Tertia dies parliamenti
[1585/12/7]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Parliamentum supremi domini nostri regis tentum in magna aula palatii regis de Linlythgow decimo die mensis Decembris anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo octuagesimo quinto per dictum supremum dominum nostrum regem et tres regni status unacum officiariis et Jacobo Mathesoun adjudicatore.
[1585/12/8]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Rege presente
[1585/12/9]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Forsamekle as in the troublous tymes bypast, dyvers of oure soverane lordis liegis hes takin on thame a licentious libertie and presumptioun to speik and wryte mony thingis of his majestie uncumlie and na wayis allowable in any Christiane realme or commoun welth, quhilk hes bene in tyme past and may be in tyme cuming the occasioun of disordour and inquietnes, gif the like salbe sufferrit heirefter unpunissit, thairfoir oure soverane lord, with advyse of his thrie estaittis convenit in this present parliament, statuittis and ordanis that all his hienes subjectis contene thame selffis in quietnes and dewtifull obedience to his hienes and his auctoritie, and that nane of thame presume or tak upoun hand publictlie to declame or privatlie to speik or wryit ony purpos of reproche or sclaunder of his majesteis persoun, estait or governament, or to deprave his lawis and actis of parliament or misconstrue his procedingis, quhairby ony misliking may be moved betuix his hienes and his nobilitie and loving subjectis in tyme cuming, under the pane of deid; certifeing thame that dois in the contrair, thay salbe repute as sedicious and wicked instrumentis, enemeis to his hienes and the commoun weill of this realme, and the said pane of deid salbe execute upoun thame with all rigour in example of utheris.
[1585/12/10]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†The quhilk day Frances, erll of Erroll, lord Hay, constable of Scotland, declairit in presens of the kingis majestie and thrie estaittis of this present parliament that thair wes of auld one contentioun betuix the constable and admirall for the prioritie of thair voit and place in parliament in the dayis of umquhile Mary, quene dowriare and regent of this realme, at the quhilk tyme it wes concludit that the constable sould first voit in parliament, notwithstanding that he satt not amang the rest of the erllis, bot for doing of his office in parliament satt laich doun in the parliament hous, and thairfoir except the kingis majestie and estaittis restorit him to the ancient degrie and prioritie in voiting quhilk his predicessouris had, refusit to voit in this present parliament, and protestit that althocht Frances, now erll Bothuile at this tyme hes voittit befoir him, that it hurt nor prejudge not him.
[1585/12/11]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†The kingis majestie, considering that thair is na greittair occasioun of wrangis and disorderis amongis his subjectis nor the misknawlege of his hienes lawes and actis of parliament and the negligent executioun of the panis thairof upoun sik as worthelie deservis the same, quhairfoir his hienes, with advise of his thre estaitis convenit in this present parliament, hes ratefeit and apprevit and, be the tennour heirof, for his hienes and his successouris, ratefeis, apprevis and perpetuallie confermis all and sindrie the lovable lawes and actis of parliament of this realme maid be his majestie and his maist noble progenitouris now standand in force, except sic as ar expresly derogat in this present parliament; and ordanis the same lawes and actis to be observit and to be put to full executioun in tyme cuming efter the forme and tennour of the same and under the panis contenit thairintill, chargeing all his hienes jugeis, officiaris and ministeris of the lawes and utheris quhatsumevir to quhome the executioun of the saidis† and actis appertenis, that they faithfully and diligentlie put the same to dew executioun in tyme cuming, to the confort of all† hienes guid and peceabill subjectis and punishment of the wicket; certefeing thame that salbe found remisse, negligent or corruptit in that behalf, thai salbe callit, persewit and punissit thairfoir with all rigour in example to utheris.
[1585/12/12]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord, understanding of the grudge and complaint of divers his loving subjectis for allegit extorsioun usit on thame in taking of greittar feis seillis be the yschearis of his chalmer and for subscriptioun of his officiaris nor heirtofoir hes bene accustumat, howbeit the auncient lovable custome aucht not to be transgressit, thairfoir, be advise of his thre estaitis convenit in this present parliament, gevis full powar and commissioun to his hienes thesaurair, maistir yschear, secretair, comptrollar, keipar of the privie seill, thesaurair depute, clerkis of justiciarie, registri, advocat and directour of the chancellarie, or thrie of thame, to convene, inquire and try be suith of registeris and informatioun of personis maist auncient and of best knawlege quhat wes the auncient and is the present forme of payment for seill feis, chalmerlane feis and subscriptionis of his saidis officiaris, and to appoint sic ressonable feis and deweteis as suld be payit be his subjectis in tyme cuming, that thai, knawand the certantie, may do that quhilk becumis thame without grudge or murmor; and incaice thay be extorsit, may the better compleine and seik remeid of his hienes and his counsale, quhilk ordinance allowit be his majestie and publishit salhave the lyke force and effect as gif it war statute be his hienes and his haill estaitis in parliament, ay and quhill his nixt parliament and further quhill the samin be dischargeit or reformit be parliament.
[1585/12/13]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord, considering that for the better wynning of the cornis in the harvest seasoun thair is a greit vacance of the sittin of the sessioun and college of justice fra the last day of Julii to the xij day of November, and sindrie utheris particular vacances appointit in the tyme of superstitioun for feisting, and now, considering that the intermissioun of the sitting of the sessioun at sic tymes is monywayis unproffitable and neidles, and that it is na less convenient to haif sumtyme of vacance at the tymes of the sawing as of the scheiring, thairfoir our soverane lord, with advise of the thrie estaitis convenit in this present parliament, statutis and ordanis that the sessioun and college of justice in tyme cuming sall begin thair sitting, calling and administratioun of justice efter the greit vacance of hervest upoun the first day of November yeirlie, and sall sit thereftir everie day (the Sondayes exceptit) quhill the first day of Marche, and that the haill monethe of Marche salbe vacance for the ait seid; thaireftir the sessioun to convene and sit during the haill moneth of Aprile, the Sondayes exceptit, and at the end thairof, to ryise and vacance to be for the beir seid during the moneth of Maii; and thaireftir, to convene and sit agane continewallie, the Sondayes except, fra the last day of Maii quhill the fyftene day of August, dispensand with all utheris tymes and diettis appointit in tyme bigane be the institutioun of the college of justice or quhatsumevir uthir actis heirtofoir maid.
[1585/12/14]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†The kingis majestie, considering the greitt and schamefull dilapidatioun of the rentis of the benefices of this realme, without respect of the posteritie, to the greit hurt of the croun and commoun welth of his realme, thairfoir, for sum stay of the said disordour quhill the inconvenientis past may be better tryit and the full remeid providit, be the advise of the thrie estaitis convenit in this present parliament, statutis and ordanis that all personis to be providit heireftir to the bishoprikis, abbaciis, priories or quhatsumevir inferiour benefices, being at his hienes presentatioun, sall, befoir the expeditioun and registratioun of thair signatouris, find souirtie to the clerk, keipar of the register, that thai sall leve the said benefice at thair deceise and dimissioun unhurt or viciat in the quantitie of the yeirlie rent thairof, as thai find it at thair entrie thairto; and that thair signatouris and provisionis onnawayis be expeid or pas the seillis quhill the said souirtie be fundin and the same testifiit be the same clerk. And incaice ony of the saidis personis providit to the saidis benefices salhappin to do utherwayes and, be ony fewes, takis, pensionis or changeing of victuall for money or ony uthir dispositioun, sall mak thair benefice in worse estait nor the same wes at thair entrie thairto, all setting and dispositioun salbe of nane availe, force nor effect.
[1585/12/15]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Forsamekle as thair was ane act maid of befoir in the regiment of umquhile Marie, quene dowarrier and regent of this realme, oure soverane lordis guddame of worthie memorie, anent leaguis and bandis as being thocht aganis all law and obedience of subjectis towardis thair princes, quhilk act, sen the making, not weill observit, it hes gevin occasioun in a pairt of mony trubles that hes occurrit sensyne; quhairfoir our soverane lord, with advise of his thre estaitis convenit in this present parliament, ratefeis, apprevis and, for his successouris, perpetuallie confermis the said act of parliament and ordanis the same to haif full effect and executioun in tyme cuming; and als of new, with advise of his saidis thrie estaitis, dischargis and annullis all leagues and bandis maid betuix his liegis and subjectis in tyme bigane preceiding the dait heirof, and statutis and ordanis that in tyme cuming all† leagues and bandis be maid amangis his subjectis of ony degree upoun quhatsumevir collour or pretense without his hienes or his successouris privitie and consent had and obtenit thairto under the pane to be haldin and execute as movaris of seditioun and inquietnes, to the break and trouble of the publict peax of the realme, and to be callit and persewit thairfoir with all rigour in example of utheris.
[1585/12/16]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The quhilk day, in presens of oure soverane lord and thrie estaitis of parliament, comperit personallie nobill and potent lordis George, erle of Huntlie, lord Gordoun and Badyenocht, and Jhonn, erle of Mortoun, lord Maxwell, in name and behalf of the erllis, lordis, baronis and gentlemen of this realme, and protestit that in respect all leagis and bandis maid betuix quhatsumevir oure soverane lordis liegis and subditis in tyme cuming ar dischargit, annullit be act of parliament this instant day, and als in tyme coming it is statut and ordanit be the samin act that na liggis nor bandis be maid amongis quhatsumevir our soverane lordis liegis of onie degre, under ane certane pane contenit in the samin act as said is at mair lenth beiris, that all feis, landis and casualiteis gevin furth be the saidis tua erllis and utheris foirsaidis to thair dependaris for thair lieggis, bandis and service may returne to thame selffis, to be bruikit and disponit be thame as thai think expedient; and therupoun the saidis Erllis of Huntlie and Mortoun, for thame selffis and in name and behalf foirsaid, askit instrumentis.
[1585/12/17]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord and thrie estaitis of this present parliament, considering the greit harme and inconvenient quhilk diverse of his hienes guid subjectis hes incurrit and daylie sustenis throw chargeis purchast aganis thame be the inoportuitie and unressonable suit of previe personis to compeir befoir his hienes and his secreit counsale to anser de super inquirendis under the paine of rebellioun, and gif thai failyie, to put thame to the horne, or to do ony deid under the paine of tressoun or rebellioun, and gif thay failye, immediatlie to denunce thame to the horne, na cognitioun tane in the cause, or enter thame selffis in waird in sum of his hienes castellis or presonis in schort space under the panis of tressoun or horning, without ony calling or cagnitioun takin gif the caus for quhilk sic lettres ar direct be tressoun or of uther greit importance concerning the kingis majesties persoun or proper estait, bot rather oftintymes sic lettres ar purchast to satisfie sum pairtie of the malice of the pairtie, purchessar thairof, to the wrak and havie truble of thair pairtie or nichtbour for thair particular and civile causis that aucht to be decidit be the ordinar jugeis of this realme, abusand the ordour of justice and makand a cloik of his hienes name and auctoritie indirectlie and to collour thair privet rewenge, to the offence of God and greit contempt of his hienes gif tymous remeid be not providit; thairfoir, our soverane lord, with advise of his saidis thrie estaitis, statutis and ordanis that his hienes secretair or his deputis, keiparis of the signetis, pas na maner of sic lettres to charge ony personis to compeir super inquirendis, or to enter thair personis in waird, or to do ony deid under the panis of tressoun or rebellioun; and incaice of failyie, to denunce without calling or cognitioun tane of befoir, notwithstanding the subscriptioun of his hienes or ony twa or ma of his counsale, except the same lettres be speciallie subscrivit be the chief officiaris of the estait, at the leist be four of thame, quhairof the chancellar, thesaurair or secretair salbe allwayis ane, and sall perfytly understand and anser that sic lettres ar advisedlie directit for materis being in thame selffis tressoun in deid, or otherwayis of heichast importance concerning his hienes persoun and proper estait, that may suffer na delay; and that the secretair admonishe all his deputis and writtairis to the signet that nane of thame tak upon hand to writt or put in forme onie maner of signatour or lettre to be past his majesties hand that contenis novaltie or informalitie contrair the lovable and accustumat style and forme, notwithstanding the desir of ony pairtie under the pane of deprivatioun; and that everie writtair subscrive his name on the bak of the signatour or lettre as allowit be him that it is writtin according to the ordiner stile and forme; and that na signatour or lettre† unallowit or subscrivit be the writtar, as said is, as they will anser thairupoun at thair heichest charge and parrell.
[1585/12/18]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord, with advise of his thrie estaitis of parliament, ratefeis and apprevis the act maid befoir in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the xxiiij day of October, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxj yeiris, and the repetitioun of quhatsumevir landis or sowmes of money gevin to the keiparis of oure soverane lordis castellis and fortalices to the keiparis therof in his hienes minoritie and les age, being constranit thairto be the foirsaidis keiparis befoir the saidis castellis and fortalices micht be relevit furth of thair handis, as the said act in it selff at mair lenth beiris, in all pointis and clausis thairof, with this additioun: that the said act salbe extendit to all personis, quhilkis, in the regnne of oure soverane lordis dearest mother, beiring auctoritie for the tyme, ressavit landis, guidis, sowmes of money, band, obligatioun or souirtie thairfoir for deliverance of the saidis castellis and fortalices, and that the personis or thair airis oblist athir as principallis or as cautioneris for pament of the sowmes of money, or to mak infeftmentis of landis or to gif ony uther proffeit to the keiparis of the saidis castellis and fortalices, and can verifie and preif that the said obligatioun wes maid for that caus, salhave guid actioun to reduce the said band and obligatioun and ane competent exceptioun be vertew of this present act to mak the same null and of nane availl quhen evir thai salbe callit for the fulfilling thairof; and gif thai persew the said reductioun, thai salbe hard summarlie befoir the lordis of sessioun upoun xv dayis warning but dyet, table or continewatioun of uther summondis.
[1585/12/19]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Forsamekle as thair was ane act maid in the last parliament haldin at Edinburgh in the monethe of August fourscoir four yeiris anent decreitis gevin upoun dowble poindingis and horningis, the ane pairt being lauchfullie summond comperis not in that instant and thaireftir desiris to be hard be way of reductioun, thay sall not be hard to retreat and reduce the said decreit, nor yit salbe restorit agane to the samin, nathir yit haif onie actioun for the byrun proffeitis intromettit with be the obtenar of the decreit, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said act, quhilk act is not onlie extendit to all sic questionis as may occur heireftir, bot also in all sic materis of the elike sort bigane, intentit or to be intentit, depending and indecidit, befoir the lordis of sessioun and uther judgeis ordiner, to ane greit hurt and prejudice of ane greit number of oure soveranis subjectis, secluding thame fra thair actionis of reductionis of decreitis, of dowble poindingis and horningis and frome the proffitis resultand thairupoun alreddie intentit and depending lang befoir the making of the said act, quha, of law and equitie, aucht not to be astrictit to observe onie statutes or ordinances befoir the making of the samin, seing lawes suld be extendit ad futura and non ad preterita; thairfoir our soverane lord, with advise of the thrie estaitis of his present parliament, decernis and declaris the foirsaid act of parliament onlie to be extendit to the reductioun of decreitis, of dowble poindingis and horningis as hes, or salbe, obtenit sen the making of the samin, and not to sic as wes intentit and depending lang of befoir; and that in respect oure soverane lordis subjectis culd not observe the said act befoir the making heirof; and ordanis lettres to be direct heirupoun in forme as effeiris.
[1585/12/20]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord, considering how at sindrie tymes sen his hienes coronatioun and acceptatioun of the governament of his realme in his awin handis thair hes bene sindrie personis admittit and sworne to be of his privie counsale, althocht be sic a multitude making na residence bot quhen thai pleisit, the majestie and gravitie that aucht to be in his said previe counsale hes bene rather brocht in decay nor incressit, and the cair of his majesties effairis and of the commoun weill hes bene rather neglectit nor weill providit, his majestie, thairfoir, with advise of his thre estaitis convenit in this present parliament, hes dischargit and, be the tennour heirof, dischargis all persoun heirtofoir being of his privie counsale and presentlie hes of new electit and nominat the personis underwrettin: thai ar to say, Johne, lord Hamiltoun, Archibald, erle of Angus etc., George, erle of Huntlie, etc., George, erle Marschall, Johne, erle of Mar, Andro, erle of Rothes, Johne, erle of Mortoun, lord Maxwell, Patrik, archiepischop of Sanctandrois, Adame, bischop of Orknay, William, lord Hereis, Claude, commendatair of Paislay, Patrik, maistir of Gray, Robert, commendatair of Deir, Alexander, commendatair of Pluscardin, and Schir James Home of Coldinknowis, knicht, capitane of the castell of Edinburgh, and Alexander, commendatair of Culross, with his hienes ordiner officiaris of his estait, to be of his hienes privie counsale in tyme cuming quhill his hienes nixt parliament, and further, ay and quhill thei be speciallie dischargit; and that fyve at leist salbe a sufficient number to heir, discuss and decerne onie mater belangand to the jugement of the privie counsale, and that the clerk sall not in his buik the names of thame present that sittis and the kingis majesties awin subscriptioun onlie, with the thesaurair, comptrollair or collectour or thair deputis to signatures or lettres properlie belangand to everie ane of thair offices, and his hienes subscriptioun, with the secretairis only, or his depute in his absence, to all utheris lettres salbe sufficient warrand to the signet, privie, greit and quarter seillis, without onie utheris subscriptionis or wrytting of sederunt on the bakis of the signatures of lettres, as hes bene laitlie accustumat; and that the saidis comptrollar, then collectour and secretair and thair deputis do thair deweteis faithfullie and diligentlie in everie ane of thair offices, attending that na thing pas his majesties hand or thairis that is a noveltie or of ony dangerous example aganis justice or his hienes honour and commoditie, or to the hurt of the commoun weill, and be anserable to his hienes and remanent of his counsale thairupoun als oft as thai salbe requirit.
[1585/12/21]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Forsamekle as in the act of parliament laitlie maid anent the paking and peling of hering, quhite fische and uther fische slane on ather syde of the watter of Forth, it is expresly providit that all the saidis fisches salbe brocht to the portis of Leith or Craill allanerlie, thair to be grathit and handillit as in the said act at mair lenth is contenit, quhilk sensyne hes bene werray prejudiciall and hurtfull to the remanent frie burrowis and sey portis on athir syd of the said watter of Forth, thairfoir our said soverane lord, with advise of his thre estaitis convenit in this present parliament, declairis, statutis and ordanis that it sall be lesum to the remanent of the saidis fre burrowis to haif the saidis fisches brocht to ilk ane of thame in tyme cuming, alsweill as to the saidis portis of Leythe and Craill, notwithstanding onie restrictioun maid thairanent be the said act or utherwayis of befoir, dispensand thairwith for evir; and ordanis lettres of publicatioun to pas heirupoun in forme as effeiris.
[1585/12/22]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Forsamekle as sindrie personis, under cullour of our soverane lordis licences grantit to thame, hes transportit and daylie transportis furth of this realme woll, talloun, victuall and sic uther forbiddin guidis, to the greit hurt and prejudice of his hienes customes and the commoun weill of this realme; for eschewing of the quhilk in tyme cuming, our said soverane lord and thrie estaitis of this present parliament decernis, statutis and ordanis that all sic licences for transporting of the saidis forbiddin guidis grantit or to be grantit be his majestie be subscrivit be his hienes comptrollaris, present and to cum, and utherwyis to be invalide and to haif na force nor effect; and ordanis lettres to be direct to the effect foirsaid.
[1585/12/23]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Forsamekle as in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the xxiiij day of October, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxiiij† yeiris, thair was ane additioun maid to the actis maid aganis notorious thevis and soirneris of clannis, quhairin it is statute and ordanit that it salbe lefull to all our soverane lordis obedient and guid subjectis that sall ressave ony harme or skaith throw stowth and maisterfull reiff of thair guidis to be committit efter the dait of the said act be ony of the notorious thevis, brokin men or soirnaris of clannis of thevis in tyme cuming, to apprehend, stay and arreist the bodeis and guidis of the personis offending aganis thame, or ony utheris being of the same clan, thair servandis, defendaris or partakeris, quharevir they sall find thame in onie pairtis of this realme, ay and quhill the principallis and utheris of the said clan caus the saidis harmes and skaithis be redressit to the satisfactioun of the sustenaris thairof, or at leist find sufficient souirtie to that effect to the contentment of the persoun that hes sustenit the skaith, incaice it salbe found be ordour and triall, according to justice, that the offendar and deid doar was onnywayis ressait, suppliit and mantenit amongis the said clan efter the offence committit; quhilk act hes not tane executioun in mony pairtis of the realme be ressoun of the parteis susteniing the skaith apprehending the personis or gudis of the personis offending thame, or utheris being of the same clan, thair servandis, defendaris or partakaris, nor hes not found the concurrence of the ordiner magistratis or utheris personis being of powar to that effect, or utheris being of the same clan, thair servandis, defendaris or partakeris, hes not had sufficient force of thair awin to stay and arreist the bodeis or guidis of the personis quhilkis had offendit thame; for remeid and supplie quhairof in tyme cuming, it is statut and ordanit be oure said soverane lord, be advise of his saidis thrie estatis in parliament, that incaice onie of his hienes guid subjectis that ressavit onie harme or skaith throw stouth or maisterfull reiff of thair guidis be onie of the notorious thevis, brokinmen or soirneris of the saidis clannis of thevis in tyme cuming, sall happin not to be of power of thame selfis to stay and arreist the bodeis and guidis of the personis that hes offendit aganis thame or utheris of the same clan, thair servandis, dependaris and partakeris, being apprehendit be thame, that than the complenar sall desir the shereff, stewart, baillie or thair deputis, or provest and baillies with in burgh, or onie uther persoun being of power that happinis to be present for the tyme, to concur and assist to the same complenar in making of the same stay and arreistment, conforme to the said act of parliament, as thai will anser to his hienes upoun thair obedience and under the pane to†repute and estemit partakeris with the saidis thevis in evill deidis, quhairin gif thai failyie, his hienes, with advise of his saidis estaitis, declairis that the said complener, being his hienes obedient subject, salhave siclike actioun, criminallie or civillie, aganis the saidis shereffis, stewartis and ballies, provest and ballies within burgh, or utheris personis of power happynning to be present for the tyme and failyeing reddilie to concur and assist as said is, as aganis the principall theiff or robar; and further declairis, statutis and ordanis that it salbe lefull to his hienes trew and obedient subjectis having thair guidis stowin and reft be the saidis notorious thevis, brokin men or soirnaris of clannis, to apprehend, tak and intromet with the guidis and personis of the offendaris or ony utheris of the same clan, thair servandis, defendaris or partakeris with quhom the thevis and trew mennis guidis stowin or reft be thame wer ressait, and to reteine the samin as thair awin proper guidis ay and quhill the offendaris or utheris of the said clane cum to compt and rekning and mak sufficient suirtie for redreis of the trew mennis skaith, conforme to the said act of parliament, and assolyeis thame fra all danger of spuilye or violent proffeitis, bot onlie to be anserable for the principall guidis quhen thai sall have rekning, compt and dew redress of thair awin guidis with thair coistis and skaithis.
[1585/12/24]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Forsamekle as it is understand be his hienes that diverse baronis, gentilmen, tennentis and possessouris of landis, rowmes, possessionis, teindis, teindschaves etc. hes bene compellit to mak payment of thair maillis and deweteis, teindis, teindschaves and utheris foirsaidis at command of oure soverane lord, and be vertew of charge direct in favouris of diverse personis haveand factories, giftis, provisionis or utheris securiteis of the saidis fruitis, quhilk pament was maid be thame bona fide efter the executioun of the saidis chargis and na utherwayis, notwithstanding quhairof diverse pairteis intendis heireftir upoun the occasioun of his majesties favour, grantit in the lawes and constitutionis of this present parliament as utherwayis, to move questioun aganis the saidis tennentis and utheris, and to cause thame be repellit, to repay the saidis mailes and deweteis, teindis, teindschavis and utheris aganis all guid ressoun; it is thairfoir statute and ordanit that all and quhatsumevir personis quha hes heirtofoir maid pament of the saidis fruitis to the factouris and utheris havand richt thairto, and hes reportit thair discharges thairof, salbe frie and fred in tyme cuming and of all actioun, instance or persute that may be pretendit aganis thame be quhatsumevir maner, dischairgeing the lordis of counsale and sessioun to grant proces in onie of the saidis persuitis in tyme cuming and all utheris judgeis and ministeris of the lawes within this realme.
[1585/12/25]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Forsamekle as in our soverane lordis parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the xxij day of August the yeir of God jM vC lxxxiiij yeiris, thair was ane act maid beirand that all fewis of kirklandis not confermit befoir be oure soverane lord, his predicessouris or be the Pape suld be dewlie confermit be his majestie within a certane space and under certane panes contenit in the said act, as the samin at mair lenth proportis; nevirtheless, sindrie troubles hes incressit sensyne and the pestilent seiknes spreading amongis diverse of the greitest baronis hes rasit the chief jugementis and jurisdictionis of this realme and the chancellarie had na established place; thairfoir, our soverane lord and thrie estaitis, willing nane of thame to be hurt thairby, hes prorogat and prorogatis the said act and haill force thairof for the space of ane yeir nixt eftir the dait heirof, within the quhilk all his liegis doing thair diligence for the saidis confermationis salbe, in all respectis, in als guid caice as the saidis fewis had bene confermit immediatlie efter the dait of the said act.
[1585/12/26]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord, understanding how far his hienes is grudgit be the subscriving of sindrie signatures and lettres at the inoportun suit and desir of sindrie personis, his hienes not being foirwarnit nor trewlie informit of the effect and contentis of the saidis signatures and lettres; for remeid quhairof, his majestie, with advise of his thre estaitis convenit in this present parliament, statutis and ordanis that na signatouris or lettres quhatsumevir salbe presentit to his majestie to be subscrivit in tyme cuming bot be his ordinar officiaris unto quhais offices the same properlie belangis, and incaice onie signatures other ignorantlie or upoun inoportunitie salhappin to be subscrivit be his hienes utherwayis, commandis his saidis ordiner officaris to stay thame and on nawayis to subscrive or pas thame, as thai will anser at ther heichast charge and perrell; quhilk staying of the passing of sic signatouris salbe impute to thame for na offence, bot estemit be his majestie as acceptable and guid service tending to his hienes honour and common weill of this realme.
[1585/12/27]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Forsamekle as be ane act of our soverane lordis parliament, haldin at Edinburgh, the xxij day of Maii, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxiiij yeiris, anent the appreving of the constitutioun of certane officiaris of the estate, it is statut that nane of the saidis officiaris salbe removable fra thair offices in tyme cuming bot for just and worthie causis tryit be his hienes and his estaitis in parliament; and now his hienes chancellar being depairtit and in his majesties danger for his hienes jowellis undeliverit, his majestie, with advise of his thre estaitis, finds the office of chancellarie to vaik and that the samin may be servit in tyme cuming be sic a persoun and sic a maner as his hienes sall appoint.
[1585/12/28]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord, with advise of his thrie estaitis convenit in this present parliament, ratefeis, apprevis and confermis the power, privilege, consent and auctoritie quhatsumevir competent to the saidis estaitis, gevin and grantit to our soverane lord, his counsall or sic thairof as his majestie sall cheis, for treating, conferring, contracting and concluding of ane league and confederatioun with his derrest sister and cousine, the Quene of England, at Sanctandrois, the fyft day of Julii bigane, of the quhilk the tennour followis:
We, the nobilitie and estaitis presentlie convenit, understanding the course of the present proceidingis in foreyn partis, and that diverse princes and potentactis terming thame selffis Catholickis haif joynit thame selffis under the Papes auctoritie in a maist unchristiane confederacie aganis the trew religioun and professouris thairof, with full intent to persecute thair ungodlie resolutioun with all severitie, not onlie within thair awin statutis† and dominionis, bot also in uther places and kingdomes quhair thai can pretend na lawfull power nor auctoritie to deale, a practize of lang projectit thocht heirtofoir cuninglie conductit and now at last, be oppin and joint forces of mony confederatis, planelie manifested to the warld quhat hes alwayis bene intendit be formare coverit and craftie coursis, quhilkis now thay have begun to put in executioun in diverse places with werrie hard effectis. And sen it had plesit God of his infinit mercie to blis this realme with the sinceritie of his holy Gospell (the defence quhairof is the maist just and lawfull caus that Christianes can mantene), na thing is moir requisite then not onlie to unite oure selffis sinceirlie and trewlie and joyne our haill powaris, forces and meanis quhilkis God hes grantit us under oure maist religious and Christiane soverane, for the better assurance of oure awin state and mair peceable injoying of sa greit a benefite of God, bot alsua for withstanding of sa pernitious and dangerous a course generallie intendit aganis all trew professouris of the treuth, it is necessar that a generall league and confederacie of all princes and staitis sincerlie professing the evangell wer opponit to the ungodlie conspiracie of the enemies of Goddis trewth, and speciallie that the crounis of Scotland and England, naturally jonit be blude and habitatioun and religioun, and thairby alike subject to the malice of commoun enemeis, be quhais union na less suirtie may be expectit to baith thair estaitis then danger be thair divisioun, wer inseparably united be mair firme and stricte league then hes bene heirtofoir betuix ony princes, their progenitouris, alsweill of the preservatioun of thame selffis as alsua for the better mantenance of trew, ancient and Christiane religioun quhilk thai now professe, aganis all that sall attempt onie thing aganis thame for the professioun and mantenance of the said religioun. We, thairfoir, the nobilitie and estaitis undersubscrivand, considerand the greit and urgent necessitie of the said league and how the same may be na langar protractit nor without parrell differit to a mair solempne conventioun of the haill estaitis in parliament, and reposing oure selffis upoun [...]†discretioun, wisdome and circumspectioun and maist ernist zeall borne be the maist noble and michtie prince King James the Sext, oure soverane lord, to the advancement of the said religioun and mantenance thairof, haif thairfoir, for us and in the name and behalf of the haill estaitis of this realme quhais bodie in this conventione we represent, fullilie gevin and grantit, like as be the tennour heirof we, for us and in name foirsaid, gevis and grantis to oure said soverane lord, his counsale or sic thairof as his majestie sall chuse, oure full power, privilege, assent and auctoritie quhatsumevir competent to us and estaitis foirsaidis to treat or caus treat, confer, contract and conclude the said Christiane league and all pointis, heidis, clausis and articlis thairof betuix his majestie and his hienes dearest sister and cousine, the Quene of England; and to nominat and appoint comissioneris to that effect, to meit at sic tyme and place as his hienes sall aggrie unto with comissioneris to be direct from his dearest sister of alike in rank and honour, quhais electioun, nominatioun and instructionis we have remittit and heirby remittis to oure soverane lord, and quhatsumevir his majestie sall aggre unto and quhatsumevir the saidis commissoneris sall promeise, contract, intend, subscrive or seale toward the said league and articlis thairof, aggreing with thair instructionis, we, for us and in name foirsaid, now as than and than as now, ratefeis, apprevis and confermis and, be the tennour heirof, be oure greitest and solempne athis upoun oure faith and trewth, promisis to allow, appreve, ratefie and conferme be oure consentis in the nixt parliament, without questioun or contradictioun quhatsumevir, providing alwayis the said league be without infringeing or prejudice in onie sort to onie formare league or alliance betuix this realme and onie ether auld freindis and confederatis thairof, except onlie in materis of religioun, quhairanent we do fullie consent the league be defensive and offensive and do solempnitlie avow in quarrell and mantenace thairof nather to spair lyves, housis, guidis, geir or quhatsumevir it hes plesit God to grant us. In witnes quhairof, in presence of his hienes, we have subscrivit thir presentis with oure handis at Sanctandrois, the last day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir and fyve yeiris. Sic subscribitur, P. Sanctandrois, Robert, archebishope of Glasgow, Peter Rollog, bischop of Dunkeld, James, erle of Arrane, lord Avane and Hamiltoun, chancellar, Robert, erle of Marche, Jhonn, erle of Athoill, George, erll Merschale, Jhonn, erle of Montrois, thesaurair, Andro, erle of Rothes, Robert, commendatair of Deir, William, commendatair of Dryburgh, Alexander, commendatair of Culross, Henrie, commendatair of Balmerinoch, Walter, abbot of Kinloss, William, commendatair of Pittinweme, Patrik, commendatair of Lundoris, Walter, commendatair of Blantyre, Laurence, lord Oliphant, Henrie, lord Sinclair, Patrik, lord Gray, James, lord of Down, Patrik, maistir of Gray, Schir Jhonn Maitland of Thirlstane, knicht, secretair, Andro Wod of Largo, comptrollair, Alexander Hay of Eister Kennet, clerk of register, Henrie Nisbet, commissioner for Edinburgh, George Hereis, commissioner for Edinburgh, Robert Forrestar of Boquhane, provest of Striviling, commissioner for the said burgh, William Norvel, commissioner of Striviling, Patrik Lermonth of Darsie, commissioner for Sanctandrois, Alexander Scrimgeor, commissioner of Dundie, William Duncane, commissioner of Dundie, George Cochrane, commissioner of Air, James Cokburne, commissioner of Hadingtoun, Robert Rorvat, commissioner of Glasgw, Johne Kircaldie, commissioner of Kingorne, Robert Hay, commissioner of Kircaldie, Johne Ramsay, commissioner of Carrell, James Andersoun, commissioner for Cowper.
[1585/12/29]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord and his thrie estaitis of parliament ratefeis and apprevis the lettres gevin under his hienes privie seall, of the dait the xxiiij day of November last bipast, gevand licence, power and facultie to certane personis laitlie foirfaltit to convene thair friendis and utheris of wisdome and jugement for thair advise and counsale in the restitutioun of thame aganis their saidis foirfaltouris, as in the lettres foirsaidis at mair lenth is contenit; and oure said soverane lord and thrie estaitis declairis the said lettre to be als sufficient to all intentionis as gif the [...] of the parliament had bene interponit thairto; and forder our said soverane lord and his saidis thrie estaitis ratefeis and apprevis all thingis done and conssultit be vertew of the said lettre, off the quhilk the tennour followis:
James, be the grace of God, king of Scottis, to all and sindrie oure liegis and subjectis quhome it effeiris quhais knawlege thir oure lettres sall cum, greting. Forssamekle as we, for certane greit and wechty considerationis moving us, ar of will and mynd to restoire, rehabilitat oure richt traist cousingis Jhonn, lord Hamiltoun, Archibald, erle of Angus, lord Dowglass and Abirnethy and certane utheris, with thair posteriteis, as salbe contenit in the said restitutioun, quharupon we ar myndit to mak thame all securitie neidfull, and to that effect necessar it is that thai haif the advise and consultatioun of thair maist trustie frindis and utheris of guid knawlege and experience to that effect, thairfoir we, with expres advise of the lordis of oure secreit counsale, have gevin and, be thir oure lettres, gevis full licence, facultie and powar to quhatsumevir persoun or personis quhais counsale and advise salbe cravit anent the said restitutioun and rehabilitatioun, to travell, solist and gif thair advise and counsale thairto as sall seme maist necessar for the effect foirsaid, quhairanent thai, nor nane of thame, sall incur na penaltie nor fault, notwithstanding oure leit act of parliament or onie uther oure lawis or constitutionis maid in the contrair. Attour, we ordane and declair that this oure present licence salbe of als greit force and effect to all and sindrie personis quhilkis salbe employit in the premisis as gif thay wer expreslie namit in thir oure lettres, quhilkis, with all that sall fallow thairupoun, we promit salbe ratefeit and apprevit in this oure rinning parliament given under oure privie seill at oure palice of Linlythgw, the tuentie day of November, and of oure reigne the nyntene yeir 1585. Per signaturam manibus supremi domini nostri regis dominorumque sui secreti consilii subscriptam.
[1585/12/30]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord, having at sindrie tymes heirtofoir commandit ordour to be takin† the estait of his house and toward his propirtie quhairupoun the same suld be sustenit, as finding na thing effectuallie done thairanent as yit bot in default of the same diverse abuses enterit and still continewand in the said house and greit diminutioun of his hienes rentis, his majesties debtis in his awin house alwayis incressing, for remeid quhairof, his majestie, be advise of the lordis and of his estaitis alsua in parliament, hes maid and caussit publishe diverse revocationis, quhilkis notwithstanding, hes tane small effect to his hienes commoditie becaus the thingis appointit to be recoverit and brocht agane to the same revocationis wer alwayis newlie impetrat and purchast of his majestie be inoportun and unressonable suittis, quhair his hienes awin necessitie aucht first to be providit for; tharfoir his hienes, yit as of befoir, with advise of his thrie estaitis convenit in this present parliament, revokis, casis and annnullis all infeftmentis, takis, pensionis, giftis, assignationis, reversionis and exceptionis quhatsumevir maid of the rentis of his propirtie annexit and pertening to his croun in the dayis of his dearest guidschir, King James the Fyft of worthy memorie, or in ony tyme bigane preceiding the dait heirof, being of thair awin nature or be custome or lawes of this realme revocable, and declairis the saidis infeftmentis, takis, pensionis, giftis, asignationis, reversionis and exceptionis to haif bene and to be null and invalide for the crop and yeir of God jM vC fourscoir fyve yeiris instant, Witsonday and Mertimes termes of the same and in tyme cuming, notwithstanding ony ratificationis or confermationis thairof be parliament or utherwayis; and ordanis the saidis rentis to be chargeit for, intromettit with and inbrocht to his hienes proper use be his majesties comptroller and his deputis to his hienes use. Attoure, his majestie avowis in the word of a prince, promittis inviolably to observe this act and to abstene fra all new dispositioun of onie of his saidis rentis revokit as said is quhill his awin necessiteis be first of all dewlie and sufficientlie providit for, as alsua to allow of that guid forme in his house quhilkis the saidis lordis of his secreit counsale and officiaris of his estait appointit in this present parliament sall appoint, to begin the first day of Januarii nixttocum, dischargeing his hienes comptroller of all ansering or admitting of ony preceptis or feis, pensionis or wageis to ony personis of the termes foirsaidis, or in ony tyme cuming thaireftir, quhill it be newlie directit and speciallie appointit be his hienes, with advise of the saidis lordis of his privie counsale and officiaris of his estait sittand togidder in that number, quhilk, be his present parliament, is appointit his hienes necessiteis, being first considerit quhat pensionis, feis and wageis salbe allowit and payit in the office of comptrollarie of the yeir of God foirsaid and in tyme cuming, to the effect it may† sene that the thingis commandit to be anserit ar ressonable and proffitable to be done without his majesties hurt and inconvenient, his awin necessiteis being alwayis first considderit and providit for as said is, and consideratioun had also of the pament of his bigane debtis safar as is possible; certefeing the said comptroller gif he do in the contrair, he sall have na allowance of his doing, notwithstanding onie warrand past befoir the dait of thir presentis. Exceptand and reservand alwayis the infeftment of the erldome of Orknay and lordschip of Zetland to Robert, erle of Orknay, providing his majestie be satisfeit as appertenis; as alsua exceptand and reservand the infeftment maid to Andro, lord of Dingwell, of the castell and leving and landis of Dingwell, fischeing of the watter of Conan and utheris contenit in his infeftment, and the liferent maid and gevin be his majestie to William Murray, warlet in his chalmer, of the landis of Cornetoun according to the gift maid to him under the privie seill thairupoun, quhilkis his majestie will not sall fall (with provisioun and conditioun foirsaid for Orknay) under this his hienes revocatioun; and ordanis lettres to be direct to mak publicatioun of the premisis be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croces of the heid burrowis of the schirefdomes of this realme and utheris places neidfull, that nane pretend ignorance of the same.
[1585/12/31]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord, deiplie considerand the monie trublis and calamiteis continewing within this realme sen his majesties coronatioun throw the civile truble beginning upoun the variable dispositioun of his hienes subjectis toward his service, and of the utheris mony dissentionis arrysing thairefter amangis the nobilitie of his realme, quhairby the estait of the commoun welth hes bene wonderfullie afflictit, his majestie of his princelie cair and affectioun, peyteing the trublit estait and being maist desirous of the unione and concord of all his subjectis and to continew thair hartlie luif and favour toward his majestie, and to gif all his guid subjectis the better occasioun to continew in their obedience in tyme cuming and being fullilie myndit, as he taketh God to witnes, to governe and rewle his subjectis and realme in justice and richt, and rather be luif nor be dreadour, considering thairwithall the maist humble behaviour of his lovit subjectis, Jhonn, lord Hamiltoun, Archibald, erle of Angus, lord Dowglass and Abirnethie, Frances, erle Bothwell, lord Hallis and Chreichtoun, greit admirall of this reale, Jhonn, erle of Mar, lord Erskin, Jhonn, erle of Mortoun, lord Maxwell, Alexander, lord Home, Thomas, maistir of Glammis, Lord Claude Hamiltoun, commendatair of Paislay, Williame Dowglas of Drumlangrig, Williame Ker of Cesfurde, James Hume of Coldenknowes, knichtis, David, commendatair of Dryburgh, Adame, commendatair of Cambuskinneth, Maister Willimam Erskin, persoun of Campsie, William Baillie of Lamingtoun, James Hamiltoun of Haggis, his brether, and servandis Alexander Hamiltoun of Innerweik, Robert Hamiltoun of Bathcat, Robert Hamiltoun of Sillertoun Hill, younger, James Hamiltoun of Stanehous, Jhonn Hamiltoun of Orbestoun, Robert Hamiltoun of Likprevik, Jhonn Hamiltoun, youngar of Prestoun, Patrik Hamiltoun of Kincavill, James Weir of Blakwod, James Lokart of Ley, Robert Hamiltoun of Dalsserff, youngar, Patrik Hamiltoun of Dalserff, Maistir Jhonn Hamiltoun of Barneclewch, Claude Hamiltoun of Brounehill, Robert Hamiltoun of Corss, Maistir Patrik Hamiltoun of Fairholme, Arthour Hamiltoun of Bothuellhawche, James Hamiltoun of Scherall, Johne Hamiltoun of Wodhall, Robert Hamiltoun, younger of Newhouse, James Baillie and Alexander Ballie, sonis to Alexander Baillie of Litlegill, Jhonn Hamiltoun, persoun of Craufurd Jhonn, James Hamiltoun of Twediesyd, Thomas Hamiltoun of Schoittis, Thomas Hamiltoun of Preist Field, with his brether Oliver Hamiltoun, burges of Hamiltoun, Johne Fairlie of [...], Richard Jhonnstoun, James Hamiltoun, youngar of Park Heid, James Muirheid, younger of Lawchop, Robert Baillie of Jervestoun, Robert Baillie of Park, Archibald Hamiltoun of Lethame, Walter MacAlester, George Douglas of Parkheid, James Dowglas and George Dowglas, his sonis, Jhonn Carmichaell of that Ilk, Robert Dowglas, brother to William Dowglas of Caveris, Walter Dowglas in Litle Sawquhy, Johne Lyoun of Cossynnis, James Lioun of Eister Ogill, Johne Ogiluy of Ballinscho, Henrie Ogilve, his son, James Arbuthnet of Lentushe, Johne Arbuthnot, his sone, David Arbuthnot, Alexander Lioun and utheris, thair friendis, servandis and dependaris being in their cumpany with theme at thair reparing to his grace at Sterling, the second day of November last bipast, their honest and cumlie demeanour continewallie sensyne his majestie hes found that thai have bene and ar his obedient lawtifull and trustie subjectis; thairfoir his hienes and thrie estaitis in parliament, for propagatioun of the Christiane religioun, extinctioun of all factions, seditionis and stryf and for the suirtie of all his liegis and especiallie of the personis above specifiit, their friendis, servandis and dependaris and utheris quhilkis salhave the benefite of this present act and establishing of ane universall peax and concord within this realme, hes resolvit upoun the remeidis following: first, our soverane lord and his thre estaitis in parliament for the weill and suirtie of his liegis and wechtie considerationis moving him tending to the furtherance and establisching of peax and justice, the quietnes of the realme and universall obedience to his auctoritie, haif declarit, decernit and ordanit and, be the tennour heirof, declairis, decernis and ordanis that all and sindrie processis and sentences of foirfaltour deducit and gevin in parliamentis, justice courtis and particular dyettis, all horningis and penalteis following thairupoun or proceiding at our soverane lordis instance for his particular enteresse, for quhatsumevir crymes, attemptatis, factis and deidis done or assistit being or that may be interpreit to be aganis his majestie sen his coronatioun, and for quhatsumevir uther crymes, causis and offences specefiit and contenit in the sentences of foirfaltour led and procesis of horning execut aganis quhatsumevir personis, men or wemen, exceptand as salbe declarit, at onie tyme heirtofoir sen his majesties coronatioun, ar, and salbe, void and of nane availl, strenth, force nor effect in all tyme cuming, exceptand alwayis the foirfaltouris led and standing in strenth and force aganis the personis convict for the cruell, horribill and tressonable murther of oure soverane lordis umquhile dearest father, the procesis of foirfaltour and barratrie led aganis James, sumtyme archiebischop of Glasgw, Jhonn, sumtyme bischop of Ross and Williame, sumtyme bishope of Dunblane, with all the consequentis and dependatitis thairof, quhilkis ar nawayis comprehendit in this present act bot ar exceptit expreslie thairfra and fra everie pairt thairof; in likemaner, all and sindrie infeftmentis, charteris, preceptis, instrumentis of sasing, presentationis, utheris richtis, titillis and dispositionis quhatsumevir of landis, heretageis, offices, rentis, teyndis and possessionis maid, grantit and proceiding be and upoun the saidis foirfaltouris, horningis and penalteis to and in favour of quhatsumevir personis, mediatlie and immediatly, with all decreitis and sentences gevin and pronuncit in quhatsumevir jugement, jurisdictioun or court be the lordis of his counsale and sessioun, utheris his jugeis and ministeris of his lawes consequent and dependand upoun the saidis foirfaltouris, horningis and penalteis ar and salbe in all tyme heireftir of na force, strenth nor effect, and that but onie speciall process of reductioun or uther declaratioun to follow thairupoun; and it is forder concludit that this present act of parliament is, and salbe, als valiable in all respectis to our said soverane lordis liegis standing under the saidis dangeris, thair airis, successouris and posteritie as gif the saidis procesis, sentences and domes of foirfaltour, horningis, penalteis, the foirsaidis infeftmentis, charteris, sesingis, presentationis, uthers richtis, titillis and dispositionis quhatsumevir, with the decreitis and sentences consequentlie following thairupoun, wer speciallie and ordourlie retreatit and reducit, all parteis havand enteress being specialie callit thairto. Mairover, oure said soverane lord and his saidis thrie estaitis of parliament, be the tennour heirof, [hes] rehabilitat, reintegrat and restorit and, be the tennour heir of, rehabilitatis, reintegratis and restoris sa mony of the saidis personis as ar levand and the memorie of thame quhilkis ar departit this lyff, thair airis, successouris and posteritie to thair guid fame and worldlie honour and to use all lefull actis and deidis in judgement and outwith, and to all and sindrie thair landis, rentis, heretageis, takis, stedingis, offices, benefices, pensionis and possessionis quhatsumevir quhilkis thai and everie ane of theme had the tyme of the leiding of the saidis proceses and geving of the domes of foirfaltour aganis thame. And als his hienes and thre estaitis foirsaidis decernis and declairis that the airis, successouris and posteritie, the bairnis, lawfull and naturall, of all and quhatsumevir personis foirfaltit sen his majesties foirsaid coronatioun, exceptand as is befoir exceptit, ar and salbe hable to bruik, enjoy and clame quhatsumevir landis, heretageis, teyndis, offices and possessionis pertening or that richteouslie may pertene to thame, and all and sindrie alienationis, infeftmentis, fewfermes, takis, rentallis, assignationis and dispositionis quhatsumevir of landis, heretages, annuelrentis, stedingis, rowmes, possessionis and guidis maid be ony of the saidis personis forfaltit to any utheris be als valiable and sufficient as gif thai had not incurrit the said sentance. Forder, it salbe lefull to everie ane of the saidis personis foirfaltit, yit being onlyff, and to the airis, successouris, bairnis and posteritie of thame quhilkis ar departed, to succeid to thair predicessouris or to ony utheris be quhome thai can pretend richt and title of successioun be brevis or utherwayis as accordis of the law, siclyke and als frelie as gif the saidis sentences and domes of foirfaltor had never bene gevin, and notwithstanding his hienes actis of parliament haldin at Edinburgh in the moneth of November lxxj yeiris and in the moneth of Maii lxxxiiij yeiris aganis the posteriteis of certane speciall personis and suir names, to the quhilkis actis and ordinances of parliament in generall and in speciall his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis hes maid and makis speciall and expres derogatioun be thir presentis, expreslie bidding and commanding that all the foirsaidis sentences of foirfaltour (exceptand as is befoir exceptit), with the saidis ordinances maid aganis the posteritie, quhais predicessouris be thir presentis ar restorit in generall and in speciale, baith anent the personis and surnames, salbe raisit furth of his hienes register and actis of parliament to the effect that na memorie remane thairof heireftir, bot the samin salbe buriit and put in perpetuall oblivioun with all the consequences and dependances thairof, siclyke as thai had nevir bene, and to be of na strenth nor effect in all tyme cuming. Siclyke all and sindrie personis yit on lyff, quhilkis wer providit to benefices or pensionis and we[...] [...]rit therfra be sentences of foirfaltour, barratrie or for non geving confessioun o[... ], or for non acknawlegeing of his majesties auctoritie according to the lait act of [...] maid thairanent at ony tyme sen his majesties foirsaid coronatioun, salbe restorit a[... ] integrum to thair saidis benefices and pensionis, the saidis personis quhilkis for this last caus ar deprivit of their benefices ether havand alreddie maid or offering to mak the confessioun of their faith and to acknawlege his hienes auctoritie; and his hienes and estaitis foirsaidis retratis and reducis quhatsumevir provisioun maid thairof to ony personis be ressoun of the saidis sentences, and restoris the personis first providit and debarrit thairfra in integrum to their saidis benefices and pensionis and in the samin estait and caice quhairin the saidis benefices and pensionis wer of befoir the saidis sentences, and as the samin had nevir bene gevin, notwithstanding quhatsumevir fewes, takis, rentallis and utheris dispositionis maid thaireftir be thame quha wer providit and obtenit title throw the saidis foirfaltouris or utheris decreitis abonespecifiit, and notwithstanding oure said soverane lordis confirmatioun grantit thairupoun or quhatsumevir sentences or decreitis following thairupoun quhilkis his majestie and estaitis declairis, decernis and ordanis to be of na force, to the end that this restitutioun may tak full effect, providing alwayis that this present act be not extendit to beneficit personis that ar deid. And forder, the personis quhilkis haif obtenit fewis, takis, rentallis maid to thame be the personis quhilkis wer providit to benefices be the foirfaltour of utheris, as said is, salhave na actioun aganis the makeris thairof for warrandice of the samin takis, fewes, rentallis, nor yit for refounding of the money and gersum ressavit be thame thairfoir, nor yit sall the saidis fewaris be astrictit to pay onie of thair deweteis restand awand for thair landis and teyndis bot according to thair saidis fewes, takis and rentallis to this crope last bipast, jM vC lxxxv yeiris, and the males of the Mertimes terme last bipast exclusive, and nevirtheless for the said crope and terme and in tyme cuming thai sall pay thair deweteis in the quantitie as thei war accustomat befoir the saidis foirfaltouris and acquiring of thair new titles. And als because diverse beneficit personis within thir twa yeiris bipast ar hurt in the richtes of their benefices be decreitis gevin contrair thame be his majestie and lordis of his secreit counsale and be the judge ordinar upoun triall of the cause, his hienes, thairfoir, and thre estaitis in parliament, retreatis all and sindrie the saidis decreitis and decernis the same of nane availl, and ordanis the personis quhilkis wer dispossest thairby to be fullilie repossest thairto in maner foirsaid, but prejudice of ony parteis richt to be discussit thaireftir be the judge ordiner as effeiris, the personis foirfaltit befoir as said is (exceptand as is befoir exceptit), sa monie as ar onlyve and the airis of thame quhilkis ar deceissit and all utheris dispossessit of thair landis and levingis be the trubellis, salbe restorit to the same possessioun quhilkis they and their predicessouris respective had to ther landis, heretageis, castellis, touris, fortalices, rowmes, teindis, offices and possessionis befoir the foirfaltouris led contrair thame or truble movit to theme in their levingis, and the beneficit personis and pensionaris salbe restorit and repossessit to their benefices and pensionis in the same maner as thai war possessit befoir the saidis foirfaltouris and decreittis be lettres quhilkis salbe grantit in all four formes be deliverance of the saidis lordis of counsale and sessioun for repossessing of thame to thair levingis, and be lettres of horning upoun ane simple charge within the space of ten dayes for deliverance of castellis, touris, fortalices, and that notwithstanding quhatsumevir decreit or sentence intervening that micht appeir to impeid the full effect of the said repossessioun. It is alwayis understand and providit be thir presentis that quhair ane persoun was first foirfaltit and the uther succeiding to his richt was foirfaltit and upoun the second foirfaltour was dispossest be the thrid or last persoun, the persoun spirituall or temporall first foirfaltit and dispossessit sall alwayis have the prerogative of the said repossessioun and be preferrit to all utheris efter the mynd and intentioun of this present act, quhiarby it is menit that the persoun first foirfaltit and dispossessit sall returne in the same caice quhairin he was immediatlie befoir the foirfaltor, quhilk prerogative salbe extendit to the airis of thame quha wer first dispossessit, albeit thair predicessouris be deid, but prejudice alwayis of the richt of onie persoun to be tryit and judgeit efter the said repossessioun befoir the judge competent as accordis upoun the law; and this to have place in thair favour quha wer dispossessit be barratrie for non acknawlegeing of his majesties auctoritie and geving confessioun of their faith, the males, fermes, deweteis, proffeitis, emolumentis of landis, rowmes, possessionis, teindis, benefices and pensionis, the eschaet guidis of penalteis becum in his majesties handis and alreddie upliftit sall remane with the intromettouris thairwith, bot the personis presentlie restorit salhave power to call and persew for the restis not yit upliftit of the haill yeiris bipast and to the haill fermes of the crope and yeir of God lxxxv yeiris instant and to the manis and incres of the said yeir, occupiet and labourit be thame quha had richt be the saidis foirfaltouris and escheitis, with the cattell and plenissing being upoun the ground, gif thai left the same plenissit befoir; and gif thai find mair plenishing nor thai left, that thai sall mak the samin furthcumand and deliver it to the awneris; and to the meales of the Mertimes terme last bipast, it salbe als lauchtfull to thame to call and persew for all thair movable guidis extant, the debtis awand unto thame and not upliftit be the donatouris; and quhair the debttour haif purchessit the gift of the debt quhilk he was awand to him selff or to ony uther to his behuif, directlie or indirectlie, he sall nevirtheless stand obleist for his debt to his creditouris, defalkand alwayes the expensis and compositioun gif ony be debursit to oure soverane lordis thesaurair for the gift gif ony be payit thairfoir; the unlawes, penalteis and escheitis adjudgit in justice courtis, and all uther sowmes that may be askit for contraventioun of ony band or act maid to his majestie for the obedience of his auctoritie, ather fra the principallis or their cautionaris, quhilk as yit restis unupliftit and ressavit, salbe and ar be thir presentis frelie remittit and dischargeit; as als the actis, bandis and obligationis quhatsumevir maid for the assurit keiping of the pacificatioun accordit at Perth, the xxiiij day of Februarii jM vC lxxxij yeiris,† ratefeit and apprevit in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh in the moneth of Aprile nixt thaireftir, and all utheris actis and obligationis maid for intercomoning, assisting and suppleing with onie of his majesties subjectis foirfaltit and at the horne, and all bandis, actis and obligationis registrat be the quhilkis the personis, principallis, and their cautioneris and sourteis ar actit, bundin and obleist for entrie of thair personis in waird in ony castell or prescrivit place at the instance of oure soverane lord upoun his proper enteresse allanerlie, or be the quhilkis thai and thair cautioneris ar obleist to depairt and pas furth of the realme with all decreitis interponit thairto, gif ony be, with all penalteis and sequelles thairof ar fra the beginning declarit to be of nane availl and in all tyme cuming to be of na strenth, force nor effect. Our soverane lord, following his naturall guid inclinatioun to quietnes and peax, being now myndit to satle his estait in perfite unioun and concord, and be removing of all occasionis of further jelosie and dissidence betuix his hienes, his nobilitie and people to manifest him selff in deid a cairfull fader of his commoun weill, seiking be all loving meanis to win of his haill liegis ane inwaird luif and hartlie dispositioun to his obedience and service, hes decernit, declarit, statute and ordanit and, be the auctoritie of this present parliament, decernis, declaris, statutis and ordanis that all and quhatsumevir deid, fact, interpryse, devise and executioun inventit, done, assistit, execute and performit be ony of his liegis and subjectis of quhatsumevir estait, qualitie or degree they be of, in ony assemblyis, counsallis, tratises, conventionis, conferences, privat or publict gadderingis, convocatioun of his liegis in armes, rasing of bandis of men of weir, intelligences and treatises with foreyne princes or utheris in materis of estait, and quhatsumevir thing devised, attemptit, done or execute in ony commoun caus quhat his majesties liegis be numberis wer assemblit togidder for reformatioun of thingis miscontenting thame in the administratioun and governament of the realme, or for apprehensioun, searching and seiking of quhatsumevir personis or for actis to his hienes presence and all hurtis, slauchteris, multilationis, spuilyeis, reiffis, oppressionis, depredationis, direptionis, baith to burgh and land, damnageis and skaithis quhatsumevir committit, done or assistit at the tymes of the saidis conventionis, assemblies, interprises and commoun causis following and depending thairupoun, and all taking and assegeing of oure soverane lordis housis, castellis and fortalices, deteaning of the samin and intrometting with the guidis being thairin, taking of prisoneris, breking of wardis and prisones and releving of the presonaris being thairin, intercommoning of rebellis and personis foirfaltit, assisting, helping and suppleing of thame departing furth of this realme but licence, all actionis and causis of barratrie, deforcement of officiaris and all utheris crymes, offences, tressonis, transgressionis of quhatsamevir qualitie thai be, and for the quhilkis our soverane lord, his airis and successouris, upoun thair particular and proper enteresse micht or may move quarrell, or actioun perpetrat and committit, devisit, consultit, assistit, approvin and ratefiit be ony of his saidis subjectis of quhatsumevir qualitie and estait, as said is, sen the tyme of his majesties coronatioun, salbe and ar, be the auctoritie of this present parliament, buriit and put in perpetuall oblivioun and never to be moveit heireftir in jugement, nor utherwayis be his majestie, his airis and successouris to and aganis onie of his subjectis at ony tyme mair nor thai had never bene, bot the samin fra thyne furth is, and salbe, alluterlie extinct and expirat with all actioun and suit, criminall, civill or pecuniall, that may follow thairupoun, and all sequellis, dependances and consequences of the samin. And forder, be the advise of the saidis thrie estaitis in parliament, our soverane lord will and grantis that this present salbe als guid and effectuall in the law to all and everie one of his subjectis as gif the samin had contenit speciall mentioun be thair names of all offences, causis, materis, suittis, querellis, executionis, judgementis, penalteis and trespasis quhatsumevir done, committit or sufferit in the saidis commoun causis and debettis at ony tyme sen his majesties foirsaid coronatioun, bot ony obstacle, challenge or impediment, abolisching the same from all remembrance to cum simpliciter and for evir dischargeing the lordis of his hienes counsale and sessioun, his advocatis present and being for the tyme, his justice clarkis and all utheris, his officiaris and ministeris of his lawes, of all arreisting, persewing, trubling or accusing of onie of his liegis and subjectis in and for the premisis and of their offices in that pairt. It is alwayis providit that in the foirsaid oblivioun and abolitioun is not, nor salbe, comprehendit the horrible and tressonable murther of oure soverane lordis dearest father of guid memorie, nor onie utheris voluntar murtheris or slauchteris, fyre rasing, birning of cornis and housis, hoching of oxin, brekin of plewis, oppressionis, spuilyeis, ejectionis, intrusionis and all utheris actionis and suttis, criminall and civill, quhatsumevir preceiding betuix persoun and persoun upoun thair particular motioun and enteresse and nocht following and depending upoun the said commoun causis; exceptand alsua thift, incest, witchecraft, ravisching of wemen, streaking, inbringing and outputting of fals cunyie, men slauchter in housis, in the hie way and passage or beside the samin, not depending upoun the comoun caus as said is. And als reservand to oure soverane lord, his thesaurair, comptrollair and collector generall, thair suitis and actionis for his hienes propirtie, casualities and thriddis of benefices restand unto his hienes and for quhatsumevir jowellis, abuilyementis, guidis movable and unmovable pertening to his hienes dearest moder or him selff and all actionis depending or that may be movit thairupoun, penalteis and unlawes cuming upoun the saidis commoun causis allanerlie exceptit, quhilkis ar be the said abolitioun dischargit, and als exceptand all utheris crimes, actionis, materis, causis and offences betuix privat parteis upoun thair awin privat causis, nawayis proceiding and following upoun the saidis commoun causis, quhilkis ar not meanit to be comprehendit under the said generall abolitioun and oblivioun and quhairin ony of his subjectis ar dampnagit and offendit, quhilkis it salbe lawfull to the partie to persew as thai micht haif done befoir, notwithstanding the premisis. And becaus the saidis ordinances ar maid for the weill and tranquillitie of the realme and haill subjectis for ane universall concord and unioun to follow in tyme cuming, it is statute and ordanit, and oure soverane lord and his estaitis of parliament willing that the same be inviolably and irrevocably keipit to all his subjectis but onie restrictioun or interpretatioun, for him and his successouris, decernis and ordanis that the same sall, at na tyme heireftir, be abrogat in all or derogat in ony pairt thairof, nathir be his majestie and successouris, nor yit be the thrie estatis in parliament, and that na maner of persoun nor personis of quhatsumevir qualitie or degree thay be pretend to argun, impung, travell, solist or lawbour for the infringeing, breking, wrasting, abrogatioun or derogatioun thairof, directlie or indirectlie, under the pane of tressoun and lesemajestie to be execute with all rigour upoun the breakeris thairof. Siclike forsamekle as sen the proceses of foirfaltour led against the saidis personis sen thai wer denunceit rebellis and put to the horne, chargeit to waird and to depairte of the realme, or for uther necessar and probable causis wer absent or furth of the realme, had not suir access to compeir for persut and defence of thair actionis, sindrie process ar led and decreitis gevin, not only aganis thame selffis bot also aganis the minoris quhilkis wer in thair tutell and cum to their greit prejudice and hurt, thairfoir our soverane lord and his thrie estaitis, for remeid thairof, retreattis and rescindis sa mekle of the saidis proceses as ar led and deducit, and the haill decreittis and sentences quhilkis ar gevin within the tyme foirsaid and that necessitie and probabilitie of their absence salbe tryit, athir be way of suspensioun, exceptioun or reply in the first instance, but ony forder proceses or summoundis of reductioun, speciallie the decreit of removing at the instance of Jhonn Wischart of Pettarro and decreit of translatioun following thairupoun aganis Jhonn, erle of Mar for removing from ane part of the landis of the Bray of Mar; the decreit reductive at the instance of James Hamiltoun of Libertoun aganis James, erle of Arrane and his tutour, tuiching reductioun of certane contractis and infeftmentis of the landis of Draffeine; the decreit at the instance of Dame Margaret Maxwell, countesse of Angus, lady Lamingtoun, aganis Archibald, erle of Anguss and his tennentis for hir terce of the erldome of Anguss; the decreit at the instance of Schir Thomas Ker of Pharniehirst, knicht, aganis Archibald, erle of Angus for the teindis of Inverlethame; the decreit obtenit be David Balfour of Inchirie aganis Adame, commendatair of Cambuskinneth. Alsua becaus the landis cuming in oure said soverane lordis handis be the saidis foirfaltouris wer, befoir the leiding thairof, burdenit with diverse alienationis of annuelrentis and of the propertie haldin of thame selffis, and the personis quhilkis wer infeft be the foirfaltour have nevirtheless intromettit with the haill proffeit, havand na respect to the foirsaidis wodsettis and alienationes, quhairthrow the grund standis yit oblishit; thairfoir it is ordanit be his majestie and thre estaitis of parliament that the saidis personis infeft be the saidis foirfaltouris sall pay the haill deweteis, chargeis and wodsettis of the grund safar as is unpayit, and releif the grund thairof sa far as is restand awand of all yeiris of thair intromissioun with the saidis proffeitis, and that executioun pas heirupoun aganis the saidis intromettouris for the foirsaid pament and releif be lettres in all the four formes, at the instances of the personis, quhilkis wer foirfaltit and thair airis, or at the instances of the saidis personis quha hes richt be the saidis alienationis and wodsettis, alwayis but prejudice of thair recurse to the landis at thair optioun and plesir as thai sall think expedient; providing alwayis that thai quha hes alreddie gevin confessioun of thair faithis give the samin of new saoft as thai salbe requirit to do the samin be his majestie or the kirk.
[1585/12/32]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The quhilk day our soverane lord, with advise of the thre estaitis of this present parliament, decernit and ordanit that the decreit of the lordis of counsale gevin at the instance of William Sinclair of Galrwald Moir for redemptioun of the landis of Wodhouslie, tour and fortalice therof, and uther landis specifiit in the said decreit, sall stand in full, force and strenth, notwithstanding onie article grantit anent the reductioun and renewing of proceses or decreittis in generall or particular, fra the quhilk the foirsaid decreit is, and salbe, in all tyme cuming, exceptit; nathir sall it be lefull to quhatsumevir persoun or personis be the said generall restitutioun to clame tham to be repossessit in the foirsaidis landis, bot the same in propirtie and possessioun sall stand that Schir Lowes Ballenden of Auchinnowll, knicht, justice clerk to oure soverane lady, according to the said decreit of redemptioun and his infeftment following thairupoun, quhilk decreit, with the said Schir Lowes richtis and titillis of the saidis landis and all that hes followit therupoun, oure soverane lord and his thrie estaittis of parliament ratefeis and apprevis for him and his successouris for evir and evir.
[1585/12/33]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The quhilk day, Alexander, commendatair of Coldenghame, protestit that be the general act of abolitioun and restitutioun the richt quhilk he hes of the priorie of Coldenghame on nawayis be prejugeit; and Schir Jhonn Maitland of Thirlstane, knicht, secretair to our soverane lord, protestit that he micht bruik the benefite of the foirsaid acts and be repossessit according to the meaning thairof; and thairupoun ather of thame askit instrumentis.
[1585/12/34]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The quhilk day, in presence of our soverane lord and thrie estaitis of parliament, comperit personally Alexander Home, commendatair of Coldenghame, and protestit that albeit Schir Jhonn Maitland of Thirlstane, knicht, secretair to our soverane lord, may clame to be restorit to the priorie of Coldenghame be the present benefite of restitutioun that the samin prejuge not richt quhilk the said Alexander Home hes to the said priorie and speciallie of the said Schir Johne Maitland self; and thairupoun askit instrumentis.
[1585/12/35]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
And the said Schir Jhonn Maitland protestit in the contrair and that he micht bruik the benefite of the said act of restitutioun safar as the samin may mak for him, and that he micht be repossessit according to the meaning thairof; and thairupoun the said Schir Johne also askit instrumentis.
[1585/12/36]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord and thrie estaitis of this present parliament, understanding the guid, trew and efauld service done to his majestie at all tymes be his richt traist cousing and counsellour Jhonn, erle of Mortoun, lord Maxwell etc., and his constant affectioun to remane at his hienes obedience in tyme cuming, willing ane perfite peax to be establishit amangis the haill subjectis of this realme and that the particular factis and deidis done be way of hostilitie upoun preceis necessitie salbe extinct and buriit in perpetuall oblivioun, to the end his haill subjectis duelling upoun the bordouris may be reducit in ane uniforme obedience efter sua monyfald trubillis, sua that peace may continew amangis thame and the subjectis of the land, it is statute, ordanit, concludit and resolvit be his majestie, the thrie estaitis and haill bodie of this present parliament that the haill favour and benefite grantit and contenit in the lawes, actis and constitutionis of the said parliament maid in favours of Johne, lord Hamiltoun, Archibald, erle of Angus, Jhonn, erle of Mar, and remanent personis that reparit with thame towardis his hienes at Striveling, togidder with the generall abolitioun for extinguisching of all factis, deidis, interpryses or attemptattis committit or done in publict trubles and hostilitie sen his majesties coronatione, salbe extendit, have place and be maist lairgelie interpreit with all poyntis, passis, clausis, articles and conditionis of the samin in persoun of the said Johne, erle of Mortoun, his haill kin, freindis, men, tenentis, servandis, dependaris, assistaris, vassallis and partakeris, sua far as the saidis lawes, actis and constitutionis with the generall abolitioun foirsaid, or onie part thairof, may serve for thair better securitie. And forsamekle as the said erle and his foirsaidis ar in different conditioun fra the noble men and utheris befoir rehersit, and that the reparatioun of the particular factes and deidis done betuix pairtie and pairties quhilk ar exceptit in the said generall act of abolitioun sould have place aganis the said erle and his foirsaidis for quhatsmevir deidis betuix parteis, quharby greittar treble micht be ingenered heireftir in commoun weill thane onie danger that can follow upoun perpetuall abolitioun thairof, it is forder statute and ordanit be his majestie and thrie estaitis of this present parliament that the said erllis lait joyning of him selff and his forces in company with the said Jhonn, lord Hamiltoun and remanent noble men entering and cuming to his majestie at Striviling, and haill sequellis following thairupoun, with all thair factis, deidis or attemptatis devisit, interprysit, commitit or done be him or any uther persoun heireftir innumerat in this present ordinance, or that may be interpreit to enjoy the benefite of thir presentis of quhatsumevir natour, quality or conditioun thai be, sic as lifting and leiding men of armes on horse or fut, convocatioun of oure soverane lordis liegis, strangeris or utheris in greit number and in weirlike maner, rasing of fyre, halding and detening, seageing, supprising and demolischeing of housis, castellis, townis and fortalices, alsweill pertening to oure soverane lord as utheris, taking and impresoning of frie personis of quhatsumevir qualitie, stait, or conditioun, executioun to the death of personis apprehendit, without comissioun, out taking of prisonaris furth of thair wairdis, intercomoning, suppleing and assisting of personis foirfaltit rebellis, outlawes and fugitives fra the lawes, breking and eschewing furth of his hienes wairdes, non entering in waird being chargeit thairto, slauchteris, heirschipis, reffis, spuilyeis, depredationis direptionis rasing of men of weir with displeyit baner, using of fyre work, munitioun or artelliarie, intromissioun of cornes, wictuallis and money, electing of magistratis and gevin jugementis, with all uther factis and deidis in generall interprisit, devisit or done at ony tyme sen the moneth of Aprile in the yeir of God jM vC lxix yeiris to the day and dait of thir present, with ther sequelles, the murther of our soverane lordis dearest father allanerlie exceptit, sall abolishe and extinct far evir, the memorie thairof bureit in perpetuall oblivioun, nevir to be imputed at onie tyme heireftir be oure soverane lord or his successouris to the said erle, his kin, friendis, servandis and dependaris, thair airis nor successouris, bot frelie remitting the rancour of his hienes mynd, his majestie, with advise foirsaid, expreslie discharges, for him self and his successouris, thair advocatis and utheris pretending interesse in his hienes name, of all actionis, instance, persuit, criminall and civill, that may be pretendit or thocht competent to his majestie; or quhatsumevir partie grevit or pretending to haif enteress in particular, and that notwithstanding the particular deidis done betuix parties be speciallie attempted in the said generall act of abolitioun. And to the effect it may be cleirlie understandit to quhome the favour of this present ordinance sall properlie belang, his majestie, with advise foirsaid, willis that the benefeit thairof all† onlie appertene to the personis eftir following: that is to say, Jhonn, erle of Mortoun, lord Maxwell, Mernis Esdaill and Cartell, Robert Maxwell of Castlemilk, his brother, the baillies, counsale and communitie of the burrowis of Dumfreis Annand, Maistir David Maxwell, brother to Schir Robert Maxwell of Dunwidie, knicht, George Carrutheris of Holmendis and the haill companies of horsemen liftit be him, Edwart Maxwell of the Ile, Herbert Maxwell of Cavense, Robert Maxwell of Keltoun, Thomas Edyer in Bowhouse, Jhonn Brown of the Land, Walter Gledstanis of Craiges, Schir Robert Maxwell of Spotte, knicht, Johne Maxwell of New Land, his brother, and the haill companies of horsemen liftit be him, Capitane Johne Richert and William Maxwellis and Capitane James Fraser, thair lieutennentes, ansenyeis, officiaris and haill companies of futemen liflit be thame, Johne Maxwell in Balgreden, Alexander Maxwell in Logane, his sone, Charles Murray in Dalcohuik, James Hunter of Drumschynnoch, Johne Lindsay of Auchinsketh, James Charteris, younger of Kelwod, Schir Alexander Gerdan of Apilgirthe, knicht, James Dowglas of Drumlangrig, Edmond Maxwell of Lamingtoun, William Dunbar of Blantyre, James Lindesay of Sergirth, with thair haill kin and friendis, men, tennentis, servandis, vassallis and dependairis and all utheris noblemen, knichtis, barones and gentlemen, landit and unlandit, yeamen and commonis, that hes intercomonit, favorit, assistit or gevin supplie to the said erl or his foirsaidis in protectioun, counsale or assistance with men, money, victuals or munitioun, quhais names not being speciallie expressit in this present act, salbe gevin up be the said, in sufficient inventair subscrivit with his hand, to the clerk of register for thair better securitie, to quhome the benefite of thir presentis sall pertene properlie as gif thay war presentlie namit be thair proper names, dischargeing thairfoir the lordis off counsall and sessioun, the justice generall and his deputis and all utheris, his hienes judgeis and ministeris of lawes, to grant proces in any of the saidis persuitis intented or to be intent be his hienes advocattis or ether parteis havand actioun, civillie or criminallie, quhairby this present abolitioun may be prejudgeit or infringit in onie wayis, saulfand and reservand onlie redres to be maid for attemptattis committit on Englishe men in prejudice of the lawes of marche and providit that the benefeit heirof be not extendit to ony civill contractis lauchfullie maid betuix parteis upoun guid causis of mutuall consentis; and gif onie person salhappynn to attempt in the contrair, to be estemed as trublaris of the commoun peace and punishit in bodie and guidis conforme to the lawes of this realme. And forder our soverane lord, for extinguishing of all truble or occasioun of persuite in tyme cuming for thingis bipast, with advise of the saidis thrie estaittis, retreatis, rescindis, casis and annullis all and sindrie lettres and charges of horning and tressoun contenit therintill and executionis heirof execute heirtofoire at onie tyme sene the saidis monethe of Aprile the yeir of God 1569 yeiris aganis the said erle and utheris personis foirsaidis, thair freindis, defendaris and pertakeris, for delivering of housis, entering thair personis in waird, non entrie of personis duelling on thair ground to his majestie lieutennentis, justice or wardanis or upoun quhatsumevir uther grund or occasioun, the giftis of eschaetis, liferentis and penalteis following thairupoun, actis of cautioun and suerteis for entering of personis, unlawes, enteress and thair sequellis, bandis and obligationis interponit be quhatsumevir personis suspectit to be the saidis erllis favouraris, to desist fra his aide, intercommoning, supplie, mantenence or resistances or quhatsumevir uthir occasiones bigane, his majestie and thrie estaitis present decernis and declairis the said erle, his freindis, servandis, dependaris and partakeris foirsaidis to be fre and in sic estait and conditioun as gif the samin had nevir bene. Attoure, our soverane lord and thrie estaitis foirsaidis retreatis, rescindis and annullis all decreitis and deidis done, gevin and pronuncit aganis the said erle and his foirsaidis at onie tyme sen the space abonewrittin, quhair thay or ony of thame had just caus of thair absence and mycht not compeir in thair awin proper personis to haif stopit the same, and thairfoir reponis and restoris thame in integrum thair agane as gif the samin had not bene pronunceid in thair contrair. Finallie, to the effect the said erle, his freindis, servandis and pertakeris foirsaidis may find the full effect of his majesties present benefiet and favour grantit and concludit in this present parliament, his majestie, with advise foirsaid, hes statute and ordanit that they and ilk of thame sall bruik, joise and posseise thair landis, heretageis, rowmes, offices, benefices, honouris, jurisdictionis, digniteis, rentis and possessionis quhatsumevir in sensable maner as thai possessit the same of befoir, and gif thay be dispossessit therfra, ordanis that thay salbe fullie repossessit in the same and summar lettres to be direct to that effect upoun ten dayes allanerlie, and revokis, casis and annullis all deidis done be his hienes in the contrair. And forder oure soverane lord, with advise foirsaid, ratefeis, apprevis and confermis the infeftment grantit to the said erle, his airis and successouris of the erldome of Mortoun, regalitie and jurisdictioun thairof, haill liberteis and privilegeis contenit thairintill, and revokis, casis and annullis quhatsumevir infeftment, rycht or title maid to ony uther persoun sen the dait of the said erles infeftmet of the said erledome of Mortoun, or onie pairt thairof, and namelie to Lodovik, now duke of Lennox, James Jhonnstoun, sone and appeirand air to Johne Jhonestone of that Ilk, Schir William Stewart of Carbistoun, knicht, or ony utheris, to the effect the said erle and his successoures may be fullie restablisched in thair full richt and propertie of the saidis landis and the said infeftment to stand in the awin strenth and nawayis impugnit. And seing his majesties intentione is that his favour and clemencie contenit heirin salbe maist largelie extendit to the weill of the said erle and his friendis, and not to be sinistarlie interponit, his majestie reservis the interpretatioun thairof to his hienes sua oft as neid beis and the thrie estaitis of parliament allanerlie, and that the said erle, him selff and his friendis, salhave recourse ather to this present securitie or to the generall lawes and constitutionis foirsaidis as best sall serve for thair weill, and ane not to be prerogative to the uther, quhairof, gif neid beis, forder securitie salbe maid in the nixt parliament; and ordanis lettres of relaxatioun of the said erle and his foirsaidis, with lettres of repossessiones and publicatioun heirof to be direct in forme as effeiris.
[1585/12/37]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The quhilk day, Jhonn, erle of Mortoun, personallie present, immediatlie efter the granting be the kingis majestie and estattis convenit in this present parliament of the speciall act of abolitioun, and that his hienes hes remitted to the said erle offences declarit in thair presence, that he wes presentlie contentit and consentit to releif and freth Schir Jhonn Johnestoun of Dunskellie, knicht, to pas as the kingis frie liege as he plesit; and siclyk that the said erle presentlie dischargeit and discharges all bandis of men of weir ressat be him and oblishit him to put thame furth of his companie and to use na hostilitie bot as the kingis grace gevis command and comissioun. And incaise the said Schir Johne Jhonestoune remane within his waird, that na offence be imput to him thairthrow.†
[1585/12/38]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
[Although not explicitly referring to the above records, the following document is related, the text consisting of a list of lands and tenants over which John Maxwell, earl of Morton was superior.]
Robert Chartouris of Kelwod, James Chartouris, his sone, Alexander Levingstone of Kilarne, James Lindsay of Sergirth, James Lindsay, his sone, Johone Lindsay of Auchinskarth, Herbert Lindsay of the Manis, Johne Willsoun in Elistoun; Calaverok: Johne Maxwell of Conhath, Eduart Maxwell of Ile, Thomas Edyir in the Bowhouse, Johne Edyer in Blakschaw, Johne Martine thair, Johne MacQuhirrie thair, Mathew Nicolsone thair, Johne Furde thair, Peter Jeffra thair, Piter Nicolsone thair, Nicoll Martine thair, Mathew Martine thair, William Borsbe thair, Johne Broun thair, Johne Batie thair, Thom Martine thair, Andro Dune thair, Stein Blakstok thair, Peter Dune thair, Johne Foirsyth thair, Johne Diksone thair, Eduart Diksone thair, Willie Diksoun thair, Thome Diksone thair in Cheringtoun, Johne Dryisdaill in Blakschaw, Johne Edyir in Cheringtoun, Will Forgusone thair, Charle Edyir in Glenhowane, Johne Rawling thair, Johne Edyir thair, Johne Edyir in Hie Manis, Robert Edyer thair, Thomas Maxwell thair, Charle Rawling in Glencapill, Mark Rawling thair, Thomas Herroun thair, Johne Smith in Bankend, Johne Edyer in Carmuk, Herbert Edyir in Wodend, Simon Adamsone in Lochirwode, Gawin Foirsyth thair, Clemet Diksoun thair, Johne Diksoun thair, Cuthbert Diksone thair, Johne Edyeir, sone to Thomas Edyer in Bowhouse, Clemet Edyer, his brother, Thomas Maxwell, sone to Robert Maxwell of Keltoun, Johnn Maxwell, his brother, Johne Maxwell in Bowrlandis; Drumfreis: Robert Maxwell of Keltoun, Walter Gladstanis of Craigis, Johne Mosset in Gorpule, Johne Maxwell in Craigis, Johne Bety in Rig, Thomas Maxwell thair, Eduart MacKinnell in Auchincreith, Willie Sluithman thair, William Kirkpatrik in Cloisburne, Johne Murray, Clonyeart, Geordie Maxwell, Thomas Maxwell, Johne Edyir, writtar, Nicoll Dikson; Kirkmaho: William Maxwell of Carnstelocht, Homer Maxwell thair, Herbert Maxwell in Kirktoun, Robert Maxwell thair, Herbert Edyer thair, Johne Thomsoun in Milheid, Thomas Thomson, his brother, Johne Edyer in Chrystinghill, Thomas Edyer in Holme, Johne Edger in Carnscelot, Patrik Maxwell, Johne Wallace, elder in Caryeild, Johne Wallace, his sone, Nicoll Thomsone thair, Johne Wallace thair, Thomas Wallace thair, David Frissell thair, Robert Frissall thair, Johne Frissall thair, Johne Irland thair, Andro Irland thair, Johne Wallace thair, Thomas Wallace thair, Robert Wallace thair, William Wallace thair, Hob Wallace thair, Alexander Wallace thair, Thomas Wallace thair, Johnne Wallace, sone to Robert Wallace thair, William Woll in Kirktoun, Robert Schortrig thair, Adame Schortrig thair, Johne Chartouris in Riddenwod, Johne Nicolsoun in Correllwod, Will Robsone thair, Nicoll Aitkin thair, Roger Robsone thair, David Robsone ther, Roger Thomesone thair, Johne Thomesoun thair, Roger Thomesone thair, his sonis, James Thomesone, smithe thair, David Thomesone, his sone thair, Johne Thomsone of Know thair, Johne and Will Robsonis thair, Thomas Robsone, William, brother thair, Stein Robsone thair, Andro Robsone thair, Johne Robsone in Dumkow, Robert Robsone thair, Johne Scharpro thair, Roger Robsoun thair, Johne Wilsoun in Hawthorne thair, Johne Wilsoun, Nicollis Iok thair, Thomas Robsone thair, David Lowrie thair, Johne Robsone, miller thair, Robert Robsone in Brigend thair, Robert Lowrie thair, Johne Aitkin, Johne Wilsone Townheid thair, Audame Wilsone thair, Nicol and Thomas Wilsones thair, Johne Rodden thair, Jhonn Bek thair, Andro and Willie Hillis thair, Thome Glessill thair, Florence Bek thair, Robert Bek thair, Johne Wilsoun in Nuik, Johne and Herbert Willsonis thair, Johne Edyer, travellour thair, Johne Donald ther, Nicoll Donald thair, Andro Hill thair, Johne and Robert Adies; Halywod: James Maxwell in Prorak, Johne, Mingo and Eduart Maxwellis, his brether, Robert Maxwell, Fourmerkland, James Maxwell in Killielong, Robert, Thomas, George and Eduart Maxwellis, his sonis, George Maxwell in Blengaber, Johne Werslie in Burnfute, David Edyer in Gullyhill, Robert Edyeir in Brunrig, Geordie Edyer in Furde, Thomas Edyier thair, Andro Edyer in Newtoun, Johne Jaksone in Killylong, Johne Macmillane in Craiginputtok, Johne Smyth in Quhytesyde, Johne Smith thair, David Welshe thair in Collistoun, Johne Smith in Serdingrass, Robert Muirheid thair, Johne Maxwell in Straquhen, Andro Mackynnay in Skinfurd, Cube Welshe thair, David Wilsoun in Speddoch, Johne Scot in Stepfurde, Robert Lowrie thair, Johne Mwring in Meringtoun, Johne Muirheid in Barquhieggane, Juhone and Thomas Scottis thair, Adame Scot thair, Roger Grier under the Wod, Jame Pirll, Johne Maxwell in Stedstoun, Geordie Edyer in Gribtoun, David Haning thair, Alexander Haning in Burnesyde, David Jaksoun, Mursyd, Johnne Jaksone thair, Johne Jaksoun, younger, Homer Gillesone, David Carrellie, Johne Greir in Dallowodie, Robert Caill, Brattill Findlaw, Johne Carnis in Brumrig, James Maxwell in Bowhill, David Haning at the Brig, Robert Grier in Kirkbryid, Roger Grier in Barndanoch, Thomas Grier in Barjarg, Gilbert Grier in Midkeir, James Greir in Beochane, Malcolme Dalrumpill in Watterside, James Porter in Midkeir, Gilbert Grier in Capinhauch, Roger Grier in Buss, Roger Kirkpatrik in Clinstoun; Drumsleit: Adame Sturgeon in Millerlandis, Thomas Amilligane in Cargane, Willie Edyer thair, William Maxwell thair, Johne Wryt thair, Johne Sturgeon thair, Johne Pane thair, Johne Sturgeone thair, Johne Edyer thair, William Maxwell thair, Thomas Maxwell, Johne Kennand thair, James Andersoun in Terrauchty, William Cunnyghame in Linclowden; Newabbay: Maistir Gilbert Brown, abbot of Sueitheirt, Johne Macghee, noter, Thomas and Gilbert Brounis, brether, Thomas Brown of Lochhill, Thomas MacCartnay of Arbar, Johne Turnour of Ardwell, Thomas Maxwell in Litillwar, Johne Turnour of the Hill, Thomas Brown of Schambelly, Robert Brown of Englistown, Johne Stewart in Clauchane, Johne Gracie, Thome Nicolsone, Johne Padyen, Johne Dryisdaill, Johne Sandersoun, Johne Maxwell, Johne Diksoun, Johne Sandersone, Johne Archibalsonie, Andro Gibsoun, Johne Turnour in Carse, Johne Thomsone, Jhone Wilsone, Andro Bell, Robert Newall, Willie Edyer, Thome Turnour, Johne Maxwell, Willie Maxwell, Pait Newall, Johne Newall, Wattie Newall, Johne Padyen, Johne Murray, James Murray, James Kirkonnell, Wattie, Thome Gilbert and Johne Patesonis, Johne Donaldsone, Johne Albert, Johne Stute, Pait Herrone, Hery Clerk, Johne Blakstok, Johne Kennand, Johne Murray, Willie Sandersone, William Maxwell of Airdis, Dik Adame and Johone Turnoris, Johne Pane, Willie Diksoun, Johne Allane, Robert Clerk, Johne Breich, Johne Gregan, Johne Baty, Johne Garmery, Johne Maxwell, Hobbie MacKie, Johne Diksoun, Johne Davidsoun, Hoby Smith, Johne Padyen; Kirkbein: Herbert Maxwell in Cavens, Hew Maxwell in Prestone, Andro Sturgeon in Coreris, William Sturgeon thair, Andro Sturgeon, his sone, Herbert Sturgeon thair, Richert Michelsoun thair, Eduart Clauchrie thair, Andro Diksone thair, Johne Edyir thair, Johne Michaell thair, Barny Kaye thair, Johne MacKie thair, Johne Turnour thair, Hoby Wilsone thair, Mathew Clark thair, Mathow MacKie thair, Roger Maxwell in Ladieland, Johne Dronand thair, James Maxwell, Andro Sturgeon thair, Thome and Johne Dronnandis, James Maxwell thair, Robert Ewart in Litle Ardrie, Willie Vatsone thair, Pait Montgomry, Johne Edyer, David Ewart thair, Johne Williamsoun in Numbelly, Adame Turnour thair, Pait Tuirnour thair, Pait Willsoun thair, Johne Willsoun thair, Robert and Andro Marchellis thair, James Guirlay thaeir, David Newall thair, Andro Williamsoun ther, Henrie Williamsone thair, William Brig in Fallowair, Thome Brig thair, Willie Brig thair, Andro MacBrum in Kirkbein, Johne MacIlvein thair, Johne MacNihen thair, Willie Kenen thair, Johne Williamsoun in Prestoun, Hoby MacKie thair, Willie Costing thair, Hobie Douart thair, Hobe Martene thair, Johne Lanerik thair, Johne and Willie Martines thair, Peter Gilbesone thair, Johne Wilsone thair, Sandie Clark thair, Johne Diksone thair, Johne Newall, Thome Newall thair, Willie Williamsone thair, Christie MacIlren thair, Johne Michelsone thair, Edmont Andersone in Glenwada, Andro Foirsythe thair, Hobie Dawsone thair, Johne Gibsone thair, Adame Diksone thair, Thomas Maxwell thair, Willie MacKie thair, Jhonn Maxwell in Mirscheid, Mathow Costing thair, Willie Costing thair, Hobie Churrie thair, Jokie Wilsone in Mirheid, Mathow Blakstok thair, Johne Sturgeon in Wrathis, Herbert Sturgeon thair, Joke Watsone thair, Hobe Young thair, Willie Gregane thair, Willie Glasinuricht thair, William Sturgeon thair, Johne Sturgeon, younger, James Sturgeon thair, David Diksone in Cavens, Andro Broun thair, Johne MacCraith thair, Thom Calyell thair, William MacTraith thair, Sandie Sitleintoun, Johne McQuhirrie thair, [...] Wilsone thair; Kirkpatrik Duram: Johne Gordoun of Troquhane, Johne Edyir in Auchinhay, Andro MacCuben thair, Johne Gordoun thair, Andro Braturch thair, Thomas Braturche thair, Roger Gordoun in Owerbar, Geordie MacMollane in Nedder Bar, Roland MacMolland thair, Johne MacMoland ther, Niniane Chrehtoun thair, Andro MacClune in Drumtonquhra, Johne Croket in Nedder Drumtonquhra, William Braturche thair, Johne Gordown in Kirtilbride, Nicoll Maxwell in Kirkland, Roland Twynomie in Bardarroch, Alexander Gordoun in Margley, Johne MacKnicht of Kilquhennand, Robert MacKnicht in Twa Markland, Johnn Scot in Tarbraikoch, Patrick Dronnand in Barmosotty, Johne Dronand in Knokwalloch, Johne Wilsoun in Kirkland, Thomas Wilsone thair, William Sinclair in Garmarting, Albert Neilsoun in Tulshangane, William Hanay thair, Fergus Hanay thair, Johne Carmont, Hucheon Twynome thair in Kirkwalloch, Willie Twynomy thair, Willie Martesoun in Monydow, Thomas Mertesoun thair, Johne Wilsone thair, Johne Ousting thair, Fergus MacKnicht in Culsyde, Henrie MacKnaycht thair, Johne MacKnaycht thair, Johne MacKnaycht thair, Johne Smith in Mule, Roger Gordoun in Lochinkit, Johne Gordoun thair, Johne Scot in Croftis, William Hendersoun in Brokloch, James Henrison thair, Johne Henrisone in MacQuhir, Johne Williamsoun thair, Roger and Johne Neilsones thair, Gillespy MacKnaycht in Litill MacQuhir, Fergus Carsane thair, William Schort in [...], Fergus Andro and Johne Neilsones thair, Robert Auchinlek, William Gibsoun, Peter Hendersone, William Neilsoun in Bartalye; Corsmichell: James Grahame in Auchindolie, Johne Grahame thair, Thome Edyir thair, Johne Stewart thair, Edwart Maxwell in Glengopok, Gillespy MacKnaycht thair, James Callen in Trodell, William Brown thair, Johne Clinyeane thair, James MacKno in Largue End, Robert Grahame thair, Cuthbert Gilneif thair, Brattill William, Gilbert James, Roger and Dowin MacCartnayis thair, James Quhire thair, George and Johne MacCartnayis thair, James McKnaycht in Ernealmery, Johne MacKnaycht thair, Richert Brown in Mekill Dryburgh, David Gall thair, Johne Garmerie thair, William Hanay thair, Johne MacQuhirrie in Litle Dryburgh, Johne Carsane thair, Johnne Amilligane thair, Thome Amylligane in Dynharg, James MacGill thair, Andro Lewris in Blakerne, James Garren, Alexander Burne thair, Herbert MacCartnay in Ernesbie, Nicoll Dowby thair, Pall Martine thair, Arthur Hillo in Hillingtoun, Herbert MacCartnay thair, George Hillo thair, James Murray in Blakpark, George MacMynneis in Fussok, Thome MacQuha thair, William Grahame in Chepmantoun, Alexander Jarding thair, Simon MacQuhynne thair, Johne MacGill in Manis, Andro Grahame thair, Johne MacMolan thair, Arthur Stewart thair, Paull Scott thair, Andro Croik thair, Johne MacMyn thair, Alexander MacGuffok thair, Andro Gaw in Croftis, Johne Gaw thair, Johne MacKno thair, James Johnnstoun thair, Richert Stewart in Culgruff, Johne Andersoun thair, Johne MacCroik thair, James Crilland thair, Johne Mathesoun in Kirkland, Johne Purwes thair, Johne Martine thair, Johnn Muire thair, Gilbert Banoch thair, James MacQuhynnie thair, Johne Corie in Blarony, Johne Torrie thair, Mathew Corbik thair, Johne Callane in Drumcrago, Kirk Miller thair, Johne MacMychin thair, Johne Young thair, Thomas Thomesoun thair, William Andersoun thair, George Gall in Lulnotre, Johne MacKnaycht thair, Johne Garrane thair, Louk MacCubbein thar, James Murray in Erneamery, James Murray thair, Gilbert Camok thair, Johne Croket thair, James Banoch, James Williamsone in Nedder Ernealmerie, Johne MacCartnay thair, Johne Robert and Michell MacMacynnes thair, Johne Grenelaw in Clairbrand, Johne Brown in Mollance, Thome MacMynneis thair, Thome Martine thair, Donald Persoun in Arnemyning, Johne Greir thair, Joc Hair thair, George Brown in Garrentoun, Robert MacCartnay thair, Jonn Garren, thair; Butill: Johnne Maxwell in Balgredden, Robert Maxwell in Braikoch, George Mayre in Hawmyre, James Muir in Daldawing, Alexander Gordoun in Slognay, David Max[...] in Trewgrayne, Johne MacGill in Knox, Allane Muire, Robert Lowrie in Litle Knox, George Carnis in Muncheis, Johne Gorlay in Castelgour, Johne Gordown in Cuill, David Neilsoun in Hakaclathis, Thomas MacCartnay in Craigtoun, Johnn Smith in Guffokland, Johne Smithe in Corbartoun, Johne MacCallolby in Lochdougane, Herbert Patersoun thair, Johne MacGhee thair, Paull Foulair thair, Johne Ahanay thair; Ananderdaill: George Carutheris of Holmendis, elder, Johne Carutheris of Holmendis, younger, Christie Carutheris in Dormont, Sym Carutheris in Ramarscallis, Sym Carutheris in Ile, Robert Carutheris in Brydgill, Johne Carrutheris in Raffallis, Andro Carrutheris in Robequhat, Johne Carrutheris in Danebie, Robert and Johne Carrutheris ther, Rolland Lindsay thair, Johne Carrutheris in Butterquhat, Willie Carrutheris in Fourtene Aiker, Johne Carrutheris, his sone, Andro Carrutheris in Almtgill, Johne Carrutheris in Dormont, Robert Carrutheris thair, Johne Cunninghame in Dormont, Leonard Huchesoun thair, William Carrutheris in Middillraw, Rolland Carrutheris thair, Johne Carrutheris in Halydahill, Cuthbert Carrutheris ther, Johne Car thair, Johne Halyday thair, younger and elder, Robert and William Archihaldsouns, Herbert Walker in Daltoun, George, William, Gawin and Thomas Walkeris thair, Thomas Perk thair, Johnn Carrutheris thair, Mungo Carrutheris thair, Gilbert Hendersoun thair, Thomas Carrutheris in Dyk, Herbert and Johne Carrutheris thair, Nicoll Gask thair, Johne Ra thair, Johne Gask thair, William Moscrope their, Marke Gask thair, Simon Graham in Howchquhat, Mathew Bell thair, Johne Robsone in Raffellis, Johne Carrutheris thair, Johne Carruthis in Kirkhill, Johne Nicolsone thair, David Coipland thair, Johne Cau in Houp, Johnn Blythman thair, David Neilsone thair, Richart Nicolsone thair, Robert Ra thair, James Allansone thair, Nicoll Gask in Ischefauld, Johne Car in Hoill, Johne Dowbem thair, Johne Palmur in Butterquhat, Johne Palmer, younger, thair, James Carrutheris thair, George Hauch in Clois, James Nicolsone thair, Robert Nicolsoun, Johne Baty in Topwod, Johne Grahame in Daltounhuik, Thomas Grahame thair, Mathew Bell thair, Hew Baty thair, Archie Horne in Bengaw, Johne Bell thair, William Carrutheris in Kirkland, Johne Archibaldsone thair, Johne Rae thair, William Patersone thair, Thomas Rae thair, Mathow Gibsone thair, Thomas and Johnn Gibsonis thair, Johne Wrycht thair, Gilbert Bell in Gavilburne, Johne Bell in Middeschaw, Johne Park in Southsyde, William Bellit, callit Butler Willie, Andro Rae in Castellmilk, George Carrutheris in Egeschaw, Richert Carrutheris thair, Andro Bell in Langdyk, Johne Bell thair, Thomas Bell in Cowthquhat, Johne Davidsoun in Castelbank, Robert Carrutheris in Harthquhat, Johne Latymmer thair, James Coipland thair, Johne Fergussone in Rowell, Johne Clerk thair, Johne Patersoun thair, Thomas Craik in Carthwod, Johne Latymar thair, Johne Clerk thair, Patrick Clerk thair, Adame Johnstoun thair, Edvert Quheldone thair, Johne Johnstown thair, Edward Craik thair, Johne Wallace thair, Rob Diksone thair, Peter Clerk thair, George Gask thair, James Mons thair, Roger Kirkpatrick thair, Rowe Bell in Rokell, Adame Caldill in Cokisfeild, William Bell in Nuik Ranie, Johne and Wat, his brether, Osuall Bell, Thome Bell in Seidhill, Johne Bell in Dyk, Johne Bell, his brother, Thome Bell of Yettis, Johne Bell, sone to Thome Bell in Sheilgrein, Alexander Bell in Williambie, William, Johne and Thome Bellis, his brether, William Bell in Williambiehals, Johne Bell in Wodheid, David Bell, his brother, Mathe and William Calbartis, Johne Quhytheid, Jok Bell, Umphra Bell in Bank, Job Bell, William Bell, his sone, Wat Bell in Middilbehill, Johne Bell in Clynt, Thome and Jinkin Bellis, brether, Andro Bell in Langdyke, Dik Bell, Christie Bell in Clynthill, Arche Bell, his brother, Johne Bell of Land, Johne Davidsone, William Bell in Blakathous, Wat, Thome, Frances, Riche and Johne Bellis, brether to the said William, William Grahame, sone to Will Grahame, Christie Irving in Wodend, Edward Irving, his sone, David Irving in Vyisbie, Gib, Will and Johne Irving there, Mungo and William Robsones, Geordie and Johne Bellis, Andro Turnour, Nikie Bell, Gibis Nekie, Thome Blak, William Bell, callit Litle Willie, Edvert Irving in KirkPatrik, Wattie, Francie, Abrahame and Richert Irvingis, his sonis, Dik, Gawin, William, Walter and Johne Irvingis, sonis to Dik, amangis the Rasches, William Bell in Myrse, David, Richert, Eduart and William Bellis his sonis, Wattie Coltert, Umphra Phareis, Thome Gibsone, Johne Richertsone, Ediuart Richertsone, David and Dik Richertsonis, Richert Forgussone, Herbert Wilkein, Andro Litill, Cuthbert Patesone, Niniane Neilsone, Johne Phareis, Gawin Irving, Walter Irving in Robgill, Mathow David and Cuthbert Irvingis, Robert Rae, Cuthbert Murray, bailie of Annandale, Johne Dik, Johne and Archie Wilsonis, Ade Bell, James Splendergast, Ade and Robert Quhites, Richie Alesone, William Quhite, Mark Rae, Andro Turnour, Geordie Wilsone, Nikie Bell, Christie Wilsoun, Johne Rae, William Rae, Johne Rae, James Quhyte, Mathe Irving in Hurkildaill, Richie Irving thair, Jok Irving, his man, Mathe Hill in Stanebrigis, Christie Irving in Wod, Hobie Irving, his brother, Johne Johnstoun in Hychill, Richie Irving in Murrayis, Eduart Irving, his brother, Johne Gass, Johne Davidsone in Cummertreis, Mathe Irving, callit Meggis Mathe, Johne, brother sone to Meggis, Wat Bell in Wiltoun, Andro Davidsone, Christie Davidsone, William Thomsone in Clynt, Andro and Johne Thomsonis, his brether thair, Thomas Carrutheris of Wirmonbie, Charles and William Carrutheris, his sonis, Johne Irving, laird of Skaill, Dik Uruing, his sone, Hew Litill in Skaillis, Hobie Irving thair, Thome Dowglas thair, Willie Pott thair, Patoun Bell in Hiemure, Thome Bell in Cowthquhat, Andro Bell in Owllcoittis, Dik Bell in Clint, Niniane Bell in Middilbekirk, Alexander and Patone Bellis, his brether, Williame Johnnstoun in Reidhall, Johne David, Willie Edward, Gawin and Geordie Johnstonis, sonis to the said Williame, David Johnstown, brother to William of Reidhall, Charlie Johnstoun in Redhall, Gib and Johne Jhonestonis thair, Christie Bell thair, Johne Baty thair, Thome Murray thair, Hobie Diksone thair, Johne Jhonestone of Gretnay, Leny Irving in Gretnahill, Johne Jhonestoun in Righeidis, Jame Johnstoune in Brumhill, Mathe MacKeddirk in Cawartisholme, Johne Forgusone thair, Sym Dagleis thair, Geordy and Rwe and Johne Hoippis thair, Cubie and Johne Halidayis thair, Johne Irving in Sloistis, Leny Irving in Gretnay, Wat Irving in Gretnahill, Francie and [...] Irvingis, his sonis, Eduart Irving in Sowron, Thome Carrutheris thair, Willie Irving in Gretnahill, Johne, Mathie and Eduart Irvingis, his sonis, Richie Irving in Gretnahill, Joke Tully, Jok Browne, Niniane Irving, Eduart Irving in Gretnahill, Willie Irving, his sone, Adie Bell, Wat Irving in Gretnahill, younger, James Carrutheris, Mingo Irving in Braidleyis, Hobie Irving, his son, David Bell, Johne Irving in Steilhill, Hobie Irving, his sone, Wat Richertsone, David Irving, sone to Jokis Willie, Willie Browne, Andro Murray of Morequhat, David Murray of Morequhat, Herbert Irving in Sowwod, Peter Young in Morequhat, Geordie Murray thair, Riche Palimer thair, Johne Murray thair, Patrik Hoip thair, Geordie Irwing thair, James Pott in Annand, Johne Quarriour thair, Adame Hair thair, Willie Rig thair, Christie Irving of Cowthquhat, Johne Jinkin, Cubie, William and Cristie Irvingis, sonis the said Christie, Arthour Grahame of Blawart Wod, Johne and David Grahamis, his sonis, Thome Rome in Bidoch, James, Andro, Johne, Herbert, Jame and Johne Romes thair, Ade and Peter Brattonis thair, David and Johne Marschellis thair, Ade Rome, James Brattoun, Johne Wallace thair, Peter Rome, sone to Joke, Joke Birrell, elder, in Stokis, Johne Bell in Stokis, Johne Rome, sone to Nikie, Thome Gask in Hirst, Pet Keltoun in Bouchthill, Roger Lowsone thair, Thome Davidsone thair, Hobie and Jame Clerkis thair, Jinkin Lawsone in Blawartwod, Johne Richertsone thair, Richie Grahame in Langrigis, Robert Grahame, his sone, Jhone Crutoun in Langrigis, Geordie Steill thair, Jeffra Tullie thair, Geordie Lowsone thair, Thome Johnstoune in Preistwodsyde, Gilbert, Cuthbert, Francie and Thome Johnstonis thair, David Johnstown, sone to Gib; Esdaill, Ewisdaill, Wauchoipdaill: David Baty in Blakest Alie, Rowe, Hew, Johne and David Batyis, his sonis, Andro Baty in Blakest, Archie and Niniane Batyis thair, Niniane Ewart thair, James Thomesone thair, Thome Scot thair, Willie and Robie Batyis thair, Lowrie Pot thair, David Dalgleis in Wotcariok, David Baty thair, Jame Achesone thair, Ade Glendoning thair, Adie Grahame thair, David Baty in Cauldkin, Johne and Wat Batyis, his brether, Jhonn Baty of Burne, sone to Adame, Hew, Johne, Geordie, Jinkin, Wattie and Adie Batyis, the said Johnis brether, Jame Baty, Mungois Jame in Killclewis, Wattie and Mingo Batyis, his sonis, Johne Batie, sone to Mingo in Ronelburne, Wattie Rowe and Thome Batyis, his brither, Johne Batie, sone to Arthour, Johne Baty in Carlisgill, Geordie, Nikie, David, Wattie Sime and Wat Batyis thair, Jok Andro, Jame, Jok, Andro Batyis thair, Adame Baty in Yetbyre, Charlie Batie thair, Mathew Baty, his sone, Jame Baty thair, Nikie Baty in Quhithauch, Robe Baty thair, Robe Baty in Byre, Sim Baty thair, Mathew Batie, sone to Lang Andro, Geordie and Andro Baties, Steine, Sim and David Bateyis, thrie brether, Wat Batie of the Scheill, Jok Batie his brother, David and Neke Batyis, tua brether, Jhonn Batie in Bank Heid, Johne Baty, Braid, Johne Batie of the Corss, Andro, Sandie and Wattie Bateis, thre brether, Johne Batie his man, Jok Batie, sone to the Bra, Andro Batie, sone to Trurie, Adie Batie, his brother, Johne Batie in Glenbervell, Johne Glendoning, crowner, Johne Glendoning, als Felhour, Johne Batie of Davingtoun, Johne Willie, Wattie, Geordie, Hobbie Bateis, sonis to the said Johne, Robe, Joke, Johne, Peter, Andro and Hew Bateis, Joke Glespie, Adie Litill, Andro Baty, sone to Hew, David, Nicoll and Jok Aitkins, Johne Rae, Christe and Joke Litillis, Jame Bennet, Thome Rae, Jok Ranik, Jame, Jok and Syme Brigis, Ade Thomsone, Rowe MacCrie, Sym MacCrie, Naving Baty, Johne Aitkine, Johne Glendoning, Johne Dagless, Andro Baty, Eduart, Johne and Sym Thomsonis, Johne Thomsone, als Rowll, Johne, Peter and Jame Betyis, Dik and Will Thomsonis, Geordie and Wattie Batyis, Jhonn Batie, als Nekeis, Jhonn, Archie, Nekie, Adame, Wattie and David Baties, Alie Batie in Trowhoillis, Andro Batie, his brother, Johne and Jame Glendoningis, Johne Haliday, Mathew Glendoning in Castelhiil, Arche Glendoning thair, Rowe Baty in Waster Ker, Cristie, Archie and Willie Batyis, Jhonn Brown in Croisdykis, Jhonn Brown, younger, Peter Glendoning, Peter Grahame, Jok Glendoning, Wattie Crek, Jhonn Batie in Milgill, Bartill Glendoning, Syme Glendoning, Berny Cowpar, Andro Baty, Syme Scot, Syme Baty, Nikie Scot, Willie Banet, Johne Boy, Jhonn Litill, George Grahame in Carrutheris Park, Andro Grahame, his brother, Wattie and Thome Grahames thair, Jhonn Bek, Johne Bell thair, Richie Bell in Hottis, Nicoll Moffett, Adame Halyday, Ranie Bell, Jhonn Batie of the Linholme, Andro Batie, his servand, Thome Batie of the Lynholme, his brother, Jhonn Bell thair, Rowe Batie thair, Nikie Batie thair, Thome Litill, elder, in the Cuill, Thome Litill, youngar thair, Johne, Andro and Mathew Litillis thair, Nekie Title in Dalduran, Jok, Andro, Sym, Archie, Clemet and David Litillis thair, Johne and Jok Litillis thair, Pait Litill in Craigmekle, Wat Litill in Stankgait, Wat Litill thair, Johne Litill in Singland, Rowe, Jame, Alexander, Andro and Syme Litillis thair, Jhone Litill in Burnefute, Geordi Litle thair, Cuddy Litill in Stabilgortoun, Andro, Willie and Wattie Litillis thair, Johne Litle in Pollorane, Archie Litle in Potholine, Adie Litill in Dowglen, Nike Litill in Milholme, Wattie and Francie Litillis, his sonis, Rowe Litill thair, Rowe Litill, callit Archies Rowe, Thome Litill thair, Syme Litill thair, Syme Litill in Bankheid, Nikie Litle in Brekcanwray, Andro Litle thair, Archie Litiil thair, Rowe Litill thair, David Litill in Clois, Johne, Thome and Persell Litillis thair, Mathowis, Jhonn Litill thair, David and Jok Litles thair, Andro Litill, sone to Wat, Wat Litill in Igill, Rowe Litill thair, Johne Irving in Over Dowglen, Richie and Cristie Irvingis thair, Brattill Irving in Dowglencleuch, David Jok and Alexander Irvingis thair, Cristie Armestrang in Barnegleis, Jhonn Murray, his man, Christie Murray, Andro Carrutheris, Thome Bell, Robert Halyday, Will Bell the Stell, Jhonne Litill, Jok Huik, Johne Thomsone, Jok Bell, his servandis, Jhonn Armestrang of Calsfeild, Jhonn Rowclege, Dand Armestrang, James Roger, Will Michelsone, Thomas Aikinheid, Johne Huik, Niniane Armstrang of the Neis, Christie Armstrang, his sone, Jhonn Litill, Jhonn Crosset, Johne Armestrang in Hoilhous, Johne Armestrang in Glinyer, Andro Armistrang, his sone, Rowe William and Christie Armstrangeris, brether to the said Johne, Will Armestrang in Teikmie, Thome Armstrang in Glinyer, Geordie Armestrang in Blakbakheid, Johnn Irving in Sikheid, Geordie Johne and Christie Irvingis, sonis to Gib in Blakbaksyd, Johne Irving in Hag, Jok Moffet in Glinyer, Armstrang in Thornyquhattie, Jhonn Turnour thair, Niniane Turnour thair, Archie Armestrang in Tarkima, Archie and Robert Armestrangis, sonis to Cristie in Langholme, Iyngrie Armestrang of Raltoun, Richie Irving in Auchinruvok, Sandie Irving thair, Johne Carrutheris in Glinyer, Cristie Michelsone in Tuimschelburne, Johne Michelsone, his sone thair, Will Coltert thair, Thome Wilsone thair, Andro Turnour thair, Archie Armestrang, marcheand, William Armestrang callit Kynmont, Johne, Geordie, Francie, Thome, Sandie, Jhonn and Ringane Armestrangis, sonis to Kynmont, Robert Grahme, duelland on Serk Watter, William Scott thair, Thomas Reidpeth, Johne Lintoun thair, Willie Bell thair, Geordie Litill thair, Mertine Thomsone thair, Dave Baty thair, Jame Cowane thair, Andro Giffert thair, Robert Makillwitty, writter, to Kinmont, Archie and Adame Thomsonis, Nicoll Baty in Carlisgill, Will Litill, als Pyk Ekie, Dick and Wat Litillis, Niniane, Thome, George and Will Ellattis, Johne Armestrang in Wauchoipdaill, Henrie, Ade, Archie, Johne and Syme Litillis, Johne Armestrang, als Reltoun, Will, Sandie and Jok Armestrangis, George Baty in Nedder Croisdykis, Niniane Palmer, Johne Purdoun, Jame Irving, Dandy, Andro and Cristie Armestrangis, Johne Armestrang, Thome Grahame, Jame Armestrang in Capilgill, Jynkin Grahme in Logane, Peter Grahame thair, Pait Bell thair, Mathow Irving, Matho Baty, Johne Lindsay, Mark Alexander and Thome Carrutheris, Jok and Archie Batyis, Geordie Thomsone in Kirkgill, Joke Thomesone thair, Adie and Joke Thomsonis, his brether, Wat in Allebasterland, Johne Thomsone thair, Johne Thomsone in Kirkgill, Archie Thomsone in Allebasterland, Nikie and Jok Thomsonis thair, Johne Thomsone in Pollorane, Hectour Armestrang in Stubholme, Geordie Armestrang in Arkiltoun, Niniane, Geordie, Martine, Dandy and Mingo Armestrangis, his sonis, Niniane and Hobie Armestrangis, Andro Litill, Willie Brown, Willie Nielsone, Eduart Littill, Johne Armestrang alias Rakass, Willie Grahme, Thome Scott in Blakhall, Johne Scot, his sone, Johne Ellot in Wod End, Rowe Ellocht of the Hall, Hob and Will Ellottis, brether, Riche Grahme in Wodend, Willie Ellat, Lord Archie Armestrang in Arkiltoun, Johne Armestrang, his sone, Adam Scott in Mospebill, Jhonn Scott, his sone, Johne, Geordie and Will Scottis, Jok Scott in Arkiltoun, Archie Irving thair, Jok Ellat in Bowgranis, Niniane Armestrang, the lairdis Niniane, Joke, Armestrang, his sone, Johnn Armestrang Howgill, Andro Armestrang, Thome Kirkpatrik, Andro Turnour, Jhonn Armestrang in Munkbehirst, Johne, Niniane and Christie Armestrangis, brether, Rowe Armestrang, the lairdis Rowe, Johne and Ringane Armestrangis, his sonis, Jynkin, Archie and Willie Nicolsonis, Jhonn Johnstoun, Thome Armestrang of Gryngillis, Abe Ringane, Cristie, Archie, Thome, Jok and Ade Armestrangis, his sonis, Wattie, Mathew, George, Sim and Johne Litillis, Ade Glendoning, Thome Coltert, Ade Hoip, Rowe Armestrang of Brumholme, Thome Armestrang, sone to the lairdis Rowe, Geordie Thomesoun, George Armestrang in Catgill, William Wilsoun, Johne Moffet, Ade and Johne Batyis, Johne Purwess, James Wauch, Ringane Armestrang of Auchinbedrig, Sim, Thomas and Robert Armestrangis, James and Alexander Halydayis, Cristie, Johne, Arthour and Thome Bellis, Andro Lowrie, Arche Tawart, Adame Pott, George Armestrang in Betholme, Patone Armestrang thair, Rob Halyday, Andro Baty, Johne Grahme in Hoill, David and Archie Grahmes, Symon Grahme in Logane, George Robe and Jok Batyis, Mertein Moffet, Jok and Thome Wilsonis, Serge Halyday, Umphra Rewll, Johne Irving, Thome Hendersone in Brekanquhat, Umphra Bell, alias Lamb, Johne Corrie, Jhonne Kirkpatrik, Willie Millair, Serge Armestrang, brother to Kynmont, Johne Johnnestoun, Jeffra Irving, Archie Irving, Jok Grahme, Rob Clerk, Willie Kirkpatrik, David Watsone, Wattie Grahme, Thomas Jhonnstoune, Adame, George and Richie Raes, Cristie Armestrang in Carron, Quhintting, Andro and Geordie Armestrangeis, brether, Cristie Armestrang, sone to Quintine, Jok Armestrang, sone to Andro, Niniane Armestrang, sone to Patonis Niniane, Geordie Armestrang in Thornyquhatt, Cristie Armestrang, callit Armestrangis Cristie, Johne Turnour in Torniquhatt, Jame Armeistrang in Carrono, Thome Armestrang of Gyngillis, sone to Andro, Ade Murray, Willie Dryane, Jame and Archie Litillis, Archie Baty, Mathe Litill, Jame Litill, Eduart, Ringane and Lance Armestrangis, Willie Scott, Ade Scott, Ale, Archie and Georde Armestrangis, Ade and Jame Grahmes, Roger Armestrang, Ekie Armestrang, Gyngill, Andro Armestrange, his sone, Thome Armestrang, Hob and Alie Wilsonis, Geordie Arimestrang, Nekie Grahme, Jynkin, Davie, Gibbie, Johne, Jok, Bartie and Sandie Litillis, Peter, Jok and Alexander Bellis, Cudde Litill, Joke Irving, Andro Bell, Jame Bell, Alexander Armstrang of the Gingills, Thome Armestrang in Craig, sone to Alexander, Mathow Litill thair, Arche, Willie and Hewe Armestrangis, brether, of the Gyngliss, Sim Litill, laird of Mekill Daill, Archie, Wattie, Johne and Adie Litillis, Johne Scott, Andro Littil, Jok Turnour in Kirktoun, Cudde Litill thair, Johne Scot thair, Willie Stevinsone thair, George Armestrang, Howgill, Andro Hendersoun thair, Thome Armestrang of the Wray, Jok Armestrang, Will Litill in Bombie, Geordie and Johne Litles, brether, Jesper Geordie, Will, Rob, Nekie and Jok Litillis thair, Jok Litill, sone to Jhonn Litill, Wattie Litill thair, Niniane Armestrang in Brumholme, Johne, Ekie and Antonie Armestrangis thair, Herbert Irving thair, Capitane Jhonn Maxwell of Akynheid, Lieutennent Thomas Marteine, Anseinyie, Thomas MacBlair, Sarjand James Newall, Sarjand, Robert Gurlay, Corporell Thomas Salwricht, C. William Steil, C. William Sinclair, La. Jhonn Carrutheris, La. Johne Thomesone, La. Andro Glencorse, furreour, Thomas Welshe, Taburrie, Thomas MacCaddoun, Johne Kyd, Johne Wilsone, Gilbert Barncleuch, Thomas Gledstanis, [...] Gledstanis, his brother, Johnne Maxwell in Ile, Jame Carrutheris, Archie Boid, Cube Rodik, Willie MacCrie, Nicoll Edyir, Johne Maxwell in Barchell, Malcolme MacKynnay, Johne Naper, David Welshe, Jame Grier, Johne Glencors, Thome Carrutheris, Johne Edyer in Holme, Willie Edyer, Johne Maxwell, tailyeour, Thomas Martene, tailyeour, Willie Mertine, Johne Mertene, Mathow MacCrie, Johne Diksoun, Robert Maxwell, Geordie Maxwell, Pait Schitlingtoun, Thome Spence, Roger Muireheid, Thomas Wallace, Fergie Neilsoun, Herbert Carrutheris, Johne Wilsoun, cuik, Willie MacMorrin, Jhonn Thomesone, Watty Quhyt, Stein Robsone, Johne Browne, William Irving, Jhonn Lowrie, Jhonn Rodden, Andro Lowrie, Jhonn Maxwell, fourmarkland, Robert Smith, William Maxwell, Malcolme MacKynnell, David MacMath, Robert Raid, Herbert Carleill, Andro Diksoun, Herbert Donkane, Robert Frissell, Johne Andersoun, David Welshe, Jame Clerk, Jhonn Scott, Thomas Amilligane, Archibald Carrutheris, Adame Blak, Peter Millair, Thomas Wallace, Johne MacKein, William Stewart, Thomas Potter, Nicoll Hathow, George Maxwell, James Thomsone, Amer Grier, James Portair, Edvert Maxwell, Stein Glencorse, Archie Welsshe, Jhonn MacFadyen, James Reid, Robert Huchesone, Willie Andersoun, Thomas Hapyland, Cuthbert Millair, Edvert Duncane, Corporell Richert Lokhart, David Edyer, smyth, Jhone Maxwell, Craigis, Hew Moffet, James Dempstar, James Carmont, Patrik Sandersone, Andro Maxwell, James Amilligane, Peter Williamsone, Sandie Brattoun, James Cariok, Johne Edyer, Johne Keltoun, Johne Campbell, James Kennair, Andro Millair, Johne Davidsone, Johne Mein, Hew Mongomerie, Patrik Maxwell, Allane Hamiltone, Johne Gordoun, Thomas Kirkpatrik, Johne Scharpio, Johne MacKie, sword slyper, Martene Murdoch, Robert Millair, Geordie Latimer, Andro Brattoun, Thomas Wricht, Jhone MacKie, Herbert Maxwell, Andro Wilsone, Richert Hareis, Robert Hereis, James Irving, Robert Foirsyth, Herbert Clerk, Jame Gaw, Robert Horner, Willie Calye, Johne Gilsang, Lebody, Thomas Ahanay, Thomas Hereis, Roger MacMorie, Gilbet Wresone, Robert Fleming, Thomas Darioch, Robert Rogie, Robert Bomano, William Shankis, William Grahme, Jhonn Wodhall, David MacKein, Andro MacClellan, Sandie Lowrie, Alexander Blaik, Patrik Lewris, Mertene Murdoch, Mathew Tynding, Henrie Calseir, Johne MacWaltir, Johne Carmichell, Gilbert Edislaw, Richie Bell, Alexander MacCulloch, Johne Jhonestoun, Johne Pott, Lieutennent David Oliphant, C. Thomas Dawsone, C. Simon Moffet, S. James Heriot, S. Gilbert Caldwall, S. Johne Diksone, S. Robert Bukmyre, Capitane James Fraser, Lieutennent James Frend, A Johne Cunnghame, Co. Patrik Kay, Co. Thomas Barry, Johne Gaw, La. Johne Dempster, William Yuile, Edvert Mekill, William Phaop, Thomas Hanay, Jhonn Huik, Johne Barbour, Johne Gaychane, Cudbert Meik, Johne Libody, Donald Hay, William Grahme, William Cunnghame, Gillespie MacKnayth, Johne Stewart, Johne Cunnghame, Johne Lermonth, Alexander MacClellan, Ninian Muirheid, James Gibsone, Johne Mundell, David MacKein, Charles Craufurde, Thomas Chreichtoun, David Hay, Johne Wilsone, Co. Johne MacCulloch, William Herone, Andro Archibaldsone, Walter Irving, David Richertsone, Robert Gardner, Ringane Kirkpatrik, Adame Pauling, Homer Bodden, Patrik Asloane, Robert Stewart, William MacCulye, La. Alexander Bog, Thomas Doddis, Johne Edyer, James Rae, Williame MacKewn, Archibald Oliver, James Broun, Johne Kaill, Thomas Raning, James Grier, Robert Haning, James MacKewn, Thomas MacCairtnay, William Cunnghame, Johne Mertene, Perforce William Scot, Jhonn Montgomerie, George MacMyra, Thomas Spence, Edvert Law, Jame Grier, eldair, Johne Mure, Thomas Mure, Gilbert MacNelly, Johne Barry, Patrik Gibsone, Johne Pantoun, Fergus MacDowell, Andro MacBrum, James Baxter, William Coipland, Gilbert Mekill, Johne MacCawll, William Mongomery, Johne Huik, Adam Loch, David Richertsone, younger, Thomas Suirt, Captaine William Maxwell, L. David Oliphant, A. Thomas MacBrair, S. Johne Vauss, Johne Glessell, Robert Maxwell, C. Clement Edyer, L. David Andersone, L. Nicholl Scrimgeour, Mathew Hairstanis, Thomas Adamsone, Johne Litilljhone, James MacQuhune, Johne Smith, Adam Walkar, Alexander Glendoning, William Maxwell, William Maitland, Johne Schoirt, Andro Mane, Johne Charteris, Johne Wilsone, turnour, Andro Dargawell, Robert Craufurd, Robert Greg, Johne Fergussone, wobstair, Robert Wilsone, Johne MacMorren, Johne Edyer, Cuddie Kae, Johne Hunter, Elleis Maxwell, Gawin Kirkpatrik, Johne Hornet, Johne MacKynnell, Johne MacDowell, Andro MacKie, William Charteris, Patrick Hoslane, Edvert Rawling, William Guffok, Johne Ketoun, Thomas Richertsone, Thomas Williamsone, Johne Kae, Simon MacKnaycht, David Hynd, Johne Hynd, Johne Edyir, minister, Johne Kennand, Johnn MacBurnie, William Palmer, Johnn Quhite, Johnn Hochane, James Burne, Herbert Diksone, Johnn Haistie, Andro Asloane, Andro Aitkin, William Murray, Johnne Fyane, Jhonn Frude, Adam Raning, Fergus Reid, Thomas Moffet, James Kirkpatrik, Jame Schaw, Johne Wichtmane, Johne Hendersone, David Wilsone, Niniane Smart, Mathow Tynding, Michell Uchtersone, William Cowane, Johne Yair, Johne Michelsone, Johne Heron, Hobie MacKie, Robert Dune, James MacGill, William Abercrumme, William Clerk, Thomas Riche, Johne Wodhall, Adame Thomsone, Mathow Turnour, Henrie Amilligane, William Jhonnstone; Lochirby: Robert Fleming, Gilbert MacClammochin, Andro Johnstown, Richert Bell, Jhonn Moffett, Johne Tolibody, Mingo Maxwell, Andro Gray, Johne MacGub, Johne Rawling, Robert Craufurde, Johne and Roger Kirkpatriks, William Neilsone, Herbert Jhonnstoun, Robert Miller, Nicoll Forrest, James Lawsone, Thomas MacKie, Johne Diksone, Ingleshe, William Johnstone, Andro Browne, James Byris, Jhonn Palmer, Antonie Wild, Johnn Key, Fergus Reid, William Clerk, Johne Brich, George Moffett, Robert Edyer, Richie Thomesone, Johne MacCulloch, Johne Kae, Geordie Wollis, Johne Corshane, Johne Rowell, Johne Gledstanis, younger, Herbert Cunnighame, saidler, Cube Cuninghame, Robert Pantersone, Andro Robsone, Herbert Birkmyre, Andro Blakstok, Willie Schortrig, Michell Andersone, Robert Murdoch, Mark Wardlaw, Gilbert Baty, Johne Hairstanis, Johne Donkane, Jhonn Fergussone, Johne Louk, Johne Kirk, Mathow Irving, Johne Mundell, Robert Foirsyth, Johne Cunnghame, tailyeour, David Gordoun, Willie Hoip, Robert Greir, Hobie Diksone, Jame Welshe, Johne Rawling, Nicoll Foirsycht, Willie Edyir, Andro Grier, Adame Walkair, James Maxwell, David Maxwell, Johne Patersone, Robert Newall, Mathew Tait, Cube Hewat, Johne Patersone, Capitane Johne Maxwell of Newlaw, Cornet Alexander Maxwell in Logane, Quarter Maister James Hunter in Drumshynoch, Q. Andro Lindsay of Sergirth, Trumpet Willie Diksone, Roger Gordoun in Kirconniell, James Cannon, Johne Carrutheris in Holmendis, Herbert Hunter in Drumshynoch, James MacClellan in Neddirthrid, William Dowglas in Pennerie, Cudbert Murray, Charlie Murray of Aket, Wat Irving of Robgill, Francie Carleill, sone to Jok, Cubie Amilligane, laird Wormonbie, younger, Willie Carrutheris his brother, Thome MacBrair, Johne Kirkpatrick, Thomas Maxwell, James Maxwell, Prestislandis, Patone Bell, Hie Muire, David Bell, Holme Heid, Wattie Bell in Middilbehill, Stein Glencors of that Ilk, Johne Carrutheris of Danebie, Wattie Bell, sone to Jok, Richie Bell his brother, Will Grahme, claithman, Geordie Bell of Annand, Robert Murray of Clonyet, Alexander Camon, Johne Murray, Johne Gordoan, Leonard Rodik, Francie Armestrang of Kynmont, Jame Armestrang in Canobie, Francie Armestrang in Quhythauch, Francie Carleill, sone to Alexander, Jhonn Johnstoun of Land, Geordie Grahame of Carrutheris, Niniane Armestrang of Auchinbedrig, Francie Irving of Kirkpatrik, Wat Irving his brother, Dik Irving among the rashes, Richie Bell, Slagon, Umphra MacGowne, Johne Jhonnstoun in Cummertreis, Richie Murray aket Sandie Armestrang, Kynmont, Francie Armestrang, Flatt, James Hunter, Robert Murray, Johne Johnstoun, Tundergarth, Andro Johnsone, Myreheid Robert Armestrang, Hobe Grahme, Johne Grahme, Captaine George Carruthers of Holmendis, Cornet Charlis Carrutheris, his sone, Q. Hew Maxwell in Balgredden, Q. Edvert Irving of Kirkpatrik, Abrahame and Edvert Irvingis, his sonis, Cristie Carrutheris, Dormont, Willie Carrutheris, his brother, George Grahme, Meidhoip, Hobe Sturgeoun, Andro Sturgeon, Johne Carrutheris, Ramerschallis, Mathow Carrutheris, Johne Bell, David Irving, Robgill, Willie Armestrang, Twedane, Willie Johnstoun, Preistdykis, Richie Grahme, Meidhoip, Johne Francie, Sim, Fergus and Wattie Grahmes, his sonis, Wattie Grahme, Akinschawhill, William Grhame, Beddoskholme, William Blaikburne, Johne Robesone, Johne Carrutheris, Johne Gibsone, Willie Grahme, Blawartwod, Robert Grahme, Langrigis, Jame Rome, Cordoche, Sym Grahme, Serk Jeffrais, Will Irving, Wat Irving, Cawartisholme, Hobe Sturgeon, Richie Irving, Willie Irving in Milflat, Andro Bell, Holmheid, Andro Wresone, Geordie Grahme, William Wrycht, Sym Carrutheris, Patrik Dunbar, William Menzeis in Castelhill, Archibald Menzeis, Alexander Dowglais, Johne Maxwell, Mersheid.
[1585/12/39]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord, with advise and consent of his thre estaitis convenit in this present parliament, will and grantis and, for his hienes and his successouris, decernis and ordanis that all ministeris, maistiris of collegis and skuillis quhilkis departit furth of this realme at ony tyme within the space of thrie yeiris bipast salbe restorit and repossessit to ther benefices, landis, levingis, offices and posessionis and to thair guidis and debtis extant, to be bruikit, josit and occupiet be thame as befoir the trubillis intervenit, notwithstanding ony actis or proces led or maid aganis thame or dispositionis maid of that quhilk pertenit to thame of befoir, quhilkis his hienes willis and commandis to hawe na force to thair hinder or prejudice; and ordanis lettres to be direct for thair repossessioun in like maner as ar grantit for the noblemen and utheris, his hienes subjectis, laitlie ressavit to his majesties favour and obedience, providing that the rentis of the saidis collegis yit extant in the tennentis handis and on intromettit with befoir the last feist of Martimes during the said space, be disponit fruitfullie ad pios usus and the commoditie of the said collegis, be the sicht and advise of the lordis of his hienes chekker; and ordanis lettres to be directit heirupoun, if neid beis, in forme as effeiris.
[1585/12/40]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord, be advise of this present parliament, statutis and ordanis that the nearest agnettis and kinsmen of naturall foulis, ideottis and furious salbe servit, ressavit and preferrit according to the dispositioun of the commoun law to thair tutorie and curatorie; and seing his hienes dearest cousing James, erle of Arrane is declairit ideot and impos mentis, and hes bene destitut of ane lawfull curatour be the lait exile and banishement of Johne, lord Hamiltoun, Claud, commendatair of Paislay, and utheris, his nearest kinsmen and friendis, oure said soverane lord, be the advise foirsaid, declaris the said Johnn, lord Hamiltoun able and capable as nearest agnet and kinsmen to the said James, erle of Arrane, to use and exerce the office of curatorie to him for the reull and administratioun of his landis, lordschipis, effaris and leving; and ordanis his hienes brevis to be direct to that effect, to serve the said Johne to the said office of curatorie, notwithstanding the dative gevin be his hienes to the lait chancellar, the quhilk is declarit be this present act to be retreatit, rescindit, cassit and annullit and sall be of na strenth, force nor effect in ony tyme heireftir.
[1585/12/41]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Oure soverane lord, with advise of his thrie estaitis convenit in this present parliament, for wechtie and guid considerationis moving thame tending to the establisching of quietnes and universale obedience within this realme, thairwith considering and having tryit the constant affectioun and dewtifull obedience towardis his hienes of his weilbelovitt Lord Claude Hamiltoun, sone lauchfull to wmquhile James, duik of Chattelerault etc., have gevin, grantit and, be the tennour heirof, gevis and grantis to the said Claud Hamiltoun and his domestickis following, to wit, James Mureheid of Lauchope, Robert Hamiltoun of Dalserff, David Hamiltoun of Monketoun Manis, Andro Hamiltoun of Heleis, Jhonn Hamiltoun of Schawtoun and Robert Hamiltoun of Lethame, the lyke grace, benefite, favour, privilege and conditionis of pacificatioun as ar contenit in the articlis of pacificatioun maid and accordit upoun at the burgh of Perth, the xxiiij day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC thrie scoir tuelff yeiris, ratefeit and apprevit thaireftir in his hienes parliament in the moneth of Aprile, the yeir of God jM vC lxxiij yeiris, concerning quhatsumevir crymes, offences and transgressionis committit or that may be estemat to be committit be the said Lord Claude Hamiltoun and utheris personis abone nominat upoun ony causis or occasionis mentionat in the saidis articlis of pacificatioun or utherwayis, within the tyme thairin specifiit or sensyn, for the quhilkis thay, or ony of thame, hes bene or may be accusit or foirfaltit or quhilkis ar comprehendit in onie domes or sentences of foirfaltor alreddie led aganis thame; and findis, decernis and declaris that the same pacificatioun and haill privilegeis, favour and conditionis foirsaidis be als largely and favorably interpret in favouris of the saidis personis for salftie and inoyning of thair lyves, landis, levingis, heretageis, benefices, honoris, possessionis and guidis as of ony utheris comprehendit in the said former pacificatioun and as gif the haill articles thairof wer expreslie inserrt heirintill; and ordanis this, oure said soverane lordis favour and pacificatioun, to be extendit and extendis the same to all crymes commitit be the said Claude and his foirsaidis, or that may be allegit to have bene commitit or assistit to or quhatsumevir art, pairt or consiling thairof, of quhatsumevir wecht thay be or may be interpreit to be of, sen the tyme of oure soverane lordis coronatioun to the dait of thir presentis, notwithstanding quhatsumevir exceptioun of ony cryme contenit in the articles of the said pacificatioune or ony of thame; and forder, findis and declairis that this present pacificatioun grantit to the said Lord Claude Hamiltoun and his foirsaidis sall not be ony derogatioun to the pacificatioun grantit to thame of befoir, bot to be ane ratificatioun, approbatioun and amplificatioun thairof. Off the quhilkis crymes oure said soverane lord, with advise foirsaid, willis and declaris that this present favour and pacificatioun to be ane sufficient and ample remit and securitie to the said Claud and his foirsaidis, for thair lyf, honouris, landis, benefices, offices, privilegeis, guidis and geir, as gif the samin wer speciallie to thame under oure soverane lordis greit seill or quhatsumevir forme of securitie. And for thair better securitie, oure said soverane, with advise abonewrittin, of his speciall grace and clemencie, rehabilitatis, restoris and reintegratis the said Lord Claude Hamiltoun and utheris abonenominat, thair bairnis and posteritie fullelie to thair guid fame, honouris and digniteis, and to the full richt, jossing and possessing of all and sindrie thair landis, benefices, levingis, offices, guidis, rowmes, rentis and possessionis, debtis, reversionis, obligationis and actionis quhairof thay, or ony of thame hes bene, or may be, deprivit or dispossessit by ony caus or occasioun afoirhersit preceiding the dait heirof, with power to thame and everie ane of thame and thair foirsaidis to reenter in and to the samin, bruik, jose, use and dispone thair landis, benefices and utheris foirsaidis with all richt clame and enteress, and alwayis in sic stait in all behalfis as thai war befoir the saidis proces, dome and foirfaltouris led and deducit aganis thame, siclike and als frelie as ony ether oure soverane lordis liegis and as gif na dome nor sentence of foirfaltour had bene led aganis thame anent the premisis, and as gif the crymes and offences thairin contenit and utheris above exprimit had nevir bene commitit nor assistit to; and declairis that thir presentis be als sufficient and of als greit strenth, force and effect in all tymes cuming in favouris of the saidis personis and thair foirsaidis to the effect above writtin as gif the domes and sentences of foirfaltour at ony tyme bigane led and deducit aganis thame, and speciallie the domes of foirfaltour aganis thame in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh in the monethe of [...] the yeir of God jM vC lxxix yeiris, wer specially reducit, rescindit, cassit and annullit in parliament, notwithstanding of the same domes and proceses of foirfaltour and of quhatsumevir actis of parliament, lawes, constitutionis, alsweill aganis the posteritie as the principall actis of secreit counsale or utheris gif onie be; anent the quhilkis oure said soverane lord, be advise abonewrittin, for his hienes and his successouris, dispensis, annulling heirby the same safar as may concerne or be extendit to thame or onie of thame, renunceand all actioun and enteres competent to thame thairanent, commanding and chargeing the lordis of secreit counsale and sessioun to giff and grant to the said Lord Claude Hamiltoun and utheris abonenominat siclike lettres and als sumarlie for repossessing of thame to thair landis, levingis, benefices and utheris aboneexprimit, as hes bene or may be grantit in favouris of mony utheris to quhome the benefite of pacificatioun abonerehersit hes heirtofoir bene grantit, or ony utheris oure soverane lordis liegis hes obtenit of his hienes in quhatsumevir forme or for quhatsumevir causis or considerationis; with powar also to the said Claude Hamiltoun and utheris afoirspecifiit to call and persew anent the premisis and all actionis, contractis, suittis of benefices, obligationis and quhatsumevir guidis and geir extant in the handis of tennentis or ony utheris debtouris or utherwyis not intromettit with be thame selffis or utheris in thair names, alsoft and in sic maner as thay or ony of thame sall think expedient. And forder, oure said soverane lord, with advise foirsaid, for the better securitie of the said Lord Claude and his foirsaidis, ratefeis, confermis and apprevis the haill premisis abonewrittin and everie point thairof, and decernis and declaris the samin to have full strenth, force and effect in all tyme; and ordanis lettres to be directit heirupoun in forme as effeiris.