thairupoun, micht be disponit, gevin or imployit na utherwayes bot to the said use and effect for quhilk they war appointit to at the begynning; and siclike that na pensionis, tak or lyfrent of the said superplus or any commoun kirkis micht or may be disponit in tyme cuming for ony langer space nor the space of ane yeir, and that efter the making of the yeirlie assignationis of the ministeris stipendis and sufficient provisioun for sustening of his majesties hous yeirlie; and thairfoir decernis and declairis all and quhatsumevir pensionis, lyfrentis and takkis purchest or to be purchest (quhairby the saidis thriddis, superpluss thairof or the first and best rentallis of the commoun kirkis, freris landis and rentis abonewrittin hes bene diminischit or alterit sen the last assumptioun of the saidis thriddis) grantit ather be oure soverane lordis derrest moder or be his hienes selff to quhatsumevir persone or personis upoun wrang report and inoportune sute without ony cognitioun preceding of the sustentatioun of the ministrie within this realme and sufficient provisioun for sustening of his majesties hous, to haif bene frome the begynning and to be in all tyme cuming of nane availl, force nor effect, notwithstanding quhatsumevir confirmatioun or ratificationis following thairupoun; and thairfoir ordanis the collectour generall be him selff, his chalmerlanis and under ressaveris in his name, to ask, crave, ressave, intromet with and uptak all and haill the thriddis of benefices within this realme unassignit to the ministrie, togidder with the haill commoun kirkis, freris landis and rentis thairof (quhair the first and best rentalis ar alterit or diminischit sen the first assumptioun of the saidis thriddis) of this instant crope and yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris, and siclike yeirlie in tyme cuming, according to the rentallis maid compt of in the yeir of God jM vC lxxxiiij yeiris and last assumptioun thairof; and gif the saidis thriddis be diminishit or hurte in ony wayes be the saidis last rentallis and assumptioun thairof sen the first assumptioun of the saidis thriddis maid compt of in the yeir of God jM vC lxj yeiris, ordanis the said collector to haif recours to the first assumptioun for samekle as the samyn ar diminished be the last assumptioun, and to charge for the same without respect of ony pensioun, tak, lyfrent or discharge of the saidis thriddis, superplus or ony pairt thairof, or of the saidis commoun kirkis, freris landis or rentis of the same alterit or diminischit in the rentallis sen the first assumptioun of the thriddis as said is; and siclike ordanis that the lordis of counsall and sessioun sall na wayes grant ony suspensioun or relaxtioun fra the horne to ony persone or personis chargit or denuncit for pament of the saidis thriddis, commoun kirkis and utheris foirsaidis alterit or diminishit fra the first and best rentallis as said is quhill the sowmes and victuallis chairgit for be first payit to the generall collectour, notwithstanding quhatsumevir pensioun, tak, lyfrent or discharge purchest or to be purchest of the saidis thriddis, kirkis, commoun landis and freir landis and uther rentis pertening thairto (quhair the first and best rentallis ar alterat or diminischit as said is) of this instant crope and yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeiris, and siclike yeirlie and termelie in tyme coming, bot that thay held repute and esteme of the samyne as null in the selff, and the said nullitie to be ressavit alsweill be way of exceptioun as actioun, but prejudice nevertheles of quhatsumevir infeftment heretable grantit be oure soverane lord quhairby the conditioun of the saidis thriddis ar alterit or diminischit. And albeit the tak maid to the bairnis lauchfull and natural of Robert, erle of Orknay, of the thriddis of the abbay of Halyruidhous fallis and is declairit null, nevirtheles his hienes, with avise foirsaid, willis and ordanis Adame, bischope of Orknay, now haifand the possessioun of the samyn thiddis be title of the saidis bairnis, still to possess and bruik the samyn thriddis (attour the yeirlie soume payit furth of the same to the ministeris of the kirkis of Halyruidhous thir yeiris bigane) in consideratioun that he hes transferrit the richt of the warrandice competent to him in the persoun of oure soverane lord, for quhilk his hienes commandis the said collectour to charge and mak compt and pament this present yeir and crope jM vC fourscoir sevin yere and in tymecoming. Attour his hienes, with avise foirsaid, decernis and ordanis all giftis and dispositionis of benefices of cure under prelaciis gevin or presentit sen his hienes coronatioun to sic personis as ar not in the present functioun of the ministrie, nor hable to discharge the dewetie thairof according to the act of parliament maid thairanent, quhidder the saidis benefices vaikis be deceis or dimissioun, to be lykwayes null frome the begynning, and to be in all tymes coming of nane availl, force nor effect, and the said nullitie to be ressavit be quhatsumevir juge alsweill be way of exceptioun as actioun, notwithstanding ony dispensatioun or act of parliament to be maid in the contrair, exceptand alwayes the benefices disponit to the senatouris of the college of justice, and quhilkis ar laic patronages, the same being alwayes presentit to qualifiit personis, conforme to the act of parliament maid thairanent, and the archideanry of Sanctandrois provydit to Maister George Young, his hienes secretare depute. And for the better directioun of the executioun of this present act, his hienes gevis and grantis full power and commissioun to his chancellare, thesaurare, comptroller, collectour, justice clerk, clerk of register, Alexander, lait priour of Pluscardin, Maister Johnne Lindesay, persone of Menmuir, Maister Johnne Grahme, persone of Killerne, Maister James Elphinstoun of Innernochtie, Maister David Chalmer, chancellare of Ross, Maister David Carnegy of Culluthy and Peter Hay of Meginche, or ony fyve of thame conjunctlie, to mak and conclude the assignationis of the ministeris stipendis and to devide exactlie that quhilk salbelang to thame and thair assignatiounes in tyme cuming etc. firme and stable etc.; and that lettrez be direct for publicatioun heirof at the mercat croces of this realme and utheris places neidfull and this present act and declaratioun groundit upoun the saidis actis of parliament. His majestie, with avise foirsaid, promeiss in verbo principis to ratifie in his nixt parliament and that the same sall haif the full effect and force of law in the meanetyme, provyding that the lords of counsall and sessioun haif the immunitie as justlie thay may clame or as salbe fund ressounable be his hienes and lordis auditouris of his majesties chekker at the hering and consideratioun of every particulare caus, and specealie the same immunitie that thay had in the tyme of the quene, his hienes mother of gude memorie.
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†Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament hes fullie understand how that Adame, bischope of Orknay, commendatare of Halyrudhous and ane of the lordis of his hienes counsall and sessioun, wes in oure soverane lordis tender aige constranit to change the fruitis of the said bischoprik of Orknay, the rentis quhairof were than haill and frie with the benefice of Halyruidhous, quhairof thair restit na thing unconsumit but the thrid quhilk was disponit be oure soverane lordis derrest mother in hir perfite aige to the bairnes of Robert, erle of Orknay, hir brother, quhilk pensioun the said erle takand the burding in and upoun him for the saidis bairnes transferrit in the said Adame, bischope of Orknay, oblissand him in maist strait forme for warrandice of the said pensioun. Nevirtheles in the moneth of [...] the yeir of God jM vC lxxiij yeiris, be ane new ordour establisched for satisfeing of the ministeris stipendis, it was appointit that furth of the saidis thriddis of Halyruidhous thair sould be gevin yeirlie for sustentatioun of the ministrie serving the cure at the kirkis of the said abbay the [...] of aucht hundreth threscoir pundis, upoun the conditioun of the payment quhairof the said former gift of pensioun wes ratifiit and apprevit; lyk as the said Robert, erle of Orknay, become of new oblist for warrandice to the said bischop of the said soume of viijC lx lib., in respect of the quhilk the said Adame, bischop of Orknay, hes maid thankfull pament to the ministeris serving the cure of the saidis kirkis continewallie of the said soume sensyne, quhilk being deiplie weyit and considerit be his majestie, the lordis of secreit counsall, sessioun and chekker at the constitutioun maid be thame upoun the xiiij day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeiris, anent the generall provisioun of the haill ministeris of this realme and all the premis being than tryit to be of veritie for the pairt of the said Adame, bischope of Orknay, and it being than weill considerit that gif the thriddis of the said abbay of Halyruidhous sould be upliftit with extremetie thair sould not rest samekle as sould beir the charges of the said Adam, bischope of Orknay, his estait in oure soverane lordis service, quhairin he hes bene occupiet be the space of xxxij yeiris bypast; and thairfoir be the said generall act and constitutioun, it wes decernit and ordanit that the thrid of the said benefice of Halyruidhous sould remane in the said estait quhairin it was of befoir, and that the samyn sould be upliftit be the said Adame, bischop of Orknay, he payand to the saidis ministeris the said soume of aucht hundreth threscoir pundis. And for the samyn caus, oure said soverane lord and his collectour generall ressavit ane assignatioun fra the said bischope of Orknay of the said warrandice, in the quhilk the said Robert, erle of Orknay wes oblist unto him, quhilk warrandice oure said soverane lord and his collectour hes disponit to James Stewart, sone naturall to the said erle, for yeirlie pament of fyve hundreth pund money; bot nevirtheles the lordis appoyntit for modifeing of the ministeris stipendis, not weill remembering the said generall ordinance, haif assignit ane greit quantitie of silver and victuall to the ministeris furth of the said thrid above the said soume of viijC lx lib., quhilk hes bred na small trouble to the said Adame, bischope of Orknay, being na forder dettour nor is abone expremit; thairfoir, oure said soverane lord and estaittis in parliament, efter dew tryall and examinatioun takin in the said mater, haif ratifiit and apprevit and be the tennour of this present act ratifies and apprevis the claus and conditioun insert in the said act and constitutioun maid the said xiiij day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeiris foirsaid, concerning the thrid of the said abbey of Halyruidhous in all the circumstances thairof, and of new decernis and ordanis the samyne to be keipit and observit to the said Adame, bischope of Orknay, commendatare foirsaid, and that the said thrid of Halyruidhous salbe bruikit, efter the forme and tennour of the said ordinance, retreittand and rescindand quhatsumevir assignationis maid to the ministeris contrair the tennour of the claus and provisioun foirsaid, with all sentences and decreittis quhatsumevir following thairupoun, notwithstanding ony act maid in this present parliament or at ony tyme befoir the dait heirof.
[1592/4/35]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament decernis and declairis that it salbe lesum to all townis and parrochynnaris to landwart quhair mercattis of befoir wer kepit and haldin upoun the Sabboth day (being now prohibite be the law of God and lawes of this realme sa to continew) to elect and cheis ony uther day in the oulk for halding of the saidis mercattis within the saidis townis and at landwart kirkis quhair they wer accustumat to have mercattis of befoir (not being the mercat day of the nixt burgh), and thair to by and sell viveris and sic utheris commodities as wer usit upoun the Sabboth day without stope or impediment, alwayes without prejudice of the richt and liberties of his hienes frie burrowis; and that lettrez be direct heirupoun gif neid beis in forms as efferis.
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†Oure soverane lord and estaittis, remembering the lait civile troubles within this realme, and that for pacifeing thairof thair hes bene sindrie gude constitutionis and actis of parliament maid and sett down, sic as the act of pacificatioun concludit at Perth in the moneth of Februar threscoir tuelf yeris, thairefter ratifiet in parliament haldin at Halyruidhous in the moneth of Aprile, threscoir threttene yeris, the act of abolitioun in the parliament haldin at Lynlithgw in the moneth of December, jM vC fourscoir fyve yeris, and the act maid in parliament haldin at Edinburgh in the moneth of Julii fourscoir sevin yeiris, ratifeand the foirsaidis actis of pacificatioun and abolitioun, quhilkis haill actis and constitutionis wer onlie maid and grantit in favouris of sic personis quha profess the trew religioun as the samyne is presentlie profest within this realme and that hes acknawlegit oure said soverane lord and hienes auctoritie; and to the effect that the benefite and commoditie of the saidis actis be not extendit in favouris of ony persoun or personis quha profess not the trew religioun as the samyne is presentlie profest within this realme, and hes not acknawlegit oure said soverane lord and his hienes auctoritie, thairfoir oure said soverane lord, with advise and consent of his saidis estaittis and haill body of this present parliament, findis, decernis and declairis that the foirsaid act of pacificatioun maid and concludit at Perth and ratifiet thairefter in parliament as said is, the act of abolitioun maid at Lynlithgw in the moneth of December fourscoir fyve, and the act maid in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh in the moneth of Julii fourscoir sevin, ratifeand the saidis actis with the haill eikis maid thairto, ar only extendit and maid in favouris of sic personis quha profess the trew religioun as the samin is presentlie profest within this realme and hes acknawlegit his hienes auctoritie; and that na persoun nor personis quha wer foirfaltit, convict of barratrie or quha tint thair benefices or pensionis ipso facto may be hard to seik the benefite of the saidis actis or ony of thame or to use ony restitutioun or ratificatioun thairof, befoir that they profes the trew religioun as the same is presentlie profest within this realme and acknawlege oure said soverane lord and his auctoritie; and this act to be extendit not onlie aganis all personis quha hes bene foirfaltit, convict of barratrie and tint thair benefices ipso facto at ony tymes befoir the dait heirof, bot also to all personis that salhappin at ony tyme heirefter to be foirfaltit, convict of barratrie or lauchfullie tyne and amit thair benefices and pensionis.
[1592/4/37]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord, with avise and consent of the estaitis of this present parliament, ratifies and apprevis the xvij act of the parliament haldin and begun at Edinburgh, the xxiiij day of October, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxj yeiris, intitulat 'Commissioun for reformatioun of the hospitallis, masondewis, almousis hous and beid hous, and reduceing thame to thair first institutioun etc.'; and becaus the grytest pairt of the noble men and utheris officiaris of estait to quhome the said commissioun wes directit ar depairtit this lyff, ordanis thair rowmes to be suppliet be the personis efter following, thay ar to say: Johnne, lord Thirlestane, chancellar, Schir Robert Melvill of Murdocarny, knicht, thesaurair, Schir Richard Cokburne, younger, of Clerkingtoun, secrettar, Mark, lord of Newbotle, maister of requestes, Alexander, commendater of Culros, Maister David McGill of Cranston Riddell, his hienes advocat, Alexander Hay of Eister Kennet, clerk of register, and William Litill, provest of Edinburgh, gevand, grantand and committand to thame, or ony thrie of thame, conjunctlie the lyk power and commissioun to convene thame selffis, to the effect and in maner specifiet in the said former act of the dait abone writtin in all pointis.
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†Forsamekle as it is statute and ordanit in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the xxiiij day of October the yeir of God jM vC lxxxj yeris, that everie parroche kirk, and samekle boundis as salbe fund to be a sufficient and competent parrochin thairfoir, salhave thair awin pastour with a sufficient and ressonabll stipend, according to the quhilk ordinance dyvers of the gentilmen duelland to landwart of the parochin of Sanctandrois hes exponit and declarit to his hienes and estatis of this present parliament the large quantitie and boundis of the parrochin of Sanctandrois of auld, baith to burgh and to land, exceding sevin myles of lenth, quhilk can not be sufficientlie instructit be a pastour in respect of the populous congregatioun of the said parrochin and greit distance of the saidis parrochinaris duellingis frome the said parroche kirk, and thairfoir hes cravit the divisioun of the said parrochin and ane ressonabll boundis of the landwart of the same to be erectit in ane severall parroche for thair better and mair commodious instructioun, offering to big ane kirk and mans thairto upoun thair awin expenss, quhilk petitioun his hienes and estaitis foirsaidis, finding to be maist godlie and ressonable, haif thairfoir fund, designit and declarit the particular townis and landis efermentionat, liand of auld within the said parrochin of Sanctandrois, to be ane sufficient and competent boundis for ane severall and distinct parrochin, thai ar to say: Byrehillis, Smiddy Greine, Balduf, Bonytoun, Walkmylne, Strathvethen, Bennefeld, Kynaldie, Kilmerstoun, Karingour, Lamelathen, Langraw, Fedinche, Unthank pro Lethem, Lathoker, Hasilidene, Eister and Wester Mortonis; and thairfoir to have devydit the same toun and landis particularlie abonementionat fra the auld parrochin of Sanctandrois, and to have erectit the same lyk as his hienes and estatis of parliament erectis the saidis tounes and landis presentlie abonespecefiit, with the haill boundis, methis and marches thairof, in ane severall and distinct parrochin for that part of the landwart of the said parroche of Sanctandrois duelland upoun the same, to be callit in all tyme cuming the South Kirk of Sanctandrois, with pour to thame to big ane parroche kirk and mans upoun ony part of the saidis landis quhilk salbe fund maist commodious and convenient be the saidis parochineris for the resort of the said people thairto, and to convene at the said parroche kirk for hering the word of God and ministratioun of the sacramentis at all tymes convenient, gevand, grantand and disponand to the said parroche kirk all liberties, privileges and commodeties that ony uther parroche kirk within this realme hes, and discharges the saidis parrochinaris of all chargis, imposit burdenis and taxatiounis quhairinto thai wer subject of befoir to the auld parroche kirk of Sanctandrois and of all maner of contributioun thairto, declaring thame to be frie thairof in all tyme cuming, sua that thai salbe onlie burdynit with the upbringing, reparatioun and uphalding of thair said new parroche kirk and uther ordinar chargis and expenses belanging thairto.
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†Oure soverane lord, remembering that his majestie, upoun certane speciall gude and godlie occasionis tending to the glorie of God in the moneth of November, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir nyne yeiris, efter his hienes perfite aige of xxj yeris compleit and generall revocatioun maid in parliament, gaif, grantit and, for his hienes and his successouris, committit to his grace lovit Johnne Schaw of Grenok his majesties full power, speciall libertie, facultie and licence to erect and big ane kirk, designne ane mans and yaird thairto, in and upoun ony pairt or place within the boundis of his awin landis and heretage quhair he sall think maist commodious and convenient, quhairat his haill tennentis salbe haldin to convene to heir Goddis word and ressave the sacramentis in all tyme cuming, ordaning the samyn to be callit the parroche kirk of Grenok, and thairfoir exeming him, his airis and tennentis of his haill landis and heretage now had and to be had be him and thame fra all keping and convening to thair auld parroche kirk in ony tyme cuming, bot at thair awin will and plesure; and declairit thame to be frie and perpetualie exonerit and dischairgit of all charge and burding of the samyne in stent, taxatioun, beitting, bigging or ony ether maner of way in tyme cuming. And forder, his majestie, upoun the speciall respectis foirsaidis, hes exemit the said Johnne Schaw, his airis and tennentis, present and to cum, duelling upoun his proper landis and heretage of Grenok, Fynnart and Spangok with thair pertinentis, extending all to twentie aucht pund xiij s. worth of land of auld extent, lyand in the parrochin of Innerkipe within the schirefdome of Renfrew, fra all payment of ony pairt of ony taxatioun, stent, subseid, charge and impositioun quhatsumevir to be raisit and imposit within this realme in ony tyme heirefter, ather ordiner or extraordiner, for ony caus or occasioun that may happin in respect the saidis landis ar of title extent and the taxatioun thairof wilbe bot small; and thairfoir his hienes, for his grace and his successouris, hes decernit and declairit the said Johnne Schaw and his foirsaidis to be frie and simpliciter dischairgit thairof for evir as in the lettrez of erectioun grantit thairupoun under the privie seill, berand his majesties faithfull promeis in verbo principis not onlie to provide ane sufficient and ressounable stipend to the minister serving the cure of the said kirk of Grenok, bot als to ratifie and appreve the erectioun of the samyne kirk, haill privileges and liberties grantit thairto in his grace nixt parliament at mair lenth is contenit; thairfoir oure said soverane lord, considering the foirsaid erectioun, liberties and privileges thairof to be grantit upoun ane gude and godlie intentioun, with advise of the estaittis of this present parliament and haill body thairof, ratifiis, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetualie confermis the lettrez of erectioun maid and grantit be his majestie to the said Johnne Schaw of Grenok and his airis for the caus and in maner abonewrittin, haill articles, claus, liberties, privileges, conditionis and circumstances quhatsumevir specifiit and contenit thairintill; and willis and declaris and, for his hienes and his successouris, with avise foirsaid, decernis and ordanis that the samyne lettrez of erectioun and this present ratificatioun grantit thairupoun is, and salbe, sufficient richt and title to the said Johnne Schaw, his airis, successouris and tennentis for bruiking and josing of the haill liberties, immunities and privileges contenit thairintill in all tyme cuming; and ordanis the clerk of registri and his deputes to insert heirin the saidis lettrez of erectioun, haill articles and claus thairof at lenth word be word, quhairof the tennour followis:
James, be the grace of God, king of Scottis, to oure collectouris and utheris under ressaveris of the stentis, taxationis, subsydis and impositionis, ordiner and extraordiner, to be raisit and imposit within this realme and all oure officeris executouris of ony oure uther lettrez to be direct thairupoun, lieges and subdites quhome it efferis, quhais knawlege thir oure lettrez sall cum, greting. Wit ye us, being movit with the ernest zeill and grite affectioun oure lovit Johnne Schaw of Grenok hes ay had to Goddis glorie and propagatioun of the trew religioun sen the first professing of the same within our realme, and that he, continewing in that godlie mynd and gude intentioun upoun sindrie ressounable considerationis moving him, of conscience and reverence he beiris to Goddis name, is willing not onlie on his awin coist to erect and big ane parroche kirk upoun his awin heretage, bot als to appoynt and designne mans and yaird to the samyne with the haill proffite and commoditie he hes of teind belanging to the kirk for the help and supporte of the sustentatioun of ane minister thairat, sua that the puir pepill duelling upoun his landis and heretage, quhilkis ar all fischeris and of a ressounable nowmer duelland four myles fra thair parroche kirk and having ane greit river to pas over to the samyne, may haif ane ease in winter seasoun and better commoditie to convene to Goddis service on the Sabbath day and rest according to Goddis institutioun, beand weill allowit of to proceid in the samyn werk, baith be the generall assemblie of the kirk and synodall assemblie of the province quhairin he remanis. And we, understanding that the accomplisheing of the said godlie and gude wark wilbe large coist and expens and grite panes and travellis to the said Johnne and his tennentis, thairfoir that thai fasche not, nor he hinderit thairin, bot rather be encourageit and haif gude occasioun to performe the samyne, we, efter oure lauchfull and perfyte aige of tuentie ane yeris compleit and generall revocatioun maid in oure parliament, haif gevin, grantit and committit and, be thir oure lettrez, gevis, grantis and committis to the said Johnne Schaw of Grenok oure full power, speciall libertie, facultie and licence to erect and big the said kirk and designne mans and yaird thairto in and upoun ony pairt or place within the boundis of his awin landis and heretage quhair he sall think maist commodious and convenient, quhairat his haill tennentis salbe haldin to convene to heir Goddis worde and ressave the sacramentis in all tyme cuming; and ordanis the samin to be callit the parrochie kirk of Grenok and, thairfoir, exeme him, his airis and tennentis of his landis and heretage now had and to be had be him and thame fra all keping and convening to thair auld parroche kirk in ony tymes cuming, bot at thair awin will and plesure be thir oure lettrez, and declairis thame to be frie and perpetualie exonerit and dischairgit of all charge and burding of the samyn in stent, taxatioun, bigging, beitting or ony uther maner of way in tyme cuming. And forder, upoun the caus and considerationis foirsaidis, we, ernestlie willing the said Johnnes godlie intentioun foirsaid, and being of guid mynd to move him thairto and recompance him for the samyne, be the tennour of thir oure lettrez, exemis the said Johnne, his airis and tennentis present and to cum duelling upoun his proper landis and heretage of Grenok, Fynnartie and Spangok with thair pertinentis, extending all to twentie aucht pund xiij s. worth of land of auld extent, lyand within the parrochin of Innerkipe and oure schirefdome of Renfrew, fra all payment of ony pairt of ony taxatioun, stent, subside, charge and impositioun quhatsumevir to be raisit or imposit within this realme in ony tymes heirefter, ether ordiner or extraordiner, for ony caus or occasioun that may happin, and that inrespect the saidis landis ar of litle extent and the taxatioun thairof wilbe bot small. And thairfoir, we, for us and oure successouris, decernis and declairis the said Johnne and his foirsaidis to be frie and simplie dischairgit of all the saidis stentis, taxationis and utheris foirsaidis for now and evir, notwithstanding ony oure lawes, actis, statutes, ordinances, constitutionis, proclamationis and charges maid and sett furth, or to be maid and sett furth in the contrair, anent the quhilke we, for us and oure successoris, dispens in this cais and make speciall dirogatioun thairto be thir our lettrez. Attour we, upoun the erneist zeale we beir to Goddis word, faithfullie promittis in verbo principis to provide ane ressounable stipend for sustentatioun of the minister quhilk sall serve at the said parroche kirk of [...], to be biggit and callit in maner foirsaid, quhat tyme or how sone we salhaif occasioun offerit be casualitie, accident or uther commoditie pertening to us, and to sie the samyne minister haif speciall provisioun or assignatioun for suir payment thairof, siclyk and als sufficientlie as any uther minister within this oure realme, and to be answerit of the samyne but ony pley, questioun, trouble or impediment thairintill; and also faithfullie promittis in verbo regio that, gif neid beis, we sall caus the erectioun of the said parroche kirk with oure libertie and licence to that effect and support to the sustentatioun of ane minister thairat and all uther articles and clauses befoir contenit, to be ratifiet in oure nixt parliament with all clauses and securities necessar and requisite thairto, dischargeing heirfoir yow, all oure collectouris and utheris under ressaveris of the saidis stentis, taxationis, subsidis and impositionis, ordiner and extraordiner, to be raisit and imposit within this oure realme and yow, all utheris oure officeris executouris of ony oure uther lettrez to be direct thairupoun, that ye nor nane of yow charge, horne, poynd nor trouble the said Johnne Schaw, his airis, nor tennentis of his tuentie aucht pund, threttene shilling [...] abonewrittin, with the pertinentis, nor na pairt thairof for any pairt of the samyne taxationis or ony of thame and of your offices in that pairt, be thir oure lettrez gevin under oure privie seill at Halyruidhous, the auchtene day of November, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir nyne yeiris, and of oure regnne the twentie thrie yeir, per signaturam manibus supremi domini nostri regis ac cancellarii subscripta.
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†Forsamekle as the personage of Forteviot, with the haill fruitis thairof, lyand within the diocie of Sanctandrois and schirefdome of Perth, wes, in the dayes of oure soverane lordis maist nobill progenitour King James the Ferd of guid memorie, annexit to the college of Sanctsalvatour within the citie of Sanctandrois for sustening of ane prebendare to serve and sing in the queir, quhilk maner of service being abrogat be the lawes of this realme, oure soverane lord, be his speciall lettrez under the privie seill, appoyntit and ordanit quhatsumevir benefices and prebendaries annext and foundit within the said college of befoir for singing and serving in the said queir to be applyit to the use and commoditie of the provest, maisteris and regentis of the said college, professouris of lettrez and instructaris of the youth, as in the saidis lettrez at mair lenth is contenit, be vertew of the quhilkis and of the said auld annexatioun the saidis provest, maisteris and regentis haif bene in possessioun of the said personage, and now oure soverane lord, for the zeall and affectioun quhilk his majestie beiris to the promotioun of gude lettrez within the said college, with avise of the estaittis of this present parliament, hes of new annext, unit and incorporat and, be the tennour of this present act, annexis, unitis and incorporattis the said personage of Forteviot, fruitis, proffites and emolumentis thairof quhatsumevir, to the said college, to remane thairwith ad perpetuam rei memoriam for sustentatioun of the provest, maisteris, regentis, bursaris and foundit personis thairin, to be usit and distributit be the commoun advise and consent of the said provest and remanent maisteris to the weill, proffite and commoditie of the said college according as thair necessitie sall requyre, provyding alwayes that the minister serving the cure at the said kirk be sustenit upoun the fruitis of the vicarage safar as the same may extend and the superplus to be tane furth of the fruitis of the said personage.
[1592/4/41]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratifies and apprevis the dissolutioun of the deanry of Restalrig and divisioun thairof in the personage of Leswaid and personage of Dalkeith maid be Maister George Ramsay, deane of Restalrig, with the particulare provisioun following thairupoun maid be his hienes to Maister Archibald Sympsoun, minister at Dalkeyth, of the personage of Dalkeyth, quhilk pertenit of befoir to the deanry of Restalrig as ane pairt of the primony thairof; and be the tennour heirof erectis the said personage of Dalkeyth in ane severall and distinct personage be the selff, to remane with the said Maister Archibald and his successouris ministeris of Dalkeith in all tyme cuming; and lykwayes erectis the haill remanent fruitis of the said denery of Restalrig and quhilk pertenit thairto of auld in ane severall and distinct personage to be callit the personage of Leswaid, and unittis and adjoynis thairto the vicarage of Leswaid quhen it salhappin to vaik, to be bruikit and josit be the said Maister George Ramsay, minister of Leswaid, during all the dayes of his lyftyme be vertew of his auld provisioun to the deanry of Restalrig, and to remane with him and his successouris ministeris of Leswaid in all tymes cuming.
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†Oure soverane lord, considering the greit, lang and ernest travellis and laubouris sustenit be his lovit oratour Johnne Dury, minister of Goddis word at Montrois, in the trew preaching of Goddis word, besydes the greit chargis and expensis maid be him thir mony yeris bygane in avanceing the publict effayres of the kirk, and thairwith all remembring the greit houshald and famelie of barnis quhairwith he is burdynnit, quhairby his majestie, being movit of befoir, gaif, grantit and disponit to him, Marioun Marjoribankis, his spous, and Maister Josua Durie, thair sone, and the langer levair of thame thre respective and successive during all the dayis of thair thre lyftymes, all and haill ane yeirlie pensioun of sevin scoir pundis to be upliftit be thame furth of the few males of the landis and lordschip of Altrie, laitlie erectit, lyand within the schirefdome of Abirdene, quhilk pensioun his hienes promessit to ratifie and confirme in verbo principis in the nixt parliament; quhilk promeis being callit to his majesties remembrance and estaitis of this present parliament, efter dew consideratioun of the caus abonewrittin and uther guid and thankfull service done be the said Johnne Durie to his majestie and haill kirk of this realme, thairfoir his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis ratifies, apprevis and confermis the letter of gift and pensioun maid be his hienes to the said Johnne Dury, Marioun Marjoribankis and Maister Josua Durie, thair sone, during all the dayis of thair thre lyftymes respective and successive, off the dait at Halyruidhous, the sevint day of August, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ten yeiris, off the said sowme of sevin scoir pundis to be yeirlie upliftit be thame furth of the few males of the said landis and lordschip of Altrie in all the pointis, clausis and conditionis thairof; and willis and declaris the said lettre of pensioun to be exceptit furth of his majesties generall revocatioun maid efter his hienes aige of tuentie fyve yeiris, and nawyes to be comprehendit under the same nor na uther generall nor speciall revocationis bygane; and to be als valide, gude and sufficient in the selff to the saidis personis and uther of thame as gif the same wer expreslie exceptit and reservit in the said revocatioun, notwithstanding of quhatsumevir actis of parliament, lawis or constitutionis maid in the contrair, quhairwith his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis be this present act dispense and makis expres dirogatioun thairto in safar as the same may appier to be prejudiciall to the said lettre of pensioun. Attour, his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis of new gevis, grantis and disponis to the said Johnne Durie, Marioun Marjoribankis and Maister Josua Durie, thair sone, during all the dayis of thair thre lyftymes respective and successive, all and haill the said yeirlie pensioun of sevin scoir pundis, to be yeirlie upliftit be thame furth of the said few malis and lordschip of Altrie, and for the mair suir payment assignis to thame the saidis few males of the said lordschip of Altrie, commanding the said Lord Altrie, his airis and successouris, to make thankfull payment of the samyne during the space foirsaid, and dischargeand the collectour generall thesaurair of the new augmentatiounis and comptroller, present and tocum, off all calling, chargeing or persewing for the saidis few males and of all stopping of the saidis personis in the said yeirlie pensioun and of thair offices in that pairt; ordaning also the lordis of chekker to allow the said yeirlie pensioun to the said Johnne Durie and his foirsaidis in the comptis of the fewmales of the temporall landis upoun the sicht of this present act and ordinance.
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†Oure soverane lord, now efter his perfite aige of tuentie fyve yeiris compleit, with avise of the haill estaitis of this present parliament, ratifies and apprevis and, for his majestie and his successouris, perpetuallie confermes the charteris, infeftmentis and seasingis maid and grantit be Williame, commendater of Pettinweme, and Williame Scott of Abbottishal respective to the ballies, counsaill, burgess and communitie of the burgh of Pettinweyme and thair successouris ballies, counsaill, burgess and communitie of the said burgh for the tyme, off all and haill that greit hous or greit building of the monasterie of Pettinweme under and abone, with the pertinentis contenand the channonis or monkis frater and dortour of the said monasterie, with the cellaris beneth and loftis abone the samyn frater and dortour; and siclyk of the westries of the said monasterie under and above with thair continentis, and of the chaptour chalmer of the same monasterie and cellair beneth the said chalmer under and above, with all and sindrie thair pertinentis, all lyand in the said monasterie of Pettinweme within the schirefdome of Fyff, on the wast pairt of the inner clois of the said monasterie, betuix the samyn clois on the eist, the new galrie at the eist end of the hall of the said monasterie on the south, the commoun gait, kirk yaird and hous pertening to James and Williame Stevinsonis respective on the wast and the wast gardin of the said monasterie on the north partis; and that for the edifeing and bigging of the ministeris mans, grammer scule, tolbuith, prissone, wey hous and custume hous of the same burgh and utheris necessar hous to the publict use of the said burgh and kirk of the samyn in all and sindrie pointis, pasis, articles and clauses, immunities, privilegis, liberties and circumstances quhatsumevir contenit in the said charteris, infeftmentis and seasingis; and decernis and declaris for his majestie and his saidis successouris that the samyne charteris, infeftmentis and sasingis is, and salbe, in all tyme cuming effectuall, guid, valide and sufficient to the said ballies, counsaill, burgess and communitie of the said burgh and thair saidis successouris for the peceable bruiking and joysing of all and haill the said greit house or greit building contening as said is, under and abone, with thair continentis, and of the saidis vestries, chaptour, chalmer and cellair beneth the same, under and abone, with thair continentis and utheris mentionat in the saidis charteris, infeftmentis and sasingis, with all liberties and privilegeis specefiit in the same, perpetuallie and in all tyme cuming according to the tennour and substance thairof in all pointis, notwithistanding quhatsumevir his majesties revocatioun alreddie maid or to be maid in ony tyme heireftir, or ony utheris his hienes actis, lawis, statutis or constitutionis, generall or speciall, maid or to be maid to the prejudice or dirogatioun thairof or ony of the liberties or privileges expressit in the samyn under the quhilkis the saidis infeftmentis, charteris and seasingis nor na pairt thairof sall nevir be comprehendit be na maner of way, and als notwithstanding of quhatsumevir utheris infeftmentis or securities maid or grantit to ony uther persoun or personis of the said greit hous and utheris foirsaidis or ony pairt thairof in hurt and prejudice of the saidis ballies, counsaill, burgess and communitie of the said burgh and thair saidis successouris thairanent, quhilkis his majestie, with advise foirsaid, for his hienes and his successouris, expreslie revoikis, cassis and annullis be the tennour of thir presentis, and decernis and declaris the same to have bene fra the beginning and to be in all tyme cumming null and of nane availl, force nor effect, as gif the samyn had nevir bene maid. And forder, oure said soverane lord, with advise of his saidis haill estaitis, ordanis to the effect foirsaid ane new charter, infeftment and gift to be maid with consent of his hienes officiaris requisit thairto under his hienes gret seall in the maist ample and dew forme; and that frelie but payment of ony compositioun off the said great hous or greit building, vestreis, chaptour, chalmer, cellaris, loftis and utheris foirsaidis to the saidis ballies, counsell, burgess and communitie of the said burgh of Pettinweme and thair saidis successouris to the effect foirsaid, to be haldin of oure soverane lord and his successouris be vertew of the act of anexatioun for the yeirlie payment of vj s. viij d. usuall money of this realme at tua termes in the yeir, Witsonday and Martimes in winter, be equall portionis in name of fewferme, quhilk new charter, infeftment and gift to be maid as said is, oure said soverane lord, with avise of the saidis estaitis, ratifies and apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confermes in all and sindrie pointis, pasis, articles, clauses, immunities, privileges, liberties, immunities and circumstances quhatsumevir thairin contenit; and decernis and declaris for his majestie and his saidis successouris that the same salbe in all tyme cuming effectuall, guid, valide and sufficient to the saidis bellies, counsaill, communitie and burgess of the said burgh of Pettinweme and thair saidis successouris to the effect foirsaid, and als effectuall, guid, valide and sufficient as gif the same wer alredie maid and past and dewlie be this foirsaid act of parliament confirmit and registrat in the same.
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†Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament, being all ressolvit and of deliberat mynd and purpois that in all tyme cuming thair salbe ane sGopeciall minister appointit to make residence at ilk particular kirk within this realme for teaching and preaching of the evangell of Jesus Christ and ministratioun of the sacramentis thairat; and siclyk that thair be ane locall stipend designit and appointit to ilk minister to be taken up yeirlie of the thriddis, teyndis and utheris dewties lyand within ilk parochin, quharout the ministeris stipendis wer in use to be takin and payit of befoir; and seing the grytest pairt of the same thriddis, teyndis and utheris rentis, assignit yeirlie of befoir in the saidis ministeris stipendis, ar now exhaustit and taken away be the anexatioun, erectionis and utheris dispositionis maid thairof to divers personis, sua that without the guidwill of the present possessouris of the teyndis, temporall landis and utheris kirk rentis, it will be hard and difficill to modifie and appoint the saidis locall stipendis at ilk parocho kirk, and that the schortnes of tyme will nawayis permit sic ane wechtie mater to be intreatit in this present parliament; thairfoir his majestie and estaitis of this present parliament hes gevin and grantit, lyk as thay, be the tennour heirof, gevis and grantis full power and commissioun to the personis undirwrittin, thay ar to say: to Walter, commendater of Blantyre, lord privie seill, Eduard, commendater of Kinlos, Johnne, erll of Montrois, lord Grahame etc, Alexander, lord Urquhart, Mark, lord Newbotle, maister of requestes, Scherif Johnne Cokburne of Ormeistoun, knicht, justice clerk, Maister David Carnegie of Culluthie and George Hume of Wadderburne, or ony fyve of thame conjunctlie, and siclyk to Maisteris Robert Bruce, David Lindsay, Patrik Galloway, James Nicolsoun, Johnne Duncansoun, Peter Blakburne, James Melvill and Patrik Schairp, ministeris, or ony fyve of thame conjunctlie, and to my lord chancellair, clerk of register and utheris officiaris of estait quhan thair lasser may serve to be present, to conveine at sic tyme and places as the saidis commissionaris sall appoint amang thame selffis, and thair to treat and confer upoun the particuler heidis following: viz: how in quhat maner thair may be a minister provydit at ilk paroch kirk within this realme; quhat locall stipend is necessar for the ministre serving the cure at ilk paroche kirk, and be quhat meanis the same may be best convenientlie haid and provydit to thame that they be not abstractit fra thair cure in tyme cuming be suiting of thair stipend utherwayis; and to confer upoun quhatsumevir heidis necessar for performing of the premises; and to the effect that the samyn may be the better accomplischit, with pour to the foirsaidis comissionaris to direct furth lettrez in his hienes name and auctoritie, chargeing all takkismen of the teyndis and landis of quhatsumevir prelaciis or utheris inferior benefices within this realme or ony pairt thairof to compeir befoir thame quhatsumevir tyme and place thai pleis to appoint be the saidis lettrez, bringand with thame thair saidis takkis and utheris richtis to be sene and considderit be the saidis commissionaris, quhat speciall dewtie ilk tak contenis, the nowmer and quantitie of the yeiris contenit in thair takkis, and quhat yeirlie commoditie the takisman gettis thairof; and consideratioun being haid of the premises, the saidis commissionaris be guid and godlie ressonis to move and induce the saidis takismen ilk ane for thair awin partis, conforme to the yeirlie valour and proffite of thair teyndis, to aggrie and condiscend to sum ressonable yeirlie proffite and conditioun quhairby the saidis locall stipendis may be providit to stand at ilk paroche kirk in tyme cuming to the persoun exercesing the functioun for the tyme; and as the saidis commissionaris aggreis, concludis and endis thair saidis conference, ordanis thame to report the same to his majestie and his privie counsaill, to the effect that schortlie thaireftir his hienes may appoint ane conventioun of certane of the nobilitie and utheris his estaitis to considder the saidis commissionaris procedingis, advise and determinatioun in the premises, with powir to the said conventioun and estaitis to end, conclude and determine upoun the premises as thai sall think best and maist expedient eftir reading and advysing of the report to be maid in thair haill presence be the saidis commissionaris of thair procedingis in the said mater, quhais determinatioun oure said soverane lord and his saidis estaitis presentlie convenit findis and declaris to be als guid and sufficient as gif the same had bene determinat, endit and finallie concludit in this present parliament; and ordanis the same to be put to dew executioun, and to have full force, strenth and effect in all tymes cuming.
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†For remeid of the greit contempt, disordour and wrang quhilk hes bene in dyvers partis of this realme in default of keping and executioun of the guid lawes and actis of parliament maid of befoir be the schireffis and utheris juges ordinar, thair depuitis and clerkis, it is statute and ordanit be oure soverane lord, with avise of his estaitis in parliament, that the saidis schireffis and utheris juges ordinar alsweill to burgh as to land within regalitie as ryaltie, do thair exact diligence to knaw and understand the lawes of this realme and actis of parliament, quhairof the executioun is committit to thair charge and that thay put the same in executioun without delay eftir the end of this present parliament, speciallie in serching, seiking, following, persewing, apprehending, committing to ward and presenting to justice of declarit tratouris and rebellis contempnandlie remanand at the horne and standand registrat in thair awin buikis unrelaxt, or in doing of justice upoun thame gif thai have commissioun for that effect; and gif thay can not apprehend and ourtak the saidis tratouris and rebellis within the boundis of thair awin jurisdictionis, to mak denunceatioun to the schireffis and judges ordinar of the four halffis about that sic personis ar fled within thair boundis, requiring thame to use the lyk diligence in serching and apprehensioun of thame as thai will answer to his majestie at thair perrell and under the same pane that the tratouris or rebellis hes incurrit, in inquiring, serching and apprehending of sorneris, oppressouris, strang vagabundis and beggaris wandering athort the realme on pretens that thai ar schipbrokin or banist for slauchtir or uthir odious offences, or ar of the dissimulat thevis and abusaris calling thame selffis Egiptianis, in executioun of justice in all civile caus belanging to thair jugement without parcialitie or neidless delayes, in extracting of proces, decrettis and geving of sasingis and retoures at ressonable prices without exorbitant extorsioun, in bringing of thair court buikis with the compt of escheatis and unlawes intromettit with be thame yeirlie to the chekker, in making of thair depuittis and clerkis of men of best fame, knawlege, undirstanding and experience that may and can use the office, quha salbe astrictit to bring thair registeris of sasingis, horningis and registratiounis to the chekker and his hienes thesaurair, as is contenit and ordanit in the actis of parliament maid thairanent of befoir. And that the saidis schireffis and utheris ordiner juges may the better execute and do thair dewtie in the premises, oure soverane lord, with avise of his estaitis in this present parliament, ratifies and apprevis all liberties, privilegeis, registrationis, fies and commodities grantit to thame, thair depuittis and clerkis be his hienes or his progenitouris of befoir, thay alwayes findand guid souirtie in his hienes nixt chekker for dischargeing of thair offices dewtifullie and making of thair comptis yeirlie in the chekker at the dyettis appointit thairto, and that they sall nawyis suffer thame selffis to be denuncit to the horne in default thairof, bot that thai sall send thair depuittis, ane or ma, and clerk yeirlie at the first day of November to be examinat and admittit be the lordis of counsaill and sessioun under pecuniall panis at the lordis modificatioun, to be payit be thane to oure soverane lordis use incais of failyie, with certificatioun to thame that gif the said souirtie be not fund betuix and the end of the said nixt chekker, they salbe denuncit rebellis and put to the horne, and fra thin furth all his hienes subjectis within thair jurisdictionis salbe exemit fra thair offices and jurisdictioun; and attour declaris and ordanis all perceptis furth of the chancellarie upoun retouris to be past in the auld maner to the schireffis and utheris juges ordiner, with the claus capiendo securitatem, unurgeand the partie with present payment incais the said souirtie be fund as said is.
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†Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament, considdering the greit abuse that hes bene amongis the leigis of this realme in thair bearing of armes, usurpand to thame selffis sic armes as belangis not unto thame sua that it can nocht be distinguischit be thair armes quha ar gentlemen of blude be thair antecessouris, nor yit may it be decernit quhat gentlemen ar discendit of noble stok and linage; for remeid quhairof, his hienes, with advise of the saidis estaitis, hes gevin and grantit and, be this present act, gevis and gratis full power and commissioun to lyoun king of armes and his brether herauldis to visite the haill armes of noblemen, baronis and gentlemen borne and usit within this realme, and to distinguische and discerne thame with congruent differences, and thaireftir to matriculat thame in thair buikis and registeris, and to put inhibitioun to all the commoun sort of people not worthie be the law of armes to beir ony signes armoriallis, that nane of thame presume or tak upoun hand to beare or use ony armes in tyme cuming upoun ony thair insicht or houshald geir under the pane of the escheating of the guidis and geir sa oft as thay salbe fund contravenand this present act, quhairevir the same armes salbe found grawin and paintit, to oure soverane lordis use, and lykwayis under the pane of ane hundreth pundis to the use of the said lyoun and his brether herauldis; and failyeing of payment thairof, that thay be incarcerat in the narrest prissone, thairin to remane upoun thair awin chargis during the plesure of the said lyoun. Item, becaus chargis of tressone hes not bene execut and usit with sic sollempnitie and officiaris of armes as the wechtines thairof requires, it is statute and ordanit that oure soverane lordis thesaurair and utheris directaris of sic lettres deliver thame in tyme cuming to be execut be the ordinar herauldis and pursevandis berand coittis of armes or masaris, to be usit be thame as of befoir, and gif ony executionis under the pane of tressone salbe execut utherway, declaris the executionis to be null and of nane availl. Item, in consideratioun of the greit abuse of messingeris and officiaris of armes within this realme, quhilkis for the maist pairt ar not qualifiet for using of the said office, being admittit be extraordinar and inoportune suittis, be quhais abuse the leigis of this realme ar heavelie trublit and opprest, thairfoir it is statute and ordanit that the said king of armes be advise of the lordis of counsaill and sessioun deprive and discharge all sic officiaris and messingeris of armes as he sall find unworthie of the office and tak sicker souirtie of the remanent for thair observatioun of thair injunctionis in tyme cuming, with power to the said king of armes, with advise of the saidis lordis, to enjoyne further necessar injunctionis to the saidis messingeris for keping of guid ordour in thair offices, dischargeing him in the meantyme to admit ony ma officiaris heireftir quhill the haill messingeris presentlie bering armes be reducit be death or deprivatioun to the nowmer contenit in the act of parliament maid anent the confusit nowmer of officiaris of armes.
†Item, for remeid of the greit questionis and debaittis that arrysis at all parliamentis and uther solempne conventionis anent the ranking of noblemen according to the auncietie of thair hous and prioritie of thair voittis, oure soverane lord, with advise of his saidis estaitis in parliament, gevis, grantis and committis full power and commissioun to William, erll of Angus, lord Douglas and Abirnethie, George, erll Merschell, lord Keith, Maister Robert Douglas, provest of Lincluden, collectour generall, Adame, bischoip of Orknay, Schir Robert Melvill of Murdocarny, knicht, thesaurair, Schir Richert Cokburne, younger, of Clerkingtoun, secretair, Robert, lord Altrie, Schir Johnne Cokburne of Ormeistoun, knicht, justice clerk, Alexander Hay of Eister Kennet and Schir David Lindsay of the Mont, knicht, lyoun king of armes, or ony four of thame, the saidis Erll Marschell and lyoun being alwayes tua, to convene, consult, try and gif thair advise subscryvit with thair handes how all the estaitis of this realme sall ryd frome the kingis palace to the parliament hous and toward thair sitting and voiting thairin. Item,† last, that becaus the jurisdictioun of the lyoun king of armes is not able to execute dew punisment upoun all personis that salhappin to offend in the office of armes, thairfoir oure soverane lord, with avise of his estaitis in parliament, ordanis and commandis all civile magistratis as thay salbe requirit be the king of armez or any utheris in his name to concur with him to sie the actis maid in his favouris of his office put to dew executioun in thair jurisdictionis, as alsua to concur with him to the puneisment and incarceratioun of all sic personis as sall usurp the bearing of his majesties armes efter dew deprivatioun under the pane of rebellioun and putting of the disobeyaris to his hienes horne, with certificatioun to thame and thay failye, being requirit, lettrez salbe direct simpliciter to put thame to the horne.
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†Becaus it is provydit that criminall lettrez sall not neid to be regisrat, bot returnit to the adjornal, thairfoir ordanis and commandis the justice clerk and his depuittis, within sex dayis efter criminall lettrez, with executioun of ony personis at the horne, beis returnit to thame, to deliver the names denuncit with a breive note of the caus to the thesaurair or his clerk of register, that lettres for uptaking of the escheatis of the personis denuncit may be direct and execute with all expeditioun as the saidis thesaurair and justice clerk will answer to his hienes upoun thair dewtie and diligence, that in justice courtis or justice airis the haill assyis summond being callit out and the absentis unlawit, the extract of the act of the unlawes be deliverit to the thesaurair or his clerk within sex dayis thaireftir, that lettrez may be direct thairupoun for uptaking of the saidis unlawes without compositioun to be maid thairfoir, and lykwayes, quhen evir ony personis that hes fund souirtie to underly the law comperis not at the day appointit and thairthrow ar decernit to be denuncit rebellis as fugitive fra the law, the justice clerk or his depuittis sall deliver the act of adjornall thairupoun, with the precept to denunce the personis sa decernit fugitive be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edinburgh within sex dayis efter thai be decernit. Quhilk denunceatioun, oure soverane lord with his estaitis, declaris and admittis to be as lauchfull for intrometting with the escheatis as gif the samyn wer maid at the mercat croces of the heid burrowis of the schyres quhair the saidis rebellis duellis, bot the said horning sall nocht serve to put the inhabitantis of the saidis schyres in mala fide toward the resett, supplie and intercommoning with the saidis rebellis denuncit quhill the said denunciatioun of horning be usit at the mercat croces of the heid burrowis of the schires quhair the personis rebellis thame selffis duellis, and that the lordis of counsaill and sessioun grant na lettrez of suspensioun upoun ony panis and unlawes of liquidat sowmes chargit for be the thesaurair without consignatioun or guid souirtie in the in pairtis of the realme, that lyoun king of armes, within fiftene dayis efter the publicatioun of the actis of this present parliament, deliver to the thesaurair or his clerk the names of the officiaris standing admittit, with the names of thair cautionaris, as alsua the names and cautionaris of the deprived officiaris in tyme cuming, that all exemptionis and licencis fra raidis and assyis or for transporting of forbodin guidis (gif ony salhappin to be grantit) salbe subscryvit be the thesaurair for compositioun to his hienes use, and to be registrat in the thesaurareis registar to the effect he may be chargit thairwith in tyme cuming in his comptis, and that na sic licences be warrand in jugement or to the signet or privie seill wantand the subscriptioun of the said thesaurair; and forsamekle as the care and charge of the ressaving and making compt of the monkis portionis, first fruittis and fift pennie of benefices is committit to the charge and diligence of his hienes thesaurair, thairfoir ordanis and commandis the said thesaurair to mak a perfite rentall of the saidis monkis portionis, first fruittis and fyft pennies, and to charge and discharge him thairwith in his comptis; and that he may be the better acquantit thairwith, ordanis all signatures of giftes and provisionis to be past upoun ony pairt of the same to pas his hienes thesaurauris registrar and be subscryvit be the kepair thairof befoir it be sufficient warrand to the seillis. Oure soverane lord, with avise of his estaitis in parliament, dischargis all commissionis of justiciarie grantit be his hienes of befoir and nane to be grantit in tyme cuming generallie or for langer space nor the erand in hand may be convenientlie perfytit, and that on cautioun to produce the proces and pay that pairt of the commoditie quhilk be the commissioun is destinat for the kingis use.
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†Oure soverane lord, understanding that this lang tyme bygane nather his majestie nor the cuntrie hes importit ony commoditie of the mynis and metallis, quhilk in great abundance micht be easelie found in this realme, to the interteynement and sustentatioun of ane greit nowmer of the liegis thairof, and that the said inconvenient hes ensewit be resone oure said soverane lord and his maist noble progenitouris wes in use commonlie to sett the saidis haill mynis within thair dominionis to ane or tua strangearis for ane small dewtie, quha nather haid substance to caus labour and wirk the hundreth part of ony ane of the saidis mynis, nor yit instructed utheris leigis of this realme in the knawlege thairof, quhilk is mair nor notour be the doingis of the present takisman of the mynes, quha nether wirkis presentlie nor hes wrocht thir mony yeiris bypast, nor evir hes serchit, socht nor discoverit ony new mettall sen his entrie, nor hes instructit ony of the leigis of the cuntrie in that knawlege, and quhilk is maist inconvenient of all, hes maid na sufficient payment of the dewtie of his tak to oure soverane lordis thesaurair sua that na pairt of the said yeirlie dewtie is evir cum in the said thesauraris compt to his hienes use and commoditie, quhairby oure soverane lord and the haill cuntrie will sustene greit los gif ane strangear sall bruik in this maner the haill mettallis within his majesties dominionis but payment of ony dewtie for the space of xxj yeris altogidder; lyk as also in respect the richt of all mynis pertenit to his majestie and his hienes predicessouris, thairfoir quhensoevir ony myne or seme of mettaill wes found be ony of the leigis of this realme, the same wes ather neglectit, or be all moyanis possible obscurit, be ressone that na pairt of the commoditie thairof micht redound to thame selffis, quhairby ane greit proffite quhilk micht have bene gottin baith to oure soverane lord and als to the cuntrie wes allutirlie owirsene. And now oure said soverane lord, understanding the inconvenientis foirsaidis to have procedit cheiflie becaus ther wes not ane speciall man of witt and knawlege appointit to quhais office propirlie the owirsicht of the haill mater of the mettallis suld pertene, and of quhome his majestie and estaitis micht seik ane compt and ressone of the administratioun of his said office that his mynis be not neglectit (as thay ar), dyvers utheris princes makand sa greit commoditie of the lyk; thairfoir oure said soverane lord, with avise of the estaitis of parliament, hes statute and ordanit that in all tyme cuming thair salbe ane ordinar officiar appointit and providit to the said office induring his lyftyme for the oversicht and proffitable handling of the haill mater of the mettallis and minerallis pertening to oure said soverane lord, and concerning the same, to be callit the maister of the mettallis, quha salhave the power, expres charge and mandement of his grace and estaitis foirsaidis be vertew of his said office to call and reduce befoir the ordinar jugementis of sessioun, secreit counsal or lordis of the chekker respective for relevant caus of the law all and quhatsumevir richt is maid of befoir to quhatsumevir persoun or personis, with avise of parliament, or utherwayis of the saidis metallis or ony pairt thairof, or of ony or quhatsumevir offices belanging thairto; and siclyk salhave power, charge and mandiment as said is to seik quhatsumevir lauchtfull executioun aganis the personis quha hes haid or quha salhave or acquire ony richt of the saidis mettallis and minerallis with utheris foirsaidis and subject to ony dewtie or service to oure said soverane lord for the same, to caus the saidis dewties baith bygane and to cum be thankfullie payit to oure said soverane lordis thesaurair and utheris quha hes or sall acquire sufficient richt and power to retene his majesties dewty, and to compell the saidis inferiour officiaris to do thair dewties according to thair saidis offices under the pane of tinsell of the same. Attour oure said soverane lord, with avise foirsaid, hes statute and ordanit that all signatures of infeftmentis of few takkis, contractis or dispositionis quhatsumevir to be maid be oure said soverane lord or his grace successouris of ony pairt of the saidis metallis or minerallis, or of ony office belanging to the same, or of ony precept, pensioun, assignatioun or gift to be disponit be oure said soverane lord or his foirsaidis of ony pairt of the proffite thairof, salbe null and of na force, strenth nor effect be way of actioun, exceptioun or reply as expres null of the law, except gif the same be past with the expres consent and subscriptioun manuall of oure soverane lordis thesaurair and als of the said maister of mettallis conjunclie, and the said forme of subscriptioun to be expressit in the gift, quhilk sall pas quhatsumevir signet or seill of the chancellarie quhairin the subscriptioun of the maister of the mettallis alwayes in all the foirsaidis dispositionis salbe necessar, and the want thairof salbe nullitie of the law. And forsamekle as it is necessar that the said maister of the mettallis, quha mon be answerable to his grace and estaitis for the administratioun of his office, understanding the privat pactionis and contractis betuix partiis anent the saidis mettallis that oure soverane lord may understand and knaw his grace, tenentis and possessouris thairof, and that his grace be nawayis defraudit of his hienes dewtie, thairfoir it is statute, in maner foirsaid, that na dispositioun or contract betuix privat pairties anent the ground richt and wirking of the saidis mettallis or minerallis salbe valide, except gif the said maister of the metaillis consent thairunto, under the pane of nullitie, and this claus of nullitie to be insert in all dispositioun of few or lang takkis quhilkis oure said soverane lord will heirefter mak of the saidis mettallis or minerallis or ony pairt thairof in tyme cuming, but prejudice of parties to sell and traffique with mettaillis won and refynit at thair plesure, but consent of the said maister. Mairower, the said maister of the mettaillis onlie and na utheris except be his richt salhave power to caus brek ground, serch, seik, won, work, carie and transport all the saidis metallis and minerallis within ony pairt of his hienes dominionis, nor sett in few nor dispone lauchfullie to uther personis, and siclyk within sic partes quhairof the mettallis is fewit and disponit to the saidis uther personis, quhair thame selffis refuiss or delayis to wirk the same and postponis, to find sufficient cautioun actit in the buikis of counsaill or chekker that they sall sufficentlie wirk, labour and exerce the saidis metallis, and pay oure soverane lordis just dewtie and tent pairt thairof to oure soverane lordis thesaurair and utheris having power as said is; with power to the said maister of the mettallis to mak associattis in sufficient number and to enter warkmen, alsweill subiectis of this realme of quhatsumevir nowmer as strangearis, not exceding the nowmer of fourtie personis in ilk schire, and to appoint thame marcattis for thair viveris and utheris thingis necessar with wayis and passages, frie ische and entrie, places for all maner of hous, mylnes, mylnelandis, fornaceis and fyre out of the nixt adiacent mos and woddis necessar for thair warkis, the possessouris of the landis, wodis and mos being alwayes satisfiit and thair licence obtenit thair to for the damage quhilk heirby thay sall sustene in this superfice of thair ground, not comptand the valour of the mettallis to be fund within the same as not appertening to the saidis proprietaris bot to oure soverane lord, the said maister of the metallis being alwayes comptable to oure soverane lordis thesaurair and utheris having power as said is, of his majesties dewtie, quhilk is the tent pairt of all the saidis metallis frelie to be payit to oure soverane lord yeirlie and termelie. And be ressoun the saidis myneris and warkmen is dalie in the hasart of thair lyves be the evill air of the saidis mynis and the danger of the falling of the same and uther infinite miseries and dangearis quhilk dalie occurris in the said wark, thairfoir oure soverane lord, with avise foirsaid, exemis the saidis myneris, mettallaris and utheris actuallie remanent at the said wark fra all taxationis, charges, proclamatiounis and uther chargis quhatsumevir, baith in peace and weir; and, be the tennour heirof, takis thame all, thair servandis, families, guidis, geir and heretagis in his speciall protectioun, declaring that quhatsumevir wrang or oppressioun directlie or indirectlie salbe done to thame in thair personis and guidis salbe seveirlie puneist as done contrair his majesties speciall protectioun and saulfegard, commanding all his hienes jugeis to sie the executioun heirof effectuallie performit within thair awin boundis and jurisdictionis. And becaus mony small questionis, contraversies and debaittis will arryis betuix the saidis warkmen and marchandis and utheris traffiqueris concerning the saidis mettallis and minerallis quhilk may not abyd the langsum cours and gret expens of the ordinar justice, thairfoir it is statute and ordanit that the said maister of the mettallis, be him self and his subdelegattis, ane or ma to be appointit be him, to mak residence in sum convenient place of ilk schyre neir and commodious to the saidis metallis, salbe judges ordinar in the first instance in all materis civile and criminall propirlie concerning the saidis mettallis, exceptand in slauchteris, murtheris or mutilatiuon, quhilk salbe decydit be oure soverane lordis greitt justice according to the ordinar forme, provyding alwayes that the lordis of sessioun salbe juges in the secund instance, to reduce quhatsumevir wrang the said maister of metallis sall juge or decerne be him self or his subdelegattis, with power to the said maister of metallis to mak statutis concerning this mater, provyding the saidis actis be first speciallie approvin be his majesties secreit counsaill, to creat subdelegattis, clerkis, servandis and utheris memberis of court, and to have ane ordinar registrar, and generallie to do, hant and exerce all thingis necessar to the said jurisdictioun in sic forme as the commissaris of Edinburgh, schireffis of the schire or lordis of the regalitie may do within the realme, dischargeing all utheris juges to mell in ony wayis or haif ado with the saidis judicatouris of ony sic materis; and ordanis the lordis of sessioun to advocat all sic persuittis fra thair jugementis and to remit the same to the jugement of the said maister of the mettaillis, provyding alwayes the saidis ordinar juges sall concur to sie all the saidis decrettis put to executioun within thair jurisdictionis in sic forme as thai ar obleist to caus execute ony uther ordinar decreit not decernit be thame selffis. And be reasone his majesties rent ordinar can not weill be burdynnit with ony fies or expens to be maid heiron, thairfoir it is statute that the ordinar fies to be appointit to the said maister of the mettallis, or to ony uther inferiour officiar concerning the mettallis foirsaidis, sall nawayis be gevin out of his majesties thesaurarie, comptrollarie or collectorie nor of na uther casualities pertening to his hienes, except of the frie proffite of the saidis mettallis allanerlie, quhilk salbe frelie brocht in, payit and maid compt of yeirlie to oure soverane lordis thesaurair be compositiounis of signatures belanging to his majestie and be payment of his majesties tent pairt with sic uther casualities of the saidis mettallis, quhairof oure soverane lord, with avise of the parliament, hes statute and ordanit that the said maister of the mettallis salhave yeirlie the tuentie pennie as for the ordinar fie of his office, and for eschewing of the multitude of the inferiour officiaris be quhais feis ane greit part of the remanent of the said frie proffite may be exhaustit and maid inproffitable to his majestie, it is statute that the ordinar sercheouris, clerkis of cokettis and magistrattis of burghis and fre portis within this realme sall nawyis permit ony part of the saidis uris to be transportit nor refynit, and sall do thair diligence in trying of the transporting of the saidis metallis and uries and registraring of the quantitie thairof, and names and schippis of the transportaris thairof to be gevin up be thame to the maister of the metallis as they ar subject to do in ony uther forboddin guidis, and that thay be answerable to the chekker and maister of the mettellis yeirlie heirupoun. Lyk as it is statute that na sic uris salbe transportit out of the cuntrie, unrefynit at leist, without licience of the thesaurair and maister of the mettaillis conjunclie, and siclyk that na office concerning quhatsumevir the saidis metallis salbe in onywayis valide or effectuall in ony tyme heireftir, except gif the same be of new disponit be oure soverane lord, with avise of the said thesaurar and maister of the mettallis conjunclie as said is, quha salhave power to comptroll, try and examinat the necessitie of the said office, the conditionis and speciall service to be injoynit to the ressaver thairof, the penalties of the faultis and negligence to be done be him in the said office, the quantitie of the fie and all uther thingis depending thairupoun, and to stop the signaturis thairof, that the same pas nawayis fordward except for a necessitie and a sene proffite to his majesties service; and the said office being past lauchfullie as said is, the trying of quhatsumevir falt or negligence to be committit thaireftir in the administratioun of the said office be the said inferior officiar and the power of deprivatioun of him thairof for the said tryit falt or of the condempnatioun of him in sic a pecuniall pane as his majesties entres will extend unto, sall evir pertene in the first instance to the said maister of the mettallis. And oure said soverane lord, knawand the qualificatioun of his weilbelovit counselloure Maister Johnne Lindsay, persoun of Memmure, and of his travellis in seiking out and discovering of dyvers mettallis of greit valour within this realme, and in sending to England, Germanie and Denmark to gett the perfite essey and knawlege thairof, being also weill assurit of his earnest desyre to advance his majesties service and commoditie, thairfore hes, with avise of the parliament, gevin, grantit, and disponit to the said Maister Johnne during his lifetyme the said office of the maister of all the mettallis, mynis and minerallis quhatsumevir within his majesties dominionis with all the foirsaidis privilegeis and liberties and all utheris quhilk of the commoun law consuetude of this or utheris weill governit cuntries thairto is knawin to pertene, togider with the speciall fee of the twentie penny of all soumes of money or estimatioun of mettallis, uris and utheris minerallis quhilke salbe maid compt of yeirlie to his thesaurare properlie cuming of the saidis mettallis, and arysing upoun the proffeit thairof as said is. And als oure soverane, willing that all his majesties liegis quha will tak on hand to discover and work the saidis mynis may have reasonable proffite and recompence of thair panis maid† a sufficient securitie maid to thame of thair awin mynis within thair awin landis, and als understanding that the dewtie of the said mynis quhilk baith of the commoun law and consuetude observit be uther forein princes properlie pertenis to the prince extendis onlie to the tent part fre, thairfore oure said soverane lord, with avise of his estaittis in parliament, hes dissolvit the saidis mynis and mettallis in safer as thay war part of his propirtie, annext or ony wyis, to the effect the same may be sett in few for augmentatioun of oure said soverane lordis rentall; and statutis and ordanis that it salbe lesum to his hienes and his successouris, with avise of the thesaurare and of the said maister of the mettallis conjunctlie and for reasonable compositioun to sett in few ferme to every erle, lord, barroun and uther frehalder within this realme all and quhatsumevir mynis of gould, silver, copper, leid, tin and uther quhatsumevir mettallis or minerallis, quhilk is or may be found within thair awin landis and heretageis, with power to thame to seik and discover, lauboure and work the saidis mettallis and minerallis, and to sell, dispone or sett the mynis thairof in takkis or few, with consent alwyis of the said thesaurare and maister of the mettallis conjunctlie in maner foirsaid, to utheris thair subtenentis at thair pleasure as thair proper gudis and heretage and with sic uther ample privilegeis as oure said soverane lord, with the consent foirsaid, sall think expedient for the wining and working of the saidis mettallis be cuntrie men or strangearis, payand thairfore yeirlie the saidis erlis, lordis, barounis and utheris quha sall accept the saidis fewis as said is to oure said soverane lord and his thesaurare, thair factouris and servitouris in thair name, the just tent part of all and haill the said gould, silver, copper, leid, tin and utheris minerallis quhilk salbe found and gottin yeirlie within thair saidis landis and heretageis upoun the ground quhair the same salbe found in sic ure and qualitie as the same salbe gottin out of the erth frelie, but ony deductioun, with expresse provisioun that quhatsumevir ure the saidis personis sall win to thair awin use salbe resavit with the kingis dewtie be the maister refyner, quhome his majestie sall appoint to refyne bayth his majesties tent part and all the rest of the ure quhilk salbe win within this realme, that his majestie be not defraudit of his grace dewtie thairof, provyding that in cace ony mynis being sufficientlie discoverit to be within ony of the landis pertening to ony subject of this realme, and the lord of the ground sufficientlie advertesit thairof and lauchfullie requirit to work the same himself befoir ane notar and for witness as efferis, gif he refuis or delayis the space of thre monethis thairefter, than and in that cace it salbe lesum to oure said soverane lord to set the same in few or tak, or utherwyis to caus work the same, or to mak rycht thairof to ony uther persone at his grace pleasure that be the wilfull refuis or delay of the awnar of the ground, his grace and his cuntrie be not defraudit of the commoditie of the said myne. And oure said soverane lord, with avise foirsaid of the parliament, declaris that this act of dissolutioun salbe perpetuall, to last for all tyme cuming. And forsamekle as Thomas Foullis, gouldsmyth, hes fund out the ingine and moyane to caus melt and fyne the uris of mettallis within this cuntrie and hes bracht in strangearis and beiggit hous and mylnis for this effect to his grit coist and expens, and to the grit and evident weilfair of the haill cuntrie within the quhilk na ure in grit wes newer meltit of befoir and fynit, bot the same wes evir transportit out of the cuntrie unmeltit and refynit, thairfoir oure soverane lord, with avise of the estaitis foirsaidis, ratifyis the said Thomas his gift of the said melting and refyning of all and quhatsumevir uris of mettallis won and wrocht within this cuntrie, in the haill liberties, privilegies and fies contenit thairintill etc.
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†Sir Archebald Naper of Edinbillie, knicht, as commissioner for the schirefdome of Edinburgh principall, be his vote dissasentis fra the dissolutioun of the mynis and setting of the same in few efter the maner proponit, be reasone the same is proponit cum diminutione for payment now allanerlie of ane hundreth stane of ilk thowsand, quhairas the mynis payit of befoir fiftie unce utter fine silver of ilk thowsand stane, quhilk is neirly four tymes alsmekle proffite as the offer proponit; as alsua protestis as generall of his majesties cunyiehous that na collectour be appointit ower the ingaddering of his majesties dewtie of the mynis except the generall of his majesties cunyiehous, and that becaus it is ane pairt of the said generallis office, quhairof he and his predicessouris generallis hes bene hitherto in use.
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†The estaitis of this present parliament ratifies and apprevis his hienes revocatioun maid efter his perfite aige of twentie ane yeris compleit in the moneth of Julii in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh, jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris; and siclyk ratifies and apprevis his majesties revocatioun maid at Falkland, the sevintene day of Julii, jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeiris, off all thingis done in his hienes grace minoritie and les aige befoir his hienes aige of tuentie ane yeiris, and tuentie ane yeris of his motheris aige, in detriment and harme of his saull and conscience, in hurt of the previlege of his croun, prejudiciall to the same and to his majestie in the patrimonie thairof, safar as the commoun law and consuetude of this realme levis his hienes to revoik; and this act to have als greit effect and als largelie extendit in generall and in speciall as ony revocatioun maid be ony his majesties progenitouris of befoir, and suppois his hienes of his favour and benevolence sufferis ony persone or personis to use and posseid ony privilege or possessionis of landis, rentis and offices that ar fallin under his graces revocatioun, sall mak na richt to the usaris and haldaris thairof, bot it salbe lefull to his majestie to put his handis thairto quhen evir it sall pleis him, but ony contradictioun be vertew of the said revocatioun, actis and constitutionis of this realme maid of befoir.
[1592/4/52]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord, with advise of the estatis of this present parliament, calling to remembrance how neir and attingent his hienes darrest cousing Ludovik, duike of Lennox, erll Darnelie, lord Torboltoun, Methven and Aubigny etc., is in blude and consanguinitie to his majestie, quhairthrow his hienes of dewtie is bund to have ane speciall care ower the said Ludovik, duk of Lennox, himself, his haill landis, rentis and leving, speciallie seing it was nocht his majesties will nor intentioun that the charteris, infeftmentis, giftis and dispositionis thairof maid, gevin and grantit be his majestie to him at ony tyme befoir suld be anywayes prejudgeit nor hurt be ony bypast revocationis, speciall or generall, maid be his hienes, bot the same sall stand and be effectuall to his hienes said darrest cousing, nochtwithstanding the saidis revocationis; thairfoir his majestie, with avise foirsaid, be the tennour heirof, willis, decernis and declaris all and sindrie the landis and utheris efterspecifiet, viz: all and haill the duikrie of Lennox, erledome, lordschippis, baronies, regalitie and utheris quhatsumevir thairof contenit in the infeftmment grantit to his hienes said darrest cousing thairupoun, the lordschippis of Methven and Balquhidder, it with mylnis, multuris, woddis, forrestis, fischingis, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the provestrie of Methven and regalitie thairof, togidder with all charteris, preceptis and sasingis, giftis and dispositionis quhatsumevir maid, gevin and grantit be his majestie to his hienes said darrest cousing off the foirsaid dukrie, erledome, lordschippis and utheris abonerehersit at ony tyme bygane to have bene fra the beginning and to be heirefter speciallie exceptit and reservit furth of all and sindrie revocatiounis maid be oure said soverane lord at ony tyme befoir the day and date of thir presentis, in sic maner as gif speciall exceptionis and reservationis thairof haid bene speciallie insert and contenit in everie ane of the saidis revocationis, provyding alwayes that thair presentis onnawyis be prejudiciall to Schir Johnne Murray of Tullibardin, knicht, his infeftment of the landis of Balquhidder and utheris his landis specefiit in his said infeftment thairof with thair continentis, nor to the infeftmentis of fewferme maid and grantit be his majestie, with avise of his hienes comptrollaris, to Maister Gilbert Moncreif, his hienes mediciner, his aris and assignais quhatsumevir, off all and haill the landis of Myresyde and Bachiltoun and thair pertinentis lyand within the lordschip of Methven and schirefdome of Perth; quhilkis infeftmentis oure said soverane lord and estaitis foirsaidis decernis and declaris to be sufficient and valiable richtis and titles to the saidis Schir Johnne and Maister Gilbert for bruiking of the saidis landis with thair continentis, nochtwithstanding this exceptioun fra his hienes revocatioun, grantit in favouris of his hienes said darrest cousing, quhilk exceptioun his majestie and estatis foirsaidis findis and declaris nawyis to be derogatour or prejudiciall thairunto.
[1592/4/53]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†The quhilk day, in presence of oure soverane lord and his estaitis of parliament, comperit personallie James, commendater of Incheffray, and protestit that the Duke of Lennox ratificatioun of the lordschip of Methven and Balquhidder prejudge not the Lord Drummond anent his richt of the stewartrie of Stratherne within the quhilk the landis of Buquhidder lyis; and als protestit that the exceptioun grantit to Schir Johnne Murray of Tullibardin of the landis of Balquhidder prejudge not the said lord anent the said office of stewartrie of Stratherne.
[1592/4/54]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Anent the complaint gevin in to his majestie and estaitis of parliament be his hienes comptrollar, makand mentioun that dyvers and sindrie infeftmentis of his hienes propirtie hes past the seillis without the said comptrollaris knawlege or consent, quhairthrow he is nocht able to knaw his majesties tennentis nor thair yeirlie dewtie; for remeid quhairof, our soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament declaris and ordanis all infeftmentis of fewferme or confirmatiounis of the propre landis pertening to his hienes croun that ar maid sen the entrie of this present comptrollar to his office, or to be maid in tyme cuming, without the expres consent and knawlege of the said comptrollair the tyme of the making tha