Ratificatioun of the capitanrie of the castell of Edinburgh to the Laird of Coldinknowis

Oure soverane lord, with advise of the thrie estaitis convenit in this present parliament, ratefeis, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successoris, perpetuallie confermis the gift and commissioun maid be his hienes be his lettre under the privie seill to Schir James Home of Coldinknowis, knycht, of the capitanrie of the castell of Edinburgh, artaillary, munitioun and of the sceptour, suord and croun according to the same gift, off the quhilk the tennour fallowis:

James, be the grace of God, king of Scottis, to the lordis of our counsall and sessioun and all utheris, our lordis of our chekker, all and sindrie the ordiner gunnaris and utheris officiaris astrictit to mak residence within our castell underwrittin or haifing ony charge thairin, ledgis and subdittis quhome it effeiris, quhais knawldege thir our lettres sall cum, greting. Wit ye us to have maid, constitute and ordanit and, be thir our lettres, makis, constitutis and ordanis our weilbelovit Schir James Home of Coldenknowis, knycht, capitane and keipar of our castell of Edinburgh and of all our artailyarie and munitioun being thairin, as alsua of our sceptour, suord and croun for all the dayis of the said Schir James lyftyme, and for keiping and custodie of our said castell and sustening of the officiaris and servandis necessar thairfoir, haif gevin, grantit, assignit and disponit and thir our lettres gevis, grantis, assignis and disponis to him during the space forsaid the sowme of aucht hundreth pundis money, to be payit monethlie be equall portionis furth of the riddiest of our greit custumes of the tron of our burgh of Edinburgh be our customar thairof, present and being for the tyme, and als the wictuallis underwrittin of the riddiest and first of the superplus of the thirdis of benefices efterspecifiit: that is to say, the haill third of quheit of the archiebischoprik of Sanctandrois, sevin chalderis, twa bollis, iij firlotts, 1 pects; the rest of the third of the quheit of the abbay of Scone, thrie bollis; the haill third of the quheit of the Chairterhouse, twa chalder, fyve bollis, 3 parts bollis; the haill quheit of the third of Lundouris, thrie chalder, four bollis, thrie firlottis, iij pects; the haill third of the quheit of the kirk of Monyfuthie, ane chalder, fyve boliss, 3 part bollis; out of the third of the beir of the archiebischoprik of Sanctandrois, aucht chalder, fyve bollis, 3 part pectis; out of the third of the beir of the abbay of Scone, ane chalder, twa bollis, ane firlot, 2 part pectis; out of the third of the beir of the priorie of Chartouris, thrie chalderis, iij bollis, 2 pectis, 3 part pectis; out of the third of the beir of the abbay of Lundouris, sex chalderis, nyne bollis, ane firlot; out of the third of the beir of the abbay of Abirbrothok, ane chalder, nyne bollis, iij firlotis, 3 part pectis; out of the third of the beir of the bischoprik of Dunkeld, four chalderis, xiij bollis, 3 part bollis; the third of the meill of the archiebischoprik of Sanctandrois, four bollis; out of the third of the meill of the abbay of Scone, ellevin bollis, ane firlot; the haill third of the meill of the priorie of Chairterhouse, twa pairt boll; out of the third of the meill of the abbay of Lundouris, four chalderis, ellevin bollis, thrie firlottis, 2 part pectis; out of the third of the meill of the bischoprik of Dunkeld, four chalder; the third of the peis and benis of the archibischoprik of Sanctandrois, ane boll, third pairt boll; begynnand the first monethis payment of the said moneth upoun the last day of November last bypast and the first payment of the said wictuall at the tyme of payment usit and wount off this crope and yeir of God jM vC fourscoir fyve yeiris instant, and sua furth yeirlie and monethlie as is abonewrittin during the said Schir James lyftyme; with power to him, be his self, constable and officiaris, quhilkis we gif him power to mak and for quhome he sall be haldin to anser for, to use and exerce the said office of capitanrie of our said castell with all rychtis, proffeittis and commoditeis belangand thairto, siclyk and als frelie as ony uther capitanis had or bruikit the same of befoir. Quhairfoir we chairge straitlie and commandis yow, all and sindrie the ordinar gunaris and utheris officiaris astrictit to mak residence within our said castell, or haifing ony charge thairin, that ye riddilie anser, intend and obey to our said capitane as ye and eviry ane of yow will anser to us, upoun your obedience, at your uttermaist charge and perrell; commanding alsua yow, the lordis of our counsall, sessioun and chekker, that ye grant and direct our utheris lettres for ansering and obeying of our said capitane, his factouris and servitouris in his name, of the haill assignatiounis of money and wictuallis abonespecefiit within ten dayis efter the chairge, the termis or ony tyme of payment being bypast, siclyk as is usit and aucht to be gevin and grantit for payment of our propirtie. Attour we, be the tennour of thir our lettres, revokis all giftis and dispositionis maid of the money and victuallis befoirwrittin, gevin and assignit for furnissing and sustentatioun of our said castell, and quhairof the samyn hes bene in possessioun this tyme bypast, willing our said capitane to be anserit, obeyit and payit thairof in tyme cuming and nane utheris according to the effect and mening of our act of parliament maid thairanent, as gif na maner of dispositiounis had bene maid or gevin of the samyn; ordaining this our present commissiioun, gift and assignatioun to be ratefeit, apprevit and confermit in our nixt parliament; gevin under our privie seill at Lynlythgw, the xv day of November the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir fyve yeiris, and of our regnne the nyntene yeir.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back