Legislation: private acts
Act in favour of the posteritie of William, erll of Gowrie

Oure soverane lord, with avise of the lordis of this present parliament, willis and ordanis that the same generall act of abolitioun and restitutioun be speciallie extendit in the haill headis, articlis and clausis of the samyn to umquhill William, erll of Gowrie, Dame Dorithie Stewart, countes of Gowrie, his spous, Johnne and James Ruthwenis, thair sonis, the haill remanent bairnis and posteritie, swa that notwithstanding quhatsumevir convictioun in justice courtis, dome or proces of forfaltour or uther proces quhatsumevir led or deducit aganis the said umquhill William, erll of Gowrie, the said Dame Dorithie, his spous, thair bairnis and posteritie, the said umquhill erll, be vertew of the said act, is fullelie restorit to his name, honour and fame and the said Dame Dorathie Stewart, his spous, till hir haill rowmes, possessiounis, landis and steadingis scho, in ony maner of wayis, had rycht to befoir the dome of forfaltour led aganis hir, and the said James and Johnne, thair sonis, and haill remanent their bairnis and posteritie maid frie to bruik and use quhatsumevir erledomes, lordschipis, landis, rentis, takis, officeis, digniteis, beneficis, giftis, dispositionis and utheris quhatsumevir the said umquhill Erll of Gowrie had the tyme of his deceis, or that they or ony of thame may in ony way succeid to, or utherwayis may fall or appertene to thame, or yit that the said James and Johnne and remanent thair bairnis and posteritie had rycht to in their awin personis befoir ony forfaltour led and deducit aganis thame, sua that at all tymes heireftir they may peceablie bruik and use the samyn according to the tennour of the said generall act in all pointis and haif the frie and fuill benefite thairof.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun grantit to James Richartsoune of Smitone

Oure soverane lord, with advise of his thrie estaitis of parliament, understanding that James Richertsoun of Smetoun realie and with effect debursit and payit to umquhill William, erll of Gowrie, lord Ruthwen and Dirltoun, the sowme of four thowsand pund of his awin propir money and bestawit be the said umquhill erll upoun his awin effaires, tending to his utilitie and proffeit; for securitie of the quhilk sowme of four thowsand pundis, the said umquhill William, erll of Gowrie, band and obleist him to infeft the said James in lyfrent and Robert Richartsoun, his sone lauchfull, his airis and assignais, in fee and heretaige in all and haill ane annuelrent of four hundreth pundis usuall money of this realme yeirlie, to be upliftit at twa termes in the yeir, Witsounday and Martimes in winter, be equall portionis, off all and haill the toun and landis of Cousland with the partis, pendiclis and pertinentis thairof, lyand within the sherefdome of Edinburgh, to be haldin of him and his airis as in the contract maid betuix thame thairupoun at Edinburgh, the xxiiij day of Maii the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir yeiris, registrat in the buikis of counsell, at mair is contenit, be vertew of the quhilk the saidis personis wer infeft in fee and lyfrent of the said annuelrent of ony yeiris and termes immediatlie thaireftir and obtenit oure said soverane lordis confirmatioun thairupoun, as the samyn of the dait at Halyruidhous, the xiij day of Marche, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir twa yeiris, at mair lenth beiris; and nevirtheles, the said James has obtenit na payment of the said annuelrent of ony yeiris and termes sen the dait of the said infeftment be ressoun of the forfaltour led aganis the said umquhill Erll of Gowrie, the said annuell rent being haldin of him and his airis allanerlie, and under precept that our said soverane lordis confirmatioun was grantit betuix the xxij day of August, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir twa yeiris and the [...] day of Junii nixt thaireftir, quhairby he has hitherto bene frustrat of the said annuelrent and of the said greit sowme of money debursit thairfoir; and oure soverane lord, considdering lyk as the said umquhill erll was oblishit swa of guid rycht and conscience, his airis and successouris ar obleist for warrandice and securitie of the said annuelrent, rycht and infeftment thairof, namely, sen the samine sowme was debursit, the contract and infeftment foirsaid maid and perfytit befoir ony suspicioun or cryme quhairupoun the said umquhill Erll of Gowrie was attented, the said James evir remanand oure faithfull leig and subject but ony suspicioun or cryme (quhairupoun the said umquhill erll attented as said is), and haifing also the benefite of oure said soverane lordis confirmatioun and the alienatioun foirsaid proceiding upoun ane titill onerous nawayis suspect of ony fraude. And thairfoir his hienes, with advise, express consent and assent of the saidis thrie estaitis of parliament, upoun certane knawlege, hes ratefeit and apprevit and, for his hienes and successouris, be the tennour of thir presentis, ratefeis and apprevis the said contract, infeftment and seasing fallowing thairupoun, with the said chartour of confirmatioun grantit of befoir in maner forsaid, and will and grantis for his hienes and his successouris that the said James, for all the dayis of his lyftyme, and eftir his deceise, the said Robert, his airis and assignais specifiit in the said infeftment, sall frelie bruik and join the said annuelrent of four hundreth pundis yeirlie to be upliftit furth of the landis forsaidis, and that it sall be lefull to thame to call, fallow, poynd and distrinye thairfoir for all yeiris bypast sen the dait of the said infeftment and in tyme cuming, ay and quhill the lauchtfull redemptioun thairof be payment of the said sowme of four thowsand pundis, eftir the forme and tennour of the reversioun maid thairupoun, and that notwithstanding the proces of forfaltour led aganis the said umquhill William, erll of Gowry or quhatsumevir law, statute, act of parliament or uther constitutioun maid for annulling, rescinding, cassing and revoking of the alienatiounis maid be the said umquhill William, erll of Gowry and oure said soverane lordis confirmatioun grantit thairupoun, to the quhilkis, and eviry ane of thame, oure said soverane lord, with advise and consent forsaid, will, decernis and ordanis thir presentis to mak expres and speciall dirogatioun and ordanis ane chartour to be maid under the greit seill in the mair forme, ratefeand and apprevand the said infeftment and seasing, with the said uther confirmatioun proceiding thairupoun, conteinand the haill narrationis, clausis and dirogatiounis forsaidis, ordaning this present act of parliament, subscrivit be the clerk of register, to be sufficient and immediat warrand thairto at the greit seall, but passing the signet and privie seill, and to be extendit in the best forme with all clausis neidfull.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun of the Laird of Elphingstoun

Oure soverane lord, with advise of the thrie estaitis in this present parliament, understanding that James Johnnestoun of Elphingstoun reallie and with effect debursit grit sowmes of silver of his awin propir money to umquhill William, erll of Gowrie, lord Ruthwen etc., for payment and satisfactioun quhairof the said umquhill William, erll of Gowry, be contract and appointment past betuix him and Dame Dorithie Stewart, countes of Gowry, his spous, on that ane pairt, and the said James Johnnestoun of Elphingstoun on the uther pairt, the saidis umquhill William, erll of Gowrie, and his spous band and oblist thame to infeft sufficientlie the said James Johnnestoun of Elphingstoun, his airis and assignais heretable in all and haill the landis of Cousland, with the pertinentis, than occupiit with the propir guidis pertening to the said umquhill William, erll of Gowry, and his airis, as the said contract of the dait at Edinburgh, the [...] day of [...] the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir thrie yeiris, registrat in the buikis of counsell, at mair length proportis; be vertew of the quhilk contract, the said James Johnnestoun was heretable infeft in all and haill the saidis manis of Coussland, with the pertinentis, and obtenit oure said soverane lordis confirmatioun thairupoun, as the samyn confirmatioun of the dait at Halyruidhous, the xxiiij day of December, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir thrie yeiris, in it self at mair length proportis; notwithstanding of the quhilkis contractis, infeftment and chairtour of confirmatioun fallowing thairupoun, the said James Johnnestoun hes obtenit na payment of the mailles, fermes and dewateis of the saidis landis and mailles of Cousland for ony yeiris and termes bygane sen the dait of the said infeftment be ressoun of the forfaltour of the said umquhill William, erll of Gowry, the saidis landis being haldin of him and his airis, and under precept that the said infeftment was grantit sen the xxiij day of August, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir twa yeiris, quhairby the said James Johnnestoun hes bein frustrat hidderto of the haill proffeittis of the saidis landis, he remanis continewallie our faithfull subject and leige but ony suspicioun of offence for his pairt, and haifing also the benefite of oure soverane lordis confirmatioun and the said alienatioun proceiding thairupoun ane titill onerous, nawayis suspect of fraud, thairfoir our said soverane lord, with advise and consent of the saidis thrie estaitis in this present parliament, hes ratefeit, approvin and confirmit and, be the tennour heirof, ratefeis, for his hienes and his successouris, apprevis and confermis the forsaid contract and infeftment, viz., chartour, precept and instrument of seasing fallowing thairupoun with oure soverane lordis confirmatioun grantit in maner forsaid, and for his hienes and his successouris willis and grantis that the said James Johnnestoun of Elphingstoun, his airis and assignais peceable bruik and joise the saidis manis and landis of Cousland, with the pertinentis specifiit in the said infeftment, mailles, fermes, proffeittis and dewateis thairof, and that it sall be lesum to thame to call, fallow, poynt and distrinyie for the mailles, fermes, proffeittis and dewateis of the saidis landis of all yeiris and termes bygane sen the dait of the said infeftment and in tyme cuming, conforme to the said infeftment in all pointis; and that notwithstanding of the proces of forfaltour led aganis the said umquhill William, erll of Gowrie, or quhatsumevir law, statute, act of parliament or uther constitutioun maid for annulling, rescinding, cassing and revoiking of the alienatiounis maid be the said umquhill Williame, erll of Gowrie, to the quhilkis, and eviry ane of thame, our said soverane lord, with expres advise and consent forsaid, willis, decernis and ordinis thir presentis to mak expres and speciall derogatioun, and ordanis ane chartour to be maid under the greit seall in the mair forme, ratefeand and apprevand the said infeftment and seasing, with the said uther confirmatioun proceiding thairupoun, conteinand the haill narratioun, clausis and dirogatiounis forsaidis; ordanis this present act of parliament, subscrivit be the clerk of register, be ane sufficient and immediat warrand thairto at the greit seill, but passing the signet or privie seill, and to be extendit in the best forme with all clausis neidfull.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun grantit to the Laird of Carmychell

Oure soverane lord, with advise of the thrie estaitis of parliament, understanding that Johnne Carmychell, younger, of that Ilk, in name and behalf of James Carmychell, his sone, reallie and with effect debursit and payit to umquhill William, erll of Gowry, lord Ruthwen and Dirltoun, the sowme of sewin thowsand markis money and bestowit be the said umquhill erll upoun his awin effaires tending to his utilitie and proffeit, for securitie of the quhilk sowme the said James Carmychell was infeft heretable in all and haill the landis of Hiefeild and Arnotis Flatt, with the pertinentis, lyand within the lordschip of Dirltoun, under reversioun, contening the sowme of four thowsand markis, and siclyk in all and haill ane annuelrent of thrie hundreth markis to be taikin up yeirlie at twa termis in the yeir, Witsounday and Mertimes in winter, be equall portiounis, furth of all and haill the manis of Dirltoun, with the pertinentis, siclyk under reversioun, conteining the sowme of thrie thowsand merkis, as the samyn infeftmentis and oure soverane lordis confirmatioun fallowing thairupoun of the dait the [...] day of [...] the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir yeiris, at mair lenth beiris; nevirtheles, the said James hes obtenit na payment of the said annuelrent of ony yeiris and termis sen the dait of his said infeftment be ressone of forfaltour, alsweill led aganis the said umquhill Erll of Gowry as aganis the said Johnne Carmychell, and under pretext that oure said soverane lordis confirmatioun was grantit betuix the xxij day of August the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir twa yeiris and the [...] day of [...] nixtthaireftir, quhairby he is hidderto frustratat of the said annuelrent and of the greit sowme of money debursit; thairfoir the said James Carmychell, being within the aige of xvj yeiris, evir remanand our soverane lordis faithfull leig and subject but ony suspitioun of offence, and haifing alswa the benefite of our soverane lordis confirmatioun and the alienatioun forsaid proceiding upoun ane titill onerous and nawayis suspect of ony fraud; and thairfoir his hienes, with expres consent and assent of the thrie estaitis of parliament upoun certane knawledge, hes ratefeit and apprevit and, for his hienes and his successouris, be the tennour of thir presentis, ratefeis and apprevis the said infeftment and seasing fallowing thairupoun, with the said chartour of confirmatioun grantit of befoir in maner forsaid, and will and grantis, for his hienes and his successouris, that the said James, his airis and assignais specifiit in the said infeftment sall frelie bruik and joise the saidis landis of Hiefeild and Arnottis Flatt, with the pertinentis, sett, use and dispone thairupoun at his plesure in tyme cuming, ay and quhill the lauchfull redemptioun thairof, conforme to the reversioun grantit thairupoun; and siclyk, it sall be lesum to the said James and his airis to call, fallow, poynd and distrinyie for the said annuelrent of thrie hundreth markis of all yeiris and termis bypast sen the dait of the said infeftment and in tyme cuming, ay and quhill the lauchtfull redemptioun thairof be payment of the said sowme of thrie thowsand markis, eftir the forme and tennour of the reversioun siclyke grantit thairupoun, and that nochwithstanding the proces of forfaltour led aganis the said umquhill erll and the said Johnne Carmychell or quhatsumevir law, statute, act of parliament and uther constitutioun maid or to be maid for annulling, rescinding and revoking of the alienationis maid be the said umquhill Erll of Gowry, for him self or in name of [...], his sone, and oure said soverane lordis confirmatioun grantit thairupoun; to the quhilk, and eviry ane of thame, our said soverane lord, with advise and consent forsaid, will, decernis and ordanis thir presentis to mak expres and speciall dirogatioun, and ordanis ane chartour to be maid under the greit seill in the mair forme, ratefeand and apprevand the said infeftment and seasing, with the uther confirmatioun proceiding thairupoun, conteinand the haill narrationis, clausis and dirogatiounis foirsaidis, ordaning this present act of parliament, subscrivit be the clerk of register, to be sufficient and immediat warrand thairto at the grit seall, but passing the signet and previe seall, and to be extendit in the best forme with all clausis neidfull.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Act in favour of Johnne Achesoun

Forsamekle as anent the supplicatioun gevin in befoir the kingis majestie and lordis of articles be Johnne Achisoun, sumtyme his hienes maistir cunyear, makand mentioun that quhair seing the said Johnne Achisone, his present miserable estait, is not unknawin to our said soverane and how he is fallin in this calamitie not be his awin government for his awin deid nor default, bot be the occasioun of his office and service umquhill William, erll of Gowrie, thesaurer to our soverane lord for the tyme, be quhome the said Johnne was inducit to tak upoun him the payment of divers debtis that he contractit for his graceis effaires, speciallie for his hienes apperrell to merchantis, surmunting the sowme of ten thowsand pund, the releif thairof the said Johnne luikit to have had be the cunyehous, as usuallie the maistiris thairof hes bene accustomat at desire of the thesaurer to deburse thair awin money and to employ thair credit for the princes service; bot the cunyehous being sett in tak to certane merchantis of Edinburgh, with power to cheis thair awin maistir cunyeour, the said Johnne was removit for refusing to be partiner with thame in making of sic money as provit thaireftir unproffitable and worthelie dischairgit; eftir the quhilk fallowit the death, forfaltour and removing fra office of the said umquhill William, erll of Gowrie, thesaurer, and swa all moyen of the Johnnis releif being cuttit away, he was denunceit to the horne at the instance to quhome he become debtour and compellit to flie his awin house, and for refuge evir compellit to remane in the girth sensyne, and, namelie, in this lait trubilsum tyme of pest, quhairby he is wraikit bayth in body and guidis, his bairnis remaning unhelpit and the s[...]er heretaig that he him selff and his freindis conqueist to him for ane lyff thrallit and unable evir to be recoverit without the kingis majesteis gracious favour; beseikand heirfoir maist humeble his hienes to haif pitie and compassioun of the said Johnnis lang truble and appeirand utter wraik undeservit, and becaus the grittest pairt of the debt abonespecifeit, quhairunto the said Johnne is subjecte, is for his hienes awin effaires and utherwayis he wald nevir have subjectit him selff to that perrell, the said umquhill erll and his airis being alwayis oblist for his releiff, seing our said soverane lord of his hienes clemencie is now movit to restore the airis of the said umquhill erll, the Johnnis humeble petitioun is that his majestie, with the advise of the thrie estaitis of this present parliament, wald presentlie tak sic ordour in granting thame thair favour and benefite that the said Johnne may be payit of the sowmes of money awand him be the said umquhill erll and his airis now to be restorit in this present parliament, and that he may have executioun upoun thair landis and guidis for payment thairof as accordis of the law, nochwithstanding the said umquhill erllis eldest sone was infeft in fie of his landis in his awin lyftyme, and als notwithstanding ony supersedereis or uther privelege quhatsumevir grantit to the said umquhill erll in his lyftyme, quhairby the said Johnne or his airis may be defraudit in the payment of the saidis sowmes, to the effect he may be releifit at his creditouris handis, and that our said soverane lord, with advise forsaid, wald decerne and declair all sic supersedereis and prevelegis sua far as concernis him null and of nane availl, force nor effect, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said supplicatioun. Oure soverane lord and thrie estaitis of this parliament, knawing the treuth of the said complaint, ordanis and declairis that the said Johnne and his airis sall have executioun upoun the saidis landis quhilkis pertenit to the said umquhill Erll of Gowrie for payment of the said sowme of ten thowsand pundis (except samekle thairof as he salbe fundin be just calculatioun to be fred and relevit of), and that thay have lyke proces of comprysing of the samyn landis, or ony pairt thairof, or annuelrent furth of the same, as will extend to the payment of the sowme abonewrittin, or utherwayis executioun of horning aganis the persoun of now James, erll of Gowrie, restorit in this present parliament to the landis and leving of his said umquhill father, and executioun of his guidis and geir quhatsumevir be poynding, siclyke and in the same maner as the said Johnne mycht have had aganis the said umquhill erll being onlyve and standing seasit in fie of his landis, leving and heretaig, or as gif the said James, his sone, war seasit be brevis and enterit as air to his said umquhill father to his saidis landis and heretaige, notwithstanding that the said James was infeft in fie of the saidis landis and heretaig in the lyftyme of his said umquhill father, and notwithstanding ony supersedereis grantit to him or uther privelege quhatsumevir grantit to the said umquhill erll in his lyftyme, or to the said James, now erll of Gowrie, be his restitutioun, quhairby the said Johnne and his airis may be defraudit in payment of the saidis sowmes; quhilkis supersedereis his hienes and thrie estaitis declairis to haif na force nor validitie to stope or hinder executioun for the said Johnnis releif of the sowme abonespecifiit in maner forsaid; and ordanis lettres to be directit heirupoun in forme as effeiris.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun of the capitanrie of the castell of Dunbartane to my lord Hammiltoun

Oure soverane lord, with advise of the thrie estaitis of this present parliament, ratifeis and apprevis the gift maid and grantit be his hienes to his rycht traist cousing Johnne, lord Hammyltoun, of his majesteis castell of Dunbartane, with all munitioun and ordinance thairin, quhairof the tennour followis:

James, be the grace of God, king of Scottis, to the lordis of our counsall and sessioun and all utheris, our leigis and subdittis quhome it effeiris, quhais knawlege thir our lettres sall cum, greting. Wit ye us to have maid, constituit and ordanit and, be thir our lettres, makis, consitutis and ordanis our rycht, traist cousing and counsallour Johnne, lord Hammyltoun, capitane of our castell of Dunbartane, and giffis him the chairge and office thairof off all and sindrie feis, dewateis and casualeteis annexit, assignit or pertening thairto, and in speciall the rentis and levingis annext of auld to the keiping thairof, togidder with the sowme of fyve hundreth and fiftie markis augmentit and assignit thairto furth of the superplus of benefices within our realme, to be payit to him yeirlie be our collectour generall, his deputis and officiaris at the termis of payment usit and wount, beginnand his first payment at this instant yeir of God jM vC fourscoir fyve yeiris, and swa furth yeirlie induring his said charge and office, commanding our said collectour generall and his forsaidis to anser, obey and mak thankfull payment to the said Johnne, lord Hammyltoun, capitane forsaid, of the said sowme of the riddiest of thair intromissioun this present yeir and yeirlie in tyme cuming during his said office, to be thankfullie allowit to thame in thair comptis be the auditouris thairof, quhome we command to desease and allow to thame yeirlie, thir our lettres being anis schawin upoun compt and registrat in our rollis as effeiris; with power to our said rycht traist cousing and counsalour to use and exerce the said office, bruik and injoye the saidis feis, dewateis and casualiteis pertening thairto, siclyk and als frelie as ony uther capitane did or mycht have done be vertew of the said charge and office; quhairfoir we charge straitlie and commandis yow, the saidis lordis of our counsall and sessioun, that ye grant and direct our uthers lettres at the instance of our said capitane for ansering and obeying him of the saidis rentis and mony forsaidis of this instant yeir and yeirlie heireftir induring his said charge in forme as effeiris, gevin under our previe seill at Lynlythgw, the xxiiij day of December the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir fyve yeiris, and of our regnne the nyntene yeir.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun of the capitanrie of the castell of Edinburgh to the Laird of Coldinknowis

Oure soverane lord, with advise of the thrie estaitis convenit in this present parliament, ratefeis, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successoris, perpetuallie confermis the gift and commissioun maid be his hienes be his lettre under the privie seill to Schir James Home of Coldinknowis, knycht, of the capitanrie of the castell of Edinburgh, artaillary, munitioun and of the sceptour, suord and croun according to the same gift, off the quhilk the tennour fallowis:

James, be the grace of God, king of Scottis, to the lordis of our counsall and sessioun and all utheris, our lordis of our chekker, all and sindrie the ordiner gunnaris and utheris officiaris astrictit to mak residence within our castell underwrittin or haifing ony charge thairin, ledgis and subdittis quhome it effeiris, quhais knawldege thir our lettres sall cum, greting. Wit ye us to have maid, constitute and ordanit and, be thir our lettres, makis, constitutis and ordanis our weilbelovit Schir James Home of Coldenknowis, knycht, capitane and keipar of our castell of Edinburgh and of all our artailyarie and munitioun being thairin, as alsua of our sceptour, suord and croun for all the dayis of the said Schir James lyftyme, and for keiping and custodie of our said castell and sustening of the officiaris and servandis necessar thairfoir, haif gevin, grantit, assignit and disponit and thir our lettres gevis, grantis, assignis and disponis to him during the space forsaid the sowme of aucht hundreth pundis money, to be payit monethlie be equall portionis furth of the riddiest of our greit custumes of the tron of our burgh of Edinburgh be our customar thairof, present and being for the tyme, and als the wictuallis underwrittin of the riddiest and first of the superplus of the thirdis of benefices efterspecifiit: that is to say, the haill third of quheit of the archiebischoprik of Sanctandrois, sevin chalderis, twa bollis, iij firlotts, 1 pects; the rest of the third of the quheit of the abbay of Scone, thrie bollis; the haill third of the quheit of the Chairterhouse, twa chalder, fyve bollis, 3 parts bollis; the haill quheit of the third of Lundouris, thrie chalder, four bollis, thrie firlottis, iij pects; the haill third of the quheit of the kirk of Monyfuthie, ane chalder, fyve boliss, 3 part bollis; out of the third of the beir of the archiebischoprik of Sanctandrois, aucht chalder, fyve bollis, 3 part pectis; out of the third of the beir of the abbay of Scone, ane chalder, twa bollis, ane firlot, 2 part pectis; out of the third of the beir of the priorie of Chartouris, thrie chalderis, iij bollis, 2 pectis, 3 part pectis; out of the third of the beir of the abbay of Lundouris, sex chalderis, nyne bollis, ane firlot; out of the third of the beir of the abbay of Abirbrothok, ane chalder, nyne bollis, iij firlotis, 3 part pectis; out of the third of the beir of the bischoprik of Dunkeld, four chalderis, xiij bollis, 3 part bollis; the third of the meill of the archiebischoprik of Sanctandrois, four bollis; out of the third of the meill of the abbay of Scone, ellevin bollis, ane firlot; the haill third of the meill of the priorie of Chairterhouse, twa pairt boll; out of the third of the meill of the abbay of Lundouris, four chalderis, ellevin bollis, thrie firlottis, 2 part pectis; out of the third of the meill of the bischoprik of Dunkeld, four chalder; the third of the peis and benis of the archibischoprik of Sanctandrois, ane boll, third pairt boll; begynnand the first monethis payment of the said moneth upoun the last day of November last bypast and the first payment of the said wictuall at the tyme of payment usit and wount off this crope and yeir of God jM vC fourscoir fyve yeiris instant, and sua furth yeirlie and monethlie as is abonewrittin during the said Schir James lyftyme; with power to him, be his self, constable and officiaris, quhilkis we gif him power to mak and for quhome he sall be haldin to anser for, to use and exerce the said office of capitanrie of our said castell with all rychtis, proffeittis and commoditeis belangand thairto, siclyk and als frelie as ony uther capitanis had or bruikit the same of befoir. Quhairfoir we chairge straitlie and commandis yow, all and sindrie the ordinar gunaris and utheris officiaris astrictit to mak residence within our said castell, or haifing ony charge thairin, that ye riddilie anser, intend and obey to our said capitane as ye and eviry ane of yow will anser to us, upoun your obedience, at your uttermaist charge and perrell; commanding alsua yow, the lordis of our counsall, sessioun and chekker, that ye grant and direct our utheris lettres for ansering and obeying of our said capitane, his factouris and servitouris in his name, of the haill assignatiounis of money and wictuallis abonespecefiit within ten dayis efter the chairge, the termis or ony tyme of payment being bypast, siclyk as is usit and aucht to be gevin and grantit for payment of our propirtie. Attour we, be the tennour of thir our lettres, revokis all giftis and dispositionis maid of the money and victuallis befoirwrittin, gevin and assignit for furnissing and sustentatioun of our said castell, and quhairof the samyn hes bene in possessioun this tyme bypast, willing our said capitane to be anserit, obeyit and payit thairof in tyme cuming and nane utheris according to the effect and mening of our act of parliament maid thairanent, as gif na maner of dispositiounis had bene maid or gevin of the samyn; ordaining this our present commissiioun, gift and assignatioun to be ratefeit, apprevit and confermit in our nixt parliament; gevin under our privie seill at Lynlythgw, the xv day of November the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir fyve yeiris, and of our regnne the nyntene yeir.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Act in favour of Schir Williame Stewart, lait capitane of Dunbartane

Oure soverane lord, with advise of the thrie estaitis of this present parliament, ratefeis and apprevis the gift maid to Schir Williame Stewart of Caverstoun, knycht, anent custodie and keiping of the castell of Dunbartane during the tyme of the said Schir Williamis capitanrie, quhairof the tennour followis:

James, be the grace of God, king of Scottis, to the lordis of our counsall and sessioun and all utheris our subdittis and liegis quhome it effeiris, quhais knawledge thir oure lettres sall cum, greting. Wit ye us, haifing perfyte knawlege be guid pruif and experience that our castell of Dunbartane, being commitit to the chairge and custodie of Schir Williame Stewart of Caverstoun, knycht, hes bene faithfullie, suirlie and diligentlie keipit be him and that he hes done trew and thankfull service and dewtie to his majestie in keiping thairof sen the first committing of the custodie of the same to his charge, but ony reproche or offence to be laid to his chairge in onywayis thairanent, and alsua his heines and the saidis lordis of his privie counsall acknawlege and confesses that Johnne, lord Hammyltoun, in our name and be our warrand, hes ressavit fra the said Schir William our said castell and all and sindrie munitioun and uther thingis quhatsumevir ressavit be him thairin at the first ressait thairof or thaireftir in his tyme in any wayis pertening to us, thairfoir, we and the saidis lordis of our privie counsell, be the tennour heirof, exoneris, quitclamis and dischairgis the said Schir William, for him self, his deputtis, servandis, airis, executoris and assignais, of thair intromissioun with our said castell, munitionis and utheris thingis quhatsumevir ressavit be him in tymes bygane befoir the dait heirof; and siclyk we and the lordis of our secreit counsall, be the tennour heirof, declairis that the said Schir William, nor nane of his servitouris and officiaris in our said castell, hes committit ony cryme or offence quhatsumevir that ony wayis may be laid to thair or ony of thair chairgis for neglecting of thair office and dewatie in keiping of our said castell, munitionis, service, prisoneris and uther thingis quhatsumevir committit to his keiping thairin, or for nonfullfilling of ony chairgis or command gevin to him or ony of his foirsaidis be us or ony uther haifand our power in tyme bygane; and thairfoir we advise foirsaid, quitclamis and dischairgis the said Schir William and his foirsaidis thairof, and sall nevir move, clame or persew actioun or caus aganis him or ony of his thairfoir in tyme cuming, bot renuncis for us and our successouris all instance and actioun that had, hes or may haif aganis him or ony of his for the same for now and evir, and takis thame in his majesteis firme peace, supple, mantenance, defence and saulfgairde in bodeis, landis, possessionis and guidis be thir presentis. Attour, we, perfytlie understanding of the lang faithfull service done to his hienes and his umquhill darrest father be the said Schir Williame, not only in keiping of our said castell sen his entrie to the charge thairof, having bestowit upoun the beting and reparatioun of the wallis and houses of the samyn castell and ordinance within the same, and for certane uther necessar occasionis knawin to us, baith his awin propir money and that quhilk he procurit on his credit and tuik on his landis, being drevin thairthrow in greit debt, and now wanting the commoditie of his awin leving, thrallit be occasionis forsaidis, and that quhilk was gevin him for ane rewaird being restorit to the auncient possessour, now ressavit to our favour and obedience, and sa now wanting in effect rewaird or recompance according to his trew and honest deserving eftir sa lang tyme spent; thairfoir, we, nawayis willing that he sall be utterlie unprovydit for at this present quhill bettir occasioun serve to rewaird him, nethir yit that he sall want help and moyen to releif him of his dettis contractit in our name and service, and throw occasioun thairof hes provydit him to ane yeirlie pensioun furth of the thirdis of benefices quhill he may be provydit utherwayis and be rewairdit be the first casualiteis that sallhappin to vaik that may be ane sufficient and condigne recompanse for the samyn; as alsua willis and declairis that the said Schir William, his airis and assignais sall brouk and injoy the rycht and possessioun maid to him be umquhill his darrest cousing Esme, duik of Lennox, erll of Dernlie, lord Terboltoun, Dalkeyth and Aubigne, of sic landis, teindis and possessiounis quhairof he had titill and become in possessioun in his lyf, be vertew of our soverane lordis infeftmentis or giftis as fallin in eschet be him selff or the said Schir William in his name, quhilkis rychtis, titillis and possessioun we will and grantis and, for us and our successouris, decernis and declairis to stand in effect and to be valiable and sufficient titillis for bruiking of the same landis, teindis and possessionis as thay war possessit be thair authouris, fra quhome thair rychtis and possessionis proceidit to the said umquhill duik and the said Schir William and thair airis and assignayis and on nawayis to be impugnit or querrellit during the minoritie and les aige of Lewis, now duik of Lennox, notwithstanding ony our revocatiounis, restitutiounis and rehabilitatiounis grantit or to be grantit be us to quhatsumevir persoun or personis of the saidis landis, teindis and possessionis or ony pairt thairof; out of the quhilkis we declair the landis, teindis and possessionis disponit to the said umquhill Duik of Lennox, notwithstanding ony our revocatiounis, restitutionis and rehabilitatiounis grantit and to be grantit be us to quhatsumevir persoun or personis of the saidis landis, teindis and possessiounis or ony pairt thairof, out of the quhilkis we declair the landis, teindis and possessiounis disponit to the said umquhill Duik of Lennox, and be him to the said Schir William, quhairof he become in possessioun, as said is, to be speciallie exceptit and reservit, declarand all fewis, takkis or uther pretendit titillis and dispositiounis quhatsumevir maid or to be maid that may appeir contrarious or prejudiciall to the same to be null, invalide and ineffectuall, quhairevir thay be producit in jugement or outwith, dischairging his hienes thesaurer and his depuit, present and to cum, of all granting or passing of confirmatioun upoun ony takkis, fewis or rentallis maid or to be maid upoun the landis, teindis or possessiounis to the hinder or prejudice of the said Lodovik, now duik of Lennox, or the said Schir William; quhilk lettre we will and ordane to be ratefeit and apprevit in our nixt parliament; gevin under our privie seill at Lynlythgw, the xxv day of November, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir fyve yeiris, and of our regnne the nyntene yeir.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Act in favour of the Lord Glammis

Oure soverane lord and thrie estaitis of parliament, understanding that Patrik, lord Glammis is enormelie and hevilie hurte be the decreit reductive gevin aganis him befoir the lordis of counsell at the instance of maister David Carnegie of Colluthy, Elizabeth and Margaret Carnegeis, his dochteris, reduceand and retreatand ane uther decreit gevin be the saidis lordis at the instance of umquhill Johnne, lord Glammis, his gudschir, aganis umquhill Elizabeth Ramsay, dochter and air to umquhill Henry Ramsay of Colluthy, for molestatioun of the said umquhill Johnne, lord Glames, in his fisheingis callit the Puill Know and Johnne Sandis, utherwayis callit Fodderis, and Thanwell or Tentis Muris, and be the haill last processes of reductioun quhairupoun the said last decreit proceidit, quhilk decreit and processes being gevin and led in ane factious tyme, the said Patrik, lord Glames, being pupill, and Thomas, maistir of Glames, his tutour, being furth of the realme and utherwayis not being able to compeir ane lang tyme for the leiding of the said process; thairfoir, our soverane lord and thrie estaitis foirsaidis reducis and rescindis the said last decreit reductive and haill process quhairupoun the same proceidit and reponis and restoris the said Patrik, lord Glames, and his said tutour in integrum to the same place and estait quhairin thay war befoir the rasing of the summundis, quhairupoun the said last decreit proceidit, provyding alwayis that the said Lord Glammis and his said tutour for his entress preve the narrative of thir presentis befoir the juge competent as accordis of the law; and immediatlie thaireftir Maistir Johnne Russell, procutour for maistir David Carnegy of Colluthy, compeirit personallie in presens of the kingis majestie and thrie estaitis in parliament, and protestit that thir presentis on nawayis hurt nor prejuge the said maistir David, inrespecte the said lord and his tutour for his entres compeirit and maid defence in the said mater as he sall verifie befoir the juge competent, and thairupoun askit instrumentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ane act in favour of the Maister of Glamis

Oure soverane lord and thrie estaitis of this present parliament willis and grantis and, for his hienes and successouris, perpetuallie decernis and ordanis that Thomas, maister of Glammis, is and salbe speciallie contenit and comprehendit in the generall act of restitutioun presentlie maid, and that all and quhatsumevir clausis, heidis, poyntis and articlis thairof sall be extendit in favour of him, his airis, successouris and posteritie and sall be to thame als sufficient in all respectis for the suirtie of thame, thair landis, lyff and guidis as gif he war speciallie nominat thairin, or as gif the haill heidis, poyntis and articlis of the said generall restitutioun and abbolitioun war speciallie heirin expressit. And forder, our soverane lord, in presens of his hienes estaitis of parliament, hes maid plane declaratioun that quhatevir laitlie fell oute be ony interpryse of the said Maister Thomas, that was only be occasioun of particular dissentioun betuix him and sum utheris of his hienes leigis, quhilk his henes knawis perfytlie never to haif tendit ather to the danger of his hienes maist noble persoun nor yit to the imparing of his honour and estait, quhairof his hienes, be his dewtifull behaviour, hes had sic guid pruif as he hes found the said Maister Thomas evir to have bene and to be his faithfull and trew subject.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Act in favour of Johnne Lyoun of Cossynnis


  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ane act in favour of the servandis of the Erll of Mar and Maister of Glammis

Oure soverane lord, understanding that be his hienes actis, maid be the advise of the thrie estaitis in this present parliament, thay have abolissit thair remembrance past of quhatsumevir offences done be his hienes nobilitie and speciallie be Johnne, erll of Mar, and Maister of Glammis, thair kyn, freindis and servandis heirtofoir, and to restoir and reposses thame in thair landis, leveingis, rowmes and possessiounis, fra the quhilk thay have bene debarrit and dispossessit be occasioun of civill trublis within this realme sen our said soverane lordis coronatioun, and seing thair hes bene greit nowmer of the said Erll of Maris dependaris and freindis quha last eftir thair exile and banesement war challancit and persewit maist rigoruslie for juning and assisting with thame in thair commoun interpryses, quhairof sum being put to the tryell of ane assyise, sum fast in prissoun and utheris ejectit furth of thair kyndlie rowmes and possessiounis for thair service, wer inducit of werry necessitie to renunce and overgife thair landis, rowmes and possessionis to sic as wes thair grittest enimeis and procurit thame to be persewit of thair lyves, to the effect thay mycht obtene thair leveingis, and becaus mony hes bene inducit upoun the apperand perrell of thair lyves to dispone thair rowmes and possessiounis and to renunce thair heretable rychtis and titillis to sic as now possesses thame, and that upoun titillis onerous and sowmes of money althocht thair was na sowme debursit nor payit thairfoir, bot gentill men constranit up confessis the same to strenth thair securitie, thairfoir, our said soverane lord, with advise of the thrie estaitis of this present parliament, statutis and ordanis that all and quhatsumevir personis that hes bene challencit and persewit for the service of the said erll and maister of Glammes to be reponit, restorit and integrat and, be the tennour heirof, reponis, restoris and redintegratis thame and ilkane of thame in the same rycht and titill thai had to thair leveingis befoir the saidis erll and lordis departing furth of this realme, notwithstanding of quhatsumevir transactionis and appointmentis thay wer forcit to mak to thair greit hurte for necessitie of the tyme, provyding alwayis that they salbe haldin to deburse and redeliver befoir thay obtene the possessioun sic sowmes of money as thay haif ressavit, or as may be provin numerat be the donatouris of thame leveand or ony utheris, obteinaris of the same, and alswa provyding that this present act and ordinance on nawayis be prejudiciall to William Keyth, servitour to the kingis majestie, nor to Mathow Stewart of Mynto, knycht, anent thair rychtis of the landis and heretaigis perteining to William Cunynghame, sone to the laird of Drumquhassill.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun of the restitutioun grantit to Gawin Hammyltoun of Roploch

The kingis majestie, with avise of his estaitis of parliament, ratifeis, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confermis his utheris lettres of rehabilitrie gevin and grantit under his greit seill to his weilbelovit Gawin Hammyltoun of Roploch, be the quhilk his hienes, with avise of the lordis of secreit counsell, ressavit the said Gawin to his favour, mercy and grace, nochtwithstanding the sentence of forfaltour gevin aganis him upoun the [...] day of [...] the yeir of God jM vC thriescoir nyntene yeiris, and fullelie restorit the said Gawin in integrum to his lyff, libertie, fame, honour, landis, heretaigis, rowmes, possessionis, siclyke, alsfrelie and in the same estait as he was befoir the geving of the said sentence of forfaltour, as the same lettres of the dait the xj day of Januar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxij yeiris at mair lenth contenis. And forder, his hienes, upoun suir knawlege and perfyte knawlege and tryell takin that the said Gawine, the tyme of the committing of the crymes contenit in the said process of forfaltour, wes ane servand and dependar to utheris and nocht ane devysar nor inventar of sic attemptattis as wer committit and fell oute be occasioun of the interpryses aganis his hienes auctoritie eftir his hienes coronatioan, quhilkis haill attemptattis and rebellionis, for the weill of his hienes, the quietnes of his subjectis and universall obedience of his legis wer abolisheit be the pacificatioun concludit at Perth, the xxiij day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxiij yeiris, and ratefeit and apprevit be his hienes and the thrie estaitis in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh, in the moneth of Aprill, the yeir of God jM vC lxxiij yeiris, in the quhilk pacificatioun the said Gawine was specialie comprehendit; and his majestie suirlie having knawlege, pruif and experience of the said Gawinis eirnest affectioun to abyde, remane and stand in his hienes guid grace and favour, as hes bene notifeit to his majestie be his darrest suster and cousignes, the Quene of England, being be hir recommendit unto his hienes clemencie, his majestie being alswa weill rememberit that in certane chief materis quhilkis followit upoun the saidis trublis it was thocht meit and expedient be ane speciall article of the said generall pacificatioun that his said darrest suster and consignes avise suld be followit; his majestie, thairfoir, be the tennour of the said lettre, hes of new ratifeit and apprevit and be the tennour heirof ratifeis and apprevis the benefite of the said pacificatioun grantit to the said Gawine and will and grantis that the same sall be and is extendit to all crymes and offences specifeit in the said lait process of forfaltour led aganis him, with all that hes fallowit or that may fallow thairupoun. And siclyke his majestie, of his speciall grace, clemency and favour, hes rehabilitat, restorit and reintegrat and, be the tennour of the said lettre, rehabilitatis, restoris and reintegratis the said Gawine to his guid fame, honouris, officeis, previlgeis and digniteis of the quhilkis he was prejugit and depryvit be the said forfaltour and takkis, ressavis and reponis him to his hienes mercie and grace aganis the said sentence crymes and offences contenit thairintill, renunceand the same for his hienes and his successouris in favour of the said Gawine, his airis and successouris. And mairover, his hienes reponis and restoris the said Gawine in and to all and sindrie his landis, takkis, stedingis, rowmes, possessiounis, castellis, touris, fortaliceis, woddis, mylnis, fisheingis, tennentis, tennandreis, service of frie tennentis, advocatioun and rycht of patronage of benefices, teindschavis, pensionis, takkis, assedatiounis, rowmes, possessionis, castellis, touris, fortaliceis, woddis, mylnis, fisheingis, actis, contractis, obligationis, debtis, rentallis, guidis and geir, movable and unmovable quhatsumevir, quhilkis pertenit to the said Gawine befoir the said sentence of forfaltour led aganis him. And als his hienes decernis and declairis the said Gawine hable, worthie and capable to ressave, enjoy, posseid and use quhatsumevir honouris, officeis and digniteis in jugement and outwith in all tyme cuming, siclyke and alsfrelie in all respectis and conditionis as gif the said sentence of forfaltour had nevir bene gevin. As alswa his hienes ratefeis and apprevis all and sindrie alienatiounis and dispositionis maid be the said Gawine to quhatsumevir personis of quhatsumevir his landis, rowmes, takis, stedingis and possessionis, and will and grantis that this his ratificatioun and present approbatioun salbe als sufficient in all respectis to the saidis ressavearis of the saidis alienatiounis and dispositionis as the same had bene confermit immediatlie eftir the making thairof, and as gif the said sentence nevir had bene gevin aganis the said Gavine. And mairover, our said soverane lord will and grantis that it salbe lauchtfull to the said Gavine presentlie to entir to his haill landis, rowmis and possessionis quhilkis wer bruikit be him befoir the said sentence and forfaltour, requiring the lordis of his hienes counsell and sessioun to grant lettres in competent forme to that effect, as als to all his houses and fortaliceis aganis quhatsumevir deteinaris or possessouris of the same, and in lykemaner to the effect thir presentis may tak full effect, for the weill and utilitie of the said Gawine and his airis, his hienes, with avise forsaid, hes cassit and annullit and, be the tennour of the said lettre, casis and annullis all and sindrie infeftmentis, titillis and rychtis maid be his hienes or quhatsumevir uther persoun of the said Gawinis landis, levingis, heretaig, rowmes, pensionis or possessionis quhatsumevir; and dischairgis him and Jeahne Dischingtoun, his spous, thair airis, of all payment of ony sowmes of money promist be thame to ony persoun or personis for thair restitutioun to the same landis and utheris forsaidis, or ony uther pairt thairof simple in tyme cuming. And forder, to the effect foirsaid, his majestie hes dischairgit and, be the tennour of the said lettre, dischairgis all and quhatsumevir lettres of factorie of the same grantit to quhatsumevir persoun or personis at ony tyme preceiding the dait heirof, and declairis, decernis and ordanis the same and effect thairof sall ceise for evir, and that nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir actis of parliament, secreit counsall or utheris gif ony be quhilkis may be extendit or interprete in prejudice of thir presentis, with the quhilkis his hienes hes dispensit and, be the tennour heirof, dispenses for evir be thir presentis. And for the grittar securitie of the said Gawine, his airis and successouris, his hienes promittis faithfullie in the worde of a king to ratifie the premisis in the parliament quhilk it sall happin his majestie to hald eftir his perfyte age, and sall mak fuill suirtie to the said Gawine, his airis and successouris of the saidis landis and leving, with supplement of all defectionis as he sall be requirit. Also our said soverane lord, with avise of his thrie estaitis, decernis and decreittis that the infeftmentis grantit to Johnne, archiebischop of Sanctandrois, abbat of Paislay, to Gawine, commendatour of Kilwynning, in lyverent, and to the said Gawine Hammyltoun of Roploch heretable, and our said soveranis confirmatioun past thairupoun, off all and haill the four pund land of Bernis, ellevin pund, ten schilling land of Culbowy Eister and Wester, lyand within the sherefdome of Dunbartane, and fyve merk land of Granis, lyand within the barony of Renfrew and regalitie of Paislay, salbe for evir in all respectis sufficient to the said Gawine and his airis heretable for the pament of the few dewatie contenit thairin, nochwithstanding ony diminutioun of the rentall proponit or to be proponit aganis the same. And alswa our said soverane, with avise foirsaid, decernis and declairis that it sall be lesum to the said Gawine Hammyltoun to ask, crave, ressave, intromet and uptak all and sindrie the mailles, fermis, proffeittis, canes, custumes, teindis, pensionis, emolimentis, and dewateis of quhatsumevir landis, rowmes and possessiounis pertening to him of all yeiris and termis bigane restand to him, and to raise, use and execute lettres and executioun aganis the personis addettit in pament of the same.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Act in favour of Johnne, lord Hammyltoun and Claud, commendatour of Paislay

Forsamekle as anent the supplicatioun presentit to the kingis grace and lordis of articlis be Johnne, lord Hammyltoun and Claud, commendatour of Paislay, beirand that thay presentit of befoir ane uthir supplicatioun, humelie craving that as it hes bene oure said soverane lordis majesteis guid plesure to grant ane generall restitutioun to his hienes haill nobilitie and subjectis that hes bene greivit be occasioun of civill trublis within this realme fra his hienes coronatioun, and to redress sic lossis as thay have suffirrit be the injurie of the tyme; and that our said soverane lord wald wischeaf amangis the greit and commoun benefites impartit to thame to appoint to the saidis Johnne and Claude sum recourse and remeid for the recoverie and repititioun of sic sowmes of money as hes bene debursit to his hienes chancellair be thair speciall freindis, as cautioneris for thame, that the saidis Johnne and Claude sulde abyde at the kingis majesties obedience according to the articles of pacificatioun. And althocht it was supposit be the said chancellair, as donatour to this penaltie, that be the residence of certane of the saidis Johnnis and Claudis freindis within the house of Hammyltoun eftir thair escaping furth of the cuntrey that thay had contravenit thair bandis and obligatiounis of thair souerteis and that the saidis cautioneris had incurrit the panis contenit in the act be the saidis Johnne and Claudis contraventioun, quhilk house wes keipit without ony warrand of thame, and that thay depairtit furth of the cuntrey for saiftie of thair lyves, off intentioun to die and leif the kingis majesteis trustie and obedient subjectis, lyke as it hes pleisit the kingis majestie now to acknawlege thame for the same and to rescind the forfaltour sa inordorlie deducit aganis thame, quhairbe the contraventioun wes verifeit in prejudice of thair cautioneris and wes the caus thay wer decernit in that penaltie; and seing our said soverane lord hes delt sa graciouslie with the saidis personis in all respectis, and cheiflie that it hes pleisit his hienes to abolishe the rememberance of that forfaltour and offence quhairupoun the saidis Johnne and Claudis cautionereis and souteris wer adjugit in that penaltie, and seing the saidis cautioneris hes guid actioun and recourse of the law to persew the saidis lordis and commendatour for the recoverie of sic sowmes as they haif payit and delyverit to the said chancellair, and that it is our said soverane lordis intentioun that thay sall sustene na loss, damnage, injurie nor harme for ony deidis or occasionis preceiding this present parliament, thairfoir our said soverane lord, with advise of his saidis thrie estaitis presentlie convenit, decernis and declairis that the saidis Johnne, lord Hammyltoun, and Claude, commendatour of Paislay, sall haif guid entress, rycht and actioun to convene, call and persew the said lait chancellair his airis, bairnis, successouris and assignais quhatsumevir, to ony of his landis, conquests or living, and to recover and repeit furth of thair handis sic sowmes of money as he ressavit fra the saidis cautioneris and quhairupoun he hes delyverit particulair acquittances; and siclyk declairis the gift of the said penaltie, insamekle as is not uptakin thairof, and all and quhatsumevir bandis and obligatiounis maid be ony of the saidis soverteis or ony utheris in thair names to quhatsumevir persoun or personis for pament of ony pairt of the said sowme and penaltie, to be null, retreittit, rescindit, and presentlie declairis the same to be null and retreitis and rescindis the same and to gif na rycht nor actioun to the donatour to persew thairfoir in ony tyme heireftir, provyding alwayis that our said soverane lord haif the prerogative aganis the said erll and his foirsaidis anent the repititioun of his jowellis intromettit with be him, quhilk, being recoverit and he satisfeit on his thesaurer or utheris haveand his majesteis power thairfoir, than and thaireftir this present act to haif fuill strenth and effect as is abonewrittin at the instance of the saidis lordis and commendatour aganis the saidis chancellair and his foirsaidis in maner and forme as is abonereheirsit.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Act grantit to the Laird of Holmendis and his freindis

The kingis majestie, with avise of the thrie estaitis and haill lordis of this present parliament, ordanis the lyke favour, grace and privelege to be grantit to George Carrutheris of Howmanis, Johnne Carrudderis of Harkwod, his sone, Symone Carrudderis of Rammelskellis, thair kin, freindis, servandis, dependaris and parttakaris, as was grantit and concludit at the burgh of Perth in the moneth of [...], the yeir of God jM vC thriescoir tuelf yeiris, in the pacificatioun maid and concludit at the tyme foirsaid, as gif thay or ather of thame wer speciallie comprehendit thairintill; as also that the haill lawis, constitutionis and securiteis grantit in this present parliament in favouris of Johnne, lord Hammyltoun, and his colligis, with the generall abolitioun comprehendit thairintill, salbe extendit to haif place in personis of the saidis George and utheris foirsaidis, with all clausis, articlis and conditionis contenit thairintill, to be als lairglie interprete for thair bettir securitie and in thair favouris as gif thay, or uther of thame, wer expreslie nominat and continit thairintill, swa that they may frelie bruik, joise and possess thair landis, rowmes, officeis, possessonis and digniteis, nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir foirfaltouris led or deducit aganis thame, or ather of thame, for quhatsumevir crymes or offences, and as the samyn nevir had bene criminall, remitting frelie the rancor of his hienes mynd and dischairging expreslie all actioun, civill or criminall, that may be movit for ony of the saidis crymes or utheris that may result thairupoun to be intentit be his hienes or his advocattis or parteis quhatsumevir propunding entress, swa that the same sall nevir be imputit to thame be his hienes or his successouris in tyme cuming of quhatsumevir natuir or conditioun the same be committit and done at ony tyme sen his majesteis coronatioun. And forder, for thair bettir securitie and for establisching of ane perfyte peace in tyme cuming, swa that his hienes haill subjectis may be reducit to his perfyte obedience, and that the memorie of quhatsumevir deidis or factis committit heirtofoir sall nevir be renewit be ony of the saidis subjectis, bot extinctit and buriit in perpetuall oblivioun in all tymes heireftir, his majestie, with advise foirsaid, imponis perpetuall silence to all and quhatsumevir the saidis parteis to renew the memoreis of the saidis factis, dischairging all actioun, civill or criminall, that may be movit or intentit thairupoun, and that the contravenaris thairof sall be haldin and repute as perturbatouris of the commoun peace; and this to be extendit in maist ample forme.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun of the Erll Bothuillis infeftment

Oure soverane lord, with advise and consent of his thrie estaitis of parliament, hes ratefiit, apprevit and confermit and, for his hienes and his successouris, be the tennour heirof, ratefeis, apprevis and confermis the chartour and infeftment maid and grantit be his hienes under his greit seill to his rycht traist cousing Frances, erll Bothuile and his airis maill lauchtfullie to be gottin of his body, quhilkis failyeing, to returne to his hienes and his successouris, off all and sindrie lordschippis, barroneis, landis, officeis and utheris underwrittin: thay ar to say, all and haill the lordschip and barrony of Haillis, with the castell, tour and fortalice thairof and with all tounis, partis, dependentis, pendiclis, annexis, connexis, outsettis, mylnis, tennentis, tennandriis, service of frie tennentis and thair pertinentis, togidder with advocatioun, donatioun and rycht of patronage of the kirk of Hauch, callit the prebendarie of Lintoun and chaiplanrie of Markle; the landis of Pitcokis, with the kirk and prebendarie of the same and chaiplanrie of the samyn callit Burnehouss; the landis and baroneis of Auldhamstokis, with townis, pairtis, dependentis, connexis, annexis, outsettis, mylnis, tennentis, tennandriis, service of tennentis thairof and thair pertinentis, togidder with the kirk of Auldhamstokis, chaiplanrie of Cokbrandispeth and hospitale of the same; the landis of Eistcraig; the landis of Hoprik; all and haill the landis and barony of Morhame, with tour, fortalice, mylnis, tennentis, tennendriis, townis, pairtis, dependentis, annexis, connexis, pendiclis, outsettis and thair pertinentis, togidder with the kirk thairof, lyand within the sherefdome of Edinburgh and constabularie of Hadingtoun; all and haill the landis and lordschippis of Crichtoun, with castell and maner place thairof, and with all and sindrie townis, partis, dependentis, pendiclis, annexis, connexis, outsettis, mylnis, woddis, tennentis, tennandreis, service of frie tennentis and thair pertinentis, togidder with advocatioun, donatioun and rycht of patronage of the provestrie of Crichtoun, prebendareis and chaiplanreis of the same quhatsumevir; the landis of Muirhouse and Caprestoun, with the pertinentis thairof, lyand within the sherefdome of Edinburgh principall, and als of the office of schirefschip of Edinburgh principall and Edinburgh within the constabularie of Hadintoun, with all and sindrie rychtis, dewateis, liberteis, immuniteis and privilegis pertening to the said office and belanging thairto; all and haill the landis and barrony of Quhitsum, with the kirk thairof; the landis of Prandergaist, Quhitrig, Obchestar, Sherefbigging, Shereflandis and with all tounis, landis, pairtis, dependentis, pendiclis, annexis, connexis, outsettis, mylnis, multuris, tennentis, tennandriis, service of frie tennentis thairof and thair pertinentis, lyand within the sherefdome of Berwicke, and als of the office of sherefschip of the haill sherefdome of Berwick and baillerie of Lauderdaill, with all rychtis, proffeittis, dewateis, feis and privilegis usit and wount or that pertenis or may pertene thairto; and all and haill the landis and barronie of Tounyettame, with tounis, pairtis, dependences, pendiclis, annexis, connexis, outsettis, mylnis, tennentis, tennandriis and service of frie tennentis of the samyn and thair pertinentis; the landis of Fermingtoun, with the hospitall thairof, tennentis, tennandriis, service of frie tennentis of the same; the landis of Langnewtoun, with tour, mylne, tennentis, tennandreis, service of frie tennentis thairof and thair pertinentis; the landis and barronie of Weltoun, with the kirk of the samyn and all townis, pairtis, dependences, pendiclis, pertinentis, annexis, connexis, outsettis, mylnis, tennentis, tennandriis and service of frie tennentis of the same and thair pertinentis; the landis and barony of Chalmerlanenewtoun, with townis, pairtis, dependences, pendiclis, annexis, connexis, outsettis, mylnis, tennentis, tennandreis, service of frie tennentis thairof and thair pertinentis, lyand within the sherefdome of Roxburgh; the landis of Teindsyd, Harwod, Slaidhillis, Carlingpule, lyand within the said sherefdome of Roxburgh; the landis of Ailmuir, with tour, mylne with tennentis, tennandriis, service of frie tennentis thairof, with thair pertinentis, lyand within the sherefdome of Selkirk; all and haill the landis and barony of Dryvisdaill and Carrutheris, togidder with advocatioun, donatioun of the kirk of Carrutheris, tennentis, tennandreis, service of frie tennentis thairof and thair pertinentis, lyand within the stewartrie of Annanderdaill and within the sherefdome of Dumfreis; all and haill the landis and barrony of Carmychaell, with townis, pairtis, pendiclis, pertinentis, dependentis, annexis, connexis, outsettis, mylnis, tennentis, tennandreis, service of frie tennentis thairof and thair pertinentis; the landis of Terrachlie, with toure and fortalice thairof, Drumlark, Maybie and Cruikis and thair pertinentis, with woddis, tennentis, tennandreis and service of frie tennentis thairof, lyand within the said sherefdome of Dumfreis; all and haill the landis and barrony of Erlistoun, callit Glenken, with townis, annexis, connexis, pairtis, pendiclis, dependentis, outsettis, mylnis, tennentis, tennandreis, service of frie tennentis thairof and thair pertinentis, togidder with advocatioun and donatioun of the kirk of Dalry, lyand within the stewartrie of Kirkcudbrycht; all and haill the landis and lordschip of Bothuile, with the forrest, mure and pertinentis thairof and with tennentis, tennandreis, service of frie tennentis, advocatioun, donatioun and rycht of patronage of the provestrie of Boithuile, prebendareis and chaiplanreis of the same, and of the kirk of Hawik and prebendareis in the said college, and of the kirk of Barthramshottis, lyand within the sherefdome of Lanerk; all and haill the landis and baroneis of Elgarigill, Wolstoun and Dolphingstoun, with advocatioun, donatioun of kirkis and chaiplanreis of Wolstoun and Dolphingstoun; all and haill the landis and barony of Dunsir, with townis, partis, pendiclis, dependentis, annexis, connexis, outsettis, mylnis, tennentis, tennandriis and service of frie tennentis of the saidis landis and baroneis and thair pertinentis, lyand within the said sherefdome of Lanerk, with all and sindrie annexis, connexis, dependences, partis, pendiclis, mylnis, multuris, woddis, forrestis, fishingis, tennentis, tennandriis, frie service of tennentis, castellis, touris, fortaliceis, maner places, orchardis, yairdis, advocatioun, donatioun and rycht of patronages of benefices, kirkis and chaiplanreis of all and sindrie landis, lordschippis and baroneis particularlie abonewrittin and thair pertinentis; and als of the office of sherefschip of this realme within all the boundis of the same, with all and sindrie liberteis, proffeittis, dewateis, casualiteis and escheatis thairof, usit and wount and pertening or that is knawin to pertene thairto, as in the said chartour and infeftment under the grett seill grantit to our soverane lord to the said Frances, erll Bothuile, thairupoun of the dait the xvj day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ane yeiris at lenth is contenit, in all pointis, clausis and articlis, circumstances and conditionis specifeit thairin eftir the tenour thairof; and willis and expreslie declairis that the said chartour and infeftment or ony pairt thairof be nawayis subjectit to ony revocatioun or revocatiounis to be maid be his hienes in ony tyme heireftir, but that the samyn infeftment and chartour in all pointis and clausis thairof sall remane effectuall and be sufficient securitie to the said Frances, erll Boithuill, and his airis abonewrittin quhatsumevir, nochtwithstanding ony of the saidis revocatiounis, and als nochwithstanding quhatsumevir infeftment or infeftmentis, giftis or rychtis maid and grantit be our soverane lord to quhatsumevir uther persoun of the saidis landis, rowmes, townis, lordschippis, barroneis, kirkis, benefices, castellis, touris, fortaliceis, mylnis, fischingis, woddis, officeis, privilegeis and utheris abonespecifeit particularlie mentionat the said infeftment or ony pairt of the same at ony tyme sen the forfaltour of umquhill James, erll Bothuill; to the quhilkis infeftmentis, rychtis and giftis and eviry ane of thame our soverane lord, with avise and consent foirsaid, willis, declairis, decernis and ordanis thir presentis to mak express and speciall dirogatioun; and siclyke our soverane lord, with avise and consent of the saidis thrie estaitis of parliament, hes ratefeit, apprevit and confermit and, be thir presentis, ratefeis, apprevis and confermis the lettre, gift and assignatioun maid and grantit be our soverane lord, with avise of umquhill James, erll of Murray, lord Abirnethie, his hienes regent for the tyme, to the said Frances, erll Bothuill, of all and sindrie reversionis maid and grantit to quhatsumevir persoun or personis, to umquhill Patrik, erll Boithuill, the said umquhill James, sumtyme erll Bothuill, or ony of thair predicessouris, for redemptioun of ony of the landis, townis, lordschippis, baroneis, woddis, mylnis, fischeingis and utheris abonespecifeit or of any pairt thairof, as in the lettre of gift and assignatioun under the privie seill of the dait the [...] day of [...] the yeir of God jM vC thriescoir and [...] yeiris, grantit to the said Frances, erll Bothuill thairupoun is contenit and rycht of redemptioun specifeit thairin in all poyntis, eftir the tennour thairof, swa that the samyn assignatioun salbe sufficient to the said Frances, erll Bothuill, for redemptioun of the saidis landis, lordschippis, baroneis and utheris foirsaidis, eftir the forme and tennnour of the saidis reversionis. Lyk as our said soverane lord, with avise and consent foirsaid, be thir presentis, of new makis, constitutis and ordanis the said Frances, erll Boithuill and his airis maill abonewrittin, his hienes verray lauchfull, undoutit and irrevocable cessioneris and assignais in and to the saidis reversionis and eviry ane of thame and rycht of redemptioun contenit thairin, with power to the said erll and his foirsaidis to redeme the saidis landis, mylnis, fischeingis and utheris specifeit in the saidis reversionis and to use and dispone thairupoun siclyk and als frelie in all respectis as the said umquhill Patrik, erll Boithuill, the said umquhill James, erll Boithuill, or ony thair predicessouris at ony tyme in thair lyftyme mycht haif redemit, usit and disponit upoun the samyn; and ordanis ane new lettir of assignatioun, clausis and haill contentis conteinand of the said former assignatioun to be maid to the said Frances, erll Boithuill, and his foirsaidis thairupoun, ordaning this present act of parliament subscrivit be the clerk of register to be ane sufficient and immediat warrand to the said privie seill and tobe extendit in the best forme, with all clausis neidfull.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun of ane lettre of tak to the Laird of Largo, comptroller

Anent the supplicatioun presentit to oure soverane lord and thrie estaitis of this present parliament be Andro Wod of Largo, his majesties comptroller, makand mentioun that quhair be vertew of contract and appointment maid at Edinburgh the tent day of November, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxiiij yeiris, betuix his hienes, Johnne Fentoun, iconomus of the abbay of Dumfermling for the tyme, and William, commendatour of Pittinweme, quhais advice was appointit to be gevin to the said Johnne in using the said office, on the ane pairt, and the said Andro Wod on the uther pairt, he renuncit at his hienes desyre the tak and assedatioun set be his majestie to the Andro of the fewfermis and utheris dewateis addettit furth of the barrony of Largo of befoir, in recompance quhairof, his majestie, than haifing the said abbacie of Dumfermling and fruictis thairof in his awin handis, set, with advise of the said yconimus to the said Andro Wod, his airis and assignais specifeit thairin, all and sindry the mailles, fermis, canes, custumes, proffeittis and dewateis of the lordschip and baronie of Newbirneschir, with the teindschaves and utheris teindis, fruictis and rentis, bayth personaig and vicaraig, of the parochin and kirk thairof, lyand within the sherefdome of Fyffe, sumtyme being ane pairt of the patrimonie and propirtie of the said abbacie of Dunfermling, for all the dayis of his lyftyme, and eftir his deceise for the lyftyme of his narrest and lauchfull air, and eftir the deceise of the said air, to his airis and assignais for the space of nyntene yeiris, with diverse and sindrie conditionis and provisionis contenit thairin, as in the samyn contract of the dait foirsaid at mair lenth is contenit; as also his majestie sensyne be contract maid at Dumfermling the xvj day of Junii the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir fyve yeiris, with avise of the lordis of secreit counsall, collectour generall and iconomus of Dumfermling on the ane pairt, and the said Andro Wod on the uther pairt, past the samyn contract in the forme, effect and conditionis as is contenit in the uther contract foirsaid in all pointis, as in the samyn of the dait foirsaid siclike at mair lenth is contenit. And now trew it is that the said Andro Wode hes obtenit ane new tak and assedatioun to him, his airis and assignais in maner abonespecafiit of Patrik, maister of Gray, commendatour of the said abbay and convent thairof, of all and sindrie the saidis mailles, fermes and dewateis of the said lordschip and barronie of Newbirneschir, with the teindschaves and utheris teindis and fruictis of the kirk and parochin thairof, as in the samyn, ratefeand and apprevand the haill former takkis, rychtis and titillis set be our said soverane lord to the said comptroller thairof, and all conditionis and provisionis thairin contenit, of the dait the penult day of October last bypast siclyk at mair lenth is contenit, quhairfoir it is necessar and expedient for his bettir securitie that the saidis contractis and takis maid to the said Andro thairupoun be ratefeit and apprevit in this present parliament; quhilk supplicatioun being at length red and advisit be his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis, oure said soverane lord and thrie estaitis of this present parliament ratefeis, apprevis and confermis the foirsaidis contractis and tak respective, haill articlis, clausis and conditionis contenit thairin, eftir the forme and tennour thairof in all poyntis.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun grantit to the Erll of Huntly of his office of lieutennandrie

Oure soverane lord, for the guid, trew and thankfull service done to his hienes be his rycht traist cousing and counsallour, George, erll of Huntly, lord Gordoun and Badyenoch, his hienes lieutennent in the north pairtis of this realme, with avise of his thrie estaitis convenit in this present parliament, ratefeis, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, confermis the commissioun of lieutennandrie and justiciarie gevin and grantit be his hienes to the said erll; and willis and ordanis the same commissioun to stand and continew in fuill force and effect, unrevokit or dischairgit in ony sort, during the space of ane yeir nixtocum eftir the dait heirof, and forther induring our soverane lordis will and quhill the same be speciallie dischairgit be his majestie be advise of his thrie estaitis in parliament.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun in favour of the bairnis of the Laird of Segy

Oure soverane lord, with avise and consent of the thrie estaitis of this present parliament, ratefeis and apprevis and, for him and his successouris, perpetuallie confermis the lettre of tak and assedatioun sett be our said soverane lord, with advise of the lordis of counsell, to Johnne and James Meldrumis, sonis lauchfull to James Segie of Meldrum, younger, of all and haill the victuall underwrittin, assumit out of the places eftir specifeit during the space of thair lyftymes, of the quhilk lettre of tak the tennour fallowis:

James, be the grace of God, king of Scottis, to the lordis of our counsall, sessioun and chekker, wit ye us, understanding the guid, trew and acceptable service done to us be our trustie and weilbelovit counsallour James Meldrum of Segie, youngar, in tymes bigane, and willing to recompance the samyn in the persoun of his twa sonis, James and Johnne Meldrumis, for thair intertinement at the scoles, na occasioun being offerrit to haif recompansit thair said father utherwayis according to our guid will borne to him and his demeritis in awaitting upoun our service hithertillis, as we ar alwayis myndit, quhairas the same sall offer the selff, thairfoir settand and for maill lettand to James and Johnne Meldrumis, sonis lauchfull to the said James Meldrum of Segy, all and haill the victuall assumit out of the places underwrittin during the space of thair lyftymes, and the ane surviving the uther, the defunctis pairt eftir his deceise to accres to the uther being on lyfe, thair entrie thairto to be and begin at the instant crope and yeir of God jM vC lxxx fyve yeiris: that is to say, thrie chalderis beir, nyne bollis meill, sevin bollis quheit out of the superplus of Hadingtoun assumit upoun the kirk of Craill; sex chalder aittis out of the superplus of the bischoprik of Sanctandrois, fyve chalder and thrie bollis thairof assumit upoun Byrehill, and thrittene bollis upoun Kilrynnie; four chalderis beir out of the superplus of Dunkeld assumit upoun the kirk of Cargill; quhilk wictuall pertenit and was disponit of befoir to the said James Meldrum of Segy and now pertenis to our soverane lord and at our dispositioun be the simple dimissioun maid of the titill and rycht thairof in favouris of the saidis Johnne and James Meldrum, his sonis foirsaidis, with power to thame, thair factouris and servitouris in thair names, to intromet with and uptak the said wictuall and dispone thairupoun at thair plesure, and, gif neid beis, to call and persew thairfoir as accordis of the law, with all and sindrie commoditeis, fredomes etc., frelie, quietlie etc., but ony revocatioun; payand thairfoir yeirlie the said James and Johnne the sowme of fourtie pund to our collectour generall, present and for the tyme, at twa termes in the yeir, Witsounday and Martimes in winter, be equall portionis; commanding yow, the lordis of our counsall, sessioun and chakkar, to grant and direct sic lyk lettres for ansering and obeying of thame of the said victuall during the space foirsaid as thair said fader had of befoir be vertew of his said gift, dischairging alsua our collectour generall, present and to cum, and his depuitis, of all intromissioun thairwith during the space abonespecifeit; gevin under our privie seill at Striviling, the xiiij day of September the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir fyve yeiris, and of our regnne the nyntene yeir; and decernis and declairis the said lettre of tak and assedatioun to haif fuill strenth, force and effect in all tyme cuming, during the yeiris and termes contenit thairintill, swa that the said Johnne and James Meldrumis may peceable bruik and joyse the commoditeis, proffeittis and dewateis contenit in the said tak during the space specifeit thairintill without ony impediment.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun in favour of Alexander Wod

Anent the supplicatioun presentit be Alexander Wod, sone lauchfull to James Wod of Lambelethame, makand mentioun that quhair it hes pleisit our soverane lord to grant and dispone to the said Alexander the prebendarie of Lambelethame, sumtyme fundit within the college heuch besyde the citie of Sanctandrois, with the teindis and fruictis thairof during his lyftyme, and als be his hienes lettres and gift hes unit, annexit, incorporat and mortifeit the said prebendary, with the teindis and fruictis thairof, eftir his deceise, quhen it salhappin, to the college of Sanctleonardis foundit within the citie of Sanctandrois, to remane perpetuallie with the college for sustentatioun of ane bursar thairin in all tyme cuming, and modefeing the fruictis and rentis thairof to the sowme of xx lib. money yeirlie communibus annis, and makand, constituand and ordinand James Wod of Lambelethame and his airis maill gottin or to be gottin of his body, quhilkis failyeing, Andro Wod of Largo and his airis maill quhatsumevir, patronis and presentaris of the said bursary to the said college in all tyme cuming, quhilk bursarie is ordanit to be callit in all tyme cuming the bursarie of Lambelethame, as in the lettres of gift under his hienes privie seill maid thairupoun at mair lenth is contenit; and becaus it is ane mater of weicht and conscience and concernis the sustentatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the puir, it is necessar that the samyn gift be confermit in parliament; in consideratioun of the premisis, our said soverane lord and thrie estaitis of this present parliament ratifeis, apprevis and confermis the foirsaid gift and mortificatioun to the said college thairin contenit, with the presentatioun of the said bursarie in all tyme cuming, efter the forme and tenour of the said gift in all pointis.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun to the Maister of Gray of the abbay of Dumfermling

Oure soverane lord and thrie estaitis of this present parliament ratifeis, apprevis and confermis the gift and provisioun grantit be our soverane lord to Patrik, maister of Gray, of the abbacie of Dumfermling, in all clausis, heidis, articlis and conditionis thairof, and speciallie the claus of revocatioun thairin mentionat; and als revokis, casis and annullis all and quhatsumevir infeftmentis, takis, assedatiounis, giftis of pensionis or utheris dispositionis quhatsumevir grantit furth of the twa pairt of the patrimonie of the said abbacie at ony tyme sen the deceise of umquhill Robert, lait commendatour of Dumfermling, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said gift and provisioun and claus of revocatioun thairin expressit.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun to Waltir Dundas

Anent the supplicatioun presentit to oure soverane lord and thrie estaitis of this present parliament be Waltir Dundas, sone and appeirand air to George Dundas of that Ilk, makand mentioun that quhair his hienes and lordis of secreit counsall, understanding that the predicessouris of the house of Dundas, quhairunto the said Waltir is appeirand, war principall fundatouris of the place sumtyme possessit be the Carmeleit freiris upoun the south syde of the Quenis Ferry, and dottit the said place and maist pairt of the rentis pertening thairto furth of thair awin propir landis, and speciallie quhair the place, kirk and yairdis thairof ar situat with certane aikeris appointit for the buriall of the house of Dundas, in consideratioun heirof, his majestie, be advise of the lordis of secreit counsall, gaif, grantit and disponit to the said Waltir heretable, his airis and assignais, be chartour and precept under his hienes greit seill, all and haill the rentis, fermis of fewferme and utheris dewateis quhatsumevir quhilkis pertenit of auld to the said Carmeleit freiris and to thair place quhairevir the same lyis within this realme, togidder with the haill kirk and boundis of the said place, with the stepill and houses thairupoun, with pertinentis quhatsumevir quhilkis pertenit to the saidis freiris and place thairof; and for the mair corroboratioun of the saidis infeftmentis, requisite it is the samyn be confermit in parliament, thairfoir our said soverane lord and thrie estaitis of this present parliament, in consideratioun of the premisis, ratefeis, apprevis and perpetuallie confermis the foirsaid chairtor, precept and instrument of sesing grantit be his hienes, with advise foirsaid, of the foirnamit place, kirk, rentis pertening thairto and utheris abovespecifeit, in all the poyntis, clausis, articlis and conditionis thairof specifeit and contenit thairin.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun grantit to William, commendatour of Pettinweyme

Oure soverane lord, remembering the guid, trew and thankfull service done to his majestie be his lovit William Stewart, commendatour of Pittinweyme, willing that he salbe suir of all giftis and dispositionis maid and grantit to him be his hienes of befor, thairfoir his majestie, with avise of the thrie estaitis of this present parliament, ratefeis, apprevis and confirmis the gift and provisioun grantit to the said commendatar of the priorie of Pettinweme, as alswa the lettres of factorie maid and grantit to him be his majestie, with consent of Johnne Fentoun, iconymus of the abbay of Dumfermling for the tyme, off all and haill the landis of Rescobie, Weddergange, Gellottis Eister and Wester, Lymkillis, port town and heawin thairof, with the pertinentis, and of all and sindrie the teindis and teyndschavis of the paroche kirk of Carnbie, with the pertinentis, togidder with the lettres of bailyerie of all landis and lordschipis perteining to the said abbacie grantit to the said commendatour be his majestie, with consent foirsaid, with the grund and titill quhairupoun the samyn proceidit; and lykwayis the restrictioun and provisioun specifeit and contenit in the gift and provisione grantit to Patrik, maistir of Gray of the said abbacie of Dumfermling, tuicheing the titill and provisioun and securiteis maid to the said William Stewart of quhatsumevir landis or utheris securiteis pertening to the said abbacie of Dumfermling; and last, the gift and dispositioun grantit to him of the rest of the thirdis of all benefices within this realme assignit for payment of the gairdis, with the act of secreit counsall and commissioun maid and consavit for the bettir and mair speiddy obteinyng payment thairof, and all utheris giftis and dispositionis maid and grantit to the said commendatour of befoir (only except of the forfaltit landis perteining to the erll of Angus, maistir of Glammis and Lord Claud Hammyltoun, commendatour of Paislay), declairing and decerning the samyn to be valid and sufficient frome the begynning, with the grund quhairupoun the same proceidit and siclyke in tyme cuming swa that thairby the said William Stewart may peceable bruik, joise and possess the landis, teindis and office of baillirie foirsaid, without questioun, querrell or impediment to be movit be quhatsumevir persoun in the contrair, without prejudice of quhatsumevir personis rycht to quhatsumevir the premisis as accordis of the law befoir the juge competent, according to thair rychtis, and als without prejudice of the uther actis maid in this present parliament.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Act in favour of Schir Johnne Maitland of Thirlstane, secretair to our soverane lord, and James Maitland, his brothir sone

Oure soverane lord and his thrie estaitis of this present parliament, for the guid and thankfull service done unto him be his traist counsellour Schir Johnne Maitland of Thirlstane, knycht, his secretair, and at his speciall desir and requeist, restoris the memorie of umquhill William Maitland, sumtyme his hienes secretair, nochtwithstanding the proces and dome of foirfaltour led aganis him for quhatsumevir caus contenit in the sentence, as the same had nevir bene led nor pronuncit; and frelie restoris and reintegrattis James Maitland, sone and air appeirand of the said William, aganis the said sentence, and ratefeis and apprevis all and quhatsumevir actis of parliament maid of befoir for quhatsumevir caus or occasioun in favour of the said Schir Johnne and James Maitland, sone and air apperand to the said umquhill William, his wyff, bairnis and posteritie, the tennour of the quhilkis actis ar haldin for expressit heir, nochwithstanding quhatsumevir exceptioun in the act of generall restitutioun, quhilk sall onnawayis be extendit to ather of the personis foirsaidis.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun of the act of parliament maid in favouris of Schir James Balfouris wyff and bairnis

Oure soverane lord and his thrie estaitis of parliament ratefeis and apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confermis the act of his hienes parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the [...] day of Maii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir four yeiris, anent the memorie of umquhill Schir James Balfour of Pettindreich, knycht, his wyiff, bairnis, air and posteritie, with all conditionis, clausis and circumstances thairof, lyke as the said act in the selff at mair lenth proportis, the haill tennour quhairof is haldin heir as repetit, and ordanis the same to stand in full force and strenth and to haif dew executioun as effeiris.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ane act annulland the infeftmentis maid to Gilbert Lauder of Balbardeis and his sone of the landis and leving of Haltoun

Forsamekle as anent the supplicatioun gevin in be Alexander Lauder, sone and air appeirand of Schir William Lauder of Haltoun, knycht, makand mentioun that quhair it is not unknawin that the said Alexanderis predicessouris of auncient memorie succeding unto utheris be lang process of tyme, throw thair worthie service to our soverane lord maist noble progenitouris, acquirit and conqueist the lordschip, leving and barronie of Haltoun conteinand the particular landis underwrittin, to wit, all and haill the landis, manis and barronie of Haltoun, with the castell, tour and fortalice thairof; the landis of north croftis of Ratho, Westhall, Platt, Northtoun, Owir Gogar, with the mylne thairof, kirkmylne and mylnelandis of the samyn; the landis of Brouninsfeild, with tennentis, tennandreis and service of frie tennentis and thair pertinentis, all lyand within the boundis and sherefdome of Edinburgh, within the sherefdome and baronie of Renfrew be annexatioun; all and haill the landis and baronie of Cruigly, with the maner place and fortalice thairof; the landis of Owir and Nethir Kydstoun, Meldounhill, lyand within the sherefdome of Peiblis; all and haill the landis of Quhitislie, Quhitsleid, with the tour, fortalice, cornemylne and wakmylne of the same; the landis of Newbigging and Wellis, Quhitlaw and Burnegrange, the mylne of Lauder, lyand within the baillerie of Lauderdaill and sherefdome of Berwick, quhilkis being vertuuslie conqueist in our said soverane lordis predicessouris service as said is, lang befoir the said Schir William succedit thairto, that ancient hous this lang tyme bygane hes keipit the estait and degrie of ane honorable baron evir continewallie in obedience and fidelitie to our said soverane lordis predicessouris, but ony suspitioun; nevirtheles, Gilbert Lauder of Balbardeis, be lang consuetuid, perfytlie understanding the simple of the said Schir William, be certane malignand and craftie practises abusing the said Alexanderis fatheris ignorance to his awin gredie appetite and unhonest commoditie, within the space of sevin yeiris lastbypast allurit and intysit the said Schir William to annalie unto William Lauder, eldest sone to the said Gilbert, his airis and assignais heretable, all and haill the landis and barroneis foirsaidis, be simulat and cullerit venditioun, seing he nathir had money to pay nor payit ony money thairfoir; and the said Gilbert, foirseing that the said infeftment culd be on na force without our said soverane lordis confirmatioun, he lauborit ernestlie for the same, and the mater appering strange that the said Schir William suld annalie unto the said William the haill landis he had in the warld, he, having the saidis Alexander and James Lauder, brither germane, sonis procreat of his awin body be lauchfull mariage of thair mothir, quha is discendit of ane honorabill house, and thay nevir haifing offendit thair said father in word nor deid, the confirmatioun of the said pretendit infeftment was, for the ressonis foirsaidis, stayit be our said soverane lord as ane thing tending to the reproche of his majesteis conscience and honour; bot the said Gilbert schortlie thaireftir, insisting to bring his craftie devyise to ane end be conceiling of the treuth and ane false suggestioun be sic as ar acquentit with our said soverane lord, maid his majestie to understand the said infeftment to be nawayis hurtfull to the said Alexander, bot expreslie to have bene devysit for his weill and preservatioun of his majesties heretaig unto him selff, inrespect that the said Schir William to quhome he behuiffit to succeid had oblist him selff as sovertie for greit sowmes of money, for the quhilkis he affermit that the haill landis mycht be apprysit fra the said Alexander incaise he wer air to his said father, or at the leist, that he suld be relevit of that dait be that infeftment; and to justifie his narratioun and to persuaid our said soverane lord and his hienes thesaurer for the tyme that he culd not be hurte be the said infeftment, the said Gilbert schew ane reversioun maid be the said William to the said Schir William and his assignais, beirand that the saidis haill landis and barroneis suld be redemable upoun fourtie schilling allanerlie, quhilk was the only caus quhilk movit our said soverane lordis thesaurer to condiscend to the said confirmatioun, sensyne as als that the said Schir William, father to the said Alexander, hes renunceit his lyferent to the said William Lauder, quhairupoun he hes tane purpose to sitt doun upoun the haill landis, rowmes and heretaiges and to exclude the said Alexander and his posteritie perpetually thairfra, the lyk quhairof hes nocht bene sene within this realme in na aige past; the said Schir William, be his simple and craft of the said Gilbert, being sa misusit and having lauchfull issue of his awin body quha nevir offendit him as said is, and that the said Alexanderis fatheris deid quhatsumevir of it selff culd not haif debarrit him of his heretaig gif our said soverane lordis deid and confirmatioun had not bene interponit, and alsua the said confirmatioun being alwayis grantit in our said soveranis minoritie and be proponing of ane fals caus, quhair as gif the treuth had bene declairit, his hienes had nevir grantit the samyn, and being alsua safar aganis his majesties conscience and honour, the said alienatioun and confirmatioun following thairupoun ar revocable for dischairge of his hienes said conscience, for seing it is maist trew that chartouris of tailyie maid in the princes minoritie, be the quhilkis the airis femell ar debarrit to gif place to the airis maill, ar, be the lawes of this realme, decernit to be aganis the princes conscience and to be revocable; thair is ane greittair burdene of honour and conscience in this caise quhair all the rychteus airis quhilkis the law of God and man hes appointit to succeid ar debarrit fra thair native heretaig, that ane strangear may be prefarrit and specialie be sic deseatfull and craftie meanis as ar usit in this caise; desyring thairfoir the kingis majestie and his hienes thrie estaitis deiplie to wey and considder quhat singular fraud hes bene usit aganis the said Alexander in our said soverane lordis less aige, to the hurt of his honour and conscience and to the said Alexanderis utter wraik, and thairthrow, to regaird the pernicius exemple that may fallow upoun the preparative sa weikit and that the said ancient house, be that kynd of deling, be not transferrit in injust possessouris. Quhilk supplicatioun being sene and at lenth considderit first be the kingis grace, lordis of articlis and thaireftir be his hienes and thrie estaitis in this present parliament, quha presentlie decernis and declairis the foirsaidis pretendit alienationis, venditionis, chartouris, infeftmentis, preceptis and instrumentis of sesing quhatsumevir maid be the said Schir William Lauder of Haltoun, knycht, to the said William Lauder, sone to the said Gilbert, his airis and assignais heretable, of the landis, baroneis and utheris particularlie abonespecifeit, with our said soverane lordis confirmatioun grantit thairupoun of quhatsumevir dait, to haif bene fra the begyning and to be in all tyme cuming of nane availl, force nor effect with all that hes fallowit or may fallow thairupoun, the ressonis and causis foirsaidis, but prejudice alwayis of utheris confirmationis grantit be our said soverane lord of utheris infeftmentis to utheris personis quhair his hienes conscience and honour is nocht hurt; and ordanis lettres to be directit.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun of the office of thesaurarie to Thomas, maister of Glammis

Oure soverane lord, with avise and consent of the thrie estaitis of this present parliament, ratefeis, apprevis and confermis for him and his successouris the gift and dispositioun of the office of thesaurarie gevin and grantit to Thomas Lyoun of Baldewky, maistir of Glammis, be dimissioun thairof in our soverane lordis handis be Johnne, erll of Montrose, lord Grahme, lait thesaurer, to the effect the said Johnne may joyse the said office induring his lyftyme; and decernis and declairis the said gift to have full strenth, force and effect in all tyme cuming eftir the forme and tennour thairof, of the quhilk the tennour followis:

James, be the grace of God, king of Scottis, to all and sindrie our subdittis and liegis quhome it effeiris quhais knawlege thir our lettres sall cum, greting. Wit ye us to haif maid, constituit and ordanit Maistir Thomas Lyoun of Balduky, maistir of Glammis, our thesaurer, and gevis him the office thairof for all the dayis of his lyftyme, with all and sindrie honouris, privilegis, feis, dewateis and casualiteis belanging thairto, and in speciall the sowme of ane thowsand pundis in yeirlie pensioun for exercing of the said office, to be upliftit be him of the first and reddiest of our casualiteis foirsaidis at twa termes in yeir, Witsounday and Martimes in winter, be equall portionis, begynnand the first payment at this last Martimes in this present yeir of God jM vC fourscoir fyve yeiris and swa furth yeirlie and termelie induring his lyftyme, to be thankfullie allowit to him in his yeirlie comptis be the lordis thairaf, quhome we chairge to allow and diffais yeirlie to him the said sowme of ane thowsand pundis as pensioun foirsaid, this present being anis schawin upoun compt and registratt in the rollis as effeiris; with power to our said thesaurer to use and exerce the said office, bruik and injoy the saidis honouris, privilegis and pensioun siclyk and als frelie in all respectis as ony uther his hienes thesaurer did or mycht haif done at ony tyme be vertew of the said office, with all and sindrie commoditeis, fredomes etc., frelie, quietlie etc., provyding alwayis that this present prejuge not our trustie counsallour, Schir Robert Melvill of Murdocarnie, knycht, in his office of thesaurar depuit and clerk, gevin him and confermit in parliament, bot that this may nochtwithstanding heirof use and exerce his saidis offices, intromet with and uplift the dewateis thairof specifeit in his said gift siclyke and alsfrelie as he did of befoir; gevin under our privie seill at Lynlythgw, the secund day of December, the yeir of God foirsaid and of our regnne the nynetyne yeir, provyding alwayis that the said gift on nawayis hurt nor prejuge Schir Robert Melvill of Murdocarnie, knycht, anent his office of deputrie in the said office, bot declairis the samyn to stand in fuill strenth and effect, and the samyn on nawyis to hurte and prejuge him during his lyvetyme.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun of the provestrie of Lynclouden to William Douglas

Oure soverane lord, with avise of his thrie estaitis of parliament, ratefeis, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confermis the gift and provisioun maid to William Douglas, sone lauchfull to [...] Douglas of Drumlangrig, of the benefice of prebendarie callit the provestrie of Lynclowden, lyand within the diocese of [...], and all proffeittis, mailles, fermis, dewiteis and emolimentis pertening thairto for all the dayis of his lyftyme; reservand alwayis the fruictis thairof to Maistir Robert Douglas, lait provest of the said provestrie, as the said gift and provisioun proportis. And forder, our said soverane lord, with avise foirsaid, declairis, decernis and ordanis that the said provisioun salbe of fuill strenth and force to the said William for bruiking of the said provestrie, fruictis, mailles, fermis and dewateis thairof in maner foirsaid, salbe of fuill strenth and force to the said Maistir Robert for bruiking of the samyn during his lyftyme, nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir constitutionis and actis of parliament maid of befoir, with the quhilkis his hienes, with advise foirsaid, hes dispensit and dispensis be thir presentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back
Ratificatioun to Maistir Edward Bruce of the abbacie of Kinloss

Oure soverane lord, with advise of the thrie estaitis of this present parliament, ratefeis, confermis and apprevis the gift and dispositioun maid and grantit to Maistir Eduard Bruce, ane of the commisseris of Edinburgh, of the abbacie of Kinloss, with all fruictis, rentis, proffitis, kanis and dewateis perteining thairto; and decernis and declairis the samyn to have fuill strenth and effect in all tyme cuming, swa that thay may peceablie bruik, joise and possess the samyn, with all fruictis, rentis and dewateis pertening thairto, nochtwithstanding ony revocatioun maid or to be maid be our said soverane lord in ony tymes bygane or to cum; off the quhilk gift and dispositioun, the tennour is contenit in his lettre of gift.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52r-v. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.52v-53r. Back
  4. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  5. APS interpolation 'lenth'. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53r-v. Back
  7. 'P'. written in margin. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r. Back
  9. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54r-v. Back
  11. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  12. APS interprets this close-written word as 'said', but it does not fit the sentence. It could be 'sober'. Back
  13. NAS, PA2/13, f.54v. Back
  14. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  15. NAS, PA2/13, ff.54v-55v. Back
  16. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  17. APS interpolation, 'be'. Back
  18. NAS, PA2/13, ff.55v-56r. Back
  19. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  20. APS reads 'we with'. Back
  21. Sic. Should be Ludovic. Back
  22. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r. Back
  23. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  24. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  25. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  26. NAS, PA2/13, f.56v. Back
  27. A verso left blank, where the act should have been later inserted. Back
  28. NAS, PA2/13, f.57r. Back
  29. APS interpolation 'of'. Back
  30. NAS, PA2/13, ff.57r-58r. Back
  31. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  32. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v. Back
  33. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  34. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58v-59r. Back
  35. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  36. NAS, PA2/13, ff.59r-60r. Back
  37. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  38. Substitued with 'be' in APS. Back
  39. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v. Back
  40. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  41. APS interpolation, 'said'. Back
  42. NAS, PA2/13, f.60v. Back
  43. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  44. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60v-61r. Back
  45. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  46. NAS, PA2/13, f.61r. Back
  47. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  48. '... sustenatioun and provisioun for ane bursar and help of the ...' is not in APS. Back
  49. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61r-v. Back
  50. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  51. NAS, PA2/13, f.61v. Back
  52. NAS, PA2/13, ff.61v-62r. Back
  53. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  54. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  55. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  56. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r. Back
  57. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  58. NAS, PA2/13, ff.62r-63r. Back
  59. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  60. NAS, PA2/13, ff.63r-v. Back
  61. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back
  62. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v. Back
  63. 'P.' written in margin, with 'O.' scored out. Back
  64. NAS, PA2/13, f.63v-64r. Back
  65. 'P.' written in margin. Back