Judicial proceeding: summons of treason; asking of instruments

The quhilk day Maistir Robert Creychtoun of Eliok, advocat to our soverane lorde, schew and declarit that the summondis of treassoun dewlie execute and indorsate, persewit at the instance of our said soverane lord and his hienes justice, aganis Archbald, erle of Angus, Maister Archbald Dowglas, persone of Glasgow, Archbald Dowglas of Pettindreyth, James Dowglas, sumtyme priour of Pluscardin, sones naturall to umquhile James, sumtyme erle of Mortoun, and certane utheris, thair collegis, contenit in the said summondis for certane crymes of treassoun specefeit thairintill, being callit in presens of the lordis comissionaris speciallie depute be our soverane lordis commissioun upoun the twentie fywe day of October lastbipast, at the quhilk day the said advocat producit the officiares and witnesses, executores of the said summondis of treassoun, for verificatioun of the executiones and indorsationes thairof, quha verefeit the samyn sufficientlie, as the actis maid thairupoun proportis; and that thaireftir, upoun the penult day of the said moneth of October, the lordis of articles being chosin in presens of the kingis majestie, and that eftir the cheasing of thame he compeirit in thair presens, quhome before he repetit the procedingis done of before in presens of the lordis comissionaris, and desyrit fordar proces upoun the said summondis; and thairefter the haill persones contenit thairintill, being of new callit in presens of the saidis lordis of articles, and the said summondis being syndrie tymes red, baith in Scottis and Latein, desyrit the saidis lordis to find and declare gif the reassones of the said summondis war relevant or nocht, quha fand the haill reassones contenit thairintill relevant, exceptand the feird reassoun thairof, fra the quhilk the said advocat past; and thaireftir the said advocat producit oure soverane lordis lettres dewlie execute and indorsate, quhairbye the foirsaidis haill persones contenit in the said summondis war dewlie relaxit fra the proces of horne led upoun thame for quhatsumevir caus or occasioun preceding the dait of the said summondis, to the effect that thay and everye ane of thame mycht compeir and defend in the said caus; and thairefter siclyke the said advocat, for verefeing of the first reassoun of the said summondis, quhilk is onlie persewit aganis the said Maister Archbald Dowglas allanerlie toward the murthour of our soverane lordis umquhile darrast father, repetit the notorietie of the deid, with the notorietie of the said Maister Archbaldis fleing in Ingland inmediatlie eftir he was delatit of the said cryme be James, now erle of Arrane, lord Ewen and Hammiltoun; and siclyke produceit the depositiones of umquhile Johnne Bynning, servand to the said Maister Archbald, and also repetit the notorietie of his confessioun the tyme of his accusatioun and also upoun the skaffell the tyme of his executioun, and siclyke producit the convictioun pronuncit aganis the said umquhile Johnne Bynning for the samyn cryme, lettres quhairbye the said Maistir Archbald was denuncit to the horne for non comperance before the kingis majestie and counsall to answer super inquirendis eftir his accusatioun, with the depositioun of Robert Reidpeth, and repetit the notorietie of the said Johnne Bynningis executioune with the act of parliament maid be King James the First, cap. 85, and that for prewing of the first reassoun of the said summondis; and siclyke producit for prewing of the secund reassoun of the said summondis, toward the said Maistir Archbaldis passing in Ingland and treating to dissolve the peax betwix the realmes, producit the depositiones of Alexander Lawsoun, George Home of Wodderburne, Robert Reidpeth, his servand, George Auchinlek of Balmanno, with ane writting send be the said Maistir Archbald Dowglas to Maistir David Makgill, advocat, beirand flectere si nequeo superos acheronta movebo; and also repetit the act of parliament of King James the First, cap. 142, with the notorietie of the deid, and that for prewing of the said secund reassoun of the said summondis; and siclyke for prewing of the thrid ressoun of the said summondis toward the inbringing of Inglis forces, quhilk is laid to the charge of the saidis Archbald, erle of Angus, Maister Archbald Dowglas and haill remanent their collegis quhilkis ar nocht past fra, producit the depositiones of Williame Dowglas of Quhittinghame, the said laird of Woddirburne, George Home, younger of Spott, Alexander Lawsoun and George Auchinlek, with the declaratioun of Maister Randall to the king and counsall, and repetit the notorietie of the deid, with the actis of parliament of King James the First and King James the Secund; and siclyke for prewing of the fyft ressoun of the said summondis toward the convocatioun at Braidis Craigis for relewing of the said umquhile Erle of Mortoun be force out of warde, repetit the notorietie of the deid, with the depositiones of the saidis Lairdis of Quhittinghame, Wodderburne, Spott, George Dowglas, officiar of Prestoun, the said declaratioun of Maistir Randell and actis of parliament foirsaidis; and siclyke for prewing of the sext heid toward the said Erle of Angus dissobedience for non entering in warde beyond Spay, being chargit thairto under the pane of treassoun, producit oure soverane lordis lettres quhair he past to the horne for non comperance before the justice upoun the said cryme, as the charge, dewlie execute and indorsate, beiris and repetit the notorietie of the deid; and also for prewing of the sewint reassoun toward the halding and keping of the castellis of Tomptalloun and Dowglas, eftir the charges quhilk is onlie laid to the said Erle of Angus charge, producit our soverane lordis quhair the said erle past to the horne for non comperance before the said justice upoun the said cryme, with the charges dewlie execute and indorsate, and repetit the notorietie of the deid; and inlykmaner, for prewing of the aucht and last ressoun of the said summondis toward the halding of the castell of Torthorwall, quhilk is laid to the charge of George Dowglas of Parkheid and James Dowglas, his eldest sone, allanerlie, producit the saidis charges dewlie execute and indorsate and repetit the notorietie of the deid, quhairupoun the said advocat askit instrumentis; and siclyke the said advocat askit instrumentis that he past fra the feird ressoun contenit in the said summondis tuiching the putting of violent handis in our soverane lordis maist noble persone and his nobilitie pro loco et tempore.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.56v-57v. Back
  2. APS reads, 'lordis lettres'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/12, f.57v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/12, ff.57v-61r. Back
  5. APS interpolation. Back
  6. APS interpolation. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/12, f.62r-63r. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/12, ff.63v-65v. Back

The said advocat inlykwayes past fra the persute of George Home of Spott, younger, Johnne Cairlell of Boithauch and George Dowglas, secund sone to the said George Dowglas of Parkheid, pro loco et tempore, and thairupoun inlykmaner askit instrumentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.56v-57v. Back
  2. APS reads, 'lordis lettres'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/12, f.57v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/12, ff.57v-61r. Back
  5. APS interpolation. Back
  6. APS interpolation. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/12, f.62r-63r. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/12, ff.63v-65v. Back

The quhilk day Maister Robert Creychtoun of Eliok, advocat to oure soverane lord, exhebeit and producit, lyke as he did diverse tymes of before, the summondis of treassoun underwrittin, rasit and persewit at the instance of oure soverane lord and his hienes justice, aganis Archibald, erle of Angus, lord Dowglas, and Maister Archbald Dowglas, persone of Glasgow, Johnne Carmichaell of that Ilk, younger, Hew Carmichaell, his sone and apperand air, Malcolme Dowglas of Manis, James Dowglas sumtyme priour of Pluscardin, Archbald Dowglas of Pittindreyth, his brother, sones naturall to umquhile James, sumtyme erle of Mortoun, Archbald Dowglas, sumtyme constable of the castell of Edinburgh, Hectour Dowglas, callit Reideckie, George Dowglas of Parkheid and James Dowglas, his sone and apperand air, quhairbye they war summond to have comperit befoir our said soverane lord and his said justice upoun the twentie fyve day of October lastbipast in his hienes parliament to have begun upoun the xxiiij day of the said moneth, in the hour of caus, with continewatioun of dayes, to have answerit upoun the crymes and pointtis of treassoun and lese majestie, and thairfore to have hard thame, and everye ane of thame, decernit and declarit to have incurrit the saidis crymes for the caus undirwrittin contenit in the said summondis, off the quhilk the tennoure followis:

Jacobus Dei gratia rex Scotorum dilectis nostris leoni regi armorum Ilay, Albanye, Rois, Rothesay, Snadoun, Merchemond heraldis, Wilelmo Bryssoun, Archibaldo Dowglas, Joanni Fergussoun, Roberto Stewart, clavigeris, Ormond, Bute, Unicorne, Carrik signiferis, Johanni Broun, Thome Scott, Stephano Alexander, Alexandro Stobo nunciis, et eorum cuilibet conjunctim et divisim vicecomitibus nostris in hac parte salutem. Mandamus vobis et precipimus quatenus summoniatis legitime et peremptorie coram testibus Magistrum Archibaldum Dowglas, olim rectorem de Glasgow, Archibaldum Angusie comitem Johannem Carmichaell de eodem Juniorem Hugonem Carmichaell suum filium et apparentem heredem Malcolmum Dowglas de Manis Jacobum Dowglas olim priorem de Pluscardin Archibaldum Dowglas olim de Pittindreycht eius fratrem filios naturales quondam Jacobi olim Mortonie comitis Archibaldum Dowglas olim constabularium castri nostri de Edinburgh Hectorem Dowglas Reideckie nuncupatum Georgium Dowglas de Parkheid et Jacobum Dowglas eius filium et heredem apparentem, conspiratores perpetratores et celatores criminum subsequentium respective personaliter si eorum personales presentias commodo habere poteritis, alioquin apud loca eorum habitationum vel per publicam proclamationem apud cruces forales burgorum nostrorum de Edinburgh Hadingtoun Lanerk Drumfreis aliaque loca necessaria degentes vero seu existentes extra regnum nostrum seu nullum certum domicilium in eodem habentes, apud dictas cruces forales aliaque loca necessaria super premonitione sexaginta dierum, sic quod huiusmodi summonitio ad eorum aures et notitiam verisimiliter pervenire poterit, quod compareant coram nobis seu justiciario nostro vicesimo quinto die mensis Octobris proxime sequentis in nostro parliamento apud Edinburgh vicesimo quarto die mensis antedicti inchoandarum hora causarum, cum continuatione dierum, ad respondendum nobis nostrove justiciario in prefato parliamento super criminibus subsequentibus respective. Primo dictum magistrum Archibaldum Dowglas pro suis proditoriis conspiratione consultatione tractatione et deliberatione super nefanda et detestabili nece murthura et paricidio quondam charissimi patris nostri Henrici Scotorum regis sponsi legitimi pro tempore nobilissime matris nostre Marie tunc Scotorum regine, et hoc in mensibus Januarii et Februarii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo sexagesimo sexto, et pro suis arte parte auxilio favore et assistentia per eum prestitis et impensis in predicta proditoria nece murthura et paricidio. Atque adeo pro sua proditoria celatione et occultatione prefate vilissime conjurationis et horribilissime murthure desuper subsequute, quando vero dictus Magister Archibaldus quondam Jacobus olim Mortonie comes Jacobus olim Bothuelie comes Jacobus Ormistoun olim de eodem Robertus Ormistoun eius patruus Joannes Hay de Talo Junior Joannes Hepburne Johne of Bowtoun nuncupatus et Johannes Bynning famulus dicti Magistri Archibaldi cum diversis aliis suis complicibus in burgo nostro de Edinburgh palacio de Halirudhous loco de Quhittinghame aliisque locis circajacentibus sepenumero convenerunt, consilium inierunt et moliti sunt quibus mediis dolo malo ingenione prenominatum nostrum patrem charissimum interfecerent et jugularent. Et tandem super decimo die dicti mensis Februarii horam circiter secundam post mediam noctem dictus Magister Archibaldus cum dicto quondam Johanne Bynning suo servitore accessit ad hospitium dicti quondam charissimi patris nostri in dicto burgo nostro de Edinburgh prope templum de campis et ibidem prefatis suis complicibus sese adiunxit, et ut antea inter eos conclusum erat, ipsum dictum charissimum nostrum patrem ex precogitata felonia Willelmum Tailyour et Andream MacKeg eius cubicularios somno sepultos impudentissime crudelissime et maxime proditorie interfecerunt et jugularunt, ac dictum suum hospitium audacissime incendio miserunt, et violentia pulveris bumbardici maliciosissime et maxime proditorio more in aerem leuarunt, hinc manifestissime crimina lesemaiestatis perpetrando. Quemadmodum relique omnes persone supra nominate socii dicti magistri Archibaldi in suis prefatis proditoriis sceleribus convicti extant pro eisdem, et pro maxima parte et apprehendi poterant debitam et consuetam proditorum mortem perpessi sunt. In verificationem premissorum, cum primum dictus magister Archibaldus intellexit se delatum de prefatis criminibus coram nobis nostrique secreti consilii dominis per dilectum consanguineum et consiliarium nostrum Jacobum nunc Aranie comitem quod erat ultimo die Decembris ultimo elapsis statim ipse aufugit et quanta potuit diligentia ad partes Anglie convolavit ubi adhuc moram trahit, inde eadem ipsa crimina super se acceptando. Et in ulteriorem verificationem premissorum dictus quondam Johannes Bynning famulus dicti magistri Archibaldi, qui tertio die mensis Junii instantis pro predictis sceleribus mortem passus est, omnia et singula supra specificata in effectu non modo ante suam accusationem sed etiam tempore sue accusationis judicialiter atque adeo in ipsa scena tempore executionis palam confessus est. Et Ideo dictum magistrum Archibaldum pro suo proditorio [ad videndum] et audiendum se respectu premissorum crimen [lese maiestatis] incurrisse Per nos et trium regni nostri statuum decretum decerni et declarari. Secundo dictum magistrum Archibaldum pro suo proditorio ingressu infra partes Anglie circa sextum diem mensis Januarii ultimo elapsis et pro sua proditoria remanentia et residentia ibidem continuo a dicto die contra voluntatem nostram, Interim communicando tractando et consulendo cum diversis proceribus consulibus et officiariis Anglie, presertim cum dominis de Hunnisdell Scrupe Randell et Bowis Quibus mediis qua arte aut machinatione pacem inter nos nostramque, charissimam sororem Regiam Anglie dissolveret et rumperet hinc plane crimen proditionis per leges nostras committendo. Et ideo dictum magistrum Archibaldum ad videndum et audiendum se respectu premissorum crimen lese maiestatis incurrisse per nos et trium regni nostri statuum decretum decerni et declarari. Tertio dictos magistrum Archibaldum Dowglas Archibaldum Angusie comitem Johannem Carmichaell de eodem Juniorem Hugonem Carmichaell suum filium et apparentem heredem Malcolmum Dowglas de Manis Jacobum Dowglas olim priorem de Pluscardin Archibaldum Dowglas olim de Pittindreich eius fratrem Archibaldum Dowglas olim constabularium castri nostri de Edinburgh Hectorem Dowglas Rid Eckie nuncupatum Georgium Dowglas de Parkheid et Jacobum Dowglas suum filium et eorum quemlibet pro suis proditoriis tractatione negotiatione et consultatione per se aliosque suo nomine ex eorum causatione mandato assistentia et ratihabitione cum Dominis de Hounsdell Scrupe Randell et Bowis officiariis Anglicanis aliisque diversis nobilibus et officiariis Anglie, et hoc quotidie ut oportunitas ministrabatur, a primo die mensis Januarii ultimo elapsis quando dictus quondam Mortonie comes gardie et carceri nostro commissus erat pro proditoria arte parte murthure dicti quondam charissimi patris nostri, interim continuo laborando a primo die mensis Januarii pacem et concordiam inter nos nostramque charissimam sororem reginam Anglie longo tempore inviolabiliter observatam rumpere et dissolvere. Quod fere ad effectum et actum propinquum perduxerunt. Nam statim post commissionem dicti quondam comitis in carcere ut predicitur prenominati conspiratores suis mediis arte praxi et machinatione diversas turmas Anglicanorum militum mercenariorum tam equitum quam peditum ad numerum decim mille hominum egregie et sufficienter armatorum ad fines et limites nostri regni alliciebant et inducebant. Ubi dicti milites per spacium duorum mensium aut eocirca moram traxerunt, guerram interea temporis minando nostris bonis liegiis et limitaneis, nulla occasione guerre ex nostra parte procedente, sed ex persuasione dictorum conspiratorum, ea intentione ut dictus quondam Mortonie comes libertatem suam recuperaret, et ad hunc finem et exitum iidem conspiratores faciebant quod in eis erat ad corrumpendum nonnullos nostros fideles subditos ab authoritate nostra regia deficere arma contra nos nostrumque regnum levare et capere. Ac se dictis Anglicanis militibus jungere pro libertate dicti quondam comitis ut prefertur et pro nulla alia causa. Atque adeo pro sua proditoria celatione et occultatione omnium et singulorum prefatorum criminum. Et ideo dictos conspiratores ad videndum et audiendum sese et eorum quemlibet respectu premissorum crimen lese maiestatis incurrisse per nos et trium regni nostri statuum decretum decerni et declarari. Quarto dictos Archibaldum Angusie comitem Johannem Carmichaell de eodem Juniorem Hugonem Carmichaell suum filium et heredem apparentem Malcolmum Dowglas de Manis Jacobum Dowglas olim de Pluscardin Archibaldum Dowglas olim de Pettindreycht eius fratrem Archibaldum Dowglas olim constabularium castri nostri de Edinburgh Hectorem Dowglas Rideckie nuncupatum Georgium Dowglas de Parkheid et Jacobum Dowglas suum filium et eorum quemlibet pro suis proditoriis conjuratione tractatione et consultatione per se aliosque suo nomine, ex eorum causatione mandato millione assistentia et ratihabitione ad capiendum intercipiendum et manus violentas imponendum in personam nostram regiam personasque nostrorum consulum et officiariorum fidelium subditorum et ad disponendum super eisdem ad voluntatis sue libitum, et hoc variis ac diversis temporibus in mensibus Novembris Decembris Januarii ultimo elapsis in palatio nostro de Halyrudhous, et ad hunc effectum dicti conspiratores non solum post incarcerationem dicti quondam comitis de Mortoun. Sed etiam multoties ante eius incarcerationem ob causam predictam in unum armati convenerunt ac sub noctis silentio secreto latitabant alii in burgo nostro de Edinburgh quidam in vico canonicorum nonnulli in suburbiis dicti burgi et reliqui omnes in villis proxime adjacentibus habentes suas excubias prope prefatum nostrum palatium quando nobis nostrisque consulibus officiariis et aliis nostris bonis subditis ac servitoribus nobiscum pro tempore in dicto palatio nostro existentes satis luculenter constabat. Hinc iidem ipsi conspiratores timore apprehensionis omnino frustrati discesserunt, Non obstante quod ad actum propinquum et executionem dicte conspirationis frequenter processerunt temporibus et loco suprascriptis. Et pro sua proditoria celatione et occultatione eorundem criminum. Et ideo dictos conspiratores ad videndum et audiendum sese et eorum quemlibet intuitu premissorum crimen lesemaiestatis incurrisse per nos et trium regni nostri statuum decretum decerni et declarari. Quinto dictos viz Archibaldum Angusie comitem Johannem Carmichaell de eodem Juniorem Hugonem Carmichaell suum filium et apparentem heredem Malcolmum Dowglas de Manys Jacobum Dowglas olim priorem de Pluscardin Archibaldum Dowglas eius fratrem Archibaldum Dowglas olim constabularium de Edinburgh Hectorem Dowglas Rid Eckie nuncupatum Georgium Dowglas de Parkheid et Jacobum Dowglas suum filium et heredem apparentem et eorum quemlibet pro suis proditoriis conspiratione et consultatione et conclusione per se aliosque suo nomine ex eorum causatione mandato assistentia et ratihabitione ad intercipiendum et vi armata auferendum dictum quondam Jacobum olim Mortonie comitem et hoc in mense Januario ultimo elapsis postquam dictus quondam comes incarceratus erat in castro nostro de Edinburgh pro horribili paricidio dicti quondam. charissimi patris nostri. Et ideo dicte persone expectantes occasionem predictum scelus committendi, cum primum intellexerunt dictum quondam comitem transportandum fore a dicto suo carcere de Edinburgh ad castrum Dunbartone sese in unum armati cum suis complicibus ad numerum ducentorum hominum comveniebant juxta rupes de Braid ea intentione ut ex certo preposito ut prefatum quondam comitem in via publica qua itur a dicto castro de Edinburgh ad prefatum castrum Dunbartone interciperent et vi armata auferrent a manibus dilectorum consanguineorum nostrorum Jacobi comitis de Glencarne Georgii domini Seytoun Roberti feodatarii de Orknay Thome Kennadye de Barganie et Johannis Gordoun de Lochinwar militum diversorumque aliorum nostrorum fidelium subditorum ad conductionem dicti quondam comitis per nos assignatorum specialem commissionem nostram ad hoc habentium. Et pro sua proditoria celatione et occultatione dicte conspirationis consultationis et conclusionis hinc manifestissime crimen proditionis committendo, non modo in conjuratione predicta sed etiam in celatione eiusdem conjurationis et in faciendo quod in eis erat eandem suam coniurationem ad effectum perducere. Et ideo dictos conspiratores et eorum quemlibet ad videndum et audiendum sese respectu premissorum crimen lesemaiestatis incurrisse per nos et trium regni nostri statuum decretum decerni et declarari. Sexto dictum Archibaldum Angusie comitem pro sua proditoria remanentia et non introitu sue persone citra et ex parte boriali fluminis de Spay ibidem residendi gratia (durante nostra voluntate) tanquam in loco circum scripto pro suo exilio et destinato pro sua gardia, non obstante quod vigore aliarum literarum nostrarum Joanni Broun nuntio ac vicecomiti nostro in hac parte specialiter constituto directarum prefatus comes legitime mandatus erat decimo octavo die mensis Martii ultimo elapsis ad intrandum personam suam in dicto loco et ad remanendum ibidem. Et hoc infra sex dies post mandatum dicti nuntii sub pena proditionis prout in dictis literis nostris et earum executionibus latius continetur. Nostris tamen mandatis spretis et neglectis personam suam minime adhuc intrauit in prescripto loco expresse contra tenorem prefatarum literarum et executionum earundem. Hinc manifestissime crimen proditionis committendo. Et ideo dictum comitem ad videndum et audiendum se respectu premissorum crimen lesemaiestatis incurrisse per nos et trium regni nostri statuum decretum decerni et declarari. Septimo dictum Archibaldum Angusie comitem pro suis proditoriis suffultione munimine et detensione per se aliosque suo nomine ex eius causatione mandato assistentia et ratihabitione castrorum de Thomtalloun et Dowglas contra nos authoritatemque nostram regiam continuo a diebus subsequentibus respective viz dicti castrii de Thomtalloun a vicesimo nono die mensis Martii ultimo elapsis et dicti castrii de Dowglas a penultimo die eiusdem mensis Martii, non obstante quod vigore aliarum literarum nostrarum Johanni Calder Bute signifero et Johanni Ade nuntio tanquam officiariis nostris et vicecomitibus in hac parte specialiter constitutis directarum prefatus comes legitime mandatus erat dictis diebus respective ad reddendum et deliberandum prefata castra prenominatis officiariis respective infra quadraginta octo horas post executionem earundem literarum sub pena proditionis, prout in predictis literis et earundem executionibus latius continetur. Nostris tamen mandatis et requisitionibus contemptis prefatus comes prenominata castra recusavit reddere et deliberare prefatis nostris officiariis respective executoribus pro tempore dictarum literarum, expresse contra tenorem et executionem earundem, sed eadem ipsa castra proditorie detinuit per se aliosque suo nomine ex eius causatione mandato assistentia et ratihabitione ut prefertur, continuo a dictis diebus respective, quemadmodum etiam adhuc eadem ipsa castra detinet in magnum nostre authoritatis contemptum ac legum violationem. Hinc audacter et temerarie crimen proditionis committendo. Et ideo dictum comitem ad videndum et audiendum se respectu premissorum crimen lesemaiestatis incurrisse per nos et trium regni nostri statuum decretum decernii et declarari. Octavo dictum Georgium Dowglas de Parkheid Jacobum Dowglas eius filium pro suis proditoriis suffultione munimine et detentione per se aliosque suo nomine ex eorum causatione mandato assistentia et ratihabitione castri de Torthorwell contra nos authoritatemque nostram regiam continuo a vicesimo septimo die mensis Martii ultimo elapsis usque ad primum diem mensis Maii proxime sequentis aut eocirca, non obstante quod vigore aliarum literarum nostrarum Roberto Maxwell nuncio tanquam officiario et vicecomiti nostro in hac parte specialiter constituto directarum prefati Georgius et Jacobus legitime mandati erant dicto vicesimo septimo die mensis Marcii ad reddendum et deliberandum dictum castrum prefato nostro officiario executori predictarum literarum, necnon ad removendum se suosque servitores ab eodem infra sex horas post executionem earundem literarum sub pena proditionis, prout in prescriptis literis earumque executionibus latius continetur. Nostris tamen mandatis et requisitionibus contemptis prefate persone predictum castrum recusaverunt reddere et deliberare dicto nostro officiario executori pro tempore dictarum literarum, ac se suosque servitores ab eodem infra tempus prescriptum removere, expresse contra tenorem et executionem earundem literarum, sed idem ipsum castrum proditorie detinuerunt per se aliosque suo nomine ex eorum causatione mandato assistentia et ratihabitione ut prefertur, continuo a predicto vicesimo septimo die mensis Martii usque ad predictum primum diem mensis Maii proxime sequentis aut eocirca, donec timore oppugnationis idem ipsum castrum pro derelicto habuerunt in magnum nostre authoritatis contemptum et legum violationem. Hinc audacter et temerarie crimen proditionis committendo. Et ideo dictos Georgium et Jacobum eius filium ad videndum et audiendum sese et eorum quemlibet respectu premissorum crimen lesemaiestatis incurrisse per nos et trium regni nostri statuum decretum decerni et declarari. Et super predictis et aliis quamplurimis rebellionibus transgressionibus et proditoriis criminibus per prenominatas personas contra nos regnum nostrum et authoritatem regiam impie et nefarie perpetratis et dictis die et loco cum continuatione dierum proponendis et ostendendis ac juri parendum. Et super huiusmodi judicium nostrum et nostri parliamenti secundum leges regni nostri expectandum et subeundum dictas viz personas conspiratores perpetratores et celatores criminum precedentium respective ad videndum et audiendum sese et eorum quemlibet intuitu premissorum crimen lesemaiestatis incurrisse per nos et trium regni nostri statuum decretum decernii et declarari. Et propterea ipsorum bona mobilia et immobilia tam terras quam officia aliasque res ad eos spectantes nobis confiscari et pro perpetuo nobiscum in proprietate remanere, personasque suas penam proditionis et ultimi supplicii regni nostri legibus inflictam subire. Et ulterius in premissis respondendum et juri parendum intimando supradictis conspiratoribus et eorum cuilibet quod sive dictis die et loco cum continuatione dierum comparuerunt sive non nos dictusque noster justiciarius in premissis justicia mediante procedemus et procedet. Insuper citetis etc ad comparendum coram nobis nostroue justiciario dictis die et loco hora causarum cum continuatione dierum ad perhibendum fidele testimonium in predicta causa sub pena legis. Et presentes literas debite executas et indorsatas earundem latori reddatis. Et vos qui presentes executi fueritis sitis ibidem dictis die et loco coram nobis seu dicto nostro justiciario Portantes vobiscum vestre summonitionis testimonium inscriptum pro premissis seu ipsos testes. Ad quod faciendum vobis et vestrum cuilibet conjunctim et divisim vicecomitibus nostris in hac parte committimus potestatem. Datum sub testimonio nostri magni sigilli apud Edinburgh ultimo die mensis Junii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo octuagesimo primo et regni nostri decimo quarto.

Heir followis the executiones and indorsationes of the foirsaid summondis:

I, Alexander Stobo, messinger, schiref in that pairt within namit, specialie constitute, past at command of thir our soverane lordis lettres to the marcat croces of the burrowis respective eftir specefeit the dayes respective following, viz., upoun the fyft day of Julii the yeir of God jM vC foure scoir ane yeiris to the marcat croce of Lanerk, upoun the sext day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croce of Drumfreis, upoun the sewint day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croce of Kirkcudbrycht, upoun the aucht day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croce of Wigtoun, upoun the tent day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croces of Air and Irwin, upoun the ellevint day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croces of Dunbartane and Ranfrow, upoun the twelf day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croce of Glasgow and upoun the threttene day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croce of Lynlythqow; and at the saidis croces respective I lauchfullie summond, warnit and charget Maistir Archbald Dowglas, sumtyme persone of Glasgow, Archbald, erle of Angus, Johnne Carmichaell of that Ilk, younger, Hew Carmichaell, his sone and apperand air, Malcolme Dowglas of Manis, James Dowglas, sumtyme priour of Pluscardin, Archbald Dowglas, sumtyme of Pettindreich, his brother, Archbald Dowglas, sumtyme constable of the castell of Edinburgh, Hectour Dowglas, callit Rid Eckie, George Dowglas of Parkheid and James Dowglas, his sone, and that be oppin proclamatioun becaus all the saidis persones war furth of this realme, to compeir before oure soverane lord and his justice the twentie fyve day of October nixttocum, in his majesteis parliament to begin at Edinburgh upoun the xxiiij day of the said moneth, in the hour of caus, with continewatioun of dayes, to answer to his hienes or his justice in the said parliament upoun the crymes within contenit eftir the forme and tennoure of thir letteris in all poinctis; quhairof I affixit ane autentik coppie upoun ilk ane of the saidis croces before thir witnesses respective: Johnne Richartsoun, James Burges, Charles Geddes, Johnne Johnestoun, Johnne Hereis, Thomas Broun, Hew Tran, Thomas Harwie, Donald Connyghame, James Smollet, Andro Medrall, Maister Adame Wallace, Archbald Lyoun, Alexander Inglis and Schir James Hammiltoun of Crawfurdjohnne, knycht, and for the mair verificatioun heirof, heirto my signet is affixit. And upoun the saidis fyft, sext and ellewint dayes respective of the said moneth and yeir, I, the said Alexander Stobo, schiref afoirnamet, past at command foirsaid to the places respective following, to witt, to the place of Parkheid quhair the said George Dowglas of Parkheid and James Dowglas, his sone, sumtyme maid residence, and to the place of Manys quhair the said Malcolme Dowglas maid residence sumtyme, and thair, for the mair abundance, I lauchtfullie summond the saidis persones to compeir the saidis day and place, in the hour of caus, with continewatioun of dayes, in the parliament foirsaid, to the effect within rehersit; and eftir knoking at the yettis of the saidis places respective, I affixit ane coppie heirof upoun ilk ane of thame before thir witnesses: Johnne Richartsoun and James Burges, with utheris diverse; and for the mair verificatioun heirof, heirto my signet is affixit.

I, Johne Broun, messinger, ane uther of the schireffis in that pairt within namet, past at command of thir our soverane lordis lettres to the marcat croces of the burrowis respective eftir specefeit the dayes respective following, viz., upoun the sewint day of Julii the yeir of God jM vC lxxxj yeiris to the marcat croce of Edinburgh, upoun the ellewint day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croce of Cowper in Fyff, upoun the threttene day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croce of Peirth, upoun the sewintene day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croce of Dundie, upoun the auchtene day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croce of Forfare, upoun the twentie day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croce of Aberdene, and upoun the xxiiij day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croce of Elgin and Forres; and at the saidis croces respective I lauchfullie summond, warnit and chargit Maistir Archbald Dowglas, sumtyme persone of Glasgow, Archbald, erle of Angus, Johnne Carmichaell of that Ilk, younger, Hew Carmichaell, his sone and apperand air, Malcolme Dowglas of Manys, James Dowglas, sumtyme prioure of Pluscardin, Archbald Dowglas, sumtyme of Pettindreyth, his brother, Archbald Dowglas, sumtyme constable of the castell of Edinburgh, Hectour Dowglas, callit Reid Eckie, George Dowglas of Parkheid and James Dowglas his sone, and that be oppin proclamatioun becaus all the saidis persones war furth of this realme, to compeir before oure soverane lord and his hienes justice the twentie fywe day of October nixttocum, in his majesteis parliament to begin at Edinburgh upoun the xxiiij day of the said moneth, in the hour caus, with continewatioun of dayes, to answer to his hienes or his justice in the said parliament upoun the crymes within contenit, eftir the forme and tennoure heirof in all poinctis; quhairof I affixit ane autentict coppie upoun ilk ane of the saidis croces before thir witnesses: Archbald Connyghame, Alexander Snype, Johnne Achesoun, Johnne Mayne, Maistir James Fyddes, Thomas Mows, David Weyland, James Lafreis, Johnne Jamesoun, James Broun, Patrik Gairdin, William Michell, David Bell, George Sute, Waltir Lyndsay, Johnne Wod, Alexander Knowis, Williame Hunter, Williame Menzeis, Andro Annane and Johnne Annane, with utheris diverse, and for the mair verificatioun heirof, heirto my signet is affixit. And upoun the samyn xxiiij day of the said moneth and yeir, I, the said Johnne Broun, schiref aforenamet, past at command foirsaid to the places respective following, to witt, to the place of Pluscardin quhair the said James Dowglas, priour of Pluscardin, sumtyme maid residence, and to the place of Pettindreyth quhair the said Archbald Dowglas of Pettindreyth sumtyme maid residence, and thair, for the mair abundance, I lauchtfullie summond the saidis persones to compeir the saidis day and place, in the hour of caus, with continewatioun of dayes, in the parliament foirsaid, to the effect within rehersit; and eftir knoking at the yettis of the saidis places respective, I affixit ane just coppie heirof upoun ather of thame before thir witnesses: Archbald Connyghame and Allexander Snype; and for the mair verificatioun heirof, my signet is heirto affixit.

I, Stewin Alexander, messinger, ane uther of the schireffis in that pairt within namit, speciallie constitute, past at command of thir oure soverane lordis lettres to the marcat croces of the burrowis respective eftir specefeit the dayes respective following, viz., upoun the ellewint day of Julii the yeir of God jM vC lxxxj yeiris to the marcat croce of Peiblis, upoun the twelf day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croce of Selkirk, upoun the threttene day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croce of Jedburgh, upoun the fourtene day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croce of Duns, upoun the fyftene day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croce of Lawder, and upoun the sextene day of the said moneth and yeir to the marcat croce of Hadingtoun; and at the saidis croces respective I lauchfullie summond, warnit and charget Maistir Archbald Dowglas, sumtyme persone of Glasgow, Archbald, erle of Angus, Johnne Carmichaell of that Ilk, younger, Hew Carmichaell, his sone and apperand air, Malcolme Dowglas of Manis, James Dowglas, sumtyme priour of Pluscardin, Archbald Dowglas, sumtyme of Pettindreich, his brother, Hectour Dowglas, callit Reideckie, Archbald Dowglas, sumtyme constable of the castell of Edinburgh, George Dowglas of Parkheid and James Dowglas, his sone, and that be oppin proclamatioun becaus all the saidis persones war furth of this realme, to compeir before oure soverane lord and his hienes justice the xxv day of October nixttocum, in his majesteis parliament to begin at Edinburgh the xxiiij day of the samin moneth, in the hour of caus, with continewatioun of dayes, to answer to his hienes and his justice in the said parliament upoun the crymes within contenit eftir the forme and tennoure heirof in all poinctis; quhairof I affixit ane autentict coppie upoun ilk ane of the saidis croces befoir thir witnesses respective: Andro Frank, James Ker, Thomas Twedye, James Twedye, Johnne Michelhill, Thomas Henrie, Thomas Dobie, Richart Rutherfurde, Robert Rutherfurde, Johnne Straquhane, Johnne Thomsoun, Williame Wallace, Williame Frank, Thomas Cranstoun, Symon Frank, Johnne Bukcome and Williame Broun wtih utheris diversse; and for the mair verificatioun heirof, my signet is heirto affixit. And upoun the auchtene day of the said moneth and yeir, I, the said Stewin Alexander, schiref afore specefeit, past at command foirsaid to the place of Fentoun quhair the said Erle of Angus and remanent persones afore namet, his complecis, dependaris and servandis, maid residence before thair depairting furth of this realme; and thair, for the mair abundance, I lauchtfullie summond thame all at the said place becaus I could not apprehend thame personallie, beand than furth of the realme as said is, to compeir the saidis day and place, in the hour of caus, with continewatioun of dayes, in the parliament foirsaid, to the effect within contenit; and eftir knoking at the yett of the said place, I affixit ane coppie heirof thairupoun before thir witnesses Andro Frank and James Ker, with utheris diversse; and for the mair verificatioun heirof, my signet is heirto affixit.

(Upoun the feird day of September the yeir of God foirsaid, I, the said Stewin Alexander, schiref afore namet, past at command foirsaid), quhilk summondis, with the executiones and indorsationes thairof foirsaidis, being red in presens of my lordis commissionaris of parliament upoun the said twentie fywe day of October lastbipast, speciallie depute be his hienes commissioun for halding thairof, first in Latein and thaireftir in Scottis, and the haill persones, defendaris abonewryttin, being diversse and syndre tymes callit at the tolbuith windo to have comperit and answerit to the said summondis, and nane of thame comperand, the said advocat, for probatioun of the foirsaidis executiones and indorsationes of the said summondis upoun the said twentie fyve day of October lastbipast, producit the said Alexander Stobo, messinger, quha prewit and verefeit his first and secund indorsationes of the said summondis, being lauchtfullie sworne to that effect; lyke as alsua the saidis Johnne Richartsoun and James Burges, witnesses contenit thairintill, prewit and verefeit the saidis twa indorsationes to be trew; and siclyke than producit the said Johnne Broun, messinger, quha prewit his saidis thrid and feird executiones, as inlykemaner the saidis Archbald Connyghame and Allexander Snype, his witnesses insert, thairintill prewit the samyn sufficientlie; and siclyke producit the said Stewin Alexander, messinger, executor of the saidis fyft, sext and sewint indorsationes of the said summondis, lyke as also the saidis Andro Frank and James Ker, his witnesses insert thairintill, prewit the samin sufficientlie, as at mair lenth is contenit in ane act maid be the saidis lordis commissionaris thairupoun of the dait the said twentie fywe day of October lastbipast. And thaireftir the said advocat schew and declarit that the kingis majestie and haill thrie estaitis of parliament, being convenit in the said tolbuith of Edinburgh upoun the penult day of the said moneth of October lastbipast, cheasit the lordis of articles, and thaireftir the foirsaidis haill persones, defendaris, being of new oftymes callit at the said tolbuith windo to have comperit before the saidis lordis of articles and defendit in the said summondis, and siclyke the saidis defendaris beand oftymes callit before the saidis lordis of articles and the said summondis beand red in thair presens, baith in Scottis and Latein, and nane of the saidis defendaris comperand, the said advocat desyrit the saidis lordis to declare gif the reassones of the said summondis war relevant or not, quha than declarit the samyn to be relevant. And thaireftir the said advocat producit the haill wryttis, with the depositiones of the witnesses contenit in the act immediatlie preceding, maid this instant day in presens of the kingis majestie, and repetit the depositiones of the witnesses, with the officiaris respective abonewryttin declarationes producit be him of before the said xxv day of October lastbipast, with the utheris wryttis and probationes contenit in the act maid be the saidis comissionaris the said day, and also repetit the notorietie of the deidis and factis contenit in the said summondis committit be the persones contenit thairin, with the actis of parliament maid in oure soverane lordis predecessoures tymes, producit be him of before, before the said lordis of articles, quhilkis he repetit alsua now in presens of the kingis majestie and thrie estaitis of this present parliament for prewing of the reassones and causes contenit in the said summondis, and thairfore desyrit thame to decerne and declare thairintill secundum aligata et probata and that he mycht have fordar proces in the said mater. And thaireftir the haill summondis, with the executiones and indorsationes thairof, being of new red as said is in presens of oure said soverane lord and thrie estaitis foirsaidis, and the foirsaidis haill persones, defendaris, being of new callit, as of before, syndrie tymes at the said tolbuith windo and nane of thame comperand, and the haill wryttis and utheris probationes producit this instant day and of before be the said advocat for prewing of the haill pointtis and articles abonewryttin contenit in the said summondis, and first being advysit be the saidis lordis of articles and now presentlie be the kingis grace and thrie estaitis of this present parliament, it is fund be the kingis grace and thrie estaitis foirsaidis that the haill reassones of the said summondis ar relevant and sufficientlie prowin aganis the persones particularie abonewrittin and ilk ane of thame for thair awin pairtis as followis, and ordanes dome to be pronuncit and gewin thairupoun in maner following be the mowth of Andro Lyndsay, dempster of this present parliament, depute and sworne thairto of before, off the quhilk dome the tennour followis, pronuncit be the said Andro Lyndsay.

This court of parliament schawis for law that Maistir Archbald Dowglas, sumtyme persone of Glasgow, hes committit and done treassoun upoun the treassonable conspiracie, consultatioun, treating and concluding, anent the tressonable and detestable slauchter, murthour and deid of oure soverane lordis umquhile darrest father at the tyme abonewrittin, proportand and beirand as the said first ressoun of the said summondis beiris, and siclyke hes committit treassoun in his treassonable passing in Ingland at the tyme abonewrittin, and thair commwnicatand, treatand and consultand with diversse greit personages of Ingland, as the secund ressoun of the said summondis, beirand as is abonewryttin, proportis; and inlykmaner thay find and declare that the saidis Maistir Archbald Dowglas, Archbald, erle of Angus, Johnne Carmichaell of that Ilk, younger, Hew Carmichaell, his sone and apperand air, Malcolme Dowglas of Manys, James Dowglas, sumtyme priour of Pluscardin, Archbald Dowglas, sumtyme of Pettindreich, sones naturall to the said umquhile James, erle of Mortoun, Archbald Dowglas, sumtyme constable of the castell of Edinburgh, Hectour Dowglas, callit Rideckie, George Dowglas of Parkheid and James Dowglas, his sone, and everye ane of thame, hes committit and done treassoun upoun the thrid ressoun abonewryttin contenit in the said summondis, beirand and proportand as is abone expremit; and also findis and declaris that the said Archbald, erle of Angus and the haill remanent persones abonewryttin, his collegis (exceptand the said Maistir Archbald Dowglas), hes committit and done treassoun in the treassonable conspiracie, consulting and concluding be thame selffis, and utheris in thair names of thair cawsing, command, assistance and ratihabitioun to apprehend and tak be force of armes the said umquhile James, sumtyme erle of Mortoun eftir he was wardit in the castell of Edinburgh, swa sone as thay understude that he was to be transportit fra the said warde to the castell of Dunbartane, and in the hyding and concealing thairof as the fyft reassoun of the said summondis beiris; and siclyke the said Archbald, erle of Angus hes committit treassoun in remaning and nocht entering of his persone one the north syde of the waltir of Spay, he being lauchtfullie chargeit to that effect, as the sext ressoun of the said summondis, beirand as said is, proportis, and also in his tressonable furnesing, stuffing and withalding be him self and utheris in his name of the castellis of Thomtalloun and Dowglas eftir he was chargit lauchfullie to have deliverit the samyn to our said soverane lordis officiaris in maner abonewrittin, as the sewint ressoun of the said summondis beiris, proportand as saidis; and finallie, inlykmaner, decernis and declaris that the saidis George Dowglas of Parkheid and James Dowglas, his sone, hes done and committit treassoun in stuffing, furnesing and detentioun be thame selfis and utheris in thair names of thair cawsing as saidis, off the castell of Torthorwell, in maner and for the caus abonewryttin, contenit in the last ressoun abonespecefeit, contenit in the said summondis, beirand as is abone rehersit; and thairfore our said soverane lord, with avise of the saidis thrie estatis of this present parliament, decernis and declaris that the foirsaidis haill persones and everye ane of thame hes incurrit the crymes of treassoun and lesemajestie for the ressones and causes respective abone specefeit, quhilkis war sufficientlie prowin first before the haill lordis of articles and thaireftir in presens of the kingis majestie and thrie estatis foirsaidis, and thairfore thair guidis, mowable and unmovable, alsweill landis as offices, and utheris thingis belonging to thame, to be confiscat to oure soverane lord, and to remane perpetuallie with his hienes in propertie, and thair persones to underlye the pane of treassoun and last puneisment appointit be the lawis of this realme. And this I gif for dome.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.56v-57v. Back
  2. APS reads, 'lordis lettres'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/12, f.57v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/12, ff.57v-61r. Back
  5. APS interpolation. Back
  6. APS interpolation. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/12, f.62r-63r. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/12, ff.63v-65v. Back

The quhilk day Maistir Robert Creychtoun of Eliok, advocat to our soverane lord, schew and declarit that the summondis of treassoun dewlie execute and indorsate, persewit at the instance of oure said soverane lord and his hienes justice, aganis Thomas Roresoun of Bardannoch for certane crymes of treassoun specefeit thairintill, and that the samyn being callit in presens of the lordis commissionaris speciallie depute be our soverane lordis commissioun to that effect upoun the twentie sex day of October lastbipast, at the quhilk day the said advocat producit the officiar and witnesses, usaris of the said summondis of treassoun, for verificatioun of the executiones and indorsationes thairof quha verefeit the samyn sufficientlie, and siclyke repetit and producit our soverane lordis lettres, quhairby the said Thomas was relaxit fra the proces of horne for quhatsumevir caus or occasioun to the effect that he mycht compeir and defend in the said summondis, as the actis maid thairupoun upoun the said twentie sex day of October lastbipast at mair lenth proportis; and that thaireftir upoun the penult day of the said moneth of October, the lordis of articles being chosin in presens of the kingis grace and thrie estaitis, the said advocat comperand as of before, repetit the procedingis done in presens of the saidis commissionaris as said is and desyrit fordar proces upoun the said summondis. And thaireftir the said Thomas Roresoun beand of new callit in presens of the saidis lordis of articles, and the said summondis beand syndrie tymes red, baith in Scottis and Latein, desyrit the saidis lordis to find and declare gif the ressones of the said summondis war relewant or not, eftir that he hade past fra the persute of the first and thrid ressones contenit in the said summondis and held him onlie at the secund ressoun thairof concerning the counterfuting of fals cunyie. Quhilkis lordis of articles than fand the said secund ressoun relevant, and thairfore the said advocat, eftir that the said Thomas Roresoun was diversse tymes callit and not comperand, the said advocat repetit the procedingis past of before conforme to the said act maid the said xxvj day of October; and thaireftir, for verefeing of the said secund ressoun of the said summondis, repetit the depositiones of the witnesses, viz., Cuthbert Connyghame in Castellfarne, Johnne Setlingtoun of Stanehous, Johnne Kirkhauch of Wogrie, Johnne Welsche of Colestoun, George Greirsoun of Dalmacurane, Robert Greirsoun in Inglistoun, Malcome Fergussone in Cadyelach, Eduard Reychtoun in Gordounstoun, Quyntene MacAdame in Knokingaroch and Eduard Fergussone in Over Inglistoun, quhilkis persones, witnesses, war summond to beir leill and suithfast witnessing insafar as they knew or sould be sperit at thame in the said caus, quha war sworne of before in presens of the saidis lordis of articles, and thair depositiones ressavit and tane, remenand in proces eftir that the said Thomas was lauchtfullie callit and nocht comperand to have opponit aganis the saidis witnesses, and also repetit the notorietie of the deid contenit in the said summondis, with the declaratioun and confessioun of umquhile Laurencio Nicolaio, inlykwayes producit in proces, quha sufferit the daith for the said cryme; and siclyke the said advocat schew and declarit that the said summondis anent the said secund ressoun was of new red this present day and the pairtie diversse tymes callit and nocht comperand as said is, and thairfore desyrit the kingis majestie and thrie estaitis present to declare gif the said secund ressoun was sufficientlie prowin or nocht, quha first fand and declarit the samyn to be relevant and thaireftir sufficientlie prowin; quhairupoun the said advocat askit instrumentis and thairfore ordanit the dome of foirfaltour to be pronuncit in maner wnderwrittin.

The quhilk day Maistir Robert Creychtoun of Eliok, advocat to our soverane lord, producit the summondis of treassoun underwryttin, lyke as he did diversse tymes of before, rasit, persewit and dewlie execute at the instance of oure said soverane lord and his hienes justice aganis Thomas Roresoun of Bardannoch for certane crymes of treassoun and lesemajestie contenit thairintill, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said summondis, off the quhilk the tennour followis:

Jacobus Dei gratia rex Scotorum dilectis nostris leoni regi armorum Ilay, Albanye, Ross, Rothessay, Snawdoun, Merchimond heraldis, Wilelmo Brysoun, Archibaldo Dowglas, Roberto Stewart, Joanni Fergussoun clavigeris, Ormond Bute Unicorne Carrik signiferis, Osualdo Portar etc. nuntiis, et eorum cuilibet conjunctim et divisim vicecomitibus nostris in hac parte salutem. Mandamus vobis et precipimus quatenus summoniatis legitime peremptorie et coram testibus Thomam Roresoun de Bardannoch personaliter si eius personalem presentiam commode habere poteritis, alioquin apud locum sue habitationis, et per publicationem apud crucem foralem de Dumfreis aliaque loca necessaria quod compareat coram nobis seu justiciario nostro vicesimo sexto die mensis Octobris proxime futuri in nostro parliamento apud burgum nostrum de Edinburgh vicesimo quinto eiusdem mensis ibidem inchoando hora causarum cum continuatione dierum ad respondendum nobis seu justicario nostro in prefato nostro parliamento dictum viz Thomam Roresoun, pro sua proditoria arte parte consilio et auxilio per eum aliosque suo nomine, ex eius causatione mandato assistentia et ratihabitione prestitis et exhibitis in sua falsa audaci et injusta fabricatione adulteratione et impressione monete nostre ad formam nostre monete dimedie marce et quadraginta nummorum ad summam duorum millium marcarum aut eocirca, et hoc in loco de Lochmabane infra vicecomitatum nostrum de Wigtoun, in mensibus Decembris Januarii Februarii Martii reliquisque mensibus anni Domini millesimi quingentesimi septuagesimi tertii, et pro sua proditoria expositione dispersione et missione huiusmodi false monete in vulgus in magnum prejudicium nostrorum subditorum, et contemptum nostre authoritatis et pro celatione et occultatione eorundem criminum, hinc manifestissime crimen proditionis contra nos leges nostras et authoritatem nostram regiam committendo, et super aliis quamplurimis criminibus et proditoriis transgressionibus per dictum Thomam Roresoun contra nos nostramque authoritatem regiam proditorie perpetratis, et eisdem die et loco cum continuatione dierum proponendis et ostendendis ac juri parendis, et super huiusmodi judicium et nostri parliamenti secundum leges nostri regni expectandum et subeundum dictum viz Thomam ad videndum et audiendum se intuitu premissorum crimen lesemajestatis incurrisse per nos et trium regni nostri statuum decretum decerni et declarari; et propterea eius bona mobilia et immobilia tam terras quam officia aliasque res ad eum spectantes nobis confiscari, et pro perpetuo nobiscum in proprietate remanere, personamque suam penam proditionis et ultimi supplicii a nostri regni legibus inflictam subire; et ulterius in premissis respondendum ac juri parendum intimando predicto Thome quod sive dictis die et loco cum continuatione dierum comparuerit sive non nos et dictus noster justiciarius in premissis justicia mediante procedemus et procedet; insuper quod legitime summoniatis Cuthbertum Connyghame in Castelfarne Johannem Setlingtoun de Stanehous Johannem Kirkhaugh de Wogrie Johannem Welsche de Colestoun Georgium Greirsoun de Balmacurane Robertum Greirsoun in Inglistoun Malcolmum Fergussone in Cadyelach Eduardum Creychtoun in Gordounstoun Quintigernum MacAdame in Knockingaroch et Eduardum Fergussone in Over Inglistoun quod compareant coram nobis et nostro justiciario dictis die et loco hora causarum cum continuatione dierum ad perhibendum verum et fidele testimonium in quantum sciunt vel ab eis interrogabitur in dicta causa sub omni pena que sequi poterit; et presentes literas debite executas et indorsatas earundem latori reddatis. Et vos qui presentes executi fueritis sitis ibidem dictis die et loco coram nobis dictoque nostro justiciario, portantes vobiscum vestre summonitionis testimonium in scriptis pro premissis seu ipsos testes. Ad quod faciendum vobis et vestrum cuilibet conjunctim et divisim vicecomitibus nostris in hac parte nostram committimus potestatem. Datum sub testimonio nostri magni sigilli Apud Edinburgh penultimo die mensis Augusti anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo octuagesimo primo, et regni nostri decimo quinto.

Heir followis the executiones and indorsationes of the said summondis:

Upoun the tent day of September the yeir of God jM vC fourescoir ane yeiris, I, Oswall Portar, messinger, ane of the schireffis in that pairt within constitute, past at command of this within writtin summondis of treassoun and lauchfullie and peremptourlie summond Thomas Roresoun of Bardannoch at his dwelling place of Drumreggane, becaus I could not apprehend him personallie, and affixit ane coppie heirof upoun the yett of his said dwelling place, eftir knoking thairat nyne tymes as use is, and that in presens of Carrutheris, spous to the said Thomas, and his domestik servandis and famelie; and upoun the ellevint day of the said moneth in the foirsaid yeir at command foirsaid, I lauchtfullie and peremptourlie summond the said Thomas Roresoun of Bardannoch be oppin proclamatioun at the marcat croce of Drumfreis, becaus I could not apprehend him personallie, and affixit ane coppie heirof upoun the said marcat croce to compeir before our soverane lord and his hienes justice the xxvj day of October nixttocum in his hienes parliament to begin at Edinburgh the xxiiij day of the samyn moneth, in the hour of caus, with continewatioun of dayes, to answer to his hienes and his said justice in the foirsaid parliament upoun the treassonable crymes and transgressiones within contenit, eftir the forme and tennour heirof in all pointtis, before thir witnesses: Alexander Fergussoun and George Fergussone; and for the mair witnessing my signet is heirto affixit. Upoun the fyftene, sextene and sewintene dayes of October respective, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxj yeiris, I, Oswall Portar, messinger, ane of the schireffis in that pairt within constitute, at the commad heirof, I lauchfullie and peremptourlie summond Cuthbert Connyghame in Castelfarne, Johnne Setlingtoun of Stanehous, Johnne Kirkhauch of Wogrie, Johnne Welsche of Colestoun, George Greirsoun of Balmacurane, Robert Greirsoun in Inglistoun, Malcolme Fergussone in Cadyelach, Eduard Creychtoun in Gordounstoun, Quyntene MacAdame in Knokingaroch and Eduard Fergussone in Over Inglistoun, witnesses within wryttin, personallie apprehendit, to compeir day and place within writtin, in the hour of caus, with continewatioun of dayes, to beir leill and suithfast witnessing insafar as thay knaw or salbe sperit at thame in the mater within writtin eftir the forme and tennour heirof in all pointtis, before thir witnesses respective: James and Eduard Fergussones, sones to the Laird of Craigdarroch, Thomas Maxwell, Thomas MacBrair, Petir Broun and George Fergussone; and for the mair witnessing, my signet is heirto affixit. Quhilk summondis was callit in presens of my lordis commissionaris of parliament speciallie constitute be the kingis grace, lettres passand under the testimoniall of his hienes greit seale upoun the xxvj day of October lastbipast, be the quhilk the said Thomas was summond to have comperit before our said soverane lord and his hienes justice the said twentie sex day of October, in the hour of caus, with continewatioun of dayes, in the parliament to have begun the xxiiij day thairof, and that he instantlie repetit oure soverane lordis lettres producit be him the said xxvj day of October lastbipast, quhairbye the said Thomas was relaxit fra the horne for quhatsumevir caus or occasioun preceding the dait of the saidis lettres, to the effect he mycht compeir and defend in the said caus; and also repetit the depositiones of the said Oswall Portar, messinger, executor of the said summondis of treassoun, with Allexander Fergussone and George Fergussone, witnesses insert in the saidis indorsationes, quha prewit the samyn to be trew, as at mair lenth is contenit in ane act maid be the saidis lordis commissionaris off the dait the said twentie sex day of October lastbipast, quhilk he repetit of before, before the saidis lordis of articles, for prewing of the saidis executiones and indorsationes, lyke as also he presentlie repetis the samyn in presens of the kingis majestie and thrie estatis of this present parliament for prewing of the samyn, eftir that the reassoun abonewrittin contenit in the said summondis was fund relevant; and also schew and declarit that he producit his said summondis of before in presens of the saidis lordis of articles, quhilk summondis was red in thair presens, baith in Scottis and Latein, and the pairtie being lauchtfullie callit to have comperit and defendit thairintill (and not comperand), and thairfore desyrit the saidis lordis of articles to advyse gif the ressoun of the said summondis was relevant to have bene sene and considerit be thame, thay fand and declarit the samyn to be relevant; and thaireftir the said advocat producit diversse famous witnesses for prewing of the ressoun abonewrittin contenit in the said summondis, quhilkis war admittit, sworne and examinat in presens of the saidis lordis of articles, quha eftir thair examinatioun fand the foirsaid secund ressoun abonewrittin contenit in the said summondis sufficientlie prowin, quhilkis haill premises the said advocat hes repetit and repetis for prewing of the said secund ressoun abonespecefeit now in presens of the kingis majestie and thrie estatis of this present parliament, and desyrit thame of new to vesie and considder the samyn gif the said summondis be sufficientlie prowin or not; and eftir declaratioun maid be the chancellar, in name of the saidis lordis of articles, that thay hade fund the said secund ressoun of the said summondis sufficientlie prowin be productioun of the probationes abonerehersit, ordanit and ordanes the dome to be pronuncit be the mowth of Andro Lyndsay, dempster depute of this present parliament, and sworne of before, off the quhilk dome the tennour followis, pronuncit be the said Andro Lyndsay:

This court of parliament schawis for law that the said Thomas Roresoun of Bardannoch hes committit and done treassoun in the treassonable airt, pairt, helpe and counsall gewing be him and utheris in his name of his causing, command, assistance and ratihabitioun in his fals, audatious and unjust forgeing, adulterating and cunyeing of our soverane lordis money to the forme of half mark and fourtie penny pecis, to the sowme of twa thowsand markis or thairbye, and that in the place of Lochmabarie, within the schirefdome of Wigtoun, in the monethis of December, Januar, Februar, Marche and remanent monethis in the yeir of God jM vC threscoir threttene yeiris or thairbye; and for his treassonable outputting thairof amongis our soverane lordis liegis, to the greit hurt of his hienes subjectis and contempt of his hienes authoritie, for hyding and concealing of the saidis crymes, committand thairthrow maist manifestlie the cryme of treassoun aganis our said soverane lord, his lawis and authoritie royall and, thairfore, our said soverane lord, with advise of the saidis thrie estaitis of this present parliament, decernis and declaris the said Thomas Roresoun of Bardannoch to have incurrit the crymes of treassoun and lesemajestie, and thairfore his guidis, mowable and unmovable, alsweill landis as offices, and utheris his geir pertening to him, to be confiscat to oure soverane lord and to remane with his hienes in propertie for evir, and his persone to underlye the pane of treassoun and last puneisment appointitt be the lawis of this realme. And this I gif for dome.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.56v-57v. Back
  2. APS reads, 'lordis lettres'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/12, f.57v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/12, ff.57v-61r. Back
  5. APS interpolation. Back
  6. APS interpolation. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/12, f.62r-63r. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/12, ff.63v-65v. Back

The quhilk day Maistir Robert Creychtoun of Eliok, advocat to our soverane lord, schew and declarit that the summondis of treassoun dewlie execute and indorsate, persewit at the instance of our said soverane lord and his hienes justice, aganis Andro Gray of Dunnenald, elder, for certane crymes of treassoun specefeit thairintill, and that the samyn being callit in presens of the lordis commissionaris speciallie depute to that effect be or soverane lordis commissioun upoun the twentie fywe day of October lastbipast, at the quhilk day the said advocat producit the officiar and witnesses, usaris of the said summondis of treassoun, for verificatioun of the executiones and indorsationes thairof, quha verefeit the samin sufficientlie, and siclyke repetit and producit our soverane lordis lettres quhairbye the said Andro was relaxit fra the proces of horne led upoun him for quhatsumevir caus or occasioun, to the effect that he mycht compeir and defend in the said summondis, as the actis maid thairupoun the said xxv day of October lastbipast proportis; and that thaireftir upoun the penult day of the said moneth of October, the lordis of articles being chosin in presens of the kingis majestie and thrie estaitis, the said advocat as of before repetit the proceidingis done before the saidis lordis commissionaris the said day and desyrit fordar process upoun the said summondis; and thaireftir the said Andro, being of new callit in presens as saidis, the lordis of articles fand the ressones of the summondis red to thame, baith in Scottis and Latein, eftir that the said advocat hade past fra the persute of Andro Gray, younger, of Dunnenald, for the crymes contenit in the said summondis pro loco et tempore and siclyke hade renuncit the crymes licht dependand before the justice aganis the said Andro Gray, elder, pro loco et tempore, and alsua hade past fra the slauchteris licht pro loco et tempore and adherit to the treassonable deidis licht toward the rasing of fyre and dissobediences contenit in the said summondis; the said advocat desyrit the saidis lordis of articles to find and declare gif the ressones of the said summondis war relevant or not, quhilkis being sene and considerit be thame, fand the samyn relevant and, thairfore, the said advocat, now as of before, in presens of the kingis majestie and thrie estatis of this present parliament, eftir that the said Andro Gray was of new oftymes callit and nocht comperand to have defendit in the said summondis, repetit the haill procedingis past of before; and thaireftir, for verefeing of the twa ressones contenit thairin, the first toward the seage of Reidcastell, rasing of fyre thairin and dissobaying of the charge to leif the seage, repetit the notorietie of the deid, the depositiones, viz., Patrik Stewart, Alexander Guithrie, suldeart, Williame Broun, also suldeart, Henrie Bane, Archbald Ogilvie of Latoun, Johnne Smyth, servand to the young Laird of Leyis, Alexander Gardin, sone to the Laird of Leyis, and Robert Bruce, servand to the Lord Ogilvie; quhilkis depositiones war tane be the saidis lordis of articles, the said partie, defendar, beand callit to have hard thame ressavit, admittit and sworne to depone in the said caus, and siclyke repetit the actis of parliament of King James the First and also producit the act of adjornall quhare the said Andro Gray, elder, become souertie for Johnne Arnot, his awin man, that he sould compeir before the justice to underlye the law for the crymes licht in the said summondis, and, nevirtheles, the said Johnne was fugitive, quhairthrow he past to the horne and tuik the cryme upoun him, and the said Andro thairfore was unlawit in the panes; and also repetit and producit the said horning, with the executiones thairof registrat, the charges quhair the said Andro was chargit to leif the seage dewlie execute and indorsate, and that for verefeing of the first ressoun contenit in the said summondis and siclyke for prewing of the secund ressoun of the said summondis anent the secund seage of the said place of Reidcastell, rasing of fyre and refusing to rander the hous under the pane of treassoun; repetit the notorietie of the deid, the depositiones of the saidis witnesses and actis of parliament foirsaidis and producit the lettres of horning upoun the said Andro for non exhebeting be him before the lordis of secreit counsall of the persones detenit be him in stockis and pressoun, the charge of treassoun following thairupoun, with the executiones of the samyn, ane instrument beirand in effect that the hous was haldin xxviij dayes eftir the said charge, it being within xxiiij houres, under the signne and subscriptioun manuall of Thomas Dunlope, notar publict; and thairfore the said advocat desyrit the kingis majestie and thrie estatis present to declare gif the foirsaidis twa ressones of the said summondis war relevant and sufficientlie prowin or nocht, quha first fand and declarit the foirsaidis twa ressones of the said summondis relevant and thaireftir sufficientlie prowin, and thairfore ordanit the dome of foirfaltour to be pronuncit upoun the said Andro, quhairupoun the said advocat and upoun the haill procedingis foirsaidis askit instrumentis.

The quhilk day Maistir Robert Creychtoun of Eliok, advocat to our soverane lord, producit the summondis of treassoun underwrittin, lyke as he did diversse tymes of before, rasit, persewit and dewlie execute at the instance of our said soverane lord and his hienes justice aganis Andro Gray of Dunnenald, elder, for certane crymes of treassoun and lesemajestie contenit thairintill, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said summondis, off the quhilk the tennour followis:

Jacobus Dei gratia rex Scotorum dilectis nostris Leoni regi armorum Ilay Albanie Ross Rothessay Snawdoun Marchemond heraldis, Wilelmo Bryssoun Archibaldo Dowglas Roberto Stewart Johanni Fergussone clavigeris, Ormond Bute Unicorne Carrik signiferis, Lodovico Thornetoun etc. nuntiis, ac eorum cuilibet conjunctim et divisim vicecomitibus nostris in hac parte salutem. Mandamus et percipimus vobis quatenus summoniatis et peremptorie coram testibus Andream Gray de Dunnenald personaliter si eius personalem presentiam commode habere poteritis apud locum sue habitationis et per publicam proclamationem apud cruces forales burgorum nostrorum de Edinburgh et Forfare aliaque loca necessaria quod compareat coram nobis seu justiciario nostro vicesimo quinto die mensis Octobris proximo futuri in nostro parliamento apud Edinburgh vicesimo quarto die mensis eiusdem inchoando hora causarum cum continuatione dierum, ad respondendum nobis seu justiciario nostro in prefato nostro parliamento, dictum viz Andream pro sua proditoria arte parte consilio et auxilio per eum aliosque suo nomine ex eius causatione mandato assistentia et ratihabitione prestitis et exhibitis in sua temeraria et injusta interceptione captione detentione combustione et spoliatione castri et fortalicii de Reidcastell infra vicecomitatum nostrum de Forfare vicesimo septimo die mensis Februarii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo septuagesimo nono, quando vero ille ac sui complices cum convocatione nostrorum liegiorum ad numerum centum virorum aut eocirca more bellico accinctorum loricis galeis gladiis pugionibus scutis bombardis bombardulis lanceis lanceolis securibus arcubus sagittis aliisque bellicis instrumentis accesserunt ad dictum castrum certe proposito et animo deliberato idem ipsum castrum spoliandi et comburendi, atque adeo dilectam nostram consanguineam Elizabeth Betoun dominam de Innermaith et Johannem Stewart eius filium intus pro tempore existentes interficiendi. Quod fere ad effectum perduxerunt. Nam sub noctis silentio dicti diei muros prefati castri (scalis quibusdam quas secum attulerunt) ascendebant aulam cameras atque omnes domos eiusdem castri ceperunt et spoliaverunt dempta magna turri cogentes inde dictam consanguineam nostram Johannem Stewart eius filium Marioriam Stewart dominam de Vayne eius filiam tunc pregnatam et quondam Thomam Baxter suum servitorem cum paucis aliis suis servitoribus ad dictam turrim aufugere pro defensione suorum corporum. Et sic dictus Andreas videns se aliquantulum frustratum sue intentione continuo dictam turrim bombardis aliisque belli machinis invaserunt et obsiderunt atque januas eiusdem violentia pulveris bombardici sulphuris picis et betuminis maxime proditorie comburebant et penitus destruebant, ac Marjoriam Stewart gravidam ut prefertur iam pene fumo suffocatam obortum facere compulerunt. Et licet dicte persone perpetratores criminum precedentium per alias literas nostras Davidi Bell nuntio et vicecomiti nostro in hac parte directas legitime mandati erant primo die mensis Martii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo septuagesimo nono ad removendum se suosque complices a dicto castro, et ad desistendum et cessandum ab usu armorum pro ulteriore invasione et oppugnatione eiusdem, et hoc incontinenti post dictum mandatum sub pena proditionis prout in dictis nostris literis et earum executionibus latius continetur. Nichilominus idem Andreas cum suis complicibus nostro mandato neglecto incessanter persistebant in sua crudelissima invasione prefate turris et personarum prescriptarum in eadem existentium pro tuitione suorum corporum ut predicitur, et hoc continuo a dicto vicesimo septimo die dicti mensis Februarii usque ad secundum diem dicti mensis Martii inde sequentis donec tandem prepositus ballivi et incole burgi nostri de Dundie super eodem secundo die mensis Martii sufficienter armati et instructi ad magnum numerum prescriptum castrum appropinquabant pro levamine dicte nostre consanguinee suarum prolium et servitorum secum existentium, et hoc ex mandato nostre commissionis ad huiusmodi effectum sibi directo. Et tunc dicti proditores cum suis complicibus pro timore oppugnationis prefatum castrum derelinquerunt et ad locum suum de Dunnenald alias Blak Jack in recenti crimine cum ingenti spolio dicti castri sese contulerunt, hinc manifestissime crimen proditionis contra nos authoritatemque nostram regiam committendo. Et ideo dictas personas perpetratores criminum presedentium ad videndum et audiendum se intuitu premissorum crimen lesemaiestatis incurrisse per nos et trium regni nostri statuum decretum decerni et declarari. Secundo dictum Andream Gray de Dunnenald pro sua proditoria arte parte consilio et auxilio per eum aliosque suo nomine ex eius causatione mandato assistentia et ratihabitione prestitis et exhibitis in sua temeraria et injusta interceptione captione detentione combustione et spoliatione dicti castri et fortalicii de Reidcastell tertio die mensis Februarii ultimo elapsis, quando vero ille ac sui complices cum convocatione nostrorum ligeorum ad numerum sexaginta virorum aut eocirca more bellico accinctorum loricis galeis gladeis pugionibus scutis bombardis bombardulis lanceis lanceolis securibus arcubus sagittis aliisque bellicis instrumentis, adhuc perseverantes in suis proditoriis facinoribus, rursus accesserunt ad dictum castrum certo proposito et animo deliberato idem ipsum castrum spoliandi et comburendi ac custodes eiusdem interficiendi saltem captiuos faciendi. Prout revera sub silentio noctis prefati tertii diei mensis Februarii ultimo elapsis muros predicti castri quibusdam scalis quas secum attulerunt ascendebant aulam cameras et omnes domos unacum magna turri eiusdem ceperunt et spoliaverunt, ac manus violentas in personas Johannis Trummyll Davidis Quhyte et Magdalene Leirmonth custodum pro tempore prefati castri posuerunt et eos in compedibus privatisque suis carceribus detinuerunt per spatium viginti dierum aut eocirca, et interim domos inferiores tam intus quam extra clausuram dicti castri proditorie combusserunt. Hinc nos ad supplicationem dilecti consanguinei nostri Jacobi domini de Innermaith feodatarii dicti castri alias nostras literas direximus Joanni Ouchterlonye nuntio vicecomiti nostro in hac parte specialiter constituto ad mandandum et requirendum dictum Andream Gray de Dunnenald reliquosque complices ut exhiberent dictas personas injusto per eos detentas et incarceratas modo quo prefertur coram nobis nostrique secreti consilii dominis ad certum diem alioquin ut compareat personaliter eodem die ad allegandum rationabilem causam in contrarium sub pena rebellionis cum certificatione si deficeret alie nostre litere derigerentur ad denunciandum eum rebellem nostrum. Et licet dicte nostre litere debite executioni mandato erat, nihilominus dictus Andreas defeceret et plane se contumaces voverunt penes debitam suam obedientiam prefatarum literarum. Ideo rebellem nostrum legitime denuntiatum et ad cornum positus erat apud cruces forales burgorum nostrorum de Edinburgh et Forfare tertio et decimo diebus mensis Martii respective ultimo elapsis. Et cum primum eorum rebellio ad aures nostras pervenit tunc nos ex authoritate nostra regia alias literas nostras direximus Wilelmo Marschell nuntio et vicecomiti nostro in hac parte specialiter constituto ad mandandum et requirendum detentores prefati fortalicii de Reidcastell ad reddendum et deliberandum idem ipsum dicto nostro vicecomiti tanquam officiario et executori predictarum literarum, et ad removendum se suosque servitores ab eodem infra viginti quatuor horas post illius mandatum sub pena proditionis. Quequid litere debite executioni mandate erant super dicto Andree Gray de Dunnenald principali detentori eiusdem castri pro tempore, et hoc decimo quarto die mensis Februarii ultimo elapsis. Nihilominus ipse mandatis prefatarum literarum nostrarum omnino spretis idem ipsum castrum detinuit contra nos authoritatemque nostram regiam longe ultra tempus prefixum pro deliberatione eiusdem semper et usque compulsi erant dictum castrum relinquere pro timore oppugnationis. Et tunc intelligentes dilectum nostrum dominum de Dwn obtinuisse specialem nostram commissionem ad huiusmodi effectum ipsum castrum pro derelicto habuerunt. Ac ipse cum suos complicibus et universo spolio eiusdem castri ad locum suum de Dunnenald sese contulerunt ubi continuo moram fecerunt in recenti crimine predicto per spacium aliquot dierum, hinc manifestissime crimen proditionis contra nos authoritatemque nostram regiam committendo; et ideo dictas personas perpetratores criminum prescriptorum ad videndum se et earum quemlibet respectu premissorum crimen lesemaiestatis incurrisse per nos et trium regni nostri statuum decretum decerni et declarari; et super predictis et aliis quamplurimis rebellionibus transgressionibus et proditoriis criminibus per prenominatum Andream contra nos regnum nostrum et authoritatem regiam impie et nefarie perpetratis et dictis die et loco cum continuatione dierum proponendis et ostendendis ac juri parendum, et super huiusmodi judicium nostrum et nostri parliamenti secundum leges regni nostri expectandum et subeundum dictum viz Andream ad videndum et audiendum se intuitu premissorum crimen lesemaiestatis incurrisse per nos et trium regni nostri statuum decretum decerni et declarari, et propterea eius bona mobilia et immobilia tam terras quam officia aliasque res ad eum spectantes nobis confiscari et pro perpetuo nobiscum in proprietate remanere, personamque suam penam proditionis et ultimi supplicii a regni nostri legibus inflictam subire, et ulterius in premissis respondendum et juri parendum intimando supradictis conspiratoribus et eorum cuilibet quod sive dictis die et loco cum continuatione dierum comparuerint sive non nos dictusque noster justiciarius in premissis justicia mediante procedemus et procedet. Insuper summoniatis Patricium Stewart, Alexandrum Guithrie, Guilielmum Broun, Henricum Bane, Archibaldum Ogilvie de Latoun, Johannem Smyth, Alexandrum Gardin et Robertum Bruce ad comparendum coram nobis nostrove justiciario dictis die et loco hora causarum cum continuatione dierum ad perhibendum fidele testimonium in predicta causa sub pena legis. Et presentes literas debite executas et indorsatas earundem latori reddatis. Et vos qui presentes executi fueritis sitis ibidem dictis die et loco coram nobis seu dicto nostro justiciario portantes vobiscum vestre summonitionis testimonium in scriptis pro premissis seu ipsos testes. Ad quod faciendum vobis et vestrum cuilibet coniunctim et divisim vicecomitibus nostris in hac parte committimus potestatem. Datum sub testimonio nostri magni sigilli apud Edinburgh octavo die mensis Julii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo octuagesimo primo et regni nostri decimo quarto.

Heir followis the executiones and indorsationes of the foirsaid summondis:

Upoun the twentie day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxj yeiris, I, Lues Thornetoun, messinger, ane of the schireffis in that pairt within constitute, past at command of thir oure soverane lordis summondis of treassoun to the marcat croce of Edinburgh and thair, be oppin proclamatioun, lauchtfullie and peremptourlie summond Andro Gray of Dunnenald to compeir before oure soverane lord and his hienes justice the twentie fywe day of October nixttocum, in his hienes parliament to begin at Edinburgh the xxiiij day of the samin moneth, in the hour of caus, with continewatioun of dayes, to answer to his hienes and his said justice in the said parliament upoun the treassonable crymes and transgressiones within contenit eftir the forme and tennour of this summondis within wryttin in all pointtis, quhairof I affixit ane autentict coppie one the said marcat croce, and this I did before thir witnesses: Williame Duncane, Andro Thomesoun, James Blak and Henrye Dowglas; and for the mair witnessing my signet is heirto affixit. Upoun the fyft day of August, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxj yeiris, I, Lues Thornetoun, messinger, ane of the schireffis in that pairt within constitute, past at command of thir oure soverane lordis summondis of treassoun to the place of Dunnenald, quhare the said Andro Gray of Dunnenald was for the tyme, and thair I lauchfulle and peremptourlie summond the said Andro, personallie apprehendit; and becaus eftir he hade spokin to me our the wall of Dunnenald and out of the windois thairof, he causit hade the yett and durris fast and wald not latt me in, I deliverit ane coppie of this summondis to the said Androis spous, and that eftir I hade knokit nyne knokis at the yett of the said place, to compeir before oure soverane lord and his hienes justice the xxv day of October nixttocum, in his hienes parliament to begin at Edinburgh, the xxiiij day of the samin moneth, in the hour of caus, with continewatioun of dayes, to answer to his hienes and his said justice in the said parliament upoun the treassonable crymes and transgressiones within contenit eftir the tennour of this summondis in all pointtis; and this I did before thir witnesses: Williame Duncane, Andro Thomesoun and Henrye Dowglas; and for the mair witnessing, my signet is heirto affixit. Upoun the aucht day of August, the yeir of God abonewryttin, I, the said Lues Thornetoun, messinger and schiref in that pairt foirsaid, at command as saidis, lauchfullie and peremptourlie summond Andro Gray of Dunnenald be oppin proclamatioun at the marcat croce of Forfare and affixit ane coppie of thir lettres thairupoun to compeir before oure said soverane lord and his hienes justice the xxv day of October nixttocum, in his hienes parliament to begin at Edinburgh the xxiiij day of the samyn moneth, in the hour of caus, with continewatioun of dayes, to answer to his hienes and his said justice in the said parliament upoun the treassonable crymes and transgressiones within contenit eftir the forme and tennour of this summondis in all pointtis, and this I did before thir witnesses: Williame Duncane, Andro Thomesoun and Henrye Dowglas; and for the mair witnessing, my signet is heirto affixit. Upoun the said aucht day of August, the yeir of God abonewrittin and xxij day of October respective, I, the said Lues Thornetoun, messinger and schiref in that pairt foirsaid, at command as saidis, lauchfullie and peremptourlie summond Patrik Stewart, Allexander Guithrie, suldeart, Williame Broun, also suldeart, Henrye Bane, Archbald Ogilvie of Latoun, Johnne Smyth, servand to the young Laird of Leyis, Alexander Gardin, sone to the Laird of Leyis, and Robert Bruce, servand to the Lord Ogilvie, witnesses within wryttin, all personallie apprehendit, to compeir before oure soverane lord and his hienes justice day and place within wryttin, in the hour of caus, with continewatioun of dayes, to beir leill and suithfast witnessing insafar as thay knaw or salbe sperit at thame in the said maiter within writtin, under all pane of law; and this I did before thir witnesses respective: Andro Thomesoun, Archbald Grahame and Henrye Dowglas and Williame Duncane; and for the mair witnessing heirof, my signet is heirto affixit.

And thaireftir the said advocat repetit the act maid in presens of the saidis lordis commissionaris of parliament upoun the xxv day of October lastbipast, beirand the productioun of the said summondis of treassoun and that the foirsaidis executiones and indorsationes thairof war prowin and verefeit be the saidis officiar and witnesses, conforme to the said act, for probatioun of that pairt of the said summondis, according to the accustomet ordour usit in sic caisis of before; and also repetit the haill wryttis, with the depositiones of the saidis witnesses and notorieteis of the deidis contenit in the said summondis, producit inlykwayes be him for prewing of the ressones of the said summondis before the lordis of articles, eftir that the samin ressones war fund relevant be thame for preving of the samyn, and thairfore desyrit the kingis majestie and haill estaitis now presentlie convenit to advise thairwith and thaireftir to gif furth thair declaratioun; and the said Andro Gray of Dunnenald, being oftymes callit and not comperand, lyke as he was diversse tymes of before callit baith before the saidis lordis commissionaris and lordis of articles and also not comperand, quhilkis haill writtis, depositiones of witnesses and utheris particularie abonewrittin he repetit for prewing of the ressones of the said summondis, quhilkis being sene and considerit be the kingis grace and thrie estaitis foirsaidis findis, decernis and declaris the ressones of the said summondis to be relevant and also sufficientlie prowine, lyke as was fundin of before be the saidis lordis of articles, and thairfore the kingis majestie and thrie estaitis of this present parliament ordanes the dome to be pronuncit be the mowth of Andro Lyndsay, dempster depute of this present parliament, and sworne of before, off the quhilk dome the tennour followis, pronuncit be the said Andro Lyndsay:

This court of parliament schawis for law that the said Andro Gray of Dunnenald hes committit and done treassoun in his tressonable airt, pairt, counsall and helpe gewin and ministrat be him in his audatious and injust byrning of ane pairt of the castell and fortalice of Reidcastell and rasing of fyre inwith and outwith the samyn at twa severall tymes, in maner abonewrittin, contenit in the saidis twa ressones of the said summondis, and in the detening and withhalding of the place, castell, toure and fortalice foirsaid, eftir he was chargeit be oure soverane lordis officiares to deliver the samyn, and for non leaving of his seageing thairof, he beand chargeit thairto of before, quhilkis charges he allutterlie refuisit in maner abonespecefeit contenit in the saidis ressones, lyke as was cleirlie verefeit and prowin in presens of the kingis majestie and thrie estaitis of this present parliament; and thairfore decernis and declaris all his guidis, movable and unmovable, alsweill landis as offices and utheris belonging to him to be confiscat to our said soverane lord and to remane with his hienes perpetuallie in propertie, and his persone to underlye the pane of treassoun and last puneisment appointit be the lawis of this realme. Upoun the quhilk pronuntiatioun and declaratioun, the said advocat askit instrumentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.56v-57v. Back
  2. APS reads, 'lordis lettres'. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/12, f.57v. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/12, ff.57v-61r. Back
  5. APS interpolation. Back
  6. APS interpolation. Back
  7. NAS, PA2/12, f.62r-63r. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/12, ff.63v-65v. Back