Ane act for disherising of the posteritie of the Erll of Gowrie

The kingis majestie and his thrie estatis of parliament, upoun great and wechtie considerationis moving thame tending to the repressing of treasounable attemptatis and punisment of the committaris of treasoun, and upoun consideratioun how rigoruslie the same hes bene punissit, as clearlie appearis be diversis actis and constitutionis maid in his awin tyme and in the dayis of his hienes maist noble predicessouris, speciallie in the dayis of King James the Secund of maist noble memorie, not onlie be tinsell of lyif, landis, guddis, honour and dignitie in the personis of the committaris thairof, but also of the posteritie begottin of thame, that thair bairnis, ather naturall or lawfull, suld nawayis be hable to clame ony landis, rowmis nor possessionis within this realme, nor be ony wayis hable to succeid to ony persoun in thair landis or heretageis, as in the act maid in the tyme of the said King James the Secund in his parliament haldin and begun at Edinburgh, the nynt day of Junii, the yeir of God jM iiijCfiftie fyve yeris, and of his regnne the xix yeir, and in the act maid be our soverane lord and his thrie estatis in the parliament begun at Edinburgh, the xx day of October, the yeir of God ane thowsand fyve hundrethe thriescoir nyntene yeris, ratefeit and apprevit in his last parliament haldin and begun at Edinburgh, the xxiiij day of October, the yeir of God ane thowsand fyve hundrethe fourscoir ane yeris, with certane additionis specefeit thairin at mair lenth is contenit; quhilkis actis and constitutionis his majestie, with avise of his saidis thrie estatis, hes ratefiit and apprevit and, be the tennour heirof, ratifiis and apprevis in all clausis, pointis and articles of the samyn concerning the personis standing under the sentencis of foirfalture specifiit in the saidis actisto have full executioun and force aganis the bairnis quhatsumevir, naturall or lawfull, ingenerit and begottin of Williame, sumtyme erll of Gowrie, quha wes laitlie convict for certane crymis of treasoun and lesemajestie committit be him, as in the said proces and dome of foirfalture, ratifiit and apprevit in this present parliament, at mair lenth is contenit, that thei nor nane of thame salbe hable in ony tyme cumming to bruik, injoy or clame ony landis, heretageis, benefices, rowmis and possessionis, honouris, dignities or offices within this realme, howsoevir and quhensoevir the samyn wes conqueist and providit to thame befoir the dait heirof, and that they ar and salbe unlawfull to succeid to ony utheris in ony landis, heretageis or possessionis quhatsumevir maner of way, and that all and syndrie landis, heretageis, benefices, rowmis and possessionis quhatsumevir to the quhilkis the bairnis of the said posteritie presentlie hes or may pretend richt, or to the quhilkis they or ony of thame may succeid heirefter, appertenis and sall appertene to our said soverane lord be full richt, and that his hienes may frelie dispone thairupoun in the same maner and be all thingis as gif the said umquhill Williame, sumtyme erll of Gowrie, the tyme he wes convict of the saidis crymis of treasoun, had him self bene in title thairof, and that the benefices, giff ony be possessit be the bairnis of the said posteritie, ar presentlie vacand in his hienes handis be thair inhabilitie, and that his hienes hes full richt and power to dispone thairupoun be the same maner and conditioun in all respectis as gif the personis of the said posteritie, present possessouris thairof, wer naturallie dead.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.121v. Back
  2. In APS, 'specifiit in the saidis actis' is followed by 'and farder decernis and ordinis the saidis actis'. Back
  3. APS has 'unhable'. Back
  4. APS reads 'to our said soverane lord and his successouris'. Back