Ane act for disheresing of the posteritie of the personis that ar, or salhappin to be, convicted of the tressounable attemptat at Striveling

The quhilk day the kingis majestie and his thrie estatis of parliament, upoun great and wechtie considerationis moving thame tending to the repressing of treassounable attemptatis and punisment of committaris of treasoun, and upoun consideratioun how rigoruslie the same hes bene punissit in tyme bipast, as be divers actis and constitutionis maid in his awin tyme and in the dayes of his maist noble progenitouris mair lairglie may appear, quhilkis actis and constitutionis his majestie, with advise of his saidis thrie estaitis, hes ratifeit and apprevit and, be the tennour heirof, ratifeis and apprevis all clausis, pointis and articles of the same concerning the personis standing under the sentencis of foirfaltour specefeit in the saidis actis, speciallie the act maid in his hienes last parliament for disheresing of the posteritie of the Erll of Gowrie, and forder decernis and ordinis the saidis actis to have full executioun and force aganis the bairnis quhatsumevir, naturall or lawfull, ingenerit and begottin of the personis convicted and foirfaltit in this present parliament as culpable of airt and part of the said treasounable rebellioun and insurrectioun attemptat at Striveling in the moneth of Aprill lastbypast, and that thay, nor nane of thame, salbe able in ony tyme cuming to bruik, jois or clame ony landis, heretaigis, benefices, rowmis, possessionis, honouris, dignities or offices within this realme, howsoevir or quhensoevir the same wer conqueist and providit to thame befoir the dait heirof, and that thay ar, and salbe, unable to succeid to utheris in ony landis, heretaigis or possessionis quhatsumevir maner of way, and that all and sindrie landis, heretaigis, benefices, rowmis and possessionis quhatsumevir, to the quhilkis the bairnis of the said posteritie presentlie hes or may pretend richt, to the quhilkis thay or ony of thame may succeid heirefter, do and sall appertene to oure said soverane lord and his successouris be full richt, and that his hienes may frielie dispone thairupoun in the same maner and be all thingis as gif the saidis personis presentlie foirfaltit the tyme thay wer convict of the saidis crymis of treasoun had thame selffis bene in title thairof, and that the benefices, gif ony be possessit be the saidis bairnis of the said posteritie, ar presentlie vacand in his hienes handis be thair unhabilitie, and that his hienes hes full richt and power to dispone thairupoun be the same maner and conditioun in all respectis as gif the personis of the said posteritie, present possessouris thairoff, wer naturallie dead.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.11r. Back
  2. The word 'do' is written in a different ink and hand, and in a space much larger than a two-letter word merits. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.11r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/13, f.11v. Back
  5. Rest of act in same hand but different ink. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.11v-13r. Back
  7. Gaps left by the scribe. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.13r-v. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/13, ff.13v-14v. Back
  10. APS has 'condigne'. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/13, ff.14v-15r. Back
Ane act for ane uniforme ordour to be observit be the beneficit men, ministeris, reiddaris and maisteris of collegis and scuilis in obedience of the king's majesteis lawis and thair ordinaris

Forsamekle as our soverane lord, with advise of his estatis in his lait parliament haldin at Edinburgh upoun the xxij day off Maii lastbypast, hes maid sindrie guid and godlie constitutionis, alsweill for the preservatioun of his majesties auctoritie royall as for the weill and policie of the kirk, thairfoir, and to the effect ane uniforme ordour may be observit speciallie amangis the ministerie of Goddis word, it is statute and ordinit be our said soverane lord, with advise foirsaid, that all beneficit men, ministeris, reidaris, maisteris of collegis and scuillis being requirit be thair ordinair bischop or commissionair sall subscrive the promis and obligatioun underwrittin: We, the beneficit men, ministeris, reidaris and maisteris of collegis and scuillis underwrittin, testifiis and faithfullie promise be thir, our hand writtis, our humble and debtifull submissioun and fidelitie to our soverane lord the kingis majeiste and to obey with all humilitie his hienes actis of his said lait parliament, and that according to the same we sall schaw our obedience to our ordinair bischop or commissionair appointit or to be appointit be his majestie to have the exercise of the spirituall jurisdictioun in our diocy; and incace of nonobedience of the saidis beneficit men, ministeris, reidaris, maisteris of collegis and scuillis in the premises, thair benefices, levingis and stipendis to vaik ipso facto, and qualifiit and obedient personis to be presentit and providit in thair rowmis as gif thay wer naturally dead. Quhilkis being anis lawfullie and ordourlie providit, the saidis personis, refusaris to subscrive, sall at na tyme thairefter have restitutioun, quhatsoevir offer of obedience thay sall happin to mak.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.11r. Back
  2. The word 'do' is written in a different ink and hand, and in a space much larger than a two-letter word merits. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.11r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/13, f.11v. Back
  5. Rest of act in same hand but different ink. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.11v-13r. Back
  7. Gaps left by the scribe. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.13r-v. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/13, ff.13v-14v. Back
  10. APS has 'condigne'. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/13, ff.14v-15r. Back
Ane act for annulling of the sucessoriis of prelaciis purchest of his hienes in the trublous tymis bypast of his yung aige

Forsamekle as sindrie personis, the titularis and possessouris of the abbayis, prioriis and nunreis within this realme, have, in the trublsum tymis bygane of his hienes yung aige, purchest provisionis, giftis and dispositionis maid to thair awin bairnis or nearest kynnisfolkis of the same abbayis, prioriis, and nunriis upoun thair awin resignationis and dimissionis, with reservatioun of thair awin lyfrentis, makand, as it wer, heretable conquest of the saidis abbayis, prioriis and nunriis being foundat upoun the landis and rentis gevin out of auld of the propertie of the croun, and with the quhilk it wer maist reasounable the same suld be agane suppleit; thairfoir our soverane lord and his thrie estaitis convenit in this present parliament decernis and declairis all the saidis giftis, provisionis and dispositionis of successoriis of prelaciis, abbaciis, prioriis and nunriis maid or grantit be his hienes to quhatsumevir personis, his hienes subjectis, upoun the resignationis or dimissionis of the possessouris of the same abbayis, prioriis and titularis of the same, with reservatioun of thair awin lyfrentis, ar, and salbe, of nane availl, strenth, force nor effect with all that hes followit or salhappin to follow thairupoun without farder proces; and that na gift or provisioun of ony sic prelacie salbe valiable in ony tyme to cum except it sall vaik be deceis, foirfaltour or simple dimissioun of the possessour thairoff and na utherwayis without prejudice alwayes of the lyfrentaris and present usufructuaris, provyding alwayis that the provisioun maid to Maister Merk Ker, commendatar of the abbay of Newbottle, maister of his hienes requeistis, of the same abbay, in the reign of his hienes derrest mother efter hir perfyte aige, nor the lait provisioun maid to Maister Edward Bruce, ane of the commissaris of Edinburgh, of the abbay of Kinloss, with reservatioun of the present abbottis lyifrent thairof, sall not be comprehendit under this present act of parliament, nor the same act extendit thairunto directlie or indirectlie, bot bayth the saidis provisionis exceptit furth of the same.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.11r. Back
  2. The word 'do' is written in a different ink and hand, and in a space much larger than a two-letter word merits. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.11r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/13, f.11v. Back
  5. Rest of act in same hand but different ink. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.11v-13r. Back
  7. Gaps left by the scribe. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.13r-v. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/13, ff.13v-14v. Back
  10. APS has 'condigne'. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/13, ff.14v-15r. Back
Act of annexatioun of forfaltit landis and rentis to the croun

The kingis majestie and his thrie estaitis assemblit in this present parliament, considering the daly ineresce of the chargis and expensis of his hienes hous and diminutioun of his rentis of his majesties propertie quhairon his said hous aucht to be interteniit, hes thairfoir thocht convenient, statute and ordinit that the landis, lordschippis, baroneis and utheris rentis following, already fallin and becum in his hienes handis be vertew of the eschaet throw the process and domis of foirfaltour, ordourlie led and deducit aganis the personis found culpable of the lait maist treasounable rebellioun and conspiracie attemptit and interprisit aganis his hienes persoun and estate, salbe annexit unto his majesties croun, and presentlie annexis the same thairto, followand the guid exemple of his predecessouris for the honorable support of his estate; and the saidis landis, lordschippis, baroneis and utheris rentis heireftir specifeit to remane perpetuallie with the croun may nather be gevin away in fie, franctenement, in pensioun or ony uther dispositioun to ony persoun of quhat estate or degrie that evir thay be of, without advise, decreit or deliverance of the haill parliament, and for great reasounable cause concerning the weilfair of the realme first to be advisit and digestlie considerit be the haill estaitis, and that alwayis sic infeftmentis as sall happin to be maid or grantit be his hienes of ony of the saidis landis or lordshippis salbe onlie in fewferme, for pament of sic yeirlie fewferme as is contenit in the act of dissolutioun of the unioun of annexit landis for setting the same in fewferme maid in this present parliament; and albeit it salhappin our soverane lord that now is, or ony of his successouris, kingis of Scotland, to annalie or dispone the saidis lordshippis, landis, castellis, townis, donationis and advocatioun of kirkis and hospitallis, with the pertinentis, annexit to the croun as said is, utherwys that the same alienationis and dispositionis salbe of nane availl, bot it salbe lefull to his hienes and his successouris to ressave the same landis and rentis to thair awin use, quhenevir it lykis thame, without ony proces of law, and the takkaris to refound and pay all proffittis that thay have takin up thairoff agane to his hienes and successouris use for all the tyme that thay have had thame, with sic uther restrictionis as ar contenit in the actis of parliament maid be his maist noble progenitouris, kingis of Scotland, in their annexationis to the croun: thay ar to say, the propertie of the landis and barony of Ruthven, with the tour, fortalice, maner, place, corne and walk mylnis, fishingis, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of kirkis, tennentis, tenandreis thairoff, the landis of Balnabrayth, Petcairny, Cragingall in Dourquhy, Hardhaucht, the thrid part landis of Airliewicht, the landis of Cultrany, the landis of Drumgrene, the halff of the mylne of Ochtergavin, with the half multure and mylnlandis theiroff, the halff of all and haill the landis of Monydie, Barnblayis, Cragilny, with the halff milne, multuris and milnlandis thairoff, all and haill the halff of the landis and barronie of Forteviot, with the halff mylne, mylnlandis and multuris thairoff, the propertie of the landis and forrest of Dy, the propertie of the landis, lordshippis and baroneis of Bramar, Strathdy, Cromar, Balmakelly, Brechin and Nauar, Alloway, Coldinhuiff, Touchgornie, Auchlamskyis, Erskine, Dalnotteris, Inchynchnan, and Syntoun, Blakgrange, West Grange, Cambus, Cowy, Baddindeich, Poppiltreis, fyve chaldris quheit furth of Bothkennair, Jargrayis and Raplach and utheris fewlandis quhilkis pertenit sumtyme to Johnne, erll of Mar, the propertie of the landis of Eistir Ogill, Cossynnis and Newgrange, the propertie of the landis of Carnok and of the landis of Wellis, and als the fewmeillis of the landis of Dirltoun, Cousland and Kirknewtoun and utheris contenit in the infeftment maid to his grace richt trest cousing, James, erll of Arrane, lord Avane and Hammiltoun, his hienes chancellair, extending to vjC thriescoir sex pondis xiij s. iiij d.; the fewmeillis of the landis of Cowgask and Strabrawin, disponit to his hienes richt trest cusing, Johnne, erll of Montrois, lord Grahame, his hienes thesaurare, extending to tua hundreth fourtie poundis, the fewmeillis of Thomtalloun and utheris disponit to his hienes traist and welbelovit counsallour Williame, commendatair of Pettinweme, capitane of his majesties gairdis, extending to vjC iijXX xj lib. xiij s. iiij d.; the fewmeillis of the land of Boncle and Prestoun contenit in the infeftment maid to Sir Johne Maitland of Thirlstane, knycht, his hienes secretair extending to jC xxxiiij lib.; the fewmeillis of the landis and lordship of Abernethy, [...] the fewmeillis of the landis and lordship of Dowglas, twa hundreth poundis [...], the fewmeillis of the landis and lordship of Crawfurd Lyndsay, alias Crawfurd Douglas [...], the fewmeillis of the landis of Dunsyir [...], the fewmeillis of the landis of Carmichaell, Cornokhoip, Perkheid, Sandelandis, Walter Head, Thorrald, Pettenane and utheris quhilkis pertenit to George Dowglas, sumtyme of Perkheid, or James Dowglas, his sone, be the richt of his wyff [...], the fewmeillis of the landis and lordship of Jedburgh Forrest [...], the fewmeillis of the landis of Selkirk [...], the fewmeillis of the baronie of Kellie sett to Maistres Margaret, maistres of Saltoun, and hir airis [...], the fewmeillis of the landis of Ovir and Nethir Nesbittis, ane hundreth poundis, the fewmeillis of the baronie of Ellem, xxxvj lib., the fewmeillis of the landis of Balquhane and utheris disponit to George, erll of Huntlie [...], the fewmeillis of the landis off Monyey, attour the ordinair meillis of samekle thairoff as is of his hienes propertie, jC and xl lib. out of the rentis of the steidis of Catislak and Eister and Wester Monbirnegeris and Shintinleys, attour the auld ordinair fewmeill ane hundreth poundis, out of the landis of Cardross and utheris the fewlandis of Inchmahomo, [...], out of the landis of Sheirgartane, Drummis and Kippen and Arnbeg, attour the auld ordinair fewmeillis, xl lib., out of the landis of Spitteltoun, attour the auld ordinair fewmeillis, xx lib., out of the landis of Argateis, Lundeis and Reidnech, attour the auld ordiner fewmeill, jC xx lib., out of the rentis of the landis of Kintulloch, x lib., out of the rentis of the landis of the Hudeaikeris and Craig of Cambuskynneth, xl lib., the teyndis of the kirkis of Clakmannan, Lecrop and that part of Sanctninianis kirk, quhilk pertenit sumtyme to Johnne, erll of Mar, the teyndis of the perochin of Kilmoir and Kincraig, quhilkis lykwayis pertenit to him, the landis and leving quhatsumevir quhilkis pertenit to Dame Margaret Lyoun, countess of Cassillis, togidder with quhatsumevir teyndshevis of the haill landis abonewrittin annexit in propertie and appointit to his hienes use as said is, quhairof the proprietaris of the saidis landis had richt, titill or possessioun; and becaus thair is sindrie landis, teyndis and possessionis contenit in this present annexatioun haldin be the personis now foirfaltit of inferiour superiouris unto quhom his majesties selff can not be tennent nor taxman, thairfoir, with advise of the saidis thrie estaitis, ordinis his hienes comptrollair, present and to cum, to be present in heretable tennent to the saidis utheris superioris of the landis haldin of thame and to be maid donatour to the eschaet of the takkis, teyndis and possessionis abonewrittin or quhen tyme thir is to tak the takkis of the same, renewit in thair personis and thair successouris, his hienes comptrollaris, thay alwayis making compt, rekning and pament of thair intromissioun to his hienes use in the chekker, as of the remanent of his propertie; and forder, decernis and declaris that the compositioun of all tenandreis now fallin under the foirfaltour be the falt and occasioun of the superiouris sall cum to his majesties use and be intromettit with be his hienes thesaurare and his deputt and to nane uther use nor effect, except samony as ar already disponit to the said James, erll of Arrane.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.11r. Back
  2. The word 'do' is written in a different ink and hand, and in a space much larger than a two-letter word merits. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.11r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/13, f.11v. Back
  5. Rest of act in same hand but different ink. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.11v-13r. Back
  7. Gaps left by the scribe. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.13r-v. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/13, ff.13v-14v. Back
  10. APS has 'condigne'. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/13, ff.14v-15r. Back
Anent the dissolutioun of the unioun of landis annext to the croun to be sett be oure soverane lord in fewferme

Forsamekle as in ancient tymes our soverane lordis maist noble progenitouris, with consent of the thrie estatis of parliament, have jugeit it maist convenient for weill of the realme that every frie haldar, spirituall and temporall, suld sett thair landis in few, and that our said soveranes predicessouris of maist noble memorie being for the tyme be setting of thair awin landis, alsweill annexit as unannexit, in fewferme suld gif exemple to his frie haldaris to do the like, and to that effect, in diverse parliamentis haldin in the dayis of our soverane lordis progenitouris foirsaidis, the annexatioun and unioun off landis to the croun wes dissolvit; and now our soverane lord, followand the tread of his saidis predicessouris, for the grite desir quhilk his hienes hes that policie suld incresce within his realme, hes, be the advise of his saidis thrie estatis in parliament, dissolvit and, be the tennour of thir presentis, dissolvis the unioun and annexatioun of quhatsumevir landis, lordshippis, baroneis, mylnis, multuris, fishingis maid to the croun in this present parliament, or ony uther parliament haldin in his awin tyme, or in the dayis of quhatsumevir his hienes maist noble progenitouris to the effect that the samyn landis, lordshippis, baroneis, mylnis, multuris and fishingis, with thair pertinentis, may be sett in fewferme be his hienes, with advise of his comptrollair, present or to cum, to quhatsumevir persoun or personis his hienes pleisis. And oure said soverane lord and thrie estatis of this present parliament, be the tennour heiroff, declaris, decernis and ordinis that this present dissolutioun sall stand and be of full force for his hienes lyftyme, sua that the landis, lordshippis and baroneis quhilkis his hienes sall sett in fewferme in his awin tyme salbe suir and valiable to the personis, ressauaris thairoff, thair airis and successouris for evir, and that the anexationis of landis, lordshippis and baroneis maid in ony tyme preceding (safer as sall concerne the landis, lordshippis and baroneis quhilkis sall not happin to be sett in fewferme in his hienes awin tyme) sall efter his deceis returne to the awin natour, efter the forme of the dissolutionis maid befoir in the tyme of his maist noble pragenitoris, prowyding alwayis that the saidis infeftmentis of fewferme be nocht maid within the just availl to the prejudice and hurt of oure soverane lord and his successoris, that is to say, within the dewtie to the quhilkis the saidis landis ar returit or may be justlie returit for the new extent, quhilk new extent his hienes, with advise foirsaid, declaris to be the just availl of the saidis landis for the quhilk the samine may be sett in fewferme; prowyding alwayis that this present dissolutioun sall nocht be extendit to the landis of Ruthven, Erskene and utheris, the Erle of Anguis landis contenit in the kingis majesties signatour, bot the samine sall remane with the kingis majestie and his hienes successoris to be usit, occupiit and intromettit withe be his majesteis comptrolleris present and that salhappin to be for the tyme, in sik sort and in the samine maner as the saidis landis wes usit be the lordis and proprietaris thairof afoir thair foirfaltour; nather sall it be lesum to ony his majesteis subjectis to purches few, tak or rentell of the samine or ony uther cullour of rycht quhairby thai may pretend to interpone thame selfis betuix his hienes comptroller and the tennentis, lauboraris of the landis foirsaidis; quhilkis fewis, takis, rentellis or uther quhatsumevir alreddie purchest or to be purchest, contrar the tennour of this present provisioun, the kingis majestie, with advise of his hienes thrie estaitis foirsaidis, declaris to haif bene and to be null of the law and siclyk in all tyme cumming.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.11r. Back
  2. The word 'do' is written in a different ink and hand, and in a space much larger than a two-letter word merits. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.11r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/13, f.11v. Back
  5. Rest of act in same hand but different ink. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.11v-13r. Back
  7. Gaps left by the scribe. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.13r-v. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/13, ff.13v-14v. Back
  10. APS has 'condigne'. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/13, ff.14v-15r. Back
Anent landis, lordschipis, heretages, takis and possessionis of landis and teyndis cumand in oure soverane lordis handis be foirfaltour, and quhairof the evidentis and rychtis of the personis foirfaltit ar maliciuslie abstractit in defraude of his hienes

Forsamekle as be the commoun law and lawis of this realme, the landis and heretages of all personis convictit of tressoun haldin immediatlie of oure soverane lord ar adjugit to pertene to his hienes and to returne as propertie to his croun, and als his hienes hes rycht and powar to dispone quhatssumevir uther landis and heretages pertening to the personis convict of lesemajestie, quhilkis ar immediatlie haldin of any of his subjectis be presentatioun of ane heretable tennent to the ovirlord, and inlykmaner hes rycht and title to all takis and possessonis of teyndis and landis bruikit be the saidis personis before thair convictioun; and as the crymis of tressoun growis within this realme, sua the fraudfull inventionis, to the hurt and prejudice of oure said soverane lordis escheit, dalie mair and mair incressis be abstracting of the evidentis, infeftmentis and sesingis of the landis and heretagis, takis and utheris rychtis appertening to the personis quhilkis ar convictit and foirfaltit for lesemajestie, tending thairby to draw oure soverane lord and his successoris and the personis to quhome the saidis landis and heretagis foirsaidis ar and salbe heirefter disponit in questioun of thair heretable rychtis and titillis of thair rowmes and possessionis, nocht haveing in thair handis the evidentis of the saidis personis convictit or to be convictit as said is. For remeid quhairof, it is statut and ordanit be oure said soverane lord and his thrie estaitis of this present parliament that all landis, lordschippis, baroneis, annuelrentis, mylnis, multuris, fischeingis, tennentis, tennendreis and service of frie tennentis and utheris heretages quhatsumevir quhilkis haif bene or heirefter salbe peceablie bruikit and possessit be quhatsumevir personis foirfaltit or that heirefter salbe foirfaltit for crymis of tressone and lesemajestie committit, or that heirefter salbe committit, aganis his hienes and his successoris, or be thame to quhome oure soverane lord and his successoris suld succeid be ressoun of the foirfaltour of thair nerrest airis as thair heretage be lauboring the samine with thair awin gudis, setting the samine to tennentis and uplifting of the mailles thairof as thair heretage, and sua reput, haldin and estemit heretable possessour thairof be the space of fyve yeiris immediatlie preciding the proces and sentence of foirfaltour led, or to be led, aganis thame be the space of fyve yeiris immediatlie preciding the deceis of the personis to quhome oure said soverane lord suld or may succeid as air, throw foirfaltour led, or to be led, aganis thair nerrest airis, that all and sindrie the saidis landis, lordschippis, baroneis, annuelrentis, tennentis, tennendreis and service of frie tennentis, mylnis, multuris, fischeingis and utheris heretages quhatsumevir hes appertenit and sall appertene to oure said soverane lord and his sucessoris, hes becumin and salbecum in thair handis as escheit to be disponit and usit be thame as thair propertie in all tyme cumming, sa that heirefter na question salbe movit to his hienes and his successoris nor yit to the personis quhilk haif alreddie obtenit, or heirefter sall obtene, heretable rycht of the saidis landis, lordschippis, annuelrentis and utheris abonespecifiit be thair dispositioun, notwithstanding that thay be not able to schaw nor produce in jugement the heretable rycht and title thairof or contractis, renunciationis and utheris securiteis maid thairanent to the personis foirfaltit or to be foirfaltit as said is, or thair predecessoris. And to the effect that the said fyve yeiris possessioun of the saidis personis as heretable possessoris may be sufficientlie verefeit and provin, our said soverane lord and his successoris sall, at all tymis neidfull and convenient, at the instance of his advocat, or quhatsumevir utheris his lieges haveand enteres, direct comissionis under the testimoniall of the greit seill in dew and competent forme, makand sik personis as his hienes, be the advise of the lordis of his secreit counsale, sall find maist meit and expedient his schireffis in that part, to tak cognitioun be ane condictassyise of the schirrefdome quhiar the landis lyis, or utheris leist suspect quha best knawis the veritie quhat landis, lordschippis and utheris heretagis war bruikit and possessit be the saidis personis convict or to be convictit of tressone and wer bruikit be thame in maner foirsaid as heretable possessoris thairof, sa commounlie haldin, reput and estemit be the space of the saidis fyve yeiris immediatlie preciding the procesis and sentencis of foirfaltour led and to be led aganis thame, quhilkis ar, or salhappin to be heirefter, convictit of tresson as said is, and quhat landis wer bruikit be the personis to quhome oure said soverane lord and his successoris may or suld succeid as aires throw foirfaltoris led or to be led aganis thame for tressoun as said is, and to call all parteis haveand or presendand enteres; quhilkis personis of assyise all gif thair finell determinatioun thairupon befoir the juge, quha sall interpone his decreit and auctoritie thairto, and thairefter sall reture the samine to his hienes chancellarae under the seillis of the saidis assyise, quhair the samine sall remane ad perpetuam rei memoriam, and sall in all tymis thairefter mak als full fayth in jugement as outwithe and be of als greit strenthe, force and effect to oure soverane lord and his successoris and utheris haveand rycht be thair dispositioun for bruiking of the saidis landis, lordshippis, heretagis and annuelrentis as gif the heretable infeftmentis, charteris and sesingis thairof maid to the saidis personis foirfaltit or to be foirfaltit as said is, or thair predecessoris, wes schawin and producit in jugement. And as concernig takis and possessionis of landis and teyndis bruikit and possessit be the saidis personis foirfaltit or the personis to quhome oure said soverane lord and his successoris suld or may succeid as airis throw foirfaltoris led or to be led aganis thair nerrest airis, it is statut and ordanit that lettres be directit be deliverance of the lordis of his hienes secreit counsale at the instance of his hienes comptroller, or sic as hes obtenit or salhappin to obtene be oure soverane lordis gift the rycht of the saidis takis and possessionis, chargeing the possessoris of the saidis landis and teyndis to enter the said comptroller or donatour thairto, to be peceablie possessit and bruikit be thame ay and quhill they be lauchfullie callit and ordourlie put thairfra be the law within ten dayis nixt efter the charge, under the pane of rebellioun and putting of thame to the horne; and gif they failyie thairin, the saidis ten dayis being bipast, to denunce thame rebellis and escheit all thair moveable gudis to his hienes use, and that they sall nocht be alterit, hichtit in maill or dewtie or remove fra the saidis takis or possessionis of landis or teyndis for the said space of fyve yeiris, that in the mentyme they may haif tyme and commoditie to serche and seik out the takis, rychtis, titillis and provisionis of thame quhome of thair rycht and securitie procedis and quhais place they succeid into be foirfaltour and escheit as said is, quhairby to mantene and defend thair rycht or possessioun of the landis or teyndis acquirit as said is, and that alwayis the fruitis of the saidis landis, rowmes and possessionis for the said space of fyve yeiris sall appertene and remane with oure said soverane lord and his donatour for evir, becaus his majestie and his donatouris may be gritlie defraudit, as also vassallis and subvassellis to fewaris hurt, throw the absenting and abstracting of the evidentis and rychtis of personis foirfaltit, sum pretending to clame annuelrentis and few dewteis of landis fallin in foirfaltour of mony yeiris presiding, quhilkis probablie ar takin away be posteriour rychtis of discharges concilit or abstractit be the saidis personis foirfaltit. Thairfoir, it is statut and ordanit be oure said soverane lord and his thrie estaitis that na persone presentit be oure soverane lord to few landis foirfaltit nor ony vassall of ony fewar foirfaltit sall be compellit to produce the acquittancis of few mailles or annuelrentis of thay foirfaltit landis of ony yeiris preceding the foirfaltour of his immediat superiour, nor yit of ony yeiris sen the same landis come in his hienes handis be ressoun of foirfaltour, notwithstanding ony claus irritant contenit in the infeftmentis or titillis of the foirfaltit personis quhilkis war obscure to the personis presentit be his hienes and subvassellis foirsaidis, they alwayis payand the saidis annuelrentis or few dewteis for the tyme to cum how sone it salbe verefeit that the landis war sa oblist be the infeftmentis of the saidis personis foirfaltit abstractit as said is.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.11r. Back
  2. The word 'do' is written in a different ink and hand, and in a space much larger than a two-letter word merits. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.11r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/13, f.11v. Back
  5. Rest of act in same hand but different ink. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.11v-13r. Back
  7. Gaps left by the scribe. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.13r-v. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/13, ff.13v-14v. Back
  10. APS has 'condigne'. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/13, ff.14v-15r. Back
Act in favour of our soverane lordis thesaurare and his deputt, concerning factoriis of the landis and possessionis of the personis suspectit and delaitit of treasoun

Forsamekle as be ane act maid in the last parliament, it wes in consideratioun of the prejudice that micht have bene usit anent the escheitis of the personis than suspect or criminall of the treasounable conspiring and takking of the castell and toun of Striveling and utheris crymis of treasoun specifeit in the said act, in prejudice of our soverane lord, that the guddis and geir of all sik personis suld be arreistit, intromettit with and uptakin be our soverane lordis thesaurare, his deputt, factouris and doaris, with power to thame to dispone upoun sik guddis quhairof wer dangeir of keiping, sua that the prices thairof suld be furthcummand to the kingis majesties use, with the haill uther guddis as escheit of sic as suld be convict, and the guddis of utheris that salhappin to be intromettitwith and not to be convict to be furthcumand to the pairtie, as in the said act at mair lenth is contenit; and seing the said thesaurare hes grantit sindrie factoriis of the levingis and guddis of the foirsaidis personis suspect as said is, quhairwith sum of the factouris hes had sum intromissioun and that actioun peradventure may result heirefter and be persewit for spoilyie and wrangus intromissioun aganis the said thesaurare and his deputt, thair airis and executouris, be sindrie colorit meanis of previe assignationis or dispositionis allegeit maid of befoir to utheris, or that the personis suspect beis not persewit and declarit criminall, thairfoir, in consideratioun that quhatsumevir intromissioun hes bene takin or had be the said thesaurare, his deputt or factouris appointit be him in the premisis, the samyn wes onlie in oure soverane lordis name and that the samyn cummis to his hienes use, it is now found and declarit in this present parliament, be advise of the thrie estaitis thairoff, that the said thesaurare, his deputt and factouris maid be him ar and salbe frie and saiff of all guddis intromettit with be thame or ony of thame under pretext foirsaid, and that na maner of persoun nor personis hes or salhave ony actioun or instance aganis thame or ony of thame in jugement or outwith in ony tyme cuming, exonering and dischargeing thairof for evir; and als dischargeing all jugeis and ministeris of law quhatsumevir, alsweill the lordis of sessioun as utheris, of all proceding aganis the said thesaurare and his deputt, or ony of thame, thair airis, executouris, factouris and assignais in ony the saidis actionis may result in the premisis and of thair offices in that part for evir; and forder dischargeing all actioun may be intentit or persewit aganis the said thesaurare for ony his intromissioun had or to be had as donatour to the escheat of Maister Thomas Lyoun of Balduky, tutour to the Lord Glammis, with ony landis, meillis, fermis, canis, custumis and dewties of the leving thairoff; and exoneris the said thesaurare thairof for now and be thir presentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.11r. Back
  2. The word 'do' is written in a different ink and hand, and in a space much larger than a two-letter word merits. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/13, ff.11r-v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/13, f.11v. Back
  5. Rest of act in same hand but different ink. Back
  6. NAS, PA2/13, ff.11v-13r. Back
  7. Gaps left by the scribe. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/13, ff.13r-v. Back
  9. NAS, PA2/13, ff.13v-14v. Back
  10. APS has 'condigne'. Back
  11. NAS, PA2/13, ff.14v-15r. Back