Anent the constitutioun of the policie of the kirk

Forsamekill as the present estate of the kirk within this realme being considerit be my lord regentis grace and estaittis now convenit, and how sen the alteratioun of religioun albeit the libertie of the evangell hes bene enjoyit in unitie of doctrine, yit is thair not to this day ony perfyte policie be lawis and constitutionis set out how the kirk in all degreis salbe governit in decent and cumly ordour, quhairthrow sindry inconvenientis hes followit and ma ar lyke to occur heireftir, gif tymous remeid be not providit. The estaittis, finding it impossibill that thay can byde togidder quhill this mater can be exactlie avysit on and put in forme, hes thairfoir thocht meit and concludit that Johnne, lord Glammys, chancellair, James, archebischop of Glasgow, Adam, bischop of Orknay, Robert, commendatare of Dunfermling, Mark, commendatare of Newbottill, Robert, commendatare of Deir, James, commendatare of Pettinweme, Maister James Makgill of Rankelour Nethir, clerk of register, Schir Johnne Bellendene of Auchnoule, knycht, justice clerk, Maister David Borthuik of Lochill, advocat to oure soverane lord, Johnne Erskin of Dwn, superintendent of Angus, Maister Johnne Winrame, commendatare of Portmook, Maister Johnne Spottiswod, superintendent of Lowithhiane, Maister Alexander Arbuthnot, principall of the college of Abirdene, Maister James Lowsoun, minister of Edinburgh, and Maister David Lindesay, minister of Leyth, sall tak the panis to convene, confer, ressoun and put in forme the ecclesiasticall policie and ordour of the governing of the kirk as thay sall find maist aggreabill to the trewth of Goddis word and maist convenient for the estate and people of this realme. Quhilkis personis, being for the maist part present, for the gude will thay beir to the avancement of Goddis glory, the kingis obedience and commoune weill of the realme, wer content to bestow thair panis for this effect, and to begin thair werk on Mononday the xiiij day of Marche instant, in sic part of the palice of Haliruidhous as my lord regentis grace will appoint thame to convene in; and swa to continew and abyde togidder frome day to day quhill thay have anys drawin a forme of the said ecclesiasticall policie, quhilk being endit, it salbe reportit and schawin to the estaittis at the nixt conventioun, to the effect that than, be thair advise, a parliament may be appointit and in the same the forme quhilk salbe drawin or samekill thairof as salbe found meit tobe ratifiit and establissit as a law.

  1. NAS, PC1/7, pp.304-5. Back