Act in favour of the young Laird of Kynfawnis

The quhilk day, in presence of the kingis majestie and thrie estaittis of this present parliament, comperit persounallie Harie Charteris, now fear of Kynfawnis, sone adoptive to Johnne Charteris of Kynfawnis, and conforme to ane contract and appoyntment maid betuix ane noble and michtie lord David, erle of Craufurde, and the said Harie, his lauchfull brother, on the ane pairt, and the said Johnne Charteris of Kynfawnis on the uther pairt, of the dait at Edinburgh, the tuentie sevint day of September, the yeir of God jM vC fourescoir four yeiris, registrat in the buikis of counsall upone the fyft day of September, the yeir of God jM vC fourescoir fyve yeiris, the said Harie, brother abonenominat, acceptit the said surname of Charteris, togidder with the armes of the hous of Kynfawnis specifiet in the said contract, efter the forme and tennour thairof, and infeftmentis following thairupone, and maid faith solempnitlie that he sall observe the samyn conforme thairto; quhairunto oure soverane lord, thrie estaittis and haill lordis of parliament presentlie convenit interponit thair auctorite in the best and maist suir forme, and lykwayes ratefiet, apprevit and confermit the foirnemmit contract, togidder with all and sindrie charteris, infeftmentis, dispositionis, alienationis and donationis maid, gevin and grantit be the said Johnne Charteris of Kynfawnis to the said Hary, his sone adoptive, and brother germane to the said Erle of Craufurde and the said Haryes airis, of all and haill the landis and baronies of Kynfawnis, Petfyndie, Craigtoun, Linfannan, Cangnoir, Chartourishall and of all utheris, the said Johnne Charteris landis, leving, heretage and utheris quhatsumever mentionat in the said contract, infeftmentis, dispositionis and utheris abonerehersit, with the claus of adoptioun thairin contenit quhairby the said Johnne Charteris adoptit the said Harie, bruther abonementionat, to be his sone and to succeid thairthrow to his haill landis, heretage, rentis, possessionis and utheris quhatsumever pertening to him, quhairever the samyn ly within this realme, togidder with all uther claussis and provisionis contenit in the foirsaid contract and infeftmentis, decerning and declairing the samyn to stand and be observit perpetuallie in all tymes cuming, efter the forme and tennour thairof; quhairupone the said Harie askit actis and instrumentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.149v-150r. Back
  2. 'P' written in margin. Back