Act in favour of Frances, erll of Errole

Forsamekle as upoun greit and wechtie considerationis tending to the continewance of the weill and honour of the auncient house of Erroll, it was befoir fund necessar and expedient that Frances Hay, secund sone lauchtfull to umquhill Andro, lait erll of Erroll, lord Hay, constable of this realme, sould be infeft in all landis, lordschippis and barroneis and offices pertening to the said erldome, lyke as he is infeft thairin of lang tyme bypast, immiediatlie haldin of our soverane lord, as his infeftmentis in thame selffis at mair lenth proportis; and be ressoun that the said Frances wes, for necessair and urgent causis, speciallie in consideratioun of the manifest inhabilitie of Alexander Hay, his eldar brothir, promovit to the same erldome, as he bruikis the landis and leving pertening thairto, swa it is necessar that he suld be endewit and dotit with all the honouris and digniteis quhilkis pertenit to his antecessouris of the said noble house. And thairfoir, his hienes, for his guid, trew and thankfull service and utheris causis foirsaidis, maist willing that the said Frances sould be honorable advancit, hes maid and constituit and, be this present act of parliament, with advise of his thrie estaitis thairof, constituitis and makis the said Fraunces ane knycht and lord of his parliament and Erll of Erroll and constable of this realme, gevand unto him and his successouris specifiit in the saidis infeftmentis the honour, dignitie and preeminence of the said Erll of Erroll, lord constable of this realme, in all parliamentis, assembleis, counsellis and conventionis, siclyke in the same maner, honour, place and degrie as the said umquhill Andro, erll of Erroll, his fader, constable of this realme, and his predicessouris had the same of befoir.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.68r. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back