That the act of parliament laitlie maid anent the confirmatioun of fewis of kirkland sall not prescrive aganis minoris for the space of ane yeir heireftir

Forsamekle as in our soverane lordis parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the xxij day of August the yeir of God jM vC lxxxiiij yeiris, thair was ane act maid beirand that all fewis of kirklandis not confermit befoir be oure soverane lord, his predicessouris or be the Pape suld be dewlie confermit be his majestie within a certane space and under certane panes contenit in the said act, as the samin at mair lenth proportis; nevirtheless, sindrie troubles hes incressit sensyne and the pestilent seiknes spreading amongis diverse of the greitest baronis hes rasit the chief jugementis and jurisdictionis of this realme and the chancellarie had na established place; thairfoir, our soverane lord and thrie estaitis, willing nane of thame to be hurt thairby, hes prorogat and prorogatis the said act and haill force thairof for the space of ane yeir nixt eftir the dait heirof, within the quhilk all his liegis doing thair diligence for the saidis confermationis salbe, in all respectis, in als guid caice as the saidis fewis had bene confermit immediatlie efter the dait of the said act.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.38r-v. Back
  2. 'P.O.' written in margin. Back