Protestatioun maid be James Stewart, erle of Arrane

The quhilk day James, erle of Arrane, lord Avene and Hammiltoun, eftir the confirmatioun and ratificatioun of his infeftment of the erledome of Arrane and lordschippes of Avene and Hammiltoun be the kingis majestie, with advise of his estatis, comperand in presens of his majestie and thrie estatis convenit in this present parliament, exponit and declarit how it hes bene murmorit be the malicius report of his privie innemyes that be the wordis of his infeftmentis of the saidis erledome and lordschip and ratificationes thairof, past and apprevit be his majestie and the saidis estatis, he sould espire indirectlie to put him self in place of secund persone of successioun to the croun, quhilk he nevir thocht nor meanit; and thairfore, for declaratioun of his pairt and innocencye, protestit solempnitlie that all sic reportis to his prejudice sould be estemit to have bene spokin aganis the trewth, and insafar as it may be ymaginit that he can pretend ony clame or place in the successioun of the croun or dignetie and prioritie in state of parliament or counsale as being discendit ather of the male raice and blude of Murdo, sumtyme duke of Albanye, erle of Fyff and Menteith, or as proceidit be lyne of the Erles of Arrane, lordis of Hammiltoun, sen the tyme that thay joynit with the blude royall, inrespect that thay, having offendit in crymes of lesemajestie, hes ressavit the puneisment of thair offences, and besydis the said present Erle of Arrane, utterlie secludit from all possibilitie of succeding to ony of thame be reassone of blude, his awin father and foure sonnes of his eldar brother levand, he presentlie thairfore renunces and discharges all sic clame and place with all honour and entres quhatsumevir that he hes or can have in the royell successioun throw being of the former possessouris of the saidis erlldomes and lordschip (quhairof he is discendit) of the blude royell, saulffand to him nevirtheles the place, rank, honour and degrie quhilk the Erlis of Arrane and Lordis of Hamiltoun haif hade in ony tyme heirtofoir as erlis and lordis of that erledome and lordschip as othir nobilmen and lordis of parliament of thair degrie, bot not in ony respect of the conjunctioun of the said hous of Hammiltoun with the blude royell or as being declarit secund persones and aires apperand in the successioun of the croun.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.81v. Back