Ane act of ratificatioun of the kingis majesties lait revocatioun

The kingis majestie, sittand in jugement, exponit and schew to his thrie estatis assemblit in this present parliament how his hienes, now approchand to the xviijth yeir of his aige, having considerit the estait of his rentis and expensis, findis him self sa enormelie hurt be dispositioun maid be his hienes in tyme bygane, throw importune and indiscrete sutaris, that without present remedie and guid provisioun for the eschewing of the like in tyme cumming, nather ar his hienes debtis alreadie contractit hable to be relevit and pait, nor his majestie servit heirefter, according to his honour; and, thairfoir, his majestie presentit unto his thrie estatis the lettre underwrittin, subscrivit be his hand, desiring the same to be actit and registrat in the buikis of parliament, to have the strenth and force of ane act and decrete of parliament, and the authoritie of the saidis thrie estatis to be interponit thairto; the quhilk desire the saidis thrie estatis thocht reasounable and, thairfoir, decernis and ordinis the said lettre to be actit and registrat in the saidis buikis, to have the strenth of ane act and decreit of parliament, and hes interponit and interponis thair authoritie and consent thairto, to have full effect and force in tyme cumming, and decernis and declaris lettres and executoriallis of publicatioun to be directit thairupoun in maner specefeit thairintill, of the quhilk the tennour followis respective.

Rex. We, remembering how efter our diverse revocationis maid of befoir, as being found necessare for us and allowit and confirmit in our parliament, yit taking litle or nane effect throw new dispositionis, ratificationis, exceptionis grantit be importune sutis, at last we maid oure revocatioun upoun the viij day of November last bypast, as the samyn at mair lenth proportis, quhilk now we ratefie, appreve and confirme be thir presentis, decerning the same to have full force, strenth and effect sen the dait thairof and in tyme cumming, notwithstanding ony giftis, dispositionis or exceptionis not expressit thairin maid and past be us sensyne to ony persoun or personis of quhatsoevir rentis, fructis, proffeittis or dewties, ather of our proprietie, casualitie or collectorie, that fell and become in our handis be vertew of our said revocatioun of the terme of Martimes last bypast and crop of the yeir of God jM vC lxxxiij yeris and in tyme cumming, and speciallie revokis all giftis, grantis and promisis gevin be us, alsweill be consent of our estatis in parliament as utherwayis to Annabell, countes of Mar, Margaret, countes of Cassillis, the wyffis and bairnis of the Erllis of Mar and Gowrie, Thomas, maister of Glammis and utheris, thair complices, culpable as art or part of the treasounable conspiracie and rebellioun attemptit aganis us and our auctoritie at Striveling in the moneth of Aprill last bypast, or to the wyffis and posteritie of quhatsumevir utheris personis standing under the proces of foirfalture for treasounable crymis, notwithstanding ony grace, favour or privilege grantit to thame be act of parliament in tyme bygane; quhilkis giftis and dispositionis and exceptionis we declair and decerne to have bene wranguslie and unordourlie purchest be conceling the treuth from us, we not knawing bot that sufficient provisioun and assignatioun had bene maid for the furnessing of oure hous and utheris the maist necessar affairis of oure estate and croun, and the signaturis, quhairby the saidis giftis and dispositionis past, not being presentit to us be our ordinar officiaris unto quhais office properlie they belangit and be quhom we mycht have bene informit of the treuth howfar the granting thairof wes to our prejudice and detriment; and thairfoir decernis and declaris the saidis giftis and dispositionis to be null and of nane availl, strenth, force nor effect without ony forther proces of law; as alsua decernis and declaris that all infeftmentis, takis or utheris dispositionis of our proprietie or collectorie, sett or grantit befoir our saidis revocationis or sensyne, and likwayis all infeftmentis and presentationis of landis or rentis cumming in oure handis be reasoun of foirfalture or bastardrie, and all commoun kirkis, landis or rentis quhairof we and our predicessouris hes bene in possessioun be setting of takis heirtofoir, fallis now under oure revocatioun, without ony cognitioun or speciall reductioun (sufficient stipendis being alwayis assignit to the ministeris serving at the saidis commoun kirkis). Likas we, be the tennour heirof, speciallie revokis the samyn, commanding oure thesaurare, comptrollair and collectour generall to crave, ressave, intromett and uptak all and syndrie the saidis fructis, rentis, proffitis and dewties of oure proprietie, casualiteis and collectorie, alsweill that fallis and becummis in oure handis be vertew of oure said revocatioun as utherwayis, notwithstanding the saidis pretendit giftis, dispositionis and exceptionis past upoun ony part thairof sensyne, quhairupoun we will not that ony lettres salbe grantit for answering and obeying of the saidis personis quhatsumevir, purchessaris thairof, nor yit that ony suspensionis salbe grantit aganis oure utheris lettres past or to be past at the instance of our saidis thesaurare, comptrollair and collectour for answering, obeying and pament making of the same to thame to oure use, dischargeing and inhibiting thame, and everie ane of thame, as alsua the maister of oure cunyiehous, oure customaris and chalmerlanis and receaveris of our propertie and the deputtis of our collectouris and utheris, the intromettouris with oure rentis quhatsumevir, of all answering and obeying of quhatsumever preceptis past and subscrivit be us in ony tyme bygane preceding the dait heirof, quhill the samyn preceptis salbe first sene and considerit be our saidis thesaurare, comptrollair and collectour generall and sik utheris auditouris of our chekker as we have directit to assist thame, and appoint speciallie and certanlie quhat pensionis, feis and wageis salbe allowit and pait in the saidis thrie offices of the yeir of God jM vC lxxxiij yeris and in tyme cumming, to the effect that the thingis commandit to be answerit be reasounable, and that the same possiblie may be pait without oure hurt and inconvenient; and for the better eschewing of our skaith in tyme cumming, and releiff off oure saidis officiaris that they sall not be burdenit with debursing of grettar sowmes nor they have ressavit, and to stop the importune and unreasounable desyris of shameles askeris be quhom we have bene movit in tyme bygane to grant thair sutis sa far to our awin hurt, thairfoir our will is and we command yow that na signaturis of giftis and dispositionis of onie pairt of our proprietie casualitie or collectorie, pensionis or feis out of the same or preceptis to be answerit of ony sowmis of money or uther thing quhatsumevir belanging to ony of the offices of our saidis thesauraire, comptrollair and collectour generall salbe presentit to us to be presentit in tyme cumming be ony uther personis then our saidis officiaris thame selffis, thair deputtis and clerkis, and that the same be first subscrivit be thame befoir the same be presentit to us to be past our hand, quhairthrow they may understand our commoditie or detriment in granting of the same and thair awin habilitie to answer and mak pament off ony thing commandit as they will answer to God and us; and incase ony signaturis, letteris or preceptis sall pas utherwayis, wanting the subscriptioun and consent of oure officiaris unto quhais charge and office the mater properlie belangis, we will and ordinis that the samyn salbe na sufficient warrand to the keipparis of oure signet, previe or great seallis, nor to quhatsumevir utheris havearis of oure rentis in thair handis, notwithstanding the subscriptionis of us and of ony numer of our counsell, or that the namis of our counsell, present at the granting thairof, salbe writtin on the bak of ony sic lettres, quhilkis nevertheles wanting the subscriptionis and consentis of the officiaris unto quhais charge it propirlie belangis salbe null and of nane availl, and we declair thame, than as now and now as than, to be of na force nor effect be thir presentis; and that na infeftment, tak, exceptioun or dispositioun quhatsumevir maid or to be maid be us of our said propirtie, collectorie or falling to us be casualitie, and being of it awin nature and according to the lawis of our realme subject to revocatioun, howevir it be past, salbe valiable in tyme cumming without a triall preceding tane be the lordis of our counsell and sessioun, our saidis thesaurare, comptrollair and collectour being callit, quahirthrow it may be understand to thame that it is not to our enorme lesioun, bot for the sene weill of us, our estate and croun; and incace the saidis lordis decerne utherwayis be importune solistatioun, that they be answerable thairfoir upoun thair allegeance and dewtie and interesse, that we may sustene be that fact quhenever we sall pleis to call thame to mak accompt thairfoir. And becaus it is weill knawin to us and our secrete counsell, as alsua to the lordis of oure counsell and sessioun, that be reasoun of the great multitude of causis depending befoir thame, proces ar langsum and parties subject to lang and incertane attendance, and the actionis concerning us, oure rentis and leving sa protractit as it is great hinder to us, for remede quhairof we have resolvit and concludit, be avise and consent of our thrie estatis in parliament, that na suspensionis nor lettres conforme salbe grantit nor deliverit in ony materis concerning us in oure propertie, casualities or collectorie bot be sic off the numer of oure college of justice as ar constitute auditouris of oure chekker, and that the same suspensionis and actionis for lettres conforme for breking of arreistmentis or deforceing of officiaris in the premisis, or in ony thing depending thairupoun, salbe discussit befoir our chekker in oure chekker hous, quhilk chekker we have appointit and appointis and ordinis to convene and sit ordinarlie for the effect foirsaid everie Tyisday and Furisday in the efternone in tyme of sessioun, and alwayis quhen they pleis in tyme of vacance; and decernis and declaris the decisionis and decreittis of the saidis auditouris thairof, being fyve at leist in numer, to be als valiable and effectuall in all respectis as gif the samyn wer gevin and pronunceit be a full and haill numer of the saidis lordis of counsell sittand in the tolbuith of Edinburgh. Attoure, we have supersedit and, be the tennour heirof, supersedis the pament of all great pensionis and feis, albeit the same salbe allowit in the comptis of our thesaurare, comptrollair and collectour generall now shortlie to be maid for the space of ane yeir efter the dait heirof, that the better provisioun may be maid for the pament thairof and utheris oure debtis in the meantyme. Attoure, in furtherance of the said collectour and his office foirsaid, forsamekle as it is understand to our soverane lord and his thrie estatis that all and haill the thriddis of the benefices within this realme, being appointit and ordinit be actis of parliament ordinit befoir to apertene to the ministrie, and the superplus by and attour thair sustentatioun to be applyit to our soverane lord, his comoun affairis, ar now waistit altogidder and dilapidat be reasoun of takis, pensionis and utheris dispositionis maid thairof, partlie be oure soverane lordis darrest mother, partlie be his regentis being in auctoritie for the tyme and partlie be his majestie sen the acceptatioun of the governament upoun his persoun, quhairthrow is the ministerie not onlie defraudit of thair just patrimonie and rent, bot alsua oure soverane lord can ressave na commoditie nor proffit of the saidis thriddis for furthsetting of his hienes comoun effairis according to the meaning and intentioun of the actis of parliament maid thairanent for [...]it is statute, ordinit and declarit be oure soverane lord and thrie estatis of this present parli[...] that all and quhatsumevir giftis, pensionis, takis and utheris dispositionis quhatsumevir of the thriddis of benefices within this realme, or onie part or portioun thairof, togidder with all takis of comoun kirkis, infeftmentis of freris landis and utheris dispositionis of the rentis and fructis ecclesiasticall pertening to our soverane lord be reasoun of the comoun ordour takin and ressavit anent the thriddis, quhilkis wer grantit and disponit ather be our soverane lordis darrest mother and sensyne confirmit in parliament or utherwayis be his hienes selff or regentis during his minoritie, ar, and salbe, comprehendit under his hienes lait revocatioun maid at Halieruidhous, the viij day of November, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxiij yeris foirsaid, and thairefter affirmit, ratefeit and apprevit be the lordis of sessioun, as thair decrete interponit thairto at mair lenth proproportis; quhilk revocatioun, in all and be all thingis as is thairin contenit, his majestie, with avise and consent of his thrie estatis, ratifeis and apprevis in all pointis efter the forme and tennour thairof, and thairfoir decernis and declaris all and haill the foirsaidis giftis, pensionis, takis of comoun kirkis, togidder with all takis of benefices sett be the possessouris thairof in prejudice of the thrid sen the first assumptioun, with the confirmationis thairof, and utheris dispositionis and takis of the saidis thriddis or ony part thairof grantit be his hienes darrest moder or be his majesties selff or utherwayis his hienes regentis, alsweill confirmit in parliament as unconfirmit, to be of nane availl, force nor effect but ony forder declaratour or proces of reductioun; and to the effect that his hienes collectour generall, present and to cum, may the better understand the estate of all and haill the benefices within this realme and quhen thai sall happin to vaik, quhat the yeirlie rentis thairof ar worth and how the samyn ar conferrit and disponit, and speciallie to tak ordour with the chaiplanreis, alterageis and utheris small benefices within this realme quhilkis ar alreadie disponit to studentis and bursaris, contrare the tennour and meaning of the act of parliament maid thairanent, it is concludit and ordinit that all provisionis and presentationis to benefices, baith great and small, to be purchessit efter the dait heirof, togidder with all giftis, takis, pensionis and utheris dispositionis quhatsumevir of the thriddis of the saidis benefices or ony part thairof, or of comoun kirkis, of freris landis and utheris dispositionis of the fructis and rentis ecclesiasticall pertening and belanging to our soverane lord, salbe subscrivit be his hienes collectour generall and utherwayis the samyn to be of nane availl, force nor effect, dischargeing the keipparis of our seallis to pas the saidis giftis and utheris dispositionis foirsaidis, except the same be subscrivit be his hienes collectour generall in maner abonespecifiit; with power alsua to the said collectour generall, present and to cum, to call, follow and persew all and syndrie the saidis studentis and bursaris for productioun the saidis giftis befoir the chekker, to be sene and considerit gif the samyn be conferrit and disponit according to the meaning of the act of parliament maid thairanent, and utherwayis to tak ordour thairwith gif the samyn chaiplanreis, alterageis and utheris prebendareis disponit to quhatsumevir personis, contrare the tennour of the said act of parliament, be imbrocht to our soverane lordis use and be disponit to qualifiit personis according to the comoun ordour, providing alwayis that the same revocationis, declaratioun and ratificatioun foirsaidis, nor na thing contenit in the act abone specifiit or ony part thairof, sall extend to the exceptionis speciallie contenit in the said revocatioun maid the aucht day of November last bypast, nor to ony infeftmentis, takis, giftis or dispositionis maid be his hienes to his darrest cousigne Lewes, now duik of Levenax, or to his darrest and onlie great uncle Robert, erll of Marche, his richt traist cousignis and counsallouris and utheris efterspecifiit: they ar to say, Robert, erll of Orknay, Frances, erll Bothuell, James, erll of Arrane, and his brether, James, erll of Glencarne, Johnne, erll of Mortoun, Andro, lord Dingwell, Williame, commendatair of Pettinweme, capitane of his hienes gardis, Walter, priour of Blantyir, kepar of our previe seall, the barnis of Alexander Erskyne of Gogar, capitane of the castell of Edinburgh, Schir Robert Melvill of Murdocarnie, thesaurare deput and clerk, James Meldrum of Segie, Williame Stewart, writtar, and Maister Petre Young, his hienes preceptour and eleemosynar; all quhilkis infeftmentis, takis, giftis and dispositionis maid to the personis speciallie abonewrittin our soverane lord will nor salbe comprehendit under his said revocatioun, nor yit that the same salbe prejudiciall to lawit patronis nor to ony thing disponit to the ministerie of Edinburgh or to the hospitallis over all the realme, and that lettres be directe for publicatioun of the premisis be oppin proclamatioun at the mercatt croce of Edinburgh and all utheris places neidfull, that nane pretend ignorance thairof.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.124v-126r. Back
  2. Gaps in text due to damage to the manuscript. Back