Legislation: private act
Act in favouris of Maistir Henrie Keir

Oure soverane lord, in consideratioun of the lang and gude service done to the quene, his majesties umquhile dearest moder, and to his umquhile darrest cousing Esme, duik of Lennox etc., be Maister Henry Keir, presentlie his majesties awin domestick servand, and remembering on the said umquhile duikis speciall recommendationis maid be write at the end of his lyff to his majestie in favouris of the said Maister Henry, and haifing respect to the performance of the promeis maid be his majestie the last yeir to the Frenche imbassadour requeisting for him, declaires and ordanes in his parliament presentlie assemblit that the manes and mylne of Dernelie, lyand within the baronie of Renfrew and erledome of Dernelie, salbe reservit and exceptit specialie out of the new infeftment quhilk his majestie makis presentlie in the said parliament to his darrest cousing Lodovik, now duik of Lennox etc., of the said erledome of Dernelie, as alswa to be specialie exceptit furth of his majesties generall revocatioun be thir presentis to the effect that the said Maister Henry, his airis and assignais, may peceable bruik, posses and joise the saidis manes and mylne, with the pertinentis, conforme to the infeftment maid to him and thame thairupoun be the said umquhile duik, willing that be vertew thairof the said Maister Henry and his foirsaidis haif actioun and poware to call and persew the tennentis of the samyn and all utheris quhome it appertenis for the fermis and dewateis of the saidis maines and mylne, of the croppis and yeiris of God jM vC fourscoir fyve yeiris and fourscoir sex yeiris, and to have intromissioun with this present fourscoir sevin yeiris crope, and yeirlie and termelie in tyme cumyng, without ony molestatioun or impediment to be maid be the said Duke Lodovik, his tutouris, curatouris, chalmerlanis and officiaris quhatsumevir, and that notwithstanding ony gift of the foirsaidis maines and mylne maid to the said duke or ony decreit past thairupoun in the contrair; quhilkis giftis and decreitis his majestie in this respect declairis null frome the begynning, provyding alwayes that the said Maister Henrie gif unto the said Duik Lodovik ane sufficient reversioun for redemptioun of the saidis manes and mylne of Dernelie, contening the sowme of twa thowsand pundis money, and haiffing ressavit that sowme togidder and at ane tyme than to leiff and gif ovir haillilie the saidis maines and mylne to the said Duik Lodovik for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.152v-153r. Back
  2. Title of act written in same lighter-coloured ink as the marginal letters. Back
  3. 'P' written in margin. Back