Ratificatioun of the provestrie of Lynclouden to William Douglas

Oure soverane lord, with avise of his thrie estaitis of parliament, ratefeis, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confermis the gift and provisioun maid to William Douglas, sone lauchfull to [...] Douglas of Drumlangrig, of the benefice of prebendarie callit the provestrie of Lynclowden, lyand within the diocese of [...], and all proffeittis, mailles, fermis, dewiteis and emolimentis pertening thairto for all the dayis of his lyftyme; reservand alwayis the fruictis thairof to Maistir Robert Douglas, lait provest of the said provestrie, as the said gift and provisioun proportis. And forder, our said soverane lord, with avise foirsaid, declairis, decernis and ordanis that the said provisioun salbe of fuill strenth and force to the said William for bruiking of the said provestrie, fruictis, mailles, fermis and dewateis thairof in maner foirsaid, salbe of fuill strenth and force to the said Maistir Robert for bruiking of the samyn during his lyftyme, nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir constitutionis and actis of parliament maid of befoir, with the quhilkis his hienes, with advise foirsaid, hes dispensit and dispensis be thir presentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back