The benefite of pacificatioun grantit to William Newtoun of that Ilk

Oure soverane lord, with advise and consent of the thrie estatis of this present parliament, of his grace, and upoun wechtie and guid considerationis tending to the establissing of peax and quietnes and universall obedience of his hienes aucthoritie within this realme, hes gevin and grantit and, be the tennour heirof, gevis and grantis to Williame Newtoun of that Ilk the like favour and benefite of the pacificatioun maid and grantit at the burgh of Perthe, the xxiij day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxij yeiris, and ratefeit and confermit in his hienes parliament haldin sensyne at Edinburgh in the moneth of Aprill, the yeir of God jM vC lxxiij yeris, and willis the samyn pacificatioun to be als largelie and favorablie extendit in the favour of the said William for the suirtie of him, his lyf, landis and bruking of his leving, honouris, heretages, offices, guidis and geir as gif he had bene speciallie nominat and comprehendit in the said pacificatioun, or as gif the haill articles, clausis and conditionis thairof wer heirin expreslie nominat. And for his better securitie, our said soverane lord, with advise foirsaid, hes ratefeit and apprevit and, be the tennour heirof, ratefeis and apprevis the benefite of pacificatioun grantit to the said Williame in maner abonewrittin, in all pointis, efter the forme and tennour thairof, and declaris the samyn to have full effect and force in tyme cumming, providing alwayis that the samyn extend not to the murthouris of our soverane lordis father and tua regentis, wichecraft and incest, quhilk is altogidder exceptit, bot be thir presentis speciallie and expreslie exceptis the samyn, and ordinis the lordis of counsell to direct lettres heirupoun, gif neid beis, in forme as effeiris.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.109r. Back