That ministeris sall not be jugeis nor exerce ony uther ordinare office that may abstract thame fra thair office

The kingis majestie and his thrie estatis assemblit in this present parliament, earnistlie desirous that all his loving and guid subjectis salbe faithfullie instructit in the doctrine of thair salvatioun and that the ministeris of Godis word and sacramentis may the better and mair diligentlie attend upoun thair awin chargeis and vocatioun, thairfoir statutis and ordinis that all the saidis ministeris sall lawfullie await thairupoun, to the comfort and edificatioun of the flokis committit unto thame, and that nane of thame presentlie being in that functioun, or that salbe admittit thairto in tyme cumming, sall in ony wayis accept, use or administrat ony place of judicature in quhatsumevir civill or criminall causis, not to be of the college of justice, commissionaris, advocatis, court clerkis or notaris in ony materis (the making of testamentis onlie exceptit) under the pane of deprivatioun from thair benefices, levingis and functioun; and gif they failyie heirin, being callit, tryit adjugeit culpable be thair ordinaris or the kingis majesties commissionaris in ecclesiasticall causis, they sall then tyne thair saidis benefices and levingis and utheris qualefeit personis salbe presentit and providit thairto, as gif they wer naturallie dead.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.117r-v. Back
  2. Cross beside title. Back
  3. In APS, 'tryit' is followed by 'and'. Back