Procedure: commission
Commissioun to certane of everie estate, with the kingis majesties officiaris, to proceid in discussing of the remanent summondis of treasoun, and of the articlis and supplicationis now presentit

Forsamekle as thair is diverse summoundis directit and execute aganis certane personis, oure soverane lordis subjectis, to compeir befoir his majestie and thrie estatis in this present parliament upoun the xx day of August instant, and at certane uther dayis expressit in the saidis summondis at mair lenth is contenit, and becaus his majestie may not convenientlie be present in propre persoun in the same parliament place quhill the calling and decisioun of all the saidis summondis and sindrie utheris articles and supplicationis presentit to his hienes, thairfoir gevand, grantand and commmittand full power, commissioun and auctoritie of parliament to his rycht trest cousingis and counsallouris and utheris of his estaitis underwritin: thay ar to say, George, erll of Huntlie, lord Gordoun and Baidyenaucht, David, erll of Crawfurd, lord Lyndsay, Hew, erll of Eglintoun, lord Montgomerie, Andro, erll of Rothes, lord Leslie, Johnne, erll of Mortoun, lord Maxwall, James, lord Downe, Patrik, archiebishop of Sanctandrois, David, bishop of Aberdene, Alexander, bishop of Brechine, William, commendatair of Pettinweme, Walter, priour of Blantyir, Henrie, commendatair of Balmerinoch, and the commissionaris of Edinburgh, Sterling, Perth, Dundie, Aberdene and Air, or ony ane of every estate, with our soverane lordis officiaris of the estate underwrittin: thay ar to say, the chancellair, thesaurare, secretair comptrollair, justice clerk, clerk of registre and advocatt, or sa mony of thame that salhappin to be present for the tyme, to proceid and hald furtherwart his hienes present parliament, call the saidis summoundis and personis contenit thairintill to anser upoun the saidis treasounable crymis specifeit in the same, to receave the verificatioun of the executionis thairof, and gif ony of the lordis of articles last chosin upoun the xxij day of Maii last bypast sall happin to be dead, seik or absent, or gif it salbe fund expedient that ony of thame salbe changit or eikit, to caus utheris be chosin and to discus the saidis summondis and put thame to the votis of the saidis estatis, and as the saidis personis suspect and delaitit of the saidis treasounable crymis salbe found giltie or innocent, to ministrat justice upoun thame, conforme to the lawis of this realme, and pronunce the dome of foirfaltour aganis sic personis as salbe tryit culpable; and to sicht and considre the saidis utheris lettres and supplicationis presentit to his hienes; and to treat, consult, deliberat and conclude upoun sic lawis, actis and answeris as thay sall think reasounable to pas thairupoun for the policie and jurisdictioun of the kirk; and that his said chancellair use his majesties scepture in ratificatioun and approbatioun of all thatt salbe thocht expedient and concludit heiranent; and generallie all and sindrie uther thingis to do, exerce and use that to the executioun of the premisis is necessarlie requirit siclike as gif his hienes wer present in propre persoun, firme and stable etc.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.17r-v. Back