Anent the sitting and vacance of the sessioun

Forsamekle as be act of oure soverane lordis last parliament haldin at Linlythgw, it is statute and ordanit that the sessioun and college of justice salbegin thair sitting, calling and administratioun of justice efter the greit vacance of hervest upoun the first day of November yeirlie, and sall sitt thairefter everie day, the Soundays except, quhill the first day of Merche nixt thairefter, and that the haill moneth of Merche salbe vacance for the aitseid; thairefter, the sessioun to begin and sitt the haill moneth of Aprile, the Sondayes except, and at the end thairof to ryse and vacance to be for the beirseid during the moneth of Mai, and thairefter to convene and sitt doun agane continewalie, the Sondayes except, fra the last day of Maii quhill the xv day of August, dispensand with all uther diettis and tymes appointit in tyme bigane be the institutioun of the college of justice or quhatsumever uther actis heirtofoir maid thairanent lyk, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said act of parliament. To the making quhairof, albeit undowtedlie thair hes bene maist necessar respectis appoyntand sum space of vacante for the sawing as thair is for the scheirang, yit the said onlie moneth of Aprile interjectit betuix Merche and Maii for sitting of the sessioun hes now be experience provin sumquhat tending to the hinderance of his majesties haill subjectis and to the senatouris of the college of justice, quhilkis findis difficultie and incommoditie in thair oft travelling to and fra thair duelling places, desyrand to have the haill space of the sitting of the college of justice devidit in tua tymes, the ane in the somer and the uther in the winter seasoun; as alsua twa tymes of vacance, the ane in the sawing and the uther in the scheiring seasoun. And yit willing that thair salbe na fewar sitting dayes of the said college of justice than wes of befoir, be ordour of the said last act of parliament, thairfoir our said soverane lord, with avise and consent of the estaitis of this present parliament, statuitis and ordanis that the sessioun and lordis of the said college of justice beginnand thair jugement and sitting yeirlie upon the first day of November as said is, sall sitt and do justice continewallie thairefter every day, the Soundayes except, quhill the xv day of Merche nixt thairefter, efter the quhilk xv day of Merche, thay sall ryse and vacance to be quhill the xv day of Maii nixt thairefter exclusive, and thairefter to convene and sitt continewallie, the Soundayes except, quhill the xv day of August nixt following, dispensand as of befoir with all uther dyettis and tymes appoyntit in tyme bigane be institutioun of the said college of justice or quhatsumever actis heirtofoir maid thairanent.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.94r. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back