Benefite of pacificatioun grantit to the Laird of Farnihirst

Oure soverane lord, with avise and consent of the thrie estatis of this present parliament, for guid considerationis moving his hienes tending to the establissing of peax and quietnes and universall obedience of his hienes auctoritie within this realme, hes gevin and grantit and, be the tennour heirof, gevis and grantis to Sir Thomas Ker of Farnihirst, knycht, Thomas Ker off Caweris, Andro Kirktoun, Johne Shaw, Johne Ker of Kershisteris, Williame Hemmislie of Fawla, George Pyill of the mylne of Mewche, Adam Trumbill of Bullirwall and Rauff Hemislie of Thyksyid, all freindis and servandis to the said Sir Thomas, the like grace, benefite, privilege, favour, libertie and conditionis of the pacificatioun maid and accordit upoun at the burgh of Perth, the xxiiij day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxij yeiris, betuix his hienes commissionaris on the ane part and umquhill George, erll of Huntlie, and certane utheris his collegis on that uther pairnt, ratefeit and apprevit in parliament in the moneth of Aprill, the yeir of God jM vC lxxiij yeiris, and willis and grantis that the said pacificatioun and approbatioun thairof in parliament be als largelie extendit in favouris of the said Sir Thomas, his freindis and servandis foirsaidis, for saiftie of thair lyvis, landis, heretages and guidis, as gif they and everie ane of thame wer speciallie comprehendit and contenit thairintill; and also his hienes, with avise foirsaid, will and grantis that the said pacificatioun be maist amplie extendit and interprete to thame in all clausis and circumstances thairoff, and speciallie that this present act of parliament according to the said pacificatioun, be sufficient to rescind and retrait, likas our said soverane lord and estatis foirsaidis, be thir presentis, retratis and rescindis all process and domis of foirfalture gif ony be led aganis thame or ony of thane for quhatsumevir crymis bygane for the crymis specefeit thairin, and restoris and reintegrates thame, thair bairnis and posteritie aganis the samyn siclike and als frelie in all respectis as gif the saidis process of foirfalture had nevir bene led and domis of foirfalture had nevir bene gevin aganis thame or ony of thame, efter the forme and tennour of the said pacificatioun, and also reponis, restoris and rehabilitatis thame, thair bairnis and posteritie fullelie to thair honoris, fame and dignities, and als to the full richt and successioun to thair landis, heretageis and estate of thair personis, offices, guidis and possessionis, and declares the samyn pacificatioun to be als largelie and favourablie extendit and interprete in thair favouris for the suirtie of thame, thair lyvis and bruking of thair honouris, offices, heretageis, guddis and possessionis as gif they and everie ane of thame wer speciallie nominat and comprehendit thairin, or as gif the haill articles, clausis and conditionis of the samyn pacificatioun wer heirin expreslie specefeit; and forder declaris the samyn pacificatioun to be extendit to the saidis personis and everie ane of thame, thair bairnis and posteritie foirsaidis, for quhatsumevir crymis of quhatsumevir wecht or qualitie committit be thame or ony of thame in the tyme of the lait trublis, fra the xv day of Junii the yeir of God jM vC lxvij yeris to the first day of November the yeir of God jM vC lxxiiij yeiris. And for thair better securite, oure said soverane lord, with advise foirsaid, hes ratefeit and apprevit and, be the tennour heirof, ratefeis, apprevis and confermis the foirsaid benefite of pacificatioun and rehabilitatioun gevin and grantit to the said Sir Thomas, his foirsaidis freindis and servandis and everie ane of thame in maner abonewrittin, their bairnis and posteritie, in all pointis, efter the forme and tennour thairof and declaris the samyn to have full strenthe, force and effect in tyme cumming; and extendis the samyn pacificatioun to thame in all sortis as the samyn is extendit or may be extendit to ony uther persoun of befoir, obtenar of the like benefite, providing alwayis that the samyn on nawayis be extendit to the murthouris of our soverane lordis darrest fader and tua regentis, Erllis of Murray and Lennox, wichecraft and incest, quhilk is aluterlie exceptit, and also providing that thir presentis sall not extend for restoring and repossessing the said Sir Thomas to the half merk land of Kirklandis of Bedrowll and gift of the patronage of the personage and vicarege thairof and teyndis of the samyn, quhilk, be decreittis gevin be the lordis of counsell and sessioun befoir the said foirfalture, wes decernit to aptene to Sir Johne Stewart of Tracquhair, knicht, and thairfoir is speciallie exceptit, likas oure said soverane lord, with advise foirsaid, speciallie exceptis the samyn out of the paid pacificatioun, and ordinis lettres to be direct heirupoun, gif neid beis, in forme as effeiris.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.107r-v. Back