Apud castrum de Striviling, vijo Augusti anno etc. lxxixo

  1. NAS, PC1/9, p.297. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/9, pp.297-98. Back
  3. Followed by item of business explicitly done by the privy council. Back
Procedure: continuation of parliament

The quhilk day, in presence of the kingis majestie and his estaitis assemblit, it wes proponit how his hienes parliament is proclamit to be haldin at Edinburgh upoun the xx day of October nixttocum, quhairunto his hienes awin presence is thocht necessar. And in respect of summoundis of treasoun execute aganis divers personis to be forfaltit in the said parliament, for certane crymes of treasoun and lesemajestie committit be thame, it wes ressonit quhether the said parliament sould hald fordwart at the day and place appointit or not, or gif convenientlie and usualie new summoundis of treasoun mycht be directit aganis the saidis personis to ony uther day and place within or befoir the day of the said summoundis alreddy execute. Eftir quhilk ressoning, it wes fund and declairit that custumabillie na new summoundis of treasoun is directit to uther day or place within or befoir the day of a summoundis standing alreddie execute, and that it is maist expedient and necessar that the said parliament ellis proclamit sall hald furdwart in Edinburgh at the said xx day of October nixttocum and the said summoundis execute persewit thairin according to the lawis and justice; and for this effect, that the kingis majestie sall remove frome this his castell of Striviling towart Edinburgh, Godwilling, upoun the xxiiij day of September nixttocum, accumpanyit with sic of his nobilitie and utheris gude subjectis as he sall think meit and require to that effect, upoun sex dayis warning.

  1. NAS, PC1/9, p.297. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/9, pp.297-98. Back
  3. Followed by item of business explicitly done by the privy council. Back