Anent schuitting and bering of culveringis and daggis

Forsamekill as in the first yeir of oure soverane lordis regnne thair wes ane act maid anent schwithing and bering of culveringis and daggis, contening pane of cutting of the rycht hand of the contravenaris, quhilk act, sen the making thairof, hes tane na executioun throw the troublis and civile weare quhairwith the haill realme hes bene, for the maist part sensyne, inquietit; bot now, althocht God hes restorit peace and quietnes frome all foreyn wearis or civile troublis, yit the wearing, bering and schwithing with culveringis, daggis and fyrewerkis is not left of and forborne, bot rather the unlauchfull use of thame is still hantit and frequentit be all maner of men, throw quhilk hes happynnit divers murthouris and slauchteris of vailyeant and gude men, upoun slendir and licht occasionis, quhilkis utherwayis wer abill anewch to defend thame selffis at sic tymes of tuilye and invasioun; and the regentis grace, nobilitie, estaittis and counsale now convenit, willing to further the executioun of the said act of parliament, and considering that the pane contenit in the same is hard tobe alyke extendit and execute aganis all maner of personis, alsweill for the wering and bering of daggis and culveringis as for schwithing at men thairwith and slaying or hurting of thame; thairfoir ordanis that na maner of persoun or personis, of quhatsumevir estate, degre or conditioun thay be of, beir, weir or use culveringis, daggis, pistolettis or ony sic ingyne of fyrewerk in ony part of this realme, nowithher to burgh nor to land, bot in maner and under the panis respective eftir following: that is to say, it sall not be lefull to beir, weir or use in schwithing or utherwayis the saidis culveringis, daggis, pistolettis or ony sic uther ingyne of fyre werk upoun thair personis or in cumpany with thame oppinlie outwith housis in tyme cuming, under the pane of impresonment of thair personis for yeir and day and farder induring the kingis majestie and his regentis will, togidder with the pane of escheting of the culveringis, daggis or sic uther ingynis of fyre werk to the use and behuif of the juge, executor of the jugement heirefter ordanit. And for executioun heirof, that the offendouris sall not eschape unpuneist, gevis and grantis full power and commissioun, be vertew of this present act, to all schireffis, stewartis, baillies and thair deputtis, lordis of regaliteis and thair baillies, provestis, aldermen and baillies of burrowis, makand thame oure soverane lordis justices in that part, to tak and apprehend the contravenaris heirof being found reidhand, berand or werand the saidis culveringis, daggis, pistolettis or utheris ingynis of fyre werk, and keip thame in ward quhill justice be execute upoun thame, providing the same be done within sic space as be the law and custum is appointit for personis takin reidhand in thift; and the personis delatit for the cryme foirsaid, to charge be precept to find sourtie within sex dayis under the pane of rebellioun and putting of thame to the horne, that thay sall compeir at a particular dyet on xv dayis warning and underly the law thairfoir; and at the day appointit, the personis apprehendit or comperand, be dittay to accuse and put to the knawlege of ane assyise; and gif thay be found culpabill of the cryme foirsaid, to pronunce the said dome of impresonment of yeir and day upoun thame, and according thairto to keip and hald thame impresonit in irnis during the said space. And gif it salhappin the personis chargeit for nonfinding of souirtie to underly the law or as fugitive fra the law tobe denunceit rebellis and put to the horne, that the saidis schireffis, stewartis, baillies and thair deputtis, lordis of regaliteis and thair baillies, provestis, aldirmen and baillies of burrowis, serche, seik, intromet and uptak the saidis rebellis, escheit gudis and geir to oure soverane lordis use and mak compt and payment thairof yeirlie in the chekker; and inlykemaner, serche and seik the personis of the saidis rebellis quhairevir thay may be apprehendit within the boundis of thair jurisdictionis quhill thay be gottin and the effect and pane of this act execute upoun thame. And gif it salhappin ony of the personis convictit not tobe abill to sustene thair awin chargeis during the tyme of thair impresonment, in that caise the saidis schireffis, stewartis, baillies, lordis of regaliteis and thair baillies, provestis, aldermen and baillies of burrowis sall furneis and caus ansuer ilk convictit persoun, not having of his awin quhairon to sustene him self, breid and watter, allowand dalie a pund of ait breid to ilk man, the pryce quhairof salbe allowit to thame in thair comptis at the chekker. Providing that nochtwithstanding this present act or ony thing thairin contenit, it is and salbe lefull to oure soverane lord and his regentis domesticque servandis and gaird to beir, weir and use the saidis culveringis, daggis and pistolettis; as alsua to all his hienes liegis in tymes of oistis, raidis and wapinschawingis, being chargeit thairto be oure soverane lordis authoritie. And siclyke that it be lauchfull to the saidis schireffis, stewartis, baillies and thair deputtis, lordis of regaliteis, provestis, aldirmen and baillies of burrowis, thair deputtis and officeris, to beir, weir and use the saidis culveringis, daggis and pistolettis in sercheing, seking and apprehensioun of the personis of quhatsumevir rebellis, being chargeit thairto be oure soverane lordis lettres and authoritie; and inlykemaner that it be lauchfull to all oure soverane lordis liegis to beir, weir and schwithe with daggis, culveringis and uther fyre werk in the resisting and following of thevis and revaris, steland or awaytakand trew mennis gudis; and inlikemaner that it be lauchfull to all nobill men, gentilmen and utheris, oure soverane lordis liegis, to schute for thair pastyme within thair inver clois and yairdis adjacent thairto in landwart and outwith burrowis and citeis, and likewyis to marinaris and utheris hanting the seyis, being actualie upoun the samyn, for defence of thair bodiis and gudis. And in caise ony personis wering and bering the saidis culveringis, daggis, pistolettis and utheris ingynis of fyre werk willinglie schwithis thairwith at ony man or woman, quhidder the persoun sa schote at be hurt be the said schot or not, in that cais the schwithar, being apprehendit or callit and lauchfullie convictit befoir the justice generall and his deputtis, sall suffer the pane and punisement of befoir ordanit in the said act of parliament: that is to say, the cutting of his rycht hand; and gif the persoun schote at happynnis tobe slayne or mutilat, in that caise to suffer the pane of death thairfoir, as the lawis alreddy maid hes appointit and ordanit. And this act and ordour quhill the nixt parliament or conventioun generall and forder, ay and quhill expres dirogatioun be maid thairto, to induir.

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  3. NAS, PC1/7, pp.299-300. Back
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  5. Sic. Should be June? Back
To considder the Erll of Murrayis dettis

The quhilk day comperit Maister Thomas Craig, advocat, in name and behalf of Elizabeth and Margaret Stewartis, lauchfull dochteris and airis of umquhile the nobill and michtie lord James, erll of Murray, lord Abirnethie, uncle to oure soverane lord and regent to his hienes, his realme and liegis for the tyme, of gude memory, and of Dame Agnes Keith, countesse of Ergyle and Murray, his relict and now the spous of the nobill, alsua ane michtie lord Coline, erll of Ergyle, lord Campbell and Lorne (he him self being present for his interes), and exponit and declarit how the said umquhile Erll of Murray, regent, for the singular luif and affectioun quhilk he bure to oure said soverane lord and for the preservatioun of his persoun eftir the murthour of the king, his hienes dearest fader, acceptit the administratioun and regiment of this realme on him in ane maisst difficill and dangerous tyme, during the quhilk, in respect of the greit inobedience and civile weare within the realme quhairby the rentis of the croun wer not weill payit, and yit the charge greit and sumptuous, as alsua of the exhorbitant expensis maid in the realme of England, in defence of oure said soverane lordis authoritie and commoune weill of the realme, the said umquhile lord regent not onelie spendit his awin leving and gudis, sauld and wedset sindry portionis of his heretage, bot alsua contractit greit dett, alsweill within this realme as outwith the same in foreyn cuntreis, besyde the spending of his awin lyff, in the end to the havy losse and skayth of his posteritie and freindis, bot specialie of the said countesse, his relict, and of the saidis Elizabeth and Margaret, his dochteris and airis, quhilkis be occasioun of the said publict service baith wantis the said heretage sauld and wedset as said is, and ar subject to the payment of the saidis debtis and sowmes of money and thair remanent leving quhairunto thay aucht to succeid in dangeare tobe apprysit thairfoir. And seing be decreit of the regentis grace and secreit counsale, with lettres and charges of horning direct thairupoun, the said Dame Agnes Keith and the said Coline, erll of Ergyle, now hir spous, for his interes, ar presentlie compellit to exhibit and deliver to the regentis grace present, in name and behalf of oure said soverane lord, the jowellis underwrittin, thay ar to say: ane greit 'H' of dyamont, with ane rubie pendand thairat, sex uther jowellis thairof, thre dyamontis and the uther thre rubeis, quhilkis wer put in the handis and custody of the said dame Agnes for a releif of hir saidis dochteris of the saidis dettis, expensis and chargeis abonewrittin; thay, nochtwithstanding the present delivery thairof, standing still subject as yit to the payment of the saidis dettis contractit be the said umquhile regent, hir spous and thair fader, in the effairis and service of the croun as said is, of equitie, thay aucht tobe relevit of the same. Quhilk desir and petitioun being hard and understand to the regentis grace, nobilitie, counsale and estaittis present, his grace, be thair advise and consent, ordanis and commandis the said lord chancellair and sic utheris of the previe counsale as salbe present with him to tak consideratioun of the chargeis and expensis maid be the said umquhile Erll of Murray, regent, in the effairis of oure soverane lord during the tyme of his said regiment, and of the dettis contractit be him throw the occasioun of that charge and office, and to gif furth thair declaratioun as they find of the said haill chargeis and dettis agane the nixt parliament or conventioun generall; and as the said lord chancellair and counsall declaris or findis tobe spendit or det contractit be the said lord regent for advanceing of the kingis royall estate and commoune effairis of the realme induring his tyme, the said lord regentis grace, with avise of the haill nobilitie present, thinkis it verie ressonabill that sic gude ordour be tane heiranent as the wyff and bairnis of the said umquhile lord regent now, eftir his departure, sall not be prejugeit and wrakkit be occasioun of his trew service, quhilk wes sa acceptabill to the commoune weill, bot that provisioun be maid for outred, releif and payment of the same as convenientlie may be done and as equitie and gude conscience cravis. And the said lord chancellair hes acceptit the said charge upoun him, with assistance of the rest of the counsale, and sall proceid in the cognitioun and tryell taking of the saidis dettis with all convenient expeditioun.

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  3. NAS, PC1/7, pp.299-300. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/7, pp.300-4. Back
  5. Sic. Should be June? Back
Anent the making of irnis and stokkis for punisement of offendouris and bigging and reparatioun of commoune presonis

Forsamekill as the iniquitie of this present aige incressis the nowmer of contemptuus offendouris aganis the lawis and actis of parliament, and albeit be divers lovabill actis personis offending in sindry sortis of crymes ar appointit tobe kepit in presoun, or in the stokkis or irnis, be the ordinare jugeis of the realme; yit becaus thair is not commoune presonis, irnis nor stokkis in sindry of the heid burrowis of the schyris, regaliteis and utheris places of jurisdictioun for ressaving and punisement of the saidis offendouris, nor javelouris appointit for keping of the saidis presonis, stokkis and irnis, and ressaving and putting to libertie of the presonaris and offendouris at command and directioun of the ordinar jugeis, according to the effect and meaning of the saidis actis of parliament, quhairthrow the same ar liklie in divers places tobe frustrat of all executioun. For remeid quhairof, the regentis grace, with avise of the estaittis presentlie assemblit, ordanis and commandis all schireffis, stewartis, baillies, lordis of regaliteis and thair baillies, provestis, aldirmen and baillies of burrowis to repair, mend and mak sufficient presonis within the heid burrowis, or maist publict and convenient places within the boundis of thair jurisdictionis, with irnis and stokkis, and to appoint abill and qualifiit personis javelouris for keping and attending thairupoun, betuix and the first day of Julii nixtocum, under the pane of rebellioun and putting of thame to the horne. With certificatioun to thame and thay failye, the said day being bipast, lettres salbe direct simple in ane forme to present thame to the horne, in caise thay failye in fulfilling of the premisis, ten days eftir the charge being bipast.

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  3. NAS, PC1/7, pp.299-300. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/7, pp.300-4. Back
  5. Sic. Should be June? Back
Anent the punisement of strang and ydle beggaris and provisioun for sustentatioun of the puyr and impotent

Forsamekill as thair is sindry lovabill actis of parliament maid be oure soverane lordis maist nobill progenitouris for the stanching of maisterfull ydill beggaris, awayputting of sornaris and provisioun for the puyr, bearing that nane salbe tholit to beg, nowther to burgh nor to land, betuix xiiij and lxx yeiris, that sic as makis thame selffis fwlis and ar bairdis or utheris siclyke rynnaris about, being apprehendit, salbe put in the kingis ward or irnis als lang as thay have ony gudis of thair awin to leif on; and fra thay have not quhairupoun to leif of thair awin, that thair earis be nalit to the trone or to ane uther tre and thair earis cuttit of and baneist the cuntre; and gif thairefter that they be fund agane, that thay be hangit. Item, that nane be sufferit to beg bot cruikit folk, seik folk, impotent folk and waik folk. Item, that nane be tholit to beg in ane parrochyin that ar borne in ane uther, that the heidismen of ilk prochyn mak takynnis and gif to the beggarris thairof, that thay be sustenit within the boundis of that parrochyn, and that nane utheris be servit with almous within that parrochyn bot thay that beris that takin allanerlie, as in the actis of parliament maid thairanent at mair lenth is contenit, quhilkis in tyme bigane hes not bene put to dew executioun throw the iniquitie and troublis of the tyme bipast. And be ressoun that thair wes not heirtofoir ane ordour of punisement sa specialie divisit as neid requirit, thairfoir now, for avoiding of the confusioun of sindry lawis and actis concerning the premisis standing in effect and that sum certane executioun and gude ordour may follow heiranent, to the greit pleasure of almichtie God and commoune weill of the realme, it is thocht expedient and ordanit, alsweill for the utter suppressing of the saidis strang and ydill beggaris, sa outragious ennemeis to the commoune weill, as for the cheritabill releving of the aigit and impotent puyr people, that the ordour and forme following be observit quhill the nixt parliament or conventioun generall of the estaittis: that is to say, that all personis being abone the aige of xiiij and within the aige of lxx yeris that heireftir ar declarit and set furth be this act and ordour tobe vagaboundis, strang and ydill beggaris, quhilkis salhappin at ony tyme heireftir, eftir the first day of Junii nixtocum, tobe takin wandering and misordering thame selffis contrary to the effect and meaning of thir presentis salbe apprehendit; upoun thair apprehensioun, be brocht befoir the schireffis, stewartis, baillies or lordis of regaliteis to landwart or thair deputtis, or befoir the provest and baillies within the burgh, and be thame tobe committit in ward in the commoune presoun, stokkis or irnis within thair jurisdictioun, thair tobe kepis unlettin to libertie or upoun band or souirtie quhill thay be put to the knawlege of ane assyise, quhilk salbe done within sex dayis thaireftir. And gif thay happin tobe convicted, tobe adjugeit tobe scurgeit and burnt throw the girssill of the rycht eare with ane het irne of the compasse of ane inche about, the proces quhairof salbe registrat in the court bukis, except sum honest and responsall persoun will, of his cheritie, be contentit than presentlie to act him self befoir the juge to tak and keip in his service the offendour for ane haill yeir nixt following, under the pane of xx lib. to oure soverane lordis use, and to bring the said offendour to the heid court at the yeiris end, or than gude prufe of his death, the clerk taking for the said act, xij d. onelie. And gif the offendour depart and leif the service within the yeir, aganis his will that ressavis him in service, than being apprehendit, he salbe of new presentit to the juge and scourgit and burnt throw the girssill of the eare as is befoir said; quhilk punisement anys ressavit he sall not suffer agane the lyke for the space of lx dayis thaireftir, bot gif at the end of the same lx dayis he be found to have fallin agane in his ydill and vagabound trade of lyff, than, being apprehendit of new, he salbe adjugeit and suffer the panis of death as a theif. And that it may be knawin quhat maner of personis ar meanit tobe ydill and strang beggaris and vagaboundis and worthy of the punisement befoir specifiit, it is declarit that all ydill personis gaying about in ony cuntre of this realme using subtile, crafty and unlauchfull playis, as juglerie fast and lowise, and sic utheris, the ydill people calling thame selffis Egiptianis, or ony uther that senyeis thame to have knawlege in physnomie, palmestre or utheris abused sciencis, quhairby thay perswade the people that thay can tell thair weardis deathis and fortunes and sic uther fantasticall ymaginationis; and all personis being haill and stark in body and abill to wirk, allegeing to have bene hereit in the sowithhland, brint in the lait troubles about Edinburgh and Leith, or allegeing thame tobe benneist for slauchter or utheris wickit deidis, and utheris nowther having land nor maister, nor using ony lauchfull marchandice, craft or occupatioun quhairby to win thair levingis, and can gif na rekning how thay lauchfullie get thair leving, and all menstrallis, sangstaris and taill tellaris not avowit in speciall service be sum of the lordis of parliament or greit barronis or be the heid burrowis and citeis for thair commoune menstrallis, all commoune laubouraris, being personis abill in bodyn, leving ydillie and fleing laubour, all countirfaittaris of licencis to beg, or using of the same knawing thame tobe countirfaitit, all vagaboundis scollaris of the universiteis of Sanctandrois, Glasgow and Abirdene not licencit be the rector and dene of facultie of the universitie to ask almous, all schipmen and marinaris allegeing thame selffis tobe schip brokin, without thay have testimoniallis as is heireftir declarit, salbe takin, adjugeit, demed and puneist as strang beggaris and vagaboundis. And gif ony persoun or personis eftir the said first day of Maii nixtocum gevis money, herbry or ludgeing, settis housis or schawis ony uther releif to ony vagabound or strang beggar, markit or not markit, wanting a licence of the ordinar juge of that jurisdictioun, the same being dewlie provin at the heid court, thay sall pay sic unlaw to the kingis use as be the juge at the heid court salbe modefiit sa the same exceid not v lib. And alsua gif ony persoun or personis disturbis or lettis the executioun of this act ony maner of wayis, or makis impediment aganis the jugeis and ordinar officiaris or utheris personis travelling for the dew executioun heirof, sall incur the same pane quhilk the vagabound sould have sufferit in caise he had bene convict; providing alwayis that schipmen and suddartis landing in this realme, having licence of the schiref, stewart, baillie, lord of regalitie or provest or baillie or toun quhair thay wer schip brokin or first enterit in the realme, sall and may pas according to the effect of thair licencis to the rowmes quhair thay intend to remane; and that the licencis onelie serve in the jurisdictioun of the gevar, sa that gif the persoun travelling haif further jornay, he procure the lyke licencis of the officiar of the nixt schyre or toun throw quhilk he mon pas, and sa fra schyre to schyre quhill he be at his resting place. And that thair be certane personis, ane or ma, nominat in every paroche be the schireffis, stewartis, baillies, lordis of regaliteis, thair baillies, provestis, aldirmen and baillies of burrowis and utheris ordinar jugeis for sercheing, ressaving and convoying of the vagaboundis to the common presoun and jugeis of the schyre, toun or place upoun the commoune charge of the parrochyn, quhilkis personis sa electit salbe haldin to do thair dewiteis diligentlie as the saidis jugeis ordinar will ansuer thairupoun. And sen cheritie wald that the puyr, aigit and impotent personis sould be als necessarlie providit for as the vagaboundis and strang beggaris ar repressit, and that the aigit, impotent and puyr people sould have ludgeing and abyding places throuchout the realme to settill thame selffis intill, that thay sould not neid heireftir to beg or wander about to the sklander of a Cristiane commoune welth that hes ressavit the evangell, it is thairfoir thocht expedient that the eldaris and deaconis in everie citie, burgh and gude toun, and the heidismen of ilk parrochyn to landwart, sall betuix and the said first day of Maii nixtocum tak inquisitioun of all aigit, puyr, impotent and decayed personis borne within that prochyn or quhilkis wer dwelling and had thair maist commoune resort in the said parroche the last sevin yeris bipast, quhilkis of necessitie mon leif be almous; and upoun the said inquisitioun, sall mak a register buke contening thair names and surenames to remane with the eldaris and deaconis or heidismen of the prochyn to landwart; and the nowmer of the puyr people of every parrochyn being this knawin, to provyde, with avise of the parrochynnaris quhair thay may best be ludgeit and abyde, and thairupoun, according to the nowmer, to considder quhat thair neidfull sustentatioun will extend to in the owlk; and than, be thair gude discretionis, taxt and stent the haill inhabitantis within the parrochyn according to the estimatioun of thair substance, without exceptioun of personis, to sic oulklie charge and contributioun as salbe thocht sufficient to sustene the saidis puyr people; and the names of the inhabitantis stentit togidder with thair taxatioun tobe likewyis registrat; and that at thair discretioun thay appoint the deaconis, ane or ma, or quhair they ar not collectouris for ane haill yeir, for collecting and ressaving of the said oulklie portioun, quhilk sall ressave the same and deliver samekill thairof to the saidis puyr people and in sic maner as the saidis eldaris or heidismen in the parrochynnis to landwart respective sall ordane and command; and the deaconis or sic uther owersearis of the saidis puyr people as salbe appointit to thair discretionis to continew also for a yeir, and at the end of the yeir that alsua the taxatioun and stent roll be alwayis maid of new for the alteratioun that may be, throw deith or the incres or diminitioun of mennis gudis and substance. And that the eldaris in citeis, burrowis and gude townis, and heidismen of the parrochynnis to landwart, sall gif a testimoniall to sic puyr folk as thay find not borne in thair awin parrochyn, sending or directing thame to the nixt parrochyn, and sa frome parrochyn to parrochyn quhill thay be at the place quhair thay wer borne or had thair maist commoune resort and residence during the last sevin yeris preceding, thair tobe put in certane abyding places and sustenit upoun the commoune almous and oulklie contribute as is befoir ordanit, except leprous people and bedfast people quhilkis may not be transportit, providing that it be lefull to the puyr people sa directit to thair awin abyding places to ask almous in thair passage sa as that thay pas the direct way, not resting twa nychtis togidder in ony ane place without occasioun of seiknes or storme impeid thame; and gif ony of the puyr people refuisis to pas and byde in the places appointit, or eftir the appointment be found begging, than tobe puneist be scurgeing, impresonment and birning throw the eare as vagaboundis and strang beggaris; and for the secund falt tobe puneist for thevis, as is befoir appointit. And gif the personis chosin collectouris refuisis the office, or, having acceptit the same, beis fund negligent thairin, or refuis to mak thair comptis every half yeir anys at leist to the eldaris and heidismen of the parrochynnis as is befoir specifiit, and to deliver the superplus of that quhilk restis in thair handis at the end of the yeir to sic as is chosin collectouris of new, than ilkane of the saidis collectouris sa offending sall incur the pane of xx lib., tobe recoverit on him befoir quhatsumevir jugeis to the use of the puyr of that parrochyn and impresonment of thair personis during the kingis will. And gif ony personis being abill to further this charitabill werk will obstinatlie refuis to contribute to the releif of the puyr or discourage utheris frome sa charitabill a deid, the said obstinat or wilfull persoun being callit befoir the ordinar juge of the schyre, toun or place and convict thairof be ane assyise or sufficient testimony of twa honest and famous men, his nychtbouris, he salbe committit to ward and thair remane quhill he be content with the ordour of his awin parroche and performe the same in deid. And gif the aigit and impotent personis not being sa diseased, lame or impotent, bot that thay may wirk in sum maner of werk, salbe be the deaconis and owersearis appointit to werk refuis the same, than first tobe scourgit and put in the stokkis; and for the secund falt, tobe puneist as vagaboundis as said is. And gif ony beggaris barne, being abone the aige of fyve yeris and within xiiij, maill or famell, salbe lykit of be ony subject of the realme of honest estate, the said persoun salhaif the barne be ordoure and directioun of the ordinar jugeis bund with him, gif he be a man chyld to the aige of xxiiij yeris and gif scho be a woman chyld to the aige of xviij yeris; and gif thay depart or be takin or entysed frome thair maister or maistres service, the maister or maistres to have the lyke actioun and remedy as for thair feit servand and prenteis, alsweill aganis the barne as aganis the takar or entyser thairof. And quhair collecting of money can not be had and that it is ower greit a burding to the collectouris to gadder victuallis, meit and drink or uther thingis for releif of the puyr in sum parrochynnis, that the eldaris or heidismen of the parrochyn gif licence, under thair hand writtis conjunctlie, to sic and samony of the said puyr people, or sic utheris for thame as thay sall think gude, to ask and gadder the cheritabill almous of the parrochynnaris at thair awin housis, sa as alwayis it be specialie aggreit and appointit how the puyr of that parrochyn salbe sustenit within the same and not tobe chargeabill to utheris nor found troubilsum to strangearis. And that na Irische and Hieland bairdis and beggaris be brocht and ressavit in the lawland be boittis or utherwayis, under the pane of xx lib. of the bringaris; and gif ony be alreddy brocht, thay salbe convoyit agane to the nixt port, neir quhair thay wer landit or neir the same, and frome that transportit at the commoune charge of the cuntre quhair thay wer set on land to the partis thay come fra. And seing be ressoun of this present act and ordour the commoune presonis, irnis and stokkis of every heid burgh of the schyre and utheris townis ar lyke tobe filled with a greittar nowmer of presonaris than of befoir hes bene accustumat, insafar as the saidis vagaboundis and utheris offendouris ar tobe committit to the commoune presoun of the schyre or toun quhair thay wer takin, the same presonis being in sic townis quhair thair is greit nowmer of puyr people, mair nor thay ar weill abill to sustene and releif, and swa the presonaris ar lyke to pereis in defalt of sustenance, thairfoir the expensis of the presonar salbe payit be a part of the commoune distributioun and oulklie almous of the prochyn quhair he was apprehendit, allowand to him dalie ane pund of ait breid and watter to drink; for payment quhairof, the presentar of him to presoun sall gif suirtie or mak present payment. And the present act and ordour quhill the nixt conventioun or parliament to indure, that than it may be considerit quhat is further requisite tobe providit for in this behalf or gif ony thing heir ordanit sall than appeir unproffittabill, superfluous or worthy tobe changeit, and further ay and quhill expres dirogatioun be maid thairto. And that lettres be direct for publicatioun and executioun heirof in forme as efferis.

  1. NAS, PC1/7, pp.296-98. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/7, pp.298-99. Back
  3. NAS, PC1/7, pp.299-300. Back
  4. NAS, PC1/7, pp.300-4. Back
  5. Sic. Should be June? Back