Ratificatioun of the act of parliament concerning the decisioun of appellationis maid be the court of Rome

Oure soverane lord and thre estatis of this present parliament ratifeis, apprevis and confirmis the act of parliament under writtin in all pointis, passis, clausis and articles contenit thairintill, and ordanis the samin to have full strenth, force and effect, and alswa decernis and declaris the samin act to have bene ane commone law fra the day and dait thairof and swa to be in all tymes cuming; and that na judge within this realme tak upoun hand to cognosce or decyde in onie caus contrair the tenoure and ordinance of the said act, or to wry or wrist the samyn be thair ingyne or interpretatioun, bot the samin act to be keipit in all the circumstances thairof according to the tenoure of the samin, of the quhilk the tenoure followis:

In the parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the tent day of Julei, the yeir of God jM d lx yeris, the said parliament being continuit to the first day of August nixt thaireftir following, with continuatioun of dayis, upoun the xxiiij day of the said moneth of August, the thre estatis then being present, understanding that the leges and subjectis of this realme havand actionis dependand and persewit in the court of Rome, or in the consistoreis of the samyn, hes sustenit greit expensis, sa that they have bene alluterlie hereit thairthrow; for eschewing of the quhilk, and that na pairty havand just actioun be defraudit thairof, it is statute and ordanit that all pairteis, alsweill persewaris as defendaris, havand pleis dependand in the saidis court of Rome, or consistoreis, or befoir uthir judges callit delegatis or subdelegatis, sall persew and defend the same at thair optioun befoir the lordis of oure soveranis sessioun, the schiref, stewart or baillie of regalite, baille of barony, provest or baillies of burrowis, or uthir temporall judges ordinaris within this realme, quhair the pairte persewar auch to anser of the law, and the saidis processis to begin quhair thai left, according to the last act of the proces and eftir the forme thairof, quhill the finall end and decisioun of the samyn; and the sentence being gevin, the executioun to be maid thairof as of uthir sentences pronuncit befoir uthir temporall judges of this realme. And attoure, becaus it is likwayis understand that thair is appellationis maid and interponit fra diverse sentences gevin in the foirsaidis consistoreis and als fra sentences fra judges, delegatis and thair subdelegattis, quhilkis appellationis, being justifeit, may reduce the saidis sentences, thairfoir it is statute and ordanit that the pairteis quha hes appeillit gif in thair supplicationis to the lordis of oure soveranes sessioun to have letteris to call the pairte for quhome the sentence is gevin to compeir befoir the saidis lordis, to heir and see twa, thre or four namit be commissioun to sit in the maist convenient place, to cognosce upoun the said appellatioun and sentence, and to declair the samin according to the law, outher retreitand the sentence or confirmand the samen, providing that the persewaris of thir appellationis do thair diligence in maner foirsaid within the terme and space specifeit in the lawes, uthirwayis not to be hard heirefter, bot executioun to be gevin upoun the saidis sentences siclike as and the pairte had not appeillit thairfra. And in likewayis becaus it wes lawfull at sumtime be way of supplicatioun callit per modum simplicis querele for to seik remeid of the nullitie and iniquitie of sentences, albeit na appellatioun had bene maid and interponit thairfra, thairfoir it is ordanit that the saidis supplicationis salbe gevin in be the complenaris to the saidis lordis of the sessioun, quha sall have cognitioun thairintill and do justice thairanent conforme to the law, providing alwayis that this have place onlie in sic causis as of befoir wer permittit to persew per modum simplicis querele allanerlie.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.72v-73r. Back
  2. In the margin: a cross denotes acts to be printed. Back