Procedure: declaration; asking of instruments

The quhilk day Maister Robert Creichtoun of Eliok, advocat to oure soverane lord, schew and declarit that thair wes ane summondis of tressoun dewlie execute and indorsate, rasit at the instance of oure soverane lord and his hienes advocat, aganis Lauchlane McYntosche of Dunnauchtane, to have hard and sene him decernit to have incurrit the panis of tressoun and lesemajestie for the crymes specifiit in the said summondis, as at mair lenth is contenit in the same; and the same summondis, being callit upoun the xxv day of October lastbipast, wes verifiit and provin anent the executionis and indorsationis thairof be the officiar and witnesses specifiit thairintill; and now the said advocat alsua declarit to the kingis majestie and thre estaittis of this present parliamet that he had speciall command of his hienes to pas fra the pursute of the said summondis, haill poyntis and articles contenit thairintill, and wes content and presentit that na act nor rememberance wer maid in proces thairof, bot that the same expire in the selff; quhairupoun George, erll of Huntlie, in name of the said Lauchlane, askit instrumentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.111v. Back
  2. The text of the summons was not included here, but a copy exists at PA2/12, appendix, f.20r. Back
  3. The rest of f.112 and f.113 are blank. Back