Procedure: continuation of parliament
Ordanis the parliament to be fensit and continewit

The quhilk day, the kingis majestie, with avise of the lordis of his prevy counsale and utheris of his estaittis, for certane greit and wechtie causses and consideratiounis moving thame, hes deliberat, concludit and ordanit that his hienes parliament proclamit tobe haldin at Edinburgh upoun the tent day of Julii nixtocum salbe thair fensit that day and thairfra continewit to be haldin and proceid at Striveling in his hienes awin presens upoun the xv day of the said moneth of Julii; and ordanis commissioun tobe direct to this effect in dew forme as effeirs.

  1. NAS, PC1/9, p.31. Back