Ratificatioun grantit to Harie Stewart, sonne to James Stewart of Downe, of the abbay of Sanctcolmis Inshe

Oure soverane lord, with avise of the thrie estatis of parliament, ratefeis, apprevis and confermis the gift and dispositioun maid to Harie Stewart, sone lawfull to James Stewart of Downe, knycht, makand him undoutit abbay and commendatar of Sanctcolmis Insh and to the haill fructis and emolumentis thairof during his lyftyme, with the reservatioun and ingres grantit to James, commendatar of Sanctcolmis Insh, his father, of the samyn fructis and emolumentis incace of his said sonnis deceis befoir him, according to his said gift and dispositioun in all pointis, and declaris the samyn to have full strenth and effect in all tyme cumming, of the quhilk the tennour followis: [...]

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.103v-104r. Back
  2. Space left for text of charter, which was never inserted. Back