Anent victualling of schippis passand to the north fischeingis

Item, oure soverane lord and his thre estaitis convenit in this present parliament statuitis and ordanis that the custumeris and sercheouris sall tak inquisitioun and note quhat quantitie of victuall every schip or veschell takis in at hir passing to Lochbrume and utheris the north ilis and lochis in the harvest sessoun in fischeing, and tak souirtie that thai sall returne the thrid pairt of thair laidning of hering or quhite fische within this firth or utheris frie burrowis to be sauld to oure soverane lordis lieges for thair sustentatioun and furnessing of the cuntrie under the pane of ane hundreth pundis.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.98r. Back
  2. 'V.' written in margin. Back