Anent the new cunye

Forsamekle as the kingis majestie, his nobilitie, counsale and estaitis presentlie convenit, considering the great skaith and incommoditie that his hienes and the comoune weill of this realme hes ressavit and daylie ressavis throw the great quantitie of allayit money hawing course within the same, be occasioun quhairof the derth of all thingis increscis and als fals and counterfute money hes passage and cours thairwith, the same being sa subtilie wrocht and in sic forme of metall that it is verie hard to ignorantis to decerne and knaw the trew fra the fals, quhairupoun gretar inconvenient is able to follow to the great hurt of the comoune weill of this haill realme gif tymous remeid be not providit; thairfore oure said soverane lord, with mature advise and deliberatioun of his saidis nobilitie, counsale and estaitis presentlie convenit, following the gude exemple of fluresing commoun welthis proceding cheiflie upoun the occasioun of the fynnes of the money currant within the same, for the weill and proffite of his majestie and his subjectis, eschewing of derth and mony uther inconvenientis, all in one voce, hes concludit, statute and ordanit that all the haill layit money and uther quhatsumevir silver cunyie within this realme (except the stampit plakkis and penneis) salbe reformit and reducit to the fynes of ellevin deneris, with two granis of remeid of fynes, alsweill under as above; and to this effect, that all the severall sortis of lay and uther cunyeit silver foirsaid (except befoir exceptit) be brocht in to the maister of his hienes cunyehaus, be generall proclamatioun, upoun the prices that thay ar presentlie currant within this realme (except the fals and counterfute, quhilk salbe clippit doun and deliverit agane clippit to the awner), and that ilk unce of silver Parisien in cunyeit money be set furth for fourty foure schillingis money of this realme, to be cunyeit in severall pecis berand sic forme, wecht, circumscriptioun and remedis as his majestie, with avise of the lordis of his previe counsale, resident with his hienes for the tyme, sall think gude, to quhom his majestie, [...] avise of his saidis nobilitie, counsale and estaitis presentlie convenit [...] auctoritie and commissioun to this effect; as alsua to sett takkis of the [...] cunyehous and proffites thairof for sic ressonable space as salbe thocht convenient for the bettir commoditie of his majestie and the avanceing of his hienes as the occasioun sall sa require.

  1. NAS, PC1/10, p.537-38. Back
  2. Gaps in text due to slight water damage to manuscript. Back