Act in favour of Patrik, archiebischop of Sanctandrois

Anent the supplicatioun presentit to our soverane lord and lordis of articles of this present parliament be Patrik, bischope of Sanctandrois, makand mentioun that quhair his hienes in the yeir of God jM vC fourescoir four yeiris, for divers grite considerationis and sowmes of silver deliverit at his majesties command, grantit ane pensioun of sax hundreth pundis and four chalderis aittis hors to Patrik Adamesoun, sone to the said archiebischop, of the superplus of the thriddis of the bischoprik of Sanctandrois, quhilk pensioun be his hienes and thre estaittis in parliament wes confirmit thairefter in the parliament haldin at Linlithgw, notwithstanding sen that tyme thair hes bene divers assignationis and pensionis disponit out of the said silver and victuall as gif the samin had fallin under his hienes revocatioun, desyring thairfoir his majesties declaratour in parliament that the samin pensioun, grantit in maner foirsaid and for the saidis causis, did not fall under his hienes revocatioun, and that all assignationis and lettres directit thairupoun to ony uther persoun or personis sen the said gift ar null and of nane effect, and the said bischop to be absolvit thairfra as gif thai had not bene gevin for the bigane termes allanerlie, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said supplicatioun. Quhilk being hard, sene and considerit be the saidis lordis of articles, they remittit the decisioun and anser to be gevin to the said supplicatioun to the kingis majestie to be decidit be him as he thocht expedient, and howsoever his hienes suld pronunce and determine thairintill, the samin to be of als grite force as gif it had bene done be speciale consent of the saidis lordis of articles; and according thairto, the kingis majestie, being persounallie present and having acceptit the decisioun of the said mater in and upoun him, he gaif and pronuncit his declaratour in the said mater as followis: that is to say, his hienes declairit and declairis that the foirsaid pensioun fallis not nor did not fall under his hienes revocatioun maid at ony tyme befoir thair presentis, bot the samin to have remanit as ane full and sufficient richt to the said Patrik for brouking of his said pensioun of all yeiris, croppis and termes bigane sen the dait thairof, and thairfoir all uther assignationis, pensionis, decreittis, lettres, executionis, horningis and utheris pretendit titillis of the said pensioun to haif bene and to be presentlie and frome the begining null, void, of nane availl, force nor effect with all that hes followit or may follow thairupoun, revoiking, cassing and annulling thame, ratefeing, appreving and conferming the said Patrikis pensioun as said is for the said termes allanerlie, ordaning alswa the lordis of sessioun and chekker to grant lettres conforme to the said Patrik for ansering him thairof and na utheris for the termes bigane, conforme to his hienes declaratioun.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.121r-v. Back
  2. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back