Apud Sanctandrois, ultimo Julii anno Domini jM vC lxxxvo

  1. NAS, PC1/12, f.10v. Back
  2. This has been recorded as Hugo rather than Henry. Back
  3. Sic. Norwell should be bracketed with Forrester for Stirling, rather than Dairsie for St Andrews. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/12, ff.11r-v. Back
Band anent the trew relligioun

We, the nobilitie and esteatis presentlie convenit, undirstanding the course of the present procedings in foreyne pairtis and that diverse princes and potentatis terming thame selffis catholikis have jonit thame selffis undir the Pappis auctoritie in a maist unchristeane confederacie aganis the trew relligioun and professouris thairof, with full intent to prosequute thair ungodlie resolutioun with all severitie, not only within thair awne staittis and dominionis, bot also in uthir places and kingdomes quhair thay can pretend na lauchfull power nor auctoritie to deale a practise of lang projectit thocht heirtofoir cuninglie conductit, and now at last be oppin and joint forceis of samony confederatis planelie manifested to the warld quhat hes bene alwayes intentit be formare coverit and craftie coursis, quhillkis now that have begun to put in executioun in diverse placeis, with verry hard effectis; and sen it hes plesit God of his infinite mercy to blis this realme with the sinceritie of his holie ghospell, the defens quhairof is the maist just and lauchfull caus that Christeanis can mantene, nothing is more requisite then not onlie to unite our selffis sincerlie and treulie and joyne oure haill poweris, forceis and meanis quhilk God hes grantit to us undir oure maist relligious and maist Christeane soverane for the bettir assuirance of oure awne state and mair peceable enjoying of sa grite a benefite of God, bot alswa for withstanding of sa pernicious and dangerous a course generallie intended aganis all trew professoris of the treuth, it is necessar that a generall league and Christeane confederacie of all princes and staittis sincerlie professing the evangell wer opponit to the ungodlie conspiracie of the inemeis of God's treuth, and specialie that the twa crownis of Scotland and England (naturallie jonit be blude and habitatioun of ane relligioun and thairby alike subject to the malice of the commoun enemey be quhais unioun na les suretie may be expectit to baith thair esteattis then dangear be thair divisioun) wer inseperablie united be mair firme and strict leaguue then hes bene heirtofoir betwene ony princes, thair progenitouris, alsweill for the preservatioun of thame selffs as for the bettir mantenance of the trew, auncient and Christeane relligioun quhilk thai now professe aganis all that sall attempt ony thing aganis thame or ather of thame for the professioun and mantenance of the said relligioun, we, thairfoir, the nobilitie and esteattis undirsubscryvand, considering the greate and urgent necessitie of the said league and how the same may na langer be protractit, nor without perrel differrit to a mair solemne conventioun of the haill estaittis in parliament, and reposing oure selffs upoun the singular discretioun, wisdome and circumspectioun and maist ernist zeale borne be the maist noble and mychtie prince, King James the Saxt, oure soverane lord, to the advancement of the said relligioun and mantenance thairof, have, thairfoir, for us and in name and behalff of the haill esteatis of this realme, quhais body in this conventioun we represent, fullely gevin and grantit, like as be the tennour heirof, we, for us and in name foirsaid, gevis and grantis to oure said soverane lord, his counsall or sik thairof as his majestie sall chuse, oure full power, privilege, assent and authoritie quhatsumevir competent to us and esteattis foirsaidis, to treate or caus treate, confer, contract, end and conclude the said Christeane leaguue and all pointis, heidis, clausis and articlis thairof betuix his majestie and his hienes darrest suster and cousine, the quene of England, and to nominat and appoint commissionaris to that effect, and to mete at sik tyme and place as his hienes sall aggre unto, with commissionaris tobe directed frome his said darrest suster of a like in rank and honnour, quhais electioun, nominatioun and instructionis we have remittit and heirby do remitt to oure said soverane lord. And quhatsumevir his majestie sall agree unto, and quhatsumevir the saidis commissionaris sall promeis, contract, indent, subscryve or seale toward the said league and articlis thairoff, aggreing with thair instructionis, we, for us and in name foirsaid, now as than and than as now, ratifeis, apprevis and affermis and, be the tennour heirof, be oure gritest and solemne aithis upoun our faith and treuth, promisis to allow, appreve, ratifie and confirme be our consentis in the nixt parliament, without questioun or contradictioun quhatsumevir, providing alwayes the said leaguue be without infringing or prejudice in ony sorte to ony formar league or alliance betwene this realme and ony uthir auld freindis and confederattis thairof, except only in materis of relligioun, quhairanent we do fully consent the league be defensive and offensive, and do solemnitlie avow in quarrell and mantenance thairof nather to spare lyvis, housis, guidis, geir or quhatsumevir it hes pleasit God to grant to us. In witnes quhairof, in presence of his hienes, we have subscrivit thir presentis with oure handis at Sanctandrois, the last day of Julii the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir fyve yeiris. Sic subscribitur, Arrane, Marche, Montrois, Atholl, Rothose, Marshall, P. Sanctandrois, Ro. Glasgw, Petir Rollok, B. of Dunkeld, Thirlstane, Oliphant, P L. Gray, Maistir of Gray, Henry, lord Sinclare, James Stewart, Largo, comptrollar, A. Hay, clericus registri, Deir, Dryburgh, Culrois, Balmerinoch, Kinloss, Pittinweyme, Lundoris, Blantyre, Lundy of that Ilk, Braid, Laird of Dwne, Henry Nesbitt, commissionar for Edinburgh, George Hereott, commissionar for Edinburgh, Robert Forestar of Bowquhane, provest of Striviling, commissionar of the said burgh, Williame Norvall, commissionar of Striviling, Patrik Leirmonth of Dersy, commissionar of Sanctandrois, Alexander Scryngeour, commissionar of Dundee, Williame Duncane, commissionar of Dundee, George Cochrane, commissionar of Air, James Cokburne, commissionar of Hadingtoun, Robert Rowatt, commissionar of Glasgw, Johnne Kirkaldy, commissionar for Kinghorne, J. Andersoun, commissionar for Coupar, Robert Hay, commissionar of Kirkaldy, Johnne Ramsay, commissioner for Craill.

  1. NAS, PC1/12, f.10v. Back
  2. This has been recorded as Hugo rather than Henry. Back
  3. Sic. Norwell should be bracketed with Forrester for Stirling, rather than Dairsie for St Andrews. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/12, ff.11r-v. Back