Aganis transporting of victuallis or keping of the same to derth

Item, in consideratioun the grite increase of the derth of viveris principallie proceidis throw transporting of the samyn, bayth be sey and land, quhilk wald be alluterlie abstenit fra and remeid fund thairfoir, in respect quhairof, oure said soverane lord, with avise of the saidis thre estaitis of parliament, statutis, decernis and ordanis that the wardanis of the merches salbe answerable to the king for all victuallis and guidis transportit in Ingland fylling thair merches, in doing quhairof thai ar na further obleist to their native cuntrie nor to ane Inglisman incais his guidis stollin fyill his merche; and to the effect the saidis wardanis may be the mair diligent thairanent, decernis and ordanis the equals halff of the saidis guidis and victuallis transportit in Ingland to appertene to the said wardane, and the uther half thairof to pertene and be maid furthcumand to oure soverane lordis use. And for staying the transporting of victuallis be sey, it is statute and ordanit that the schip and haill guidis and geir belanging to the maisteris thairof and clerkis of the samyn schippis, transportaris of the saidis victuallis, salbe confiscat and the said maisteris and clerkis personis subject to impresounment at the will of his majestie. And for the better executioun thairof, oure soverane lord, with avise foirsaid, decernis and ordanis ilk frie burgh within this realme yeirlie at the feast of Michalmes to elect and chuis ane sufficient burges to be sercheour at the sey portis of the saidis victuallis, to be adjonit to the kingis sercheour, of equale power with him in all respectis, and that thai may use and exerce the samyn office, conjunclie or severalie, as occasioun sall ressave and require, and the equale halff of the saidis victuallis to be applyit to the use and commodity of ilk burgh and the uther halff to the kingis use; and siclike grantis the samin power to the baillies of all regalities and burrowis of the samyn, quhairupoun the saidis burrowis and baillies of regalities salbe haldin to answer yeirlie of thair diligence in the premises.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.97v-98r. Back
  2. 'V.' written in margin. Back