Ane act in favoure of Johnne, erll of Mortoun, his freindis and servandis

Oure soverane lord and thrie estaitis of this present parliament, understanding the guid, trew and efauld service done to his majestie at all tymes be his richt traist cousing and counsellour Jhonn, erle of Mortoun, lord Maxwell etc., and his constant affectioun to remane at his hienes obedience in tyme cuming, willing ane perfite peax to be establishit amangis the haill subjectis of this realme and that the particular factis and deidis done be way of hostilitie upoun preceis necessitie salbe extinct and buriit in perpetuall oblivioun, to the end his haill subjectis duelling upoun the bordouris may be reducit in ane uniforme obedience efter sua monyfald trubillis, sua that peace may continew amangis thame and the subjectis of the land, it is statute, ordanit, concludit and resolvit be his majestie, the thrie estaitis and haill bodie of this present parliament that the haill favour and benefite grantit and contenit in the lawes, actis and constitutionis of the said parliament maid in favours of Johne, lord Hamiltoun, Archibald, erle of Angus, Jhonn, erle of Mar, and remanent personis that reparit with thame towardis his hienes at Striveling, togidder with the generall abolitioun for extinguisching of all factis, deidis, interpryses or attemptattis committit or done in publict trubles and hostilitie sen his majesties coronatione, salbe extendit, have place and be maist lairgelie interpreit with all poyntis, passis, clausis, articles and conditionis of the samin in persoun of the said Johne, erle of Mortoun, his haill kin, freindis, men, tenentis, servandis, dependaris, assistaris, vassallis and partakeris, sua far as the saidis lawes, actis and constitutionis with the generall abolitioun foirsaid, or onie part thairof, may serve for thair better securitie. And forsamekle as the said erle and his foirsaidis ar in different conditioun fra the noble men and utheris befoir rehersit, and that the reparatioun of the particular factes and deidis done betuix pairtie and pairties quhilk ar exceptit in the said generall act of abolitioun sould have place aganis the said erle and his foirsaidis for quhatsmevir deidis betuix parteis, quharby greittar treble micht be ingenered heireftir in commoun weill thane onie danger that can follow upoun perpetuall abolitioun thairof, it is forder statute and ordanit be his majestie and thrie estaitis of this present parliament that the said erllis lait joyning of him selff and his forces in company with the said Jhonn, lord Hamiltoun and remanent noble men entering and cuming to his majestie at Striviling, and haill sequellis following thairupoun, with all thair factis, deidis or attemptatis devisit, interprysit, commitit or done be him or any uther persoun heireftir innumerat in this present ordinance, or that may be interpreit to enjoy the benefite of thir presentis of quhatsumevir natour, quality or conditioun thai be, sic as lifting and leiding men of armes on horse or fut, convocatioun of oure soverane lordis liegis, strangeris or utheris in greit number and in weirlike maner, rasing of fyre, halding and detening, seageing, supprising and demolischeing of housis, castellis, townis and fortalices, alsweill pertening to oure soverane lord as utheris, taking and impresoning of frie personis of quhatsumevir qualitie, stait, or conditioun, executioun to the death of personis apprehendit, without comissioun, out taking of prisonaris furth of thair wairdis, intercomoning, suppleing and assisting of personis foirfaltit rebellis, outlawes and fugitives fra the lawes, breking and eschewing furth of his hienes wairdes, non entering in waird being chargeit thairto, slauchteris, heirschipis, reffis, spuilyeis, depredationis direptionis rasing of men of weir with displeyit baner, using of fyre work, munitioun or artelliarie, intromissioun of cornes, wictuallis and money, electing of magistratis and gevin jugementis, with all uther factis and deidis in generall interprisit, devisit or done at ony tyme sen the moneth of Aprile in the yeir of God jM vC lxix yeiris to the day and dait of thir present, with ther sequelles, the murther of our soverane lordis dearest father allanerlie exceptit, sall abolishe and extinct far evir, the memorie thairof bureit in perpetuall oblivioun, nevir to be imputed at onie tyme heireftir be oure soverane lord or his successouris to the said erle, his kin, friendis, servandis and dependaris, thair airis nor successouris, bot frelie remitting the rancour of his hienes mynd, his majestie, with advise foirsaid, expreslie discharges, for him self and his successouris, thair advocatis and utheris pretending interesse in his hienes name, of all actionis, instance, persuit, criminall and civill, that may be pretendit or thocht competent to his majestie; or quhatsumevir partie grevit or pretending to haif enteress in particular, and that notwithstanding the particular deidis done betuix parties be speciallie attempted in the said generall act of abolitioun. And to the effect it may be cleirlie understandit to quhome the favour of this present ordinance sall properlie belang, his majestie, with advise foirsaid, willis that the benefeit thairof all onlie appertene to the personis eftir following: that is to say, Jhonn, erle of Mortoun, lord Maxwell, Mernis Esdaill and Cartell, Robert Maxwell of Castlemilk, his brother, the baillies, counsale and communitie of the burrowis of Dumfreis Annand, Maistir David Maxwell, brother to Schir Robert Maxwell of Dunwidie, knicht, George Carrutheris of Holmendis and the haill companies of horsemen liftit be him, Edwart Maxwell of the Ile, Herbert Maxwell of Cavense, Robert Maxwell of Keltoun, Thomas Edyer in Bowhouse, Jhonn Brown of the Land, Walter Gledstanis of Craiges, Schir Robert Maxwell of Spotte, knicht, Johne Maxwell of New Land, his brother, and the haill companies of horsemen liftit be him, Capitane Johne Richert and William Maxwellis and Capitane James Fraser, thair lieutennentes, ansenyeis, officiaris and haill companies of futemen liflit be thame, Johne Maxwell in Balgreden, Alexander Maxwell in Logane, his sone, Charles Murray in Dalcohuik, James Hunter of Drumschynnoch, Johne Lindsay of Auchinsketh, James Charteris, younger of Kelwod, Schir Alexander Gerdan of Apilgirthe, knicht, James Dowglas of Drumlangrig, Edmond Maxwell of Lamingtoun, William Dunbar of Blantyre, James Lindesay of Sergirth, with thair haill kin and friendis, men, tennentis, servandis, vassallis and dependairis and all utheris noblemen, knichtis, barones and gentlemen, landit and unlandit, yeamen and commonis, that hes intercomonit, favorit, assistit or gevin supplie to the said erl or his foirsaidis in protectioun, counsale or assistance with men, money, victuals or munitioun, quhais names not being speciallie expressit in this present act, salbe gevin up be the said, in sufficient inventair subscrivit with his hand, to the clerk of register for thair better securitie, to quhome the benefite of thir presentis sall pertene properlie as gif thay war presentlie namit be thair proper names, dischargeing thairfoir the lordis off counsall and sessioun, the justice generall and his deputis and all utheris, his hienes judgeis and ministeris of lawes, to grant proces in any of the saidis persuitis intented or to be intent be his hienes advocattis or ether parteis havand actioun, civillie or criminallie, quhairby this present abolitioun may be prejudgeit or infringit in onie wayis, saulfand and reservand onlie redres to be maid for attemptattis committit on Englishe men in prejudice of the lawes of marche and providit that the benefeit heirof be not extendit to ony civill contractis lauchfullie maid betuix parteis upoun guid causis of mutuall consentis; and gif onie person salhappynn to attempt in the contrair, to be estemed as trublaris of the commoun peace and punishit in bodie and guidis conforme to the lawes of this realme. And forder our soverane lord, for extinguishing of all truble or occasioun of persuite in tyme cuming for thingis bipast, with advise of the saidis thrie estaittis, retreatis, rescindis, casis and annullis all and sindrie lettres and charges of horning and tressoun contenit therintill and executionis heirof execute heirtofoire at onie tyme sene the saidis monethe of Aprile the yeir of God 1569 yeiris aganis the said erle and utheris personis foirsaidis, thair freindis, defendaris and pertakeris, for delivering of housis, entering thair personis in waird, non entrie of personis duelling on thair ground to his majestie lieutennentis, justice or wardanis or upoun quhatsumevir uther grund or occasioun, the giftis of eschaetis, liferentis and penalteis following thairupoun, actis of cautioun and suerteis for entering of personis, unlawes, enteress and thair sequellis, bandis and obligationis interponit be quhatsumevir personis suspectit to be the saidis erllis favouraris, to desist fra his aide, intercommoning, supplie, mantenence or resistances or quhatsumevir uthir occasiones bigane, his majestie and thrie estaitis present decernis and declairis the said erle, his freindis, servandis, dependaris and partakeris foirsaidis to be fre and in sic estait and conditioun as gif the samin had nevir bene. Attoure, our soverane lord and thrie estaitis foirsaidis retreatis, rescindis and annullis all decreitis and deidis done, gevin and pronuncit aganis the said erle and his foirsaidis at onie tyme sen the space abonewrittin, quhair thay or ony of thame had just caus of thair absence and mycht not compeir in thair awin proper personis to haif stopit the same, and thairfoir reponis and restoris thame in integrum thair agane as gif the samin had not bene pronunceid in thair contrair. Finallie, to the effect the said erle, his freindis, servandis and pertakeris foirsaidis may find the full effect of his majesties present benefiet and favour grantit and concludit in this present parliament, his majestie, with advise foirsaid, hes statute and ordanit that they and ilk of thame sall bruik, joise and posseise thair landis, heretageis, rowmes, offices, benefices, honouris, jurisdictionis, digniteis, rentis and possessionis quhatsumevir in sensable maner as thai possessit the same of befoir, and gif thay be dispossessit therfra, ordanis that thay salbe fullie repossessit in the same and summar lettres to be direct to that effect upoun ten dayes allanerlie, and revokis, casis and annullis all deidis done be his hienes in the contrair. And forder oure soverane lord, with advise foirsaid, ratefeis, apprevis and confermis the infeftment grantit to the said erle, his airis and successouris of the erldome of Mortoun, regalitie and jurisdictioun thairof, haill liberteis and privilegeis contenit thairintill, and revokis, casis and annullis quhatsumevir infeftment, rycht or title maid to ony uther persoun sen the dait of the said erles infeftmet of the said erledome of Mortoun, or onie pairt thairof, and namelie to Lodovik, now duke of Lennox, James Jhonnstoun, sone and appeirand air to Johne Jhonestone of that Ilk, Schir William Stewart of Carbistoun, knicht, or ony utheris, to the effect the said erle and his successoures may be fullie restablisched in thair full richt and propertie of the saidis landis and the said infeftment to stand in the awin strenth and nawayis impugnit. And seing his majesties intentione is that his favour and clemencie contenit heirin salbe maist largelie extendit to the weill of the said erle and his friendis, and not to be sinistarlie interponit, his majestie reservis the interpretatioun thairof to his hienes sua oft as neid beis and the thrie estaitis of parliament allanerlie, and that the said erle, him selff and his friendis, salhave recourse ather to this present securitie or to the generall lawes and constitutionis foirsaidis as best sall serve for thair weill, and ane not to be prerogative to the uther, quhairof, gif neid beis, forder securitie salbe maid in the nixt parliament; and ordanis lettres of relaxatioun of the said erle and his foirsaidis, with lettres of repossessiones and publicatioun heirof to be direct in forme as effeiris.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.43v-45r. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. APS interpolation 's', making the word 'sall'. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/13, f.45r. Back
  5. Followed by a space of about a quarter page. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.45r-49r. Back

The quhilk day, Jhonn, erle of Mortoun, personallie present, immediatlie efter the granting be the kingis majestie and estattis convenit in this present parliament of the speciall act of abolitioun, and that his hienes hes remitted to the said erle offences declarit in thair presence, that he wes presentlie contentit and consentit to releif and freth Schir Jhonn Johnestoun of Dunskellie, knicht, to pas as the kingis frie liege as he plesit; and siclyk that the said erle presentlie dischargeit and discharges all bandis of men of weir ressat be him and oblishit him to put thame furth of his companie and to use na hostilitie bot as the kingis grace gevis command and comissioun. And incaise the said Schir Johne Jhonestoune remane within his waird, that na offence be imput to him thairthrow.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.43v-45r. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. APS interpolation 's', making the word 'sall'. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/13, f.45r. Back
  5. Followed by a space of about a quarter page. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.45r-49r. Back

[Although not explicitly referring to the above records, the following document is related, the text consisting of a list of lands and tenants over which John Maxwell, earl of Morton was superior.]

Robert Chartouris of Kelwod, James Chartouris, his sone, Alexander Levingstone of Kilarne, James Lindsay of Sergirth, James Lindsay, his sone, Johone Lindsay of Auchinskarth, Herbert Lindsay of the Manis, Johne Willsoun in Elistoun; Calaverok: Johne Maxwell of Conhath, Eduart Maxwell of Ile, Thomas Edyir in the Bowhouse, Johne Edyer in Blakschaw, Johne Martine thair, Johne MacQuhirrie thair, Mathew Nicolsone thair, Johne Furde thair, Peter Jeffra thair, Piter Nicolsone thair, Nicoll Martine thair, Mathew Martine thair, William Borsbe thair, Johne Broun thair, Johne Batie thair, Thom Martine thair, Andro Dune thair, Stein Blakstok thair, Peter Dune thair, Johne Foirsyth thair, Johne Diksone thair, Eduart Diksone thair, Willie Diksoun thair, Thome Diksone thair in Cheringtoun, Johne Dryisdaill in Blakschaw, Johne Edyir in Cheringtoun, Will Forgusone thair, Charle Edyir in Glenhowane, Johne Rawling thair, Johne Edyir thair, Johne Edyir in Hie Manis, Robert Edyer thair, Thomas Maxwell thair, Charle Rawling in Glencapill, Mark Rawling thair, Thomas Herroun thair, Johne Smith in Bankend, Johne Edyer in Carmuk, Herbert Edyir in Wodend, Simon Adamsone in Lochirwode, Gawin Foirsyth thair, Clemet Diksoun thair, Johne Diksoun thair, Cuthbert Diksone thair, Johne Edyeir, sone to Thomas Edyer in Bowhouse, Clemet Edyer, his brother, Thomas Maxwell, sone to Robert Maxwell of Keltoun, Johnn Maxwell, his brother, Johne Maxwell in Bowrlandis; Drumfreis: Robert Maxwell of Keltoun, Walter Gladstanis of Craigis, Johne Mosset in Gorpule, Johne Maxwell in Craigis, Johne Bety in Rig, Thomas Maxwell thair, Eduart MacKinnell in Auchincreith, Willie Sluithman thair, William Kirkpatrik in Cloisburne, Johne Murray, Clonyeart, Geordie Maxwell, Thomas Maxwell, Johne Edyir, writtar, Nicoll Dikson; Kirkmaho: William Maxwell of Carnstelocht, Homer Maxwell thair, Herbert Maxwell in Kirktoun, Robert Maxwell thair, Herbert Edyer thair, Johne Thomsoun in Milheid, Thomas Thomson, his brother, Johne Edyer in Chrystinghill, Thomas Edyer in Holme, Johne Edger in Carnscelot, Patrik Maxwell, Johne Wallace, elder in Caryeild, Johne Wallace, his sone, Nicoll Thomsone thair, Johne Wallace thair, Thomas Wallace thair, David Frissell thair, Robert Frissall thair, Johne Frissall thair, Johne Irland thair, Andro Irland thair, Johne Wallace thair, Thomas Wallace thair, Robert Wallace thair, William Wallace thair, Hob Wallace thair, Alexander Wallace thair, Thomas Wallace thair, Johnne Wallace, sone to Robert Wallace thair, William Woll in Kirktoun, Robert Schortrig thair, Adame Schortrig thair, Johne Chartouris in Riddenwod, Johne Nicolsoun in Correllwod, Will Robsone thair, Nicoll Aitkin thair, Roger Robsone thair, David Robsone ther, Roger Thomesone thair, Johne Thomesoun thair, Roger Thomesone thair, his sonis, James Thomesone, smithe thair, David Thomesone, his sone thair, Johne Thomsone of Know thair, Johne and Will Robsonis thair, Thomas Robsone, William, brother thair, Stein Robsone thair, Andro Robsone thair, Johne Robsone in Dumkow, Robert Robsone thair, Johne Scharpro thair, Roger Robsoun thair, Johne Wilsoun in Hawthorne thair, Johne Wilsoun, Nicollis Iok thair, Thomas Robsone thair, David Lowrie thair, Johne Robsone, miller thair, Robert Robsone in Brigend thair, Robert Lowrie thair, Johne Aitkin, Johne Wilsone Townheid thair, Audame Wilsone thair, Nicol and Thomas Wilsones thair, Johne Rodden thair, Jhonn Bek thair, Andro and Willie Hillis thair, Thome Glessill thair, Florence Bek thair, Robert Bek thair, Johne Wilsoun in Nuik, Johne and Herbert Willsonis thair, Johne Edyer, travellour thair, Johne Donald ther, Nicoll Donald thair, Andro Hill thair, Johne and Robert Adies; Halywod: James Maxwell in Prorak, Johne, Mingo and Eduart Maxwellis, his brether, Robert Maxwell, Fourmerkland, James Maxwell in Killielong, Robert, Thomas, George and Eduart Maxwellis, his sonis, George Maxwell in Blengaber, Johne Werslie in Burnfute, David Edyer in Gullyhill, Robert Edyeir in Brunrig, Geordie Edyer in Furde, Thomas Edyier thair, Andro Edyer in Newtoun, Johne Jaksone in Killylong, Johne Macmillane in Craiginputtok, Johne Smyth in Quhytesyde, Johne Smith thair, David Welshe thair in Collistoun, Johne Smith in Serdingrass, Robert Muirheid thair, Johne Maxwell in Straquhen, Andro Mackynnay in Skinfurd, Cube Welshe thair, David Wilsoun in Speddoch, Johne Scot in Stepfurde, Robert Lowrie thair, Johne Mwring in Meringtoun, Johne Muirheid in Barquhieggane, Juhone and Thomas Scottis thair, Adame Scot thair, Roger Grier under the Wod, Jame Pirll, Johne Maxwell in Stedstoun, Geordie Edyer in Gribtoun, David Haning thair, Alexander Haning in Burnesyde, David Jaksoun, Mursyd, Johnne Jaksone thair, Johne Jaksoun, younger, Homer Gillesone, David Carrellie, Johne Greir in Dallowodie, Robert Caill, Brattill Findlaw, Johne Carnis in Brumrig, James Maxwell in Bowhill, David Haning at the Brig, Robert Grier in Kirkbryid, Roger Grier in Barndanoch, Thomas Grier in Barjarg, Gilbert Grier in Midkeir, James Greir in Beochane, Malcolme Dalrumpill in Watterside, James Porter in Midkeir, Gilbert Grier in Capinhauch, Roger Grier in Buss, Roger Kirkpatrik in Clinstoun; Drumsleit: Adame Sturgeon in Millerlandis, Thomas Amilligane in Cargane, Willie Edyer thair, William Maxwell thair, Johne Wryt thair, Johne Sturgeon thair, Johne Pane thair, Johne Sturgeone thair, Johne Edyer thair, William Maxwell thair, Thomas Maxwell, Johne Kennand thair, James Andersoun in Terrauchty, William Cunnyghame in Linclowden; Newabbay: Maistir Gilbert Brown, abbot of Sueitheirt, Johne Macghee, noter, Thomas and Gilbert Brounis, brether, Thomas Brown of Lochhill, Thomas MacCartnay of Arbar, Johne Turnour of Ardwell, Thomas Maxwell in Litillwar, Johne Turnour of the Hill, Thomas Brown of Schambelly, Robert Brown of Englistown, Johne Stewart in Clauchane, Johne Gracie, Thome Nicolsone, Johne Padyen, Johne Dryisdaill, Johne Sandersoun, Johne Maxwell, Johne Diksoun, Johne Sandersone, Johne Archibalsonie, Andro Gibsoun, Johne Turnour in Carse, Johne Thomsone, Jhone Wilsone, Andro Bell, Robert Newall, Willie Edyer, Thome Turnour, Johne Maxwell, Willie Maxwell, Pait Newall, Johne Newall, Wattie Newall, Johne Padyen, Johne Murray, James Murray, James Kirkonnell, Wattie, Thome Gilbert and Johne Patesonis, Johne Donaldsone, Johne Albert, Johne Stute, Pait Herrone, Hery Clerk, Johne Blakstok, Johne Kennand, Johne Murray, Willie Sandersone, William Maxwell of Airdis, Dik Adame and Johone Turnoris, Johne Pane, Willie Diksoun, Johne Allane, Robert Clerk, Johne Breich, Johne Gregan, Johne Baty, Johne Garmery, Johne Maxwell, Hobbie MacKie, Johne Diksoun, Johne Davidsoun, Hoby Smith, Johne Padyen; Kirkbein: Herbert Maxwell in Cavens, Hew Maxwell in Prestone, Andro Sturgeon in Coreris, William Sturgeon thair, Andro Sturgeon, his sone, Herbert Sturgeon thair, Richert Michelsoun thair, Eduart Clauchrie thair, Andro Diksone thair, Johne Edyir thair, Johne Michaell thair, Barny Kaye thair, Johne MacKie thair, Johne Turnour thair, Hoby Wilsone thair, Mathew Clark thair, Mathow MacKie thair, Roger Maxwell in Ladieland, Johne Dronand thair, James Maxwell, Andro Sturgeon thair, Thome and Johne Dronnandis, James Maxwell thair, Robert Ewart in Litle Ardrie, Willie Vatsone thair, Pait Montgomry, Johne Edyer, David Ewart thair, Johne Williamsoun in Numbelly, Adame Turnour thair, Pait Tuirnour thair, Pait Willsoun thair, Johne Willsoun thair, Robert and Andro Marchellis thair, James Guirlay thaeir, David Newall thair, Andro Williamsoun ther, Henrie Williamsone thair, William Brig in Fallowair, Thome Brig thair, Willie Brig thair, Andro MacBrum in Kirkbein, Johne MacIlvein thair, Johne MacNihen thair, Willie Kenen thair, Johne Williamsoun in Prestoun, Hoby MacKie thair, Willie Costing thair, Hobie Douart thair, Hobe Martene thair, Johne Lanerik thair, Johne and Willie Martines thair, Peter Gilbesone thair, Johne Wilsone thair, Sandie Clark thair, Johne Diksone thair, Johne Newall, Thome Newall thair, Willie Williamsone thair, Christie MacIlren thair, Johne Michelsone thair, Edmont Andersone in Glenwada, Andro Foirsythe thair, Hobie Dawsone thair, Johne Gibsone thair, Adame Diksone thair, Thomas Maxwell thair, Willie MacKie thair, Jhonn Maxwell in Mirscheid, Mathow Costing thair, Willie Costing thair, Hobie Churrie thair, Jokie Wilsone in Mirheid, Mathow Blakstok thair, Johne Sturgeon in Wrathis, Herbert Sturgeon thair, Joke Watsone thair, Hobe Young thair, Willie Gregane thair, Willie Glasinuricht thair, William Sturgeon thair, Johne Sturgeon, younger, James Sturgeon thair, David Diksone in Cavens, Andro Broun thair, Johne MacCraith thair, Thom Calyell thair, William MacTraith thair, Sandie Sitleintoun, Johne McQuhirrie thair, [...] Wilsone thair; Kirkpatrik Duram: Johne Gordoun of Troquhane, Johne Edyir in Auchinhay, Andro MacCuben thair, Johne Gordoun thair, Andro Braturch thair, Thomas Braturche thair, Roger Gordoun in Owerbar, Geordie MacMollane in Nedder Bar, Roland MacMolland thair, Johne MacMoland ther, Niniane Chrehtoun thair, Andro MacClune in Drumtonquhra, Johne Croket in Nedder Drumtonquhra, William Braturche thair, Johne Gordown in Kirtilbride, Nicoll Maxwell in Kirkland, Roland Twynomie in Bardarroch, Alexander Gordoun in Margley, Johne MacKnicht of Kilquhennand, Robert MacKnicht in Twa Markland, Johnn Scot in Tarbraikoch, Patrick Dronnand in Barmosotty, Johne Dronand in Knokwalloch, Johne Wilsoun in Kirkland, Thomas Wilsone thair, William Sinclair in Garmarting, Albert Neilsoun in Tulshangane, William Hanay thair, Fergus Hanay thair, Johne Carmont, Hucheon Twynome thair in Kirkwalloch, Willie Twynomy thair, Willie Martesoun in Monydow, Thomas Mertesoun thair, Johne Wilsone thair, Johne Ousting thair, Fergus MacKnicht in Culsyde, Henrie MacKnaycht thair, Johne MacKnaycht thair, Johne MacKnaycht thair, Johne Smith in Mule, Roger Gordoun in Lochinkit, Johne Gordoun thair, Johne Scot in Croftis, William Hendersoun in Brokloch, James Henrison thair, Johne Henrisone in MacQuhir, Johne Williamsoun thair, Roger and Johne Neilsones thair, Gillespy MacKnaycht in Litill MacQuhir, Fergus Carsane thair, William Schort in [...], Fergus Andro and Johne Neilsones thair, Robert Auchinlek, William Gibsoun, Peter Hendersone, William Neilsoun in Bartalye; Corsmichell: James Grahame in Auchindolie, Johne Grahame thair, Thome Edyir thair, Johne Stewart thair, Edwart Maxwell in Glengopok, Gillespy MacKnaycht thair, James Callen in Trodell, William Brown thair, Johne Clinyeane thair, James MacKno in Largue End, Robert Grahame thair, Cuthbert Gilneif thair, Brattill William, Gilbert James, Roger and Dowin MacCartnayis thair, James Quhire thair, George and Johne MacCartnayis thair, James McKnaycht in Ernealmery, Johne MacKnaycht thair, Richert Brown in Mekill Dryburgh, David Gall thair, Johne Garmerie thair, William Hanay thair, Johne MacQuhirrie in Litle Dryburgh, Johne Carsane thair, Johnne Amilligane thair, Thome Amylligane in Dynharg, James MacGill thair, Andro Lewris in Blakerne, James Garren, Alexander Burne thair, Herbert MacCartnay in Ernesbie, Nicoll Dowby thair, Pall Martine thair, Arthur Hillo in Hillingtoun, Herbert MacCartnay thair, George Hillo thair, James Murray in Blakpark, George MacMynneis in Fussok, Thome MacQuha thair, William Grahame in Chepmantoun, Alexander Jarding thair, Simon MacQuhynne thair, Johne MacGill in Manis, Andro Grahame thair, Johne MacMolan thair, Arthur Stewart thair, Paull Scott thair, Andro Croik thair, Johne MacMyn thair, Alexander MacGuffok thair, Andro Gaw in Croftis, Johne Gaw thair, Johne MacKno thair, James Johnnstoun thair, Richert Stewart in Culgruff, Johne Andersoun thair, Johne MacCroik thair, James Crilland thair, Johne Mathesoun in Kirkland, Johne Purwes thair, Johne Martine thair, Johnn Muire thair, Gilbert Banoch thair, James MacQuhynnie thair, Johne Corie in Blarony, Johne Torrie thair, Mathew Corbik thair, Johne Callane in Drumcrago, Kirk Miller thair, Johne MacMychin thair, Johne Young thair, Thomas Thomesoun thair, William Andersoun thair, George Gall in Lulnotre, Johne MacKnaycht thair, Johne Garrane thair, Louk MacCubbein thar, James Murray in Erneamery, James Murray thair, Gilbert Camok thair, Johne Croket thair, James Banoch, James Williamsone in Nedder Ernealmerie, Johne MacCartnay thair, Johne Robert and Michell MacMacynnes thair, Johne Grenelaw in Clairbrand, Johne Brown in Mollance, Thome MacMynneis thair, Thome Martine thair, Donald Persoun in Arnemyning, Johne Greir thair, Joc Hair thair, George Brown in Garrentoun, Robert MacCartnay thair, Jonn Garren, thair; Butill: Johnne Maxwell in Balgredden, Robert Maxwell in Braikoch, George Mayre in Hawmyre, James Muir in Daldawing, Alexander Gordoun in Slognay, David Max[...] in Trewgrayne, Johne MacGill in Knox, Allane Muire, Robert Lowrie in Litle Knox, George Carnis in Muncheis, Johne Gorlay in Castelgour, Johne Gordown in Cuill, David Neilsoun in Hakaclathis, Thomas MacCartnay in Craigtoun, Johnn Smith in Guffokland, Johne Smithe in Corbartoun, Johne MacCallolby in Lochdougane, Herbert Patersoun thair, Johne MacGhee thair, Paull Foulair thair, Johne Ahanay thair; Ananderdaill: George Carutheris of Holmendis, elder, Johne Carutheris of Holmendis, younger, Christie Carutheris in Dormont, Sym Carutheris in Ramarscallis, Sym Carutheris in Ile, Robert Carutheris in Brydgill, Johne Carrutheris in Raffallis, Andro Carrutheris in Robequhat, Johne Carrutheris in Danebie, Robert and Johne Carrutheris ther, Rolland Lindsay thair, Johne Carrutheris in Butterquhat, Willie Carrutheris in Fourtene Aiker, Johne Carrutheris, his sone, Andro Carrutheris in Almtgill, Johne Carrutheris in Dormont, Robert Carrutheris thair, Johne Cunninghame in Dormont, Leonard Huchesoun thair, William Carrutheris in Middillraw, Rolland Carrutheris thair, Johne Carrutheris in Halydahill, Cuthbert Carrutheris ther, Johne Car thair, Johne Halyday thair, younger and elder, Robert and William Archihaldsouns, Herbert Walker in Daltoun, George, William, Gawin and Thomas Walkeris thair, Thomas Perk thair, Johnn Carrutheris thair, Mungo Carrutheris thair, Gilbert Hendersoun thair, Thomas Carrutheris in Dyk, Herbert and Johne Carrutheris thair, Nicoll Gask thair, Johne Ra thair, Johne Gask thair, William Moscrope their, Marke Gask thair, Simon Graham in Howchquhat, Mathew Bell thair, Johne Robsone in Raffellis, Johne Carrutheris thair, Johne Carruthis in Kirkhill, Johne Nicolsone thair, David Coipland thair, Johne Cau in Houp, Johnn Blythman thair, David Neilsone thair, Richart Nicolsone thair, Robert Ra thair, James Allansone thair, Nicoll Gask in Ischefauld, Johne Car in Hoill, Johne Dowbem thair, Johne Palmur in Butterquhat, Johne Palmer, younger, thair, James Carrutheris thair, George Hauch in Clois, James Nicolsone thair, Robert Nicolsoun, Johne Baty in Topwod, Johne Grahame in Daltounhuik, Thomas Grahame thair, Mathew Bell thair, Hew Baty thair, Archie Horne in Bengaw, Johne Bell thair, William Carrutheris in Kirkland, Johne Archibaldsone thair, Johne Rae thair, William Patersone thair, Thomas Rae thair, Mathow Gibsone thair, Thomas and Johnn Gibsonis thair, Johne Wrycht thair, Gilbert Bell in Gavilburne, Johne Bell in Middeschaw, Johne Park in Southsyde, William Bellit, callit Butler Willie, Andro Rae in Castellmilk, George Carrutheris in Egeschaw, Richert Carrutheris thair, Andro Bell in Langdyk, Johne Bell thair, Thomas Bell in Cowthquhat, Johne Davidsoun in Castelbank, Robert Carrutheris in Harthquhat, Johne Latymmer thair, James Coipland thair, Johne Fergussone in Rowell, Johne Clerk thair, Johne Patersoun thair, Thomas Craik in Carthwod, Johne Latymar thair, Johne Clerk thair, Patrick Clerk thair, Adame Johnstoun thair, Edvert Quheldone thair, Johne Johnstown thair, Edward Craik thair, Johne Wallace thair, Rob Diksone thair, Peter Clerk thair, George Gask thair, James Mons thair, Roger Kirkpatrick thair, Rowe Bell in Rokell, Adame Caldill in Cokisfeild, William Bell in Nuik Ranie, Johne and Wat, his brether, Osuall Bell, Thome Bell in Seidhill, Johne Bell in Dyk, Johne Bell, his brother, Thome Bell of Yettis, Johne Bell, sone to Thome Bell in Sheilgrein, Alexander Bell in Williambie, William, Johne and Thome Bellis, his brether, William Bell in Williambiehals, Johne Bell in Wodheid, David Bell, his brother, Mathe and William Calbartis, Johne Quhytheid, Jok Bell, Umphra Bell in Bank, Job Bell, William Bell, his sone, Wat Bell in Middilbehill, Johne Bell in Clynt, Thome and Jinkin Bellis, brether, Andro Bell in Langdyke, Dik Bell, Christie Bell in Clynthill, Arche Bell, his brother, Johne Bell of Land, Johne Davidsone, William Bell in Blakathous, Wat, Thome, Frances, Riche and Johne Bellis, brether to the said William, William Grahame, sone to Will Grahame, Christie Irving in Wodend, Edward Irving, his sone, David Irving in Vyisbie, Gib, Will and Johne Irving there, Mungo and William Robsones, Geordie and Johne Bellis, Andro Turnour, Nikie Bell, Gibis Nekie, Thome Blak, William Bell, callit Litle Willie, Edvert Irving in KirkPatrik, Wattie, Francie, Abrahame and Richert Irvingis, his sonis, Dik, Gawin, William, Walter and Johne Irvingis, sonis to Dik, amangis the Rasches, William Bell in Myrse, David, Richert, Eduart and William Bellis his sonis, Wattie Coltert, Umphra Phareis, Thome Gibsone, Johne Richertsone, Ediuart Richertsone, David and Dik Richertsonis, Richert Forgussone, Herbert Wilkein, Andro Litill, Cuthbert Patesone, Niniane Neilsone, Johne Phareis, Gawin Irving, Walter Irving in Robgill, Mathow David and Cuthbert Irvingis, Robert Rae, Cuthbert Murray, bailie of Annandale, Johne Dik, Johne and Archie Wilsonis, Ade Bell, James Splendergast, Ade and Robert Quhites, Richie Alesone, William Quhite, Mark Rae, Andro Turnour, Geordie Wilsone, Nikie Bell, Christie Wilsoun, Johne Rae, William Rae, Johne Rae, James Quhyte, Mathe Irving in Hurkildaill, Richie Irving thair, Jok Irving, his man, Mathe Hill in Stanebrigis, Christie Irving in Wod, Hobie Irving, his brother, Johne Johnstoun in Hychill, Richie Irving in Murrayis, Eduart Irving, his brother, Johne Gass, Johne Davidsone in Cummertreis, Mathe Irving, callit Meggis Mathe, Johne, brother sone to Meggis, Wat Bell in Wiltoun, Andro Davidsone, Christie Davidsone, William Thomsone in Clynt, Andro and Johne Thomsonis, his brether thair, Thomas Carrutheris of Wirmonbie, Charles and William Carrutheris, his sonis, Johne Irving, laird of Skaill, Dik Uruing, his sone, Hew Litill in Skaillis, Hobie Irving thair, Thome Dowglas thair, Willie Pott thair, Patoun Bell in Hiemure, Thome Bell in Cowthquhat, Andro Bell in Owllcoittis, Dik Bell in Clint, Niniane Bell in Middilbekirk, Alexander and Patone Bellis, his brether, Williame Johnnstoun in Reidhall, Johne David, Willie Edward, Gawin and Geordie Johnstonis, sonis to the said Williame, David Johnstown, brother to William of Reidhall, Charlie Johnstoun in Redhall, Gib and Johne Jhonestonis thair, Christie Bell thair, Johne Baty thair, Thome Murray thair, Hobie Diksone thair, Johne Jhonestone of Gretnay, Leny Irving in Gretnahill, Johne Jhonestoun in Righeidis, Jame Johnstoune in Brumhill, Mathe MacKeddirk in Cawartisholme, Johne Forgusone thair, Sym Dagleis thair, Geordy and Rwe and Johne Hoippis thair, Cubie and Johne Halidayis thair, Johne Irving in Sloistis, Leny Irving in Gretnay, Wat Irving in Gretnahill, Francie and [...] Irvingis, his sonis, Eduart Irving in Sowron, Thome Carrutheris thair, Willie Irving in Gretnahill, Johne, Mathie and Eduart Irvingis, his sonis, Richie Irving in Gretnahill, Joke Tully, Jok Browne, Niniane Irving, Eduart Irving in Gretnahill, Willie Irving, his sone, Adie Bell, Wat Irving in Gretnahill, younger, James Carrutheris, Mingo Irving in Braidleyis, Hobie Irving, his son, David Bell, Johne Irving in Steilhill, Hobie Irving, his sone, Wat Richertsone, David Irving, sone to Jokis Willie, Willie Browne, Andro Murray of Morequhat, David Murray of Morequhat, Herbert Irving in Sowwod, Peter Young in Morequhat, Geordie Murray thair, Riche Palimer thair, Johne Murray thair, Patrik Hoip thair, Geordie Irwing thair, James Pott in Annand, Johne Quarriour thair, Adame Hair thair, Willie Rig thair, Christie Irving of Cowthquhat, Johne Jinkin, Cubie, William and Cristie Irvingis, sonis the said Christie, Arthour Grahame of Blawart Wod, Johne and David Grahamis, his sonis, Thome Rome in Bidoch, James, Andro, Johne, Herbert, Jame and Johne Romes thair, Ade and Peter Brattonis thair, David and Johne Marschellis thair, Ade Rome, James Brattoun, Johne Wallace thair, Peter Rome, sone to Joke, Joke Birrell, elder, in Stokis, Johne Bell in Stokis, Johne Rome, sone to Nikie, Thome Gask in Hirst, Pet Keltoun in Bouchthill, Roger Lowsone thair, Thome Davidsone thair, Hobie and Jame Clerkis thair, Jinkin Lawsone in Blawartwod, Johne Richertsone thair, Richie Grahame in Langrigis, Robert Grahame, his sone, Jhone Crutoun in Langrigis, Geordie Steill thair, Jeffra Tullie thair, Geordie Lowsone thair, Thome Johnstoune in Preistwodsyde, Gilbert, Cuthbert, Francie and Thome Johnstonis thair, David Johnstown, sone to Gib; Esdaill, Ewisdaill, Wauchoipdaill: David Baty in Blakest Alie, Rowe, Hew, Johne and David Batyis, his sonis, Andro Baty in Blakest, Archie and Niniane Batyis thair, Niniane Ewart thair, James Thomesone thair, Thome Scot thair, Willie and Robie Batyis thair, Lowrie Pot thair, David Dalgleis in Wotcariok, David Baty thair, Jame Achesone thair, Ade Glendoning thair, Adie Grahame thair, David Baty in Cauldkin, Johne and Wat Batyis, his brether, Jhonn Baty of Burne, sone to Adame, Hew, Johne, Geordie, Jinkin, Wattie and Adie Batyis, the said Johnis brether, Jame Baty, Mungois Jame in Killclewis, Wattie and Mingo Batyis, his sonis, Johne Batie, sone to Mingo in Ronelburne, Wattie Rowe and Thome Batyis, his brither, Johne Batie, sone to Arthour, Johne Baty in Carlisgill, Geordie, Nikie, David, Wattie Sime and Wat Batyis thair, Jok Andro, Jame, Jok, Andro Batyis thair, Adame Baty in Yetbyre, Charlie Batie thair, Mathew Baty, his sone, Jame Baty thair, Nikie Baty in Quhithauch, Robe Baty thair, Robe Baty in Byre, Sim Baty thair, Mathew Batie, sone to Lang Andro, Geordie and Andro Baties, Steine, Sim and David Bateyis, thrie brether, Wat Batie of the Scheill, Jok Batie his brother, David and Neke Batyis, tua brether, Jhonn Batie in Bank Heid, Johne Baty, Braid, Johne Batie of the Corss, Andro, Sandie and Wattie Bateis, thre brether, Johne Batie his man, Jok Batie, sone to the Bra, Andro Batie, sone to Trurie, Adie Batie, his brother, Johne Batie in Glenbervell, Johne Glendoning, crowner, Johne Glendoning, als Felhour, Johne Batie of Davingtoun, Johne Willie, Wattie, Geordie, Hobbie Bateis, sonis to the said Johne, Robe, Joke, Johne, Peter, Andro and Hew Bateis, Joke Glespie, Adie Litill, Andro Baty, sone to Hew, David, Nicoll and Jok Aitkins, Johne Rae, Christe and Joke Litillis, Jame Bennet, Thome Rae, Jok Ranik, Jame, Jok and Syme Brigis, Ade Thomsone, Rowe MacCrie, Sym MacCrie, Naving Baty, Johne Aitkine, Johne Glendoning, Johne Dagless, Andro Baty, Eduart, Johne and Sym Thomsonis, Johne Thomsone, als Rowll, Johne, Peter and Jame Betyis, Dik and Will Thomsonis, Geordie and Wattie Batyis, Jhonn Batie, als Nekeis, Jhonn, Archie, Nekie, Adame, Wattie and David Baties, Alie Batie in Trowhoillis, Andro Batie, his brother, Johne and Jame Glendoningis, Johne Haliday, Mathew Glendoning in Castelhiil, Arche Glendoning thair, Rowe Baty in Waster Ker, Cristie, Archie and Willie Batyis, Jhonn Brown in Croisdykis, Jhonn Brown, younger, Peter Glendoning, Peter Grahame, Jok Glendoning, Wattie Crek, Jhonn Batie in Milgill, Bartill Glendoning, Syme Glendoning, Berny Cowpar, Andro Baty, Syme Scot, Syme Baty, Nikie Scot, Willie Banet, Johne Boy, Jhonn Litill, George Grahame in Carrutheris Park, Andro Grahame, his brother, Wattie and Thome Grahames thair, Jhonn Bek, Johne Bell thair, Richie Bell in Hottis, Nicoll Moffett, Adame Halyday, Ranie Bell, Jhonn Batie of the Linholme, Andro Batie, his servand, Thome Batie of the Lynholme, his brother, Jhonn Bell thair, Rowe Batie thair, Nikie Batie thair, Thome Litill, elder, in the Cuill, Thome Litill, youngar thair, Johne, Andro and Mathew Litillis thair, Nekie Title in Dalduran, Jok, Andro, Sym, Archie, Clemet and David Litillis thair, Johne and Jok Litillis thair, Pait Litill in Craigmekle, Wat Litill in Stankgait, Wat Litill thair, Johne Litill in Singland, Rowe, Jame, Alexander, Andro and Syme Litillis thair, Jhone Litill in Burnefute, Geordi Litle thair, Cuddy Litill in Stabilgortoun, Andro, Willie and Wattie Litillis thair, Johne Litle in Pollorane, Archie Litle in Potholine, Adie Litill in Dowglen, Nike Litill in Milholme, Wattie and Francie Litillis, his sonis, Rowe Litill thair, Rowe Litill, callit Archies Rowe, Thome Litill thair, Syme Litill thair, Syme Litill in Bankheid, Nikie Litle in Brekcanwray, Andro Litle thair, Archie Litiil thair, Rowe Litill thair, David Litill in Clois, Johne, Thome and Persell Litillis thair, Mathowis, Jhonn Litill thair, David and Jok Litles thair, Andro Litill, sone to Wat, Wat Litill in Igill, Rowe Litill thair, Johne Irving in Over Dowglen, Richie and Cristie Irvingis thair, Brattill Irving in Dowglencleuch, David Jok and Alexander Irvingis thair, Cristie Armestrang in Barnegleis, Jhonn Murray, his man, Christie Murray, Andro Carrutheris, Thome Bell, Robert Halyday, Will Bell the Stell, Jhonne Litill, Jok Huik, Johne Thomsone, Jok Bell, his servandis, Jhonn Armestrang of Calsfeild, Jhonn Rowclege, Dand Armestrang, James Roger, Will Michelsone, Thomas Aikinheid, Johne Huik, Niniane Armstrang of the Neis, Christie Armstrang, his sone, Jhonn Litill, Jhonn Crosset, Johne Armestrang in Hoilhous, Johne Armestrang in Glinyer, Andro Armistrang, his sone, Rowe William and Christie Armstrangeris, brether to the said Johne, Will Armestrang in Teikmie, Thome Armstrang in Glinyer, Geordie Armestrang in Blakbakheid, Johnn Irving in Sikheid, Geordie Johne and Christie Irvingis, sonis to Gib in Blakbaksyd, Johne Irving in Hag, Jok Moffet in Glinyer, Armstrang in Thornyquhattie, Jhonn Turnour thair, Niniane Turnour thair, Archie Armestrang in Tarkima, Archie and Robert Armestrangis, sonis to Cristie in Langholme, Iyngrie Armestrang of Raltoun, Richie Irving in Auchinruvok, Sandie Irving thair, Johne Carrutheris in Glinyer, Cristie Michelsone in Tuimschelburne, Johne Michelsone, his sone thair, Will Coltert thair, Thome Wilsone thair, Andro Turnour thair, Archie Armestrang, marcheand, William Armestrang callit Kynmont, Johne, Geordie, Francie, Thome, Sandie, Jhonn and Ringane Armestrangis, sonis to Kynmont, Robert Grahme, duelland on Serk Watter, William Scott thair, Thomas Reidpeth, Johne Lintoun thair, Willie Bell thair, Geordie Litill thair, Mertine Thomsone thair, Dave Baty thair, Jame Cowane thair, Andro Giffert thair, Robert Makillwitty, writter, to Kinmont, Archie and Adame Thomsonis, Nicoll Baty in Carlisgill, Will Litill, als Pyk Ekie, Dick and Wat Litillis, Niniane, Thome, George and Will Ellattis, Johne Armestrang in Wauchoipdaill, Henrie, Ade, Archie, Johne and Syme Litillis, Johne Armestrang, als Reltoun, Will, Sandie and Jok Armestrangis, George Baty in Nedder Croisdykis, Niniane Palmer, Johne Purdoun, Jame Irving, Dandy, Andro and Cristie Armestrangis, Johne Armestrang, Thome Grahame, Jame Armestrang in Capilgill, Jynkin Grahme in Logane, Peter Grahame thair, Pait Bell thair, Mathow Irving, Matho Baty, Johne Lindsay, Mark Alexander and Thome Carrutheris, Jok and Archie Batyis, Geordie Thomsone in Kirkgill, Joke Thomesone thair, Adie and Joke Thomsonis, his brether, Wat in Allebasterland, Johne Thomsone thair, Johne Thomsone in Kirkgill, Archie Thomsone in Allebasterland, Nikie and Jok Thomsonis thair, Johne Thomsone in Pollorane, Hectour Armestrang in Stubholme, Geordie Armestrang in Arkiltoun, Niniane, Geordie, Martine, Dandy and Mingo Armestrangis, his sonis, Niniane and Hobie Armestrangis, Andro Litill, Willie Brown, Willie Nielsone, Eduart Littill, Johne Armestrang alias Rakass, Willie Grahme, Thome Scott in Blakhall, Johne Scot, his sone, Johne Ellot in Wod End, Rowe Ellocht of the Hall, Hob and Will Ellottis, brether, Riche Grahme in Wodend, Willie Ellat, Lord Archie Armestrang in Arkiltoun, Johne Armestrang, his sone, Adam Scott in Mospebill, Jhonn Scott, his sone, Johne, Geordie and Will Scottis, Jok Scott in Arkiltoun, Archie Irving thair, Jok Ellat in Bowgranis, Niniane Armestrang, the lairdis Niniane, Joke, Armestrang, his sone, Johnn Armestrang Howgill, Andro Armestrang, Thome Kirkpatrik, Andro Turnour, Jhonn Armestrang in Munkbehirst, Johne, Niniane and Christie Armestrangis, brether, Rowe Armestrang, the lairdis Rowe, Johne and Ringane Armestrangis, his sonis, Jynkin, Archie and Willie Nicolsonis, Jhonn Johnstoun, Thome Armestrang of Gryngillis, Abe Ringane, Cristie, Archie, Thome, Jok and Ade Armestrangis, his sonis, Wattie, Mathew, George, Sim and Johne Litillis, Ade Glendoning, Thome Coltert, Ade Hoip, Rowe Armestrang of Brumholme, Thome Armestrang, sone to the lairdis Rowe, Geordie Thomesoun, George Armestrang in Catgill, William Wilsoun, Johne Moffet, Ade and Johne Batyis, Johne Purwess, James Wauch, Ringane Armestrang of Auchinbedrig, Sim, Thomas and Robert Armestrangis, James and Alexander Halydayis, Cristie, Johne, Arthour and Thome Bellis, Andro Lowrie, Arche Tawart, Adame Pott, George Armestrang in Betholme, Patone Armestrang thair, Rob Halyday, Andro Baty, Johne Grahme in Hoill, David and Archie Grahmes, Symon Grahme in Logane, George Robe and Jok Batyis, Mertein Moffet, Jok and Thome Wilsonis, Serge Halyday, Umphra Rewll, Johne Irving, Thome Hendersone in Brekanquhat, Umphra Bell, alias Lamb, Johne Corrie, Jhonne Kirkpatrik, Willie Millair, Serge Armestrang, brother to Kynmont, Johne Johnnestoun, Jeffra Irving, Archie Irving, Jok Grahme, Rob Clerk, Willie Kirkpatrik, David Watsone, Wattie Grahme, Thomas Jhonnstoune, Adame, George and Richie Raes, Cristie Armestrang in Carron, Quhintting, Andro and Geordie Armestrangeis, brether, Cristie Armestrang, sone to Quintine, Jok Armestrang, sone to Andro, Niniane Armestrang, sone to Patonis Niniane, Geordie Armestrang in Thornyquhatt, Cristie Armestrang, callit Armestrangis Cristie, Johne Turnour in Torniquhatt, Jame Armeistrang in Carrono, Thome Armestrang of Gyngillis, sone to Andro, Ade Murray, Willie Dryane, Jame and Archie Litillis, Archie Baty, Mathe Litill, Jame Litill, Eduart, Ringane and Lance Armestrangis, Willie Scott, Ade Scott, Ale, Archie and Georde Armestrangis, Ade and Jame Grahmes, Roger Armestrang, Ekie Armestrang, Gyngill, Andro Armestrange, his sone, Thome Armestrang, Hob and Alie Wilsonis, Geordie Arimestrang, Nekie Grahme, Jynkin, Davie, Gibbie, Johne, Jok, Bartie and Sandie Litillis, Peter, Jok and Alexander Bellis, Cudde Litill, Joke Irving, Andro Bell, Jame Bell, Alexander Armstrang of the Gingills, Thome Armestrang in Craig, sone to Alexander, Mathow Litill thair, Arche, Willie and Hewe Armestrangis, brether, of the Gyngliss, Sim Litill, laird of Mekill Daill, Archie, Wattie, Johne and Adie Litillis, Johne Scott, Andro Littil, Jok Turnour in Kirktoun, Cudde Litill thair, Johne Scot thair, Willie Stevinsone thair, George Armestrang, Howgill, Andro Hendersoun thair, Thome Armestrang of the Wray, Jok Armestrang, Will Litill in Bombie, Geordie and Johne Litles, brether, Jesper Geordie, Will, Rob, Nekie and Jok Litillis thair, Jok Litill, sone to Jhonn Litill, Wattie Litill thair, Niniane Armestrang in Brumholme, Johne, Ekie and Antonie Armestrangis thair, Herbert Irving thair, Capitane Jhonn Maxwell of Akynheid, Lieutennent Thomas Marteine, Anseinyie, Thomas MacBlair, Sarjand James Newall, Sarjand, Robert Gurlay, Corporell Thomas Salwricht, C. William Steil, C. William Sinclair, La. Jhonn Carrutheris, La. Johne Thomesone, La. Andro Glencorse, furreour, Thomas Welshe, Taburrie, Thomas MacCaddoun, Johne Kyd, Johne Wilsone, Gilbert Barncleuch, Thomas Gledstanis, [...] Gledstanis, his brother, Johnne Maxwell in Ile, Jame Carrutheris, Archie Boid, Cube Rodik, Willie MacCrie, Nicoll Edyir, Johne Maxwell in Barchell, Malcolme MacKynnay, Johne Naper, David Welshe, Jame Grier, Johne Glencors, Thome Carrutheris, Johne Edyer in Holme, Willie Edyer, Johne Maxwell, tailyeour, Thomas Martene, tailyeour, Willie Mertine, Johne Mertene, Mathow MacCrie, Johne Diksoun, Robert Maxwell, Geordie Maxwell, Pait Schitlingtoun, Thome Spence, Roger Muireheid, Thomas Wallace, Fergie Neilsoun, Herbert Carrutheris, Johne Wilsoun, cuik, Willie MacMorrin, Jhonn Thomesone, Watty Quhyt, Stein Robsone, Johne Browne, William Irving, Jhonn Lowrie, Jhonn Rodden, Andro Lowrie, Jhonn Maxwell, fourmarkland, Robert Smith, William Maxwell, Malcolme MacKynnell, David MacMath, Robert Raid, Herbert Carleill, Andro Diksoun, Herbert Donkane, Robert Frissell, Johne Andersoun, David Welshe, Jame Clerk, Jhonn Scott, Thomas Amilligane, Archibald Carrutheris, Adame Blak, Peter Millair, Thomas Wallace, Johne MacKein, William Stewart, Thomas Potter, Nicoll Hathow, George Maxwell, James Thomsone, Amer Grier, James Portair, Edvert Maxwell, Stein Glencorse, Archie Welsshe, Jhonn MacFadyen, James Reid, Robert Huchesone, Willie Andersoun, Thomas Hapyland, Cuthbert Millair, Edvert Duncane, Corporell Richert Lokhart, David Edyer, smyth, Jhone Maxwell, Craigis, Hew Moffet, James Dempstar, James Carmont, Patrik Sandersone, Andro Maxwell, James Amilligane, Peter Williamsone, Sandie Brattoun, James Cariok, Johne Edyer, Johne Keltoun, Johne Campbell, James Kennair, Andro Millair, Johne Davidsone, Johne Mein, Hew Mongomerie, Patrik Maxwell, Allane Hamiltone, Johne Gordoun, Thomas Kirkpatrik, Johne Scharpio, Johne MacKie, sword slyper, Martene Murdoch, Robert Millair, Geordie Latimer, Andro Brattoun, Thomas Wricht, Jhone MacKie, Herbert Maxwell, Andro Wilsone, Richert Hareis, Robert Hereis, James Irving, Robert Foirsyth, Herbert Clerk, Jame Gaw, Robert Horner, Willie Calye, Johne Gilsang, Lebody, Thomas Ahanay, Thomas Hereis, Roger MacMorie, Gilbet Wresone, Robert Fleming, Thomas Darioch, Robert Rogie, Robert Bomano, William Shankis, William Grahme, Jhonn Wodhall, David MacKein, Andro MacClellan, Sandie Lowrie, Alexander Blaik, Patrik Lewris, Mertene Murdoch, Mathew Tynding, Henrie Calseir, Johne MacWaltir, Johne Carmichell, Gilbert Edislaw, Richie Bell, Alexander MacCulloch, Johne Jhonestoun, Johne Pott, Lieutennent David Oliphant, C. Thomas Dawsone, C. Simon Moffet, S. James Heriot, S. Gilbert Caldwall, S. Johne Diksone, S. Robert Bukmyre, Capitane James Fraser, Lieutennent James Frend, A Johne Cunnghame, Co. Patrik Kay, Co. Thomas Barry, Johne Gaw, La. Johne Dempster, William Yuile, Edvert Mekill, William Phaop, Thomas Hanay, Jhonn Huik, Johne Barbour, Johne Gaychane, Cudbert Meik, Johne Libody, Donald Hay, William Grahme, William Cunnghame, Gillespie MacKnayth, Johne Stewart, Johne Cunnghame, Johne Lermonth, Alexander MacClellan, Ninian Muirheid, James Gibsone, Johne Mundell, David MacKein, Charles Craufurde, Thomas Chreichtoun, David Hay, Johne Wilsone, Co. Johne MacCulloch, William Herone, Andro Archibaldsone, Walter Irving, David Richertsone, Robert Gardner, Ringane Kirkpatrik, Adame Pauling, Homer Bodden, Patrik Asloane, Robert Stewart, William MacCulye, La. Alexander Bog, Thomas Doddis, Johne Edyer, James Rae, Williame MacKewn, Archibald Oliver, James Broun, Johne Kaill, Thomas Raning, James Grier, Robert Haning, James MacKewn, Thomas MacCairtnay, William Cunnghame, Johne Mertene, Perforce William Scot, Jhonn Montgomerie, George MacMyra, Thomas Spence, Edvert Law, Jame Grier, eldair, Johne Mure, Thomas Mure, Gilbert MacNelly, Johne Barry, Patrik Gibsone, Johne Pantoun, Fergus MacDowell, Andro MacBrum, James Baxter, William Coipland, Gilbert Mekill, Johne MacCawll, William Mongomery, Johne Huik, Adam Loch, David Richertsone, younger, Thomas Suirt, Captaine William Maxwell, L. David Oliphant, A. Thomas MacBrair, S. Johne Vauss, Johne Glessell, Robert Maxwell, C. Clement Edyer, L. David Andersone, L. Nicholl Scrimgeour, Mathew Hairstanis, Thomas Adamsone, Johne Litilljhone, James MacQuhune, Johne Smith, Adam Walkar, Alexander Glendoning, William Maxwell, William Maitland, Johne Schoirt, Andro Mane, Johne Charteris, Johne Wilsone, turnour, Andro Dargawell, Robert Craufurd, Robert Greg, Johne Fergussone, wobstair, Robert Wilsone, Johne MacMorren, Johne Edyer, Cuddie Kae, Johne Hunter, Elleis Maxwell, Gawin Kirkpatrik, Johne Hornet, Johne MacKynnell, Johne MacDowell, Andro MacKie, William Charteris, Patrick Hoslane, Edvert Rawling, William Guffok, Johne Ketoun, Thomas Richertsone, Thomas Williamsone, Johne Kae, Simon MacKnaycht, David Hynd, Johne Hynd, Johne Edyir, minister, Johne Kennand, Johnn MacBurnie, William Palmer, Johnn Quhite, Johnn Hochane, James Burne, Herbert Diksone, Johnn Haistie, Andro Asloane, Andro Aitkin, William Murray, Johnne Fyane, Jhonn Frude, Adam Raning, Fergus Reid, Thomas Moffet, James Kirkpatrik, Jame Schaw, Johne Wichtmane, Johne Hendersone, David Wilsone, Niniane Smart, Mathow Tynding, Michell Uchtersone, William Cowane, Johne Yair, Johne Michelsone, Johne Heron, Hobie MacKie, Robert Dune, James MacGill, William Abercrumme, William Clerk, Thomas Riche, Johne Wodhall, Adame Thomsone, Mathow Turnour, Henrie Amilligane, William Jhonnstone; Lochirby: Robert Fleming, Gilbert MacClammochin, Andro Johnstown, Richert Bell, Jhonn Moffett, Johne Tolibody, Mingo Maxwell, Andro Gray, Johne MacGub, Johne Rawling, Robert Craufurde, Johne and Roger Kirkpatriks, William Neilsone, Herbert Jhonnstoun, Robert Miller, Nicoll Forrest, James Lawsone, Thomas MacKie, Johne Diksone, Ingleshe, William Johnstone, Andro Browne, James Byris, Jhonn Palmer, Antonie Wild, Johnn Key, Fergus Reid, William Clerk, Johne Brich, George Moffett, Robert Edyer, Richie Thomesone, Johne MacCulloch, Johne Kae, Geordie Wollis, Johne Corshane, Johne Rowell, Johne Gledstanis, younger, Herbert Cunnighame, saidler, Cube Cuninghame, Robert Pantersone, Andro Robsone, Herbert Birkmyre, Andro Blakstok, Willie Schortrig, Michell Andersone, Robert Murdoch, Mark Wardlaw, Gilbert Baty, Johne Hairstanis, Johne Donkane, Jhonn Fergussone, Johne Louk, Johne Kirk, Mathow Irving, Johne Mundell, Robert Foirsyth, Johne Cunnghame, tailyeour, David Gordoun, Willie Hoip, Robert Greir, Hobie Diksone, Jame Welshe, Johne Rawling, Nicoll Foirsycht, Willie Edyir, Andro Grier, Adame Walkair, James Maxwell, David Maxwell, Johne Patersone, Robert Newall, Mathew Tait, Cube Hewat, Johne Patersone, Capitane Johne Maxwell of Newlaw, Cornet Alexander Maxwell in Logane, Quarter Maister James Hunter in Drumshynoch, Q. Andro Lindsay of Sergirth, Trumpet Willie Diksone, Roger Gordoun in Kirconniell, James Cannon, Johne Carrutheris in Holmendis, Herbert Hunter in Drumshynoch, James MacClellan in Neddirthrid, William Dowglas in Pennerie, Cudbert Murray, Charlie Murray of Aket, Wat Irving of Robgill, Francie Carleill, sone to Jok, Cubie Amilligane, laird Wormonbie, younger, Willie Carrutheris his brother, Thome MacBrair, Johne Kirkpatrick, Thomas Maxwell, James Maxwell, Prestislandis, Patone Bell, Hie Muire, David Bell, Holme Heid, Wattie Bell in Middilbehill, Stein Glencors of that Ilk, Johne Carrutheris of Danebie, Wattie Bell, sone to Jok, Richie Bell his brother, Will Grahme, claithman, Geordie Bell of Annand, Robert Murray of Clonyet, Alexander Camon, Johne Murray, Johne Gordoan, Leonard Rodik, Francie Armestrang of Kynmont, Jame Armestrang in Canobie, Francie Armestrang in Quhythauch, Francie Carleill, sone to Alexander, Jhonn Johnstoun of Land, Geordie Grahame of Carrutheris, Niniane Armestrang of Auchinbedrig, Francie Irving of Kirkpatrik, Wat Irving his brother, Dik Irving among the rashes, Richie Bell, Slagon, Umphra MacGowne, Johne Jhonnstoun in Cummertreis, Richie Murray aket Sandie Armestrang, Kynmont, Francie Armestrang, Flatt, James Hunter, Robert Murray, Johne Johnstoun, Tundergarth, Andro Johnsone, Myreheid Robert Armestrang, Hobe Grahme, Johne Grahme, Captaine George Carruthers of Holmendis, Cornet Charlis Carrutheris, his sone, Q. Hew Maxwell in Balgredden, Q. Edvert Irving of Kirkpatrik, Abrahame and Edvert Irvingis, his sonis, Cristie Carrutheris, Dormont, Willie Carrutheris, his brother, George Grahme, Meidhoip, Hobe Sturgeoun, Andro Sturgeon, Johne Carrutheris, Ramerschallis, Mathow Carrutheris, Johne Bell, David Irving, Robgill, Willie Armestrang, Twedane, Willie Johnstoun, Preistdykis, Richie Grahme, Meidhoip, Johne Francie, Sim, Fergus and Wattie Grahmes, his sonis, Wattie Grahme, Akinschawhill, William Grhame, Beddoskholme, William Blaikburne, Johne Robesone, Johne Carrutheris, Johne Gibsone, Willie Grahme, Blawartwod, Robert Grahme, Langrigis, Jame Rome, Cordoche, Sym Grahme, Serk Jeffrais, Will Irving, Wat Irving, Cawartisholme, Hobe Sturgeon, Richie Irving, Willie Irving in Milflat, Andro Bell, Holmheid, Andro Wresone, Geordie Grahme, William Wrycht, Sym Carrutheris, Patrik Dunbar, William Menzeis in Castelhill, Archibald Menzeis, Alexander Dowglais, Johne Maxwell, Mersheid.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.43v-45r. Back
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Back
  3. APS interpolation 's', making the word 'sall'. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/13, f.45r. Back
  5. Followed by a space of about a quarter page. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.45r-49r. Back