Procedure: charge against the rebels
Charge aganis personis denunceit rebellis

The kingis majestie, his nobilitie, counsall and estaittis presentlie convenit, understanding the greit contempt and inobedience enterit and continewit in all partis of his realme throw the multitude of personis contemptnandlie lying at the horne, alsweill for criminall as civile causis, to the dishonour of his majestie and greit prejudice of complenaris, and yit na wayis willing that sic as has satisfeit parties and obtenit thame selffis ordourlie relaxt fra the horne in dew tyme befoir thair escheittis fell salbe troublit or sustene skayth althocht thair names be standing in registeris as denunceit, thairfoir ordanis lettres tobe direct chargeing all sic personis as ar or salbe fund in registeris or adjornall standand denunceit rebellis and at the horne, quhais names salbe specialie expressit in the saidis lettres, to compeir personalie befoir his hienes and lordis of his secreit counsall or lordis auditouris of chekker at certane peremptour dayis, to anser and underly sic ordour and punisement as salbe appointit for thair contempt and wilfull remaning at the proces of horne be vertew of his hienes utheris lettres rasit at the instance of sic personis, as alsua salbe speciallie expressit in the foirsaidis lettres tobe direct for thair compearance in maner abone mentionat, under the pane of rebellioun etc.; with certificatioun and thay failye, lettres salbe direct simplicitir to put thame to the horne and to escheit etc.; gif thay compeir not, the certificatioun salbe grantit and lettres direct incontinent to denunce thame to the horne and to intromet and uptak thair escheittis or the same escheittis salbe grantit for compositioun to quhatsumevir persoun will offer maist thairfoir, thay satisfeand all partiis, ane or ma, at quhais instance thay ar denunceit as accordis, and findand souirtie to that effect to the thesaurare depute; gif thay compeir and schawis relaxatioun ordourlie past, thair names salbe deleit out of the catologe of hornaris and ane act maid thairupoun, quhairthrow thay sall not be forder troublit for that horning in tyme cuming; gif thay schaw not relaxatioun bot beis fund still standand at the horne, in cais the horning be for heich and odious crymes or that thay have lyne at the horne attour the space of yeir and day, thay salbe presentlie committit to ward in the tolbuith of Edinburgh or sum of the kingis castellis according to the qualitie of thair personis, thair to remane quhill thay have satisfeit the causis, ane or ma, for quhilkis thay wer denunceit and have obtenit thame selffis relaxt and payit for thair escheittis; and gif the horning be for uther commoun causis and the yeir and day owerpast, thay salbe alsua committit to ward within the said tolbuith or in sum of his hienes castellis according to the qualitie of thair personis as said is, quhill thay find souirtie to remane in fre ward within the burgh of Edinburgh and not eschape furth of the samyn quhill thay be lauchfullie and ordourlie relaxt and have payit for thair escheittis and satisfeit lykewyis the personis, ane or ma, at quhais instance thay ar denunceit as said is; and that lettres be direct to mak publicatioun heirof at the marcat croces of the heid burrowis of this realme and all utheris places neidfull, as alsua to warne the personis, his hienes rebellis, inhabitantis within the schirefdome of Edinburgh principall and constabularie of Hadingtoun underwrittin: thay ar to say, James Stewart in Cammok, Mongo Hammiltoun of Perdoven, David Prestoun of Craigmiller, Alexander Hill, burges of Edinburgh, Schir Williame Lawder of Haltoun, knycht, Robert Wauchop of Nuddre Marschell, Archibald Wauchop, his sone and apperand air, Schir Johne Edmeston of that ilk, knycht, Maister James Borthuik of Lochill, Johnne Hering in Gilmertoun, Hew, lord Somervile, Johnne Logane of Cotfeild, George Hammiltoun, tutour of Bathcat, George Scheves in Dirltoun, Robert Fyff thair, Johne Thomsoun thair, Alexander Hammiltoun of Innerwik, Williame Dischingtoun at Beltane Myln, Robert Scowgall in West Barnis, Patrik Hwme in Hadingtoun, George Dempstar in Seytoun, Patrik Dowglas in Kilspindie, James Grym in Fentoun, Alexander Grym thair, and Williame, lord Hay of Yeister, quhilkis wer chargeit of befoir, oftymes callit and comperit not at the dyet appoyntit to that effect, to compeir personalie befoir his majestie and the saidis lordis quhair thay salhappin tobe for the tyme the xix day of Junii instant, to anser and underly the foirsaid ordour, conform to the tennour of his hienes utheris lettres direct to that effect and under the panis contenit thairin; certifeing thame and all utheris quhilkis salbe chargeit heirefter to this effect and thay failyie to compeir and rander thair obedience in this poynt, that the certificatioun of the lettres direct and tobe direct aganis thame salbe grantit, and forder, thay salbe persewit thaireftir with fyre and swerd with all rigour and extremitie in exempill of utheris.

  1. NAS, PC1/14, pp.348-49. Back