Ratificatioun grantit to Andro Monro of Dawachcarty

Oure soverane lord, be the avise of the thrie estatis of this present parliament, being trewlie informit of the guid, trew and thankfull service done unto his hienes be his weilbelovit Andro Monro of New Newmoir, to his great chargeis, coistis and expense, quhairof he had promeis of recompance be his hienes umquhill darrest guidschir, Matthew, erll of Lennox, lord Dernlie and James, erll of Murray, our darrest uncle, regentis for the tyme, quha being baith preventit be death, culd not tak sua guid consideratioun of the said Androis service, hes ratefeit, apprevit and affermit and, with avise of the thrie estatis of this present parliament, ratefeis, apprevis and affermis the charter and infeftment maid be his hienes, with avise and consent of his said darrest uncle, James, erll of Murray, lord Abernethie, regent to his hienes, his realme and liegeis for the tyme, to the said Andro and Cathrene Urquhard, his spous, the langar levar of thame twa, and to the airis maill lawfullie gottin or to be gottin of the said Androis body, quhillkis failleand, to the said Androis airis maill and assignais quhatsumevir, of all and haill the landis underwrittin: they ar to say, the toun and landis of Casteltoun, with the croft, fishingis and pertinentis thairof; the toun and landis of Balmadicthie; the toun and landis of Suddie, with the croft and ane uther croft thairof callit the Brewland croft, with the mylne of the samyn; the toun and landis of Ochtercloy; and all and syndrie thair pendiclis and pertinentis quhatsumevir, lyand within the erldome of Ross, lordship of Ardmanoche and schirefdom of Innernes, quhilkis pertenit befoir the said infeftment to Maister David Chalmer, sumtym chancellair of Ross, haldin be him immediatlie of our said soverane lord in fewferme and become in his hienes handis and at his dispositioun throw proces and dome of foirfalture ordourlie led aganis the said Maister David for certane crymis of treasoun and lesemajestie committit be him, of the quhilk he wes convict in parliament, as the said infeftment at mair lenth proportis, of the quhilk chartour the tennour followis. Attour, or said soverane lord, with avise of the thrie estatis foirsaidis, now efter his general revocatioun, have found and declarit and, be the tennour of this present act of parliament, findis and declaris that the said infeftment is maid for the augmentatioun of his awld rentaill of the saidis landis and utheris particularlie abonespecefeit and, thairfoir, that his hienes and patrimonie is nawayis hurt but proffit thairby, decerning and ordining for his hienes and his successouris that the said infeftment is, and salbe, to the said Androw, his airis and successouris foirsaidis of als greit strenth, force and effect as gif the samyn had bene maid to him at the begynning, with consentis of the saidis thrie estaitis, with cognitioun in the caus, and thairfoir declaris that the samyn cummis not nor in ony tyme heirefter salbe comprehendit under his hienes generall revocatioun.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.101v. Back