For executioun of the actis maid anent castingdoune and halding doun of cruvis and yairis, and punischment of the transgressouris thairof, slauchter of reid fische and of the fry of all fische

Oure soverane lord and thre estatis of this present parliament ratefeis and apprevis all actis maid be his hines and his maist noble progenitouris anent the distructioun of cruvis and yaris, slauchter of reid fische, smoltis and the fry of all fisches, and ordanis the samyn to have effect and executioun in tyme cuming; and becaus it is understand to his hines and his saidis thre estatis that albeit panes and travellis wes tane to cast done and distroy the saidis cruvis and yaris, yit, in default of the execusioun of the panis contenit in the saidis actis upoun the contravenaris thairof, the saidis cruvis and yaris ar not haldin doun, nor onie uthir thing in effect (appointit to be done in the saidis actis) put in executioun throw the defalt and negligence of the ordinar officiaris, to quhome the executioun thairof wes committit. Thairfoir oure soverane lord, with advise of his saidis thre estatis, hes maid, constitute and ordanit and, be the tenoure of this present act, makis, constitutis and ordanis the personis efter specifeit within the boundis particularlie followand his hines justices in that pairt to the effect underwrittin, they ar to say: George, erle of Cathnes, for the boundis of Cathnes and Strathnaver; Alexander, erl of Sutherland, for the boundis of Sutherland and all ryveris thairin; the said Erl of Sutherland, George Ros, apperand of Balnagowne, and Robert Monro of Fowlis, conjunctle and severalie, for the watter of Killosochell; the said Robert Monro of Fowlis, baille and chalmerlane of Ros, for the watter of Conan; James, erle of Arran, and his deputis, for the watter of Ferrar; the schiref of Innernes and his deputis and the provest and bailleis of Innernes, for the watter of Nes; the schiref of Narne and his deputis and the provest and bailleis of Narne, for the wattir of Narne; the schiref of Elgyne and Forres and his deputis, and the bailleis of the erledome of Murray and of the abbay of Kinlos and priorie of Pluscarden, and the provestis and bailleis of the burrowis of Elgyn and Fores, for the watterris of Spey, Fyndorne and Lossy; the schiref of Banff and his deputis and the provest and bailleis of the burgh of Banff, for the watter of Doverne; the Lird of Essilmunt, for the watter of Ythan; the Erle of Marchell, for the wattir of Ugy; the schiref of Abirdene and his deputis and the provest and bailleis of Abirdene, for the watterris of Dee and Done; the schiref of Kincardin and his deputis, for the watteris of Cowy and Berwy; the Erle of Montrois and the provest and bailleis of Montrois, for the watteris of Northesk and Southesk; the schireffis of Perth and Foirfair, steward of Stratherne and thair deputis, and provestis and bailleis of Perth and Dunde, for the watteris of Tay and Earne and thair granis; the schireff of Fyffe and his deputis, for the south syde of Tay lyand within the schireffdome of Fyff, and for the watter of Levin; the provest and bailleis of Cowper, for the wattir of Eden; the stewart of Menteith and his deputis, for the heiddis of the wattir of Teith and Forth; the schiref of Striviling and his deputis, and provest and bailleis of Striviling, for the remanent of the watteris of Forth, Teith, Gudie, Carroun, Alloun and Dovane and thair granis; the schiref of Linlithgow and his deputis, and the provest and bailleis of Linlithgow, for the watter of Avane and southsyde of Forth within the boundis of that schireffdome; the schireff of Edinburgh principale and his deputis, and the provest and bailleis of Edinburgh, for the watteris of Awmont, Leith, North and Southesk; the schiref of Edinburgh within the constabularie of Hadingtoun, for the watteris of Tyne and Beill; the schiref of Drumfreis and his deputis, the Erle of Mortoun, wardane of the west marchis and his deputis, and the provest and bailleis of Drumfreis, Kirkcudbrycht and Annand, for the watteris of Annand, Nyth, de Cre and Luce; the baillie of Carrik and his deputis, for the watteris of Stincher and Gervane; the schiref of Air and his deputis, and the provest and bailleis of Air, for the watteris of Dune and Air; the baille of Cunningame and his deputis, and the provest and baillies of Irving, for the watteris of Irving and Carnok; the schireffis of Lenerk, Renfrew and thair deputis and the provest and bailleis of Glasgow, Renfrew and Lanerk, for the watter of Clyd and granis thairof; the schireff of Dunbartane and his deputis, and bailleis of the burgh of Dunbartane, for the watteris of Levin and Ainrik; the schiref of Ergyle and Tarbart, and his deputis, for the boundis of the said schirefdome and Lorne to the marche of the schirefdome of Innernes; and the said schireff of Innernes and his deputis for all the boundis of the said schireffdome on the northwest coist fra the marche of the schirefdome of Ergyle to Strathnaver; gevand, grantand and committand to the saidis justices in that pairt, conjunclie and severalie, within the boundis particularlie abone writtin, full power, speciall command, expres bidding and charge to inquire and tak up dittay of all persounis, contraveneris of the saidis actis of parliament, within the boundis particularlie abonewrittin, alsweill the principall offendaris as thair maisteris, landis lordis and resettaris, and to call thame to underly the law thairfoir in the tolbuyth of the heid burgh of everie schire, or uthir place convenient at the discretioun of the saidis justices, and put thame to the knawlege of ane assyse as they be fundin culpabill or innocent, to minister justice upoun thame conform to the lawes of this realme, the panes contenit the saidis actis to rais and uplift and of the samyn to mak compt, reknyng and payment to oure soverane lord and his hines thesaurair in his chekker. And to the effect that the executioun of the saidis actis sall not be neglectit as in tymes bypast, ordanis twa ordiner justice courtis to be haldin yeirlie, the ane the first day of Februar, and the uthir at the first day of [...], or the nixt lawchfull dayis thairefter following, besyde uthir cowrtis to be haldin at uthir dayis quhen occasioun servis at the discretioun of the saidis justices. And in cais the saidis justices, or onie of thame, failye in doing thair exac diligence for executioun of this present commissioun at twa tymes everie yeir as saidis, being callit and convic thairfoir befoir oure soverane lordis justice principall or his deputis at the instance of hines advocat, everie ane of thame sall incur the pane of twa hundret pundis, to be upliftit of thame be his hines thesaurair to his majesteis use. Be it alwayis understand that this present act nor nathing thairin contenit salbe prejudiciall to his hines subjectis, being dewlie infeft and in possessioun of halding of cruvis, lynis or loupis within fresche watteris, bot that they may use, jois, bruik and occupy the same in tyme cuming according to thair richtis, kepand the Setterdayis slop and sic distance betuix everie hek as the actis of parliament appoyntis; and in cais they failye thairin, to be accusabill and suffer punischment as the remanent transgressouris of the saidis actis.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.70v-71r. Back
  2. In the margin: a cross denotes acts to be printed. Back