The ratificatioun of the libertie of the trew kirk of God and religioun, with confirmatioun of the lawis and actis maid to that effect of before

Oure soverane lord, with avise of his thre estaittis and haill body of this present parliament, hes ratefeit and apprevit and, be the tenoure heirof, ratefeis and apprevis all and quhatsumever actis of parliament, statutis and constitutionis past and maid of befoir, aggreabill to Goddis word, for mantenance of the liberte of the trew kirk of God and religioun now presentlie professit within this realme and puritie thairof, and specialie the act maid in the regne of the quene, his dearest moder, in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the xix day of Aprile, the yeir of God 1567, anent the cassing, annulling and abrogating of all lawis, actis and constitutiounis, cannon, civile and municipale, with uthir constitutiounis contrair the religioun now professit within this realme and the actis in likewise efter following maid in diverse parliamentis haldin sen his hienes coronatioun, namelie, the actis anent the abolisching of the Pape and his usurpit authoritie; annent the annulling of the actis of parliament maid aganis Goddis word and mantenance of idolatrie in ony tymes bypast; the Confessioun of the Faith professit be the Protestantis of Scotland; anent the mes abolischit and punisching of all that heiris or sayis the same; anent the trew and haly kirk and of thame that ar declairit not to be of the same; anent the admissioun of thame that salbe presentit to benefices, havand cuir of ministerie; anent the kingis aith to be gevin at his coronatioun; anent thame that suld beir publict office heirefter; anent thriddis of benefices grantit in the moneth of December, the yeir of God m d lxj yeris, for sustenyng of the ministerie and utheris effairis of the prince; anent thame that salbe teicheris of the youth in scules; anent the jurisdictioun of the kirk; anent the dispositioun of provestreis, prebendreis and chaiplanreis to bursaris to be foundit in colleges; anent the fylthie vice of fornicatioun and punischment of the same; anent thame that committis incest; anent lawfull mariage of the awin blude in degreis not forbiddin be Goddis word; ratificatioun and approbatioun of the actis and statutis maid of befoir anent the fredome and libertie of the trew kirk of God; anent the trew and haly kirk, that the adversareis of Christis evangell sall not enjoy the patrimony of the kirk; anent the dissobedientis quhilk salbe resavit to oure soverane lordis mercie and pardoun; the explanatioun of the act maid anent manssis and gleibis; anent purchessing of the Papis bullis or giftis of the quene, oure soverane lordis moder; approbatioun of the act maid anent the dispositioun of benefices to the ministeris of Christis evangell; anent the reparatioun of perroche kirkis; the ratificatioun of the libertie of the trew kirk of God and religioun, that the gleib of the ministeris and reideris salbe fre of teyndis; anent the trew and haly kirk and of thame that ar declarit not to be of the same; anent the jurisdictioun of the kirk, dischargeing of mercattis and lauboring on Sondayis and playing or dreinking in tyme of sermone; anent the youth and utheris beyond sey suspect to haif declinit from the trew religioun; that houshalderis haif bybillis and psame buikis; for punischment of strang and idill beggerris and releif of the puir and impotent; and declaris the saidis actis, and everie ane of thame, and all utheris actis of parliament maid in favour of the trew religioun sen the said reformatioun, to have effect in all poyntis eftir the forme and tenoure thairof.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.66v. Back
  2. In the margin, a cross denotes acts to be printed. Back