Aganis dilapidationis of rentis of benefices providit to ministeris in title for thair liftymes

Item, becaus sindrie ministeris providit to benefices for thair liftymes, without regaird of conscience or how thair successouris suld leve eftir thame, for sum present profite, settis thair saiddis benefices and rentis thairof in fewis, takis, rentallis or disponis pensionis furth of the same to the utter owerthraw of the kirk and greit prejudice, bayth of the kingis majestie, the commoun welth and prosperitie to cum; it is thairfoir thocht expedient, statute and ordanit be oure soverane lord, with advise of his thre estatis and haill body of this present parliament, that na personis being in the functioun of the ministrie providit to title of benefices under prelacyis sall, in tyme cuming, mak or sett ony fewis, takis, rentallis, dispone pensionis or mak uther dispositionis of the renttis of his benefice to the prejudice of his successoure and diminutioun of the rentale quhairat he findis it at his entrie thairto, under the pane of deprivatioun frome the said benefice, quhairuntill, in cais he failye, his sett and locatioun to be decernit null and him self to be deprivit alsweill frome his functioun in the ministerie as from the benefice it self, quhilk upoun his default, tryit and adjugeit as said is orderlie, salbe declairrit to be vaicand and to be presentit and conferrit of new as gif he wer naturalie deid.

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  3. NAS, PA2/12, f.67r. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/12, ff.67r-v. Back
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  7. APS reads, 'the secund'. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/12, f.67v. Back
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  10. NAS, PA2/12, f.68r. Back
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  12. NAS, PA2/12, ff.68r-v. Back
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That ministeris salbe presentit be the kingis majestie and the lawit patronis to all benefices of cuir under prelacyis

Item, it is statute and ordanit be oure soverane lord, with advise of his thre estatis of this present parliament, that all benefices of cuir under prelacyis salbe presentit be oure soverane lord and the lawit personis in the favoure of abill and qualifeit ministeris apt and willing to enter in that functioun and to discharge the dewtie thairof; and in cace ony salhappin to be gevin and disponit utherwise heirefter, decernis and declaris the giftis and dispositiounis to be null and of nane avail, force nor effect.

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  2. In the margin: a cross denotes acts to be printed. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/12, f.67r. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/12, ff.67r-v. Back
  6. In the margin: a cross denotes acts to be printed. Back
  7. APS reads, 'the secund'. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/12, f.67v. Back
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  10. NAS, PA2/12, f.68r. Back
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  12. NAS, PA2/12, ff.68r-v. Back
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For punishment of the blasphemy of Goddis name and utheris horribill aithis

Oure soverane lord, with advise of his thre estatis of this present parliament, ratifeis and apprevis the act of parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the first day of Februar, the yeir of God jM d lj yeris, intitulat 'The act aganis thame that sueiris abhominabill aithis', and ordanis the same to haif effect and execusioun in tyme cuming efter the forme and tenoure thairof under the fourt and last pane specifeit in the same, that is to say, for the first falt, everie prelate of kirk, erle or lord, iiij s.; ane barone or beneficit man constitutit in dignitie ecclesiastik, xij d.; ane landit man, frehalder, wassell, fewer, burges and small beneficit men, vj d.; ane craftisman, yeman or servand man, iiij d.; the puir folkis that hes na geir to be put in the stokis, joggis or presonit for the space of foure houris; and wemen to be weyit and considerit conforme to thair blude and estate of thair pairteis that they ar copulat with. For the falt, everie prelat, erle or lord, viij s.; everie barone or beneficit man in dignitie, ij s.; everie landit man, frehalder, wassell, fewer and small beneficit men, xij d.; and everie craftisman, yeman or servand, viij d.; the space of the puir folkis imprisonement to be dowbillit. And for the thrid falt, the saidis secund panis to be dowblit. And for the fourt and last falt, the offendaris to be banisit or put in waird for the space of yeir and day at the kingis will, and sicklike all utheris estaittis eftir thair qualitie to be puneist efferandlie, and the foirsaidis panis to be uptakin and applyit to the use of the puir folkis. And for the bettir execusioun heirof, that censouris be appoyntit in the merkat places of all burrowis and uthir publict fairris, with power to put the swerairis of sic abhominabill aithis in ward quhill thai have payit the saidis panis and find souertie to abstene in tyme cuming, and that be directioun and commissioun of the schireffis, stewardis, bailyeis, provestis, aldermen and bailyeis of burrowis, lordis of regaliteis and utheris ordinar officiaris; and that all houshalderris delait to the magistratis the names of all sic personis as transgressis this present act, that, upoun complaint thairof to be maid to the kingis magestie and his privie counsaill, they salbe callit and committit to waird during his hines will and find souertie under greit panes at his hines sicht for exact diligence to be schawin in executing of the said act thairefter.

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  3. NAS, PA2/12, f.67r. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/12, ff.67r-v. Back
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  7. APS reads, 'the secund'. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/12, f.67v. Back
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  10. NAS, PA2/12, f.68r. Back
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  12. NAS, PA2/12, ff.68r-v. Back
  13. In the margin: a cross denotes acts to be printed. Back
Aganis passing in pilgramage to chapellis, wellis and croces, and the superstitious observing of diverse uther papisticall rytes

Forsamekill as pairt for want of doctrine and raritie of ministeris, and pairtlie throw the pervers inclinatioun of mannis ingyne to superstitioun, the dregges of idolatrie yit remanis in divers pairtes of the realme be using of pilgramage to sum chappellis, wellis, croces and sic uther monumentis of idolatrie, as also be observing of the festvall dayis of the santes, sumtyme namit their patronis, in setting furth of bain fyris, sing of caroles within and about kirkis at certane seasones of the yeir, and observing of sic utheris superstitious and papisticall rytes to the dishonore of God, contempt of the trew religioun and fostering of greit errore amang the peopill; for remeid quhairof, it is statut and ordanit be oure soverane lord, with advise of his thre estatis in this present parliament, that nane of his hines lieges presume or tak upoun hand in tyme cuming to hant, frequent or use the saidis pilgramages or utheris the foirnamit superstitious and papisticall rytis under the panis following, videlicet, ilk gentill man or woman landit, or wyfe of the gentilman landit, ane hundret pundis, the unlandit ane hundret markis and the yeman fourtie pundis, for the first falt; and for the secund falt, the offendaris to suffer the pane of deith as idolateris. And for the better execusioun heirof, commandis, ordanis and gevis power to all schireffis, stewartis, bailyeis, provestis, aldermen and bailyeis of burrowis, lordis of regaliteis, thair stewartis and bailyeis and utheris quhome it sall pleis oure soverane lord to grant speciale commissioun to seirche and seik the personis passing in pilgramage to onie kirkis, chapellis, wellis, croces or sic uthir monumentis of idolatrie, as alsa the superstitious observaris of the festvall dayis of the santes, sumtimes namit thair patronis, quhair thair is na publict fayris and mercatis, setteris oute of bainfyris, singeris of caroles within and about kirkis, and of sic utheris superstitious and papisticall rytis, and apprehending thame in the actuale deid of the transgressioun of this present act, eftir spede jugement of thair transgressioun, to put and hald thame in presone and firmance ay and quhill thay redeme thair libertie be payment of the panes abone writtin and find cawtioun to abstene in tyme cuming, under the pane of doubling of the same pane; and gif the personis apprehendit be not abill to redeme thair libertie be payment of the saidis pecuniall panes, that then they keip the personis transgressouris in presoun, irnis or stockis upoun breid and wattir, for the space of ane moneth eftir thair apprehensioun, causand thame quhen thai ar sett at libertie, outher find cawtioun or mak fayth to abstene thairefter; and in cais thei happin to pas furth of the schire quhair thai offend unapprehendit, that the schireffis and uther ordiner juges of the nixt schire, burgh or jurisdictionis apprehend thame and proceid in likemaner aganis thame, declairand the ane half of the pecuniall panis to pertene to the saidis ordiner juges for thair panes and for sustenyng of the personis to be kepit in waird, irnis or stockis, and the uther half to be inbrocht to the use of the puir of the parochin.

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  3. NAS, PA2/12, f.67r. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/12, ff.67r-v. Back
  6. In the margin: a cross denotes acts to be printed. Back
  7. APS reads, 'the secund'. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/12, f.67v. Back
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  10. NAS, PA2/12, f.68r. Back
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  12. NAS, PA2/12, ff.68r-v. Back
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The explanatioun of the act tuiching the notoure and manifest committaris of adulterie

Anent the supplicatioun maid to the kingis majeste and his thre estatis of this present parliament, craving ane explanatioun of the act of parliament maid in the regne of the quene, his hines dearest moder, anent adulterie, that is quhat salbe estimit and judgit in law to be notoure and manifest adulterie, worthie of the pane of deith, mentionat in the said act; it is thairfoir declarit be his hines, with advise of his thre estatis in this present parliament, that it salbe judgit in law notoure and manifest adulterie, worthie of the said pane of deith, quhair thair is bairnis, ane or ma, procreat betuix the personis adulteraris, or quhen they keip companie and bed togidder notoriouslie knawin, or quhen thay ar suspect of adulterie and thairby gevis sclander to the kirk, quhairupoun, being dewlie admonischit, to abstene and satisfie the kirk be repentance or purgatioun, and yit contempnandlie refusand, ar excommunicat for thair obstinacie; all thir thre degreis of adulteraris, and everie ane of thame, being lawfullie callit and convictit befoir the justice and his deputis, sall incur and suffer the said pane of deith.

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  3. NAS, PA2/12, f.67r. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/12, ff.67r-v. Back
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  7. APS reads, 'the secund'. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/12, f.67v. Back
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  10. NAS, PA2/12, f.68r. Back
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  12. NAS, PA2/12, ff.68r-v. Back
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Aganis fugitivis and utheris papistis practising aganis the trew religioun

Forsamekill as certane fugitivis and utheris personis, oure soverane lordis borne subjectis now remaning furth of this realme, professing thame selffis the subjectis and servandis of uthir princes, upoun disdane and malice borne be thame aganis the trew and Christiane religioun now publictle preichit and be law establischit within this realme, ceissis not safar as in thame lyis to pervert the youth of this natioun passing furth of this realme to the sculis and to visite uthir cuntreis, and als makis, settis furth, sendis hame and causis to be dispersit in this realme diverse famous buikis and libellis in prais and defence of the Paip and his usurpit authoritie, dampnit be Goddis word and oure soverane lordis lawis; as alswa sindrie of the same personis presumes oftymes to repair in this realme thame selffis, under culoure to seik the recoverie of thair helth be the air of thair native cuntrie, intending to seduce the simpill and ignorant pepill and utheris ony wayis affectit to thair superstitious and erroneous doctrine. For remeid quhairof, it is statute and ordanit be oure soverane lord, with advise of his thre estatis, that the actis maid for punischment of his hines subjectis, adversareis to the trew and Christiane religioun and persounis suspectit to haif declinit thairfra, be put in dew execusioun in all poyntis, with this additioun: that it sall not be lesum to ony of the saidis personis, his hines subjectis or strangerris (not being ambassadouris, messingerris nor merchandeis), adversareis of the trew and Christiane religioun, or that hes declinit thairfra, to returne in this realme or remane thairin, except within the space of fourtie dayis eftir the end of this present parliament they satisfe and obey his hines lawis anent the geving of thair confessioun and assenting and subscriving to the artickillis of the said trew and Christiane religioun; and in the manetyme, that nane of thame repair in the kingis majesteis presence, palice or duelling place, or remane langer nor thre houris in onie pairt neir the same within the space of sevin myles; and quhaever failyeis heirin (thair names being notifeit be the bischopis, superintendentis or ministeris of the kingis hous to the ordinar juges quhairever the saidis persounis repairis or remanis), they salbe takin and haldin in presoun be his maister of houshald or uthir judges ordiner ay and quhill they have found sufficient souertie, ilk persoun under the pane of fyve hundret markis that they sall outher recant thair errouris and obey his hines lawes be professing of the said Christiane religioun or depairt furth of the realme within the space of fyftene dayis thairefter. And that alswa in the meane season, they sall nouthir teache nor saw the said Papis erroneus doctrine, nor na uther erroneus doctrine repugnand to the said trew and Christiane religioun now publiclie prechit and be law establischit in this realme to nane of the subjectis thairof, outher be wordis or write, under the said pane, and that all his hines subjectis that hes or sall mak, sett furth, bring hame, sell or dispers within this realme onie of the saidis famous buikis and libellis in the praise and defence of the said Paip and his usurpit authoritie or uthir erroneus doctrine, to the contempt of oure soverane lord and trew religioun presentlie professit within this realme, being callit and dewlie convictit thairfoir, according to the lawis of the same, sall incur be pane of banischment and confiscatioun of all thair guidis moveabill to oure soverane lordis use. And becaus sindrie personis, dissobeyarris of his hines authoritie, for non geving of the confessioun of thair fayth conforme to the actis of parliamentis, hes thairthrow tint thair benefices ipso facto, the same being lawfullie and dewlie providit be oure soverane lordis presentatioun and admission of the kirk to personis serving in the ministerie and the fruittis thairof assignit to thame for thair yeirlie livingis and stipendis, nevertheles, in seiking lettres to be answerit and obeit of the saidis fruittis, they ar oftymes hinderit throw licences purchessit of oure soverane lord to the saidis personis departing and remaning furth of the realme for diverse yeris withoute skaith or danger to be incurrit be thame in thair persones, levingis, guidis and geir, in respect of the quhilkis licences the juges, befoir quhome they ar producit, stayis and ceissis further proceding in the saidis caus, to the greit hurt and prejudice of the act of his hines parliament, intitulat 'That the adversareis of Christis religioun sall not enjoy the patrimony of the kirk'. For remeid quhairof, it is statute and ordanit be oure soverane lord and thre estatis of this present parliament that all sic licences purchessit of his hines sall have na effect, strenth nor force, annulland and dischargeand the same be thir presentis insafar as they may ony wayis tend to the prejudice and hinder of the execusioun of the saidis actis of parliament, or to the titles and provisionis of benefices and utheris ecclesiasticall rentis maid and grantit be vertew thairof, commanding the saidis juges, befoir quhome the saidis actionis ar or salhappin to be intentit or dependis, to proceid and do justice thairin with expeditioun, notwithstanding the saidis licences or absence of the personis in quhais favoure the same ar or salhappin to be grantit, quhilkis licences salbe estimit as privie wrytingis withoute ane sufficient testimoniall instantlie schawin, that the person to quhome the same licence is grantit professis the trew religioun and hes already satisfeit his majesteis lawes maid to that effect.

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  3. NAS, PA2/12, f.67r. Back
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  5. NAS, PA2/12, ff.67r-v. Back
  6. In the margin: a cross denotes acts to be printed. Back
  7. APS reads, 'the secund'. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/12, f.67v. Back
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  10. NAS, PA2/12, f.68r. Back
  11. In the margin: a cross denotes acts to be printed. Back
  12. NAS, PA2/12, ff.68r-v. Back
  13. In the margin: a cross denotes acts to be printed. Back